Safeword: Rainbow (4 page)

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Safeword: Rainbow
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He immediately backed off so that he was barely flogging her breasts. It still hurt, but she could breathe, and as she relaxed into it, she could enjoy it. The pain was there, but she could transmute it into pleasure.

"Can you come for me, Kitten?"

Could she? She wasn't sure. Things were getting hazy, so she said, "I think so Sir, maybe. I'm not sure."

"You please me, Katrina. Just relax into it. If you want to come you can, but no pressure. Just relax and enjoy, Kitten."

She did her best to relax into it. He was using a steady rhythm and she finally managed it. She relaxed and just took the blows, absorbed them. And finally, she became the blows. Almost as soon as she relaxed into it she felt an orgasm beginning to grow. But she realized it wasn't going to happen. Her ass was hurting too bad around that huge metal cock, and her clit hurt even through the vibrations.

And then he turned the vibrator up on her clit and suddenly the orgasm was just right there. It was like being catapulted up the hill on a roller coaster, and as she topped the hill and headed down that was what the orgasm needed, to be heading downhill. Clitoral orgasms always hit her differently than vaginal orgasms. Sometimes clitoral orgasms were more pain than pleasure for her, and this fit into that category. More of a forced orgasm, whether she wanted to or not. The orgasm was a release, but it was not a pleasurable release. As the orgasm wound down she realized she was crying, with tears streaming down her face. Again.

Master James removed the clamp and then released her forehead before quickly releasing everything else. He helped her to slowly stand before turning her around and bending her over to immediately insert another plug in her ass. It was a smaller plug, still big enough that she knew it was there, but it didn't hurt. Thank goodness. He turned her back around and caressed her cheek again as he said, "I'm going to fuck you there later and I want you open and ready for me."

Viv just nodded, not trusting her voice. The contrast between his harsh words and gentle touch was enough to completely undo her. Plus, she was floating in subspace and wasn't very steady on her feet.

Master James walked her to the table and sat her in another chair. When she sat down the plug made itself known, but she was almost too far gone to care. She watched Master James move the bondage chair back to the table and then walk to the end of the room. He came back with the sawhorse she'd seen earlier, placing it in the middle of the open space. The sawhorse was padded on top and had four padded platforms that attached to the four legs. The platforms were designed for the submissive's knees and elbows to rest on and be restrained to and were easily adjustable to fit the victim perfectly. The height of the sawhorse was also easily adjustable.

Master James then pulled a large roll from the corner and placed it top of the bondage table. He unrolled it and Viv saw that it was a second cushion, and this one looked a lot softer than the firm one designed to be used as a base for bondage activities. Master James attached the cushion at the sides and then threw a sheet and blanket over the table, giving it the appearance of a bed.

When he finally turned back to her he walked to her and stood her up and kissed her, and Viv once again melted in his arms. He helped her to the sawhorse and leaned her over it. The knee-rests were at the right place to start with, but he had to move the elbow-rests up a few notches. Then he attached her thighs to the legs of the horse and her wrists to the platform they were resting on and she knew she wasn't going anywhere. She was still deep enough in subspace that the fear wasn't as bad, but the anticipation of what was to happen was still there. As he walked beside her she realized that he'd adjusted the height of the main platform, the one her head, chest, and stomach was resting on, at the right height for him to fuck her later.

He walked into her line of vision and she saw he was holding a variety of instruments: three floggers, a tawse, and two canes. One of the canes was lexan, and the other looked like stainless steel.

"Your choice Kitten, if you're done then say the word and I'll take you to bed and make love to you. But if you can take more, I need more of your pain. I've already marked you, your breasts will be bruised and welted tomorrow. But I want to mark your ass as well. It's your choice though, if you are done then I'll take you off of the horse and make love to you on the bed I've just created for us."

She closed her eyes, knowing she couldn't stop if he wasn't ready to stop. He'd been right when he said she needed this.

"I'm yours tonight Master James, I trust your judgment on how much more I can take, Sir."

He stepped behind her and without warning hit her left ass cheek with what felt like full strength with one of the floggers. She yelped in pain, he'd started with one that just fucking hurt.

"Ten strokes with this one and I'll move to a nicer one, Kitten. Take nine more strokes of this one for me, and then we'll move back to it later, after your ass has been warmed up a bit more."

Ten strokes, five on each cheek. She could do that. Right?

The second stroke landed and she cried out again. And then he gave her four strikes without pausing in between and she was screaming. He paused and rubbed her ass for a second and said, "Four more, you can do it. Here goes."

When those four were over with he moved to a different flogger. This one had as much weight behind it, but less sting. She was able to relax now, and sink back into sub space. The endorphins from those ten hits had probably helped with that some as well. She probably took more than fifty strikes with the second flogger. At some point she realized things were more intense, that he was striking her harder, or maybe situating the strands differently for more of a sting, she wasn't sure. There was probably another twenty-five or thirty after he made it more intense and part of her wanted it to stop while another part of her wanted something more. He stopped for a moment and then things got even more intense and she realized he was using the first flogger again. Her ass was prepared for it this time, but it still hurt a great deal more than the second flogger. She tensed up and heard, "Try to stay relaxed Kitten. We're getting close to the end and I'm getting you ready for what comes next. The next flogger has knots on the strands, then comes the tawse, and then the canes.”

She concentrated on trying to relax the muscles in her ass and upper legs. She never managed to completely relax and just absorb it, but she did keep from tensing up quite as much. After a couple of dozen strikes she heard him lay that flogger down and pick another up.

"Twelve strikes with this flogger. Eight strikes with the tawse. Six strikes with the lexan cane. I'll decide how many you'll take with the stainless cane at that time, but you'll take at least two. Would you like a drink of water before we proceed?"

"Please, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

He walked to her and put a straw into her mouth so she could take a few sips. When she was done he bent over and kissed her forehead and then her cheek while he lovingly ran his fingers through her hair. Part of her wondered if he knew it was a wig. She felt disassociated from herself and her thoughts were all over the place.

He walked back to the table and put the water down and picked up the flogger. He walked back to her and very softly said, "Four at a time, three times. Take it for me, Kitten."

He gave her the first four strokes and paused for about thirty seconds before giving her the next four. Her screams were frantic and he saw the red light come on in the room that told him he needed to do a safeword check. He knew he was being watched and he appreciated that someone was looking out for her, even if he was a bit annoyed by it.

"Kitten, if you wanted to safeword right now, if you wanted me to stop, what would you say?"

"I would say Rainbow, Sir."

"Do you see Rainbows, Kitten?"

"No Sir. Well, I guess I see them, but I don't want to tell you about them. Sir."

He smiled. "Okay Kitten, four more with this flogger and then I'll give you a break while I fuck that sweet little ass."

True to his word, the next four strikes felt like he was raining fire down the backs of her legs. And then she heard the ripping of the condom wrapper and a few seconds later felt the plug being removed from her ass.

And without warning, his cock pushed its way in. Just barged right in. All the way in. And then he was moving, and she couldn't move. Couldn't get away. Or move towards him. Couldn't do anything. It registered in her brain as a violation, but in the state of mind she was in, it was exactly what she needed. She could barely put a sentence together, all she could manage was, "Come... please... need to come... Sir, Master, Please!"

"Come for me Kitten. Let me feel your asshole spasm around my cock while you come… ahhhhhh… that's good Kitten… coming while you get your little ass fucked… all tied up, just take it, come as much as you want Kitten, just warn me before you do."

Viv came two more times, and the final time brought Master James over the edge as well. When he was done she felt well and truly reamed. Once he got his breath back he rubbed her shoulders and back a little before he pulled out. She heard him disposing of the condom and then he went to the bathroom and she heard water running. When he came back he said, "Eight with the tawse, six with the Lexan cane, and we'll see what you can handle with the stainless cane after that. This is going to really hurt Kitten, and I'll take my time with you."

The first stroke of the tawse hurt worse than any single stroke of anything that Viv could ever remember getting. She'd been hit with a tawse before, and she did not remember it hurting that bad. Maybe this was a meaner tawse? She didn't know if they came in different weights and thicknesses, like floggers, or if there was a standard size. But as with most things in the world of BDSM, you could make an implement nicer or meaner, and she guessed that his was one of the meaner varieties of a tawse.

On the fourth strike she screamed out, "Yellow!", but he said, "I'm sorry Kitten, I'm not going to back off of these final strokes. I've told you exactly how many are left. If you want to Rainbow out of them then I'll stop and we'll have aftercare and I'll still take care of you and make sure you know you are special, but there will be nothing else sexual. Or you can take the rest of what I want to give you and I'll drive you crazy with my mouth on your pussy and then make love to you. Tell me what you want me to do, either safeword or ask me to keep going."

She was crying as she said, "Please keep going, Master James."

Viv screamed and cussed and cried through the next strikes, and she knew that each strike was creating a bruise. Or, she was pretty sure, anyway.

"Two more Kitten, and they'll be harder than the others. I'll do them quickly to get them over with."

And then she felt them, one on each cheek, and she screamed louder and longer than she'd screamed yet. She felt the sawhorse shifting and flexing under her as she fought to move, but it was a heavy duty piece of equipment designed to take a lot more than Viv's small frame was capable of doing to it. She felt his hands at her pussy, one finger entered her and then pulled out and circled her clit. Then it was gone.

She heard him walk to her head and she felt him massaging her neck and shoulders. He stepped into her line of vision and she was surprised to see him hard again so soon after what sounded like an incredible orgasm from him while he was buried in her ass.

"I told you it turned me on to hurt you Kitten. See how much it turns me on?"

She sobbed out, "Yes, Sir."

Her voice was scratchy from screaming so much and she cleared her throat and swallowed a few times, hoping it would sound better if she needed to answer another question.

He walked to a table and came back with a few tissues. He wiped the snot from her nose with one and then held another at her nose and said, "Blow". She did, and she was too far gone to even care how unsexy that was. He went to throw the tissues away and then came back and squatted down so he was face to face with her and said, "Six strokes with the lexan cane Kitten, one stroke every thirty seconds, that's two and a half minutes to get through this instrument. I'll give three from your left side and then three from your right side. You are going to have diamonds on your ass Kitten."

He ran his hands through the tears on her face and said, "I love your tears, Kitten. I love that you are enduring my pain, that you are submitting to me. And I love that your cunt is soaking wet while I'm doing it. Have you caught your breath yet? Are you ready to head into the next two and a half minutes?"

Viv nodded her head but he said, "No, I need to hear it out loud, Kitten. Tell me if you're ready to proceed."

"I'm ready, Sir."

He gently kissed her cheek as he stood up and walked to the table to get the cane.

The first strike hurt. Bad. But she knew that the real pain came
the strike. She waited for it, and then it slammed into her senses like a line of fire. She'd remained quiet at the initial strike, but she heard herself make a noise that sounded like a wounded animal when the secondary pain hit. She tried to breathe through the pain, and she desperately wished she could rub her ass to try to smooth the pain away. She knew it wouldn't help, but the instinct to do it was always there.

The second strike hit before she was ready for it. Surely that wasn't thirty seconds? But, she trusted him, so it must have been. She cried out at the strike, and then screamed an instant later when it
hurt. But then she started talking (silently) to herself, realizing this didn't hurt as bad as the tawse, and knowing she could handle four more of these. She could do it.

He gave her the third cut and she managed that one with only a short scream and then breathing her way through it.

When the fourth cut landed she re-thought whether she could handle it or not.

For one thing, it felt like he put more force behind it. For another, it came down in such a way that it crossed over where the first three cuts had landed. She heard herself chanting and screaming and moaning out, "It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it HURTS it hurts it hurts it hurts" over and over again. She felt his hand on the small of her back and it helped to center her, bring her back from the pain a little.

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