Safeword: Rainbow

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Safeword: Rainbow
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All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Cover Design: Jasmine Black

Safeword: Rainbow © December 2010 Candace Blevins

cessica publishing

All rights reserved









Safeword: Rainbow

By Candace Blevins




Chapter One


Viv pulled her hair up and fastened it to her head in preparation for the wig. As a professor at the University, it wouldn't do for anyone to recognize her naked and getting flogged in a BDSM club. So she hid her long blond hair with a short dark brown wig. It was a professional wig designed to stay on and survive even a Broadway performance or a circus act. Next she covered her electric blue eyes with green contacts. And finally came the makeup, with her eyes done in a way that made her look feline. Tonight she left off the mascara on the lower parts of her eyes though, as she had a feeling there might be tears. Waterproof mascara didn't always live up to the claims. She didn't skimp on the blush, putting on more of it than she'd ever wear as Professor MacNeill. The look was finished off with dark burgundy lip dye that only came off with a special kind of remover. When she was done she looked more exotic than slutty, which was good, since she wasn't going for slutty. She'd come face to face with a few of her college students and none had recognized her as their professor, so it was a good disguise. One person at the club knew who she was, but he was her good friend's husband and he worked security there at night to help pay off their student loans.

Tonight she was meeting Master James again, and this would make three nights in a row. She'd met him night before last and he had quite literally turned her world upside down. Normally she wouldn't go to the club on a Sunday night, but he had arranged to have food brought into one of the private rooms so they could have dinner together and talk some before having another intense scene. Viv had let him know she would need to leave the club by 10:30 since she had an early morning on Monday and he said that was perfect. He asked her to be there at 4:30 and she wondered what they were going to do for six hours. She thought about getting herself off before she got dressed but then decided not to. There was no telling what he had in store for her later, but if tonight were like the other nights with him she would be having at least a couple of dozen orgasms before returning home tonight.

Viv reached for a pair of soft brown leather pants and then debated between a corset shirt and a feminine silk blouse. Normally it would be the corset shirt, as that fit her Katrina disguise. But as Viv she wore more feminine clothes, and for some reason she wanted to show that side of herself to Master James. She knew she was heading into dangerous territory with her heart, but she also realized that she'd already fallen for him and that denying it to herself was kind of silly.

The cab gave its little beep-beep to let her know it had arrived just as she headed downstairs. She always took a cab to the club because she drove an electric car that was pretty recognizable, and it wouldn't do for someone to see her getting out of her car as Katrina. After a fifteen minute drive the cab pulled to the members’チ entrance to the club, but because she was there so early in the day there was no doorman waiting to open the door and usher her inside
After paying the driver and using her member’s card to unlock the door, Viv waved to the camera in the outer lobby before using her card to gain entry into the changing room. She put her purse and long coat into a locker before spinning the combination lock.

She stepped out of the locker room as Katrina, and headed up the stairs to the private room that Master James had reserved for them. The rooms in the club had various themes: there was a stable, a few doctor's offices, a medieval dungeon, a couple of bedrooms, a school classroom, and a formal dining room with a table that doubled as a bondage table. Tonight they were in the formal dining room. Viv walked in and immediately saw a huge candelabra in the center of the table that must have held more than thirty candles, all of them lit. She noted one of the padded sawhorses back in a dark corner of the room, and she saw a number of items on a side table, but she couldn’t really see what was there. The room had false stained glass windows that were softly backlit to give the effect of real windows at dusk. And it smelled wonderful. He had asked what foods she liked and didn't like and then told her that what they were having for dinner would be a surprise. She didn't see Master James at first, and when he stepped out of the shadows she jumped.

"You startled me."

"I apologize. You look lovely tonight, Kitten."

"Thank you, Sir. You look quite handsome yourself."

Tonight he was wearing black dress pants and a royal blue dress shirt that looked like it had been tailored just for him. His shoulder-length black hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, and his dark chocolate brown eyes seemed to see right through her. He smiled at her now, a smile that was gentle and commanding at the same time.

He walked to her and reached for the back of her head, tilting it so he could kiss her. She felt her body submitting to his as she melted under his kiss. It was a gentle kiss, but it was still a demanding kiss. Master James had that gentle but demanding thing down pat, and it never failed to turn her on.

When she had been thoroughly kissed he pulled back and smiled down at her, "As good as you look in your clothes, I'd like for you to remove them please. I happen to know you look even better out of them."

She smiled, "Of course, Sir."

Viv stepped back to the entry door and removed her boots and pants first, hanging them on one of the hangers provided in the closet. Next she removed her shirt, hanging it as well. Last to go was her g-string, she hadn’t bothered with a bra. With each piece of clothing that came off she got that much hornier. She realized that she'd be dining naked while he was clothed, and that was a huge turn on for her. When she was finally naked she turned to Master James and said, "Where would you like me, Sir?"

"Come to me, I need to put your cuffs on Kitten."

"Yes, Sir."

She walked to him and he put her wrist cuffs on, then lifted her so she was sitting on the edge of the table and put her ankle cuffs on. He caressed her cheek and then lifted her and sat her in one of the chairs at the table. A chair that doubled as a bondage chair. He pulled her legs apart and attached her ankle cuffs to the chair legs so her legs would stay apart. Next he attached each wrist cuff to rings located on the sides of the seat. He then walked to a side table and picked up some rope.

Ten minutes later she was secured to the chair by not just ankles and wrists. Her knees were also held wide apart and her body was attached to the back of the chair both above and below her breasts. She was comfortable, but she wasn't going anywhere.

Once she was secure he kissed her again. A kiss that quite literally took her breath away. This one wasn't so gentle, it was harsh and rough and demanding and she almost orgasmed just from the kiss. Well, the kiss plus being bound the way she was.

His chair was sitting at the head of the table, with her chair to his left and at a right angle to his and quite close. She noted that there was one large plate with a dome over it to keep things warm, and one glass of wine. The way they were seated around the corner of the table, the one plate was in front of both of them. He pulled the dome off and the smell got even better. He smiled at her. "Grilled Portabella mushrooms and grilled eggplant. Both were marinated in the most heavenly herbs before being grilled. There is a side of wild rice, and we have fruit for dessert. I've got quite an evening planned and didn't want to have anything too heavy."

"It smells wonderful, Sir." She was guessing that he intended to feed her, but figured it would be bad to question him about that right now.

He reached for the fork and scooped some food on it. As she saw it coming, she opened her mouth and he put the food in, pulling the fork out slowly. She moaned in pleasure, the food was exquisite. The blend of herbs and spices with the taste and texture of the mushroom and eggplant, she had no idea it was possible for either food to taste so good.

He smiled as he lifted the wine to her mouth and she took a small drink. He'd nailed the wine selection, too. It perfectly complemented the herbs and spices of the meal.

"Oh my goodness, that is wonderful Sir."

He reached down to fondle her right nipple, "I'm glad you like it."

He kept his left hand on her nipple and used his right hand to take a bite. Viv tried to ignore the hand gently pulling and tugging at her nipple and asked, "What restaurant did you get it at, Sir? I've never seen anything like that on a menu, but wherever you got it, they've got a new customer."

He swallowed his food and took a drink, then offered another bite to her. While she was chewing he said, "No restaurant, I cooked it."

She felt her eyes get big and she swallowed so she could talk, "Sir, this is incredible. Are you a chef or something? No, don't answer that, I'm sorry, inappropriate question, I know. But still, this is better than any other mushroom or eggplant I've ever had. Ever."

He gave a sad smile and said, "Don't apologize Kitten. It's okay. And to answer your question, I'm not a chef, I just enjoy cooking.” He paused and put another bite in her mouth then continued, "I would like to talk a little bit about the things you liked and did not like that I've done to you in the past two days. I want to make tonight special, so we need to communicate some."

"Sure, I can do that. Do you want to ask questions, or do you just want me to talk?"

He smiled, "I like that about you, that you are so comfortable talking about what you like and what you want. I can ask questions if needed, but I'd rather you just talk. For now, anyway."

"Do I need to remain formal, Sir? Or can I speak normally?"

He raised his eyebrows and reached down to rub little circles around her clit. "I've restrained you so you are open to me, nothing hidden. You are dependent upon me for food and drink and, everything, really. I can touch you wherever I want and you can do nothing but sit there and accept it, feel it, take it. What do you think?"

She was breathing hard now, but managed to get out, "Oh. I guess you have a point, Sir. You want me to remain formal with my speaking. Sir."

He gave a little squeeze to her clit and then brought his hand back up to her nipple, but didn't say anything. She took that to mean that it was so obvious that he had no need to respond. She took a breath and started talking, "I hated it that you wouldn't let me sit on the toilet but made me squat in the shower to pee. And most of all I hated that you made me look you in the eye as I did it. I know you said it wasn't supposed to be demeaning, but it still made me feel that way. But that is the only thing you've done that I hated, Sir."

He stroked her hair, "I never wanted to make you feel demeaned, Kitten. Why did you not safeword?"

"Because for some reason I trusted that even though I felt it demeaning, that you didn't see it that way, that you saw it as a beautiful act of submission. That's what you called it, and I believed that you saw it that way, even though I didn't."

She saw the muscle in his jaw working, and finally he gave her a stern look. "In the future I want you to tell me if you feel something goes beyond an act of submission and heads into demeaning, understood?"

She nodded yes and then caught herself in time to say, "Yes Sir."

"Thank you for being honest with me, though I really wish you had told me before. It was not my intention to make you feel less than the treasure that you are. A treasure that I get the privilege of owning for the brief amount of time we are together." He paused a moment and said, "How did you feel about the game of fetch?"

"Oh, I hated that, too. But it also turned me on. And I saw it as an act of submission and not something demeaning, so that conflict wasn't there as I did it. It was hard, being forced to run while bent over like that with my hands restrained behind my back, to retrieve an object with my mouth and bring it to you, knowing you would use the object to cause me pain in some way, especially the butt plug. I mean, I know all toys in the rooms are sterilized, but I still hated having it in my mouth."

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