All or Nothing (11 page)

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Authors: S Michaels

BOOK: All or Nothing
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‘Hi’ I whisper the fluttering in my stomach
increasing by the second.

‘Hi beautiful’ he growls as he enters the
room tipping my chin to place his lips on mine, ‘you are stunning’

‘So are you’ I breathe my eyes drinking in
the sight before me ‘you sure you wouldn’t prefer to have a night in?’ I tempt
my eyes sparkling with lust.

‘I would love nothing more than a night in
but we are going out’ he releases me ‘you ready?’

‘I am disappointed you think I could do
more to this’ I gesture down my body teasing him to which he grins and replies,

‘Oh I could do more to that’ he growls.

I collect my bag and glance at him my head
tilted to the side, ‘can I ask you something?’

‘Of course’ he replies but his eyes appear guarded
at what I am about to enquire.

‘Are you rich?’

He roars with laughter ‘oh my Abi you are a
breath of fresh air, why do you ask that?’

I give him a stern look before answering,
‘well after our discussion about Amber being an opportunist I asked Bella and
her reaction was similar to yours’

‘Does it matter’ he smiles gently.

‘Well no but wealth makes me uncomfortable
to be honest’ I squirm slightly.

‘Why?’ he seems shocked.

‘Well because I don’t have it I guess, you
aren’t really like a millionaire or anything though are you?’ I test.

He stares at me for what seems like an age his
beautiful green eyes assessing me before answering, ‘I am me Abi whatever I

‘It’s only you I want’ I whisper and he
moves towards me wrapping me into his arms squeezing me tight and I relax, this
is all it is about at the end of the day.

‘Then we are on the same page’ he murmurs
against my ear.

We stroll down to the car park hand in hand
moving towards a sleek black car, ‘oh my’ I murmur at the luxury of the vehicle
before me.

Grant squeezes my hand in encouragement as
he opens the passenger door for me to enter.  When he is seated beside me he
enquires, ‘hungry?’ before the purr of the engine commences.

‘A bit’ I reply intimidated by the wealth
surrounding me.

‘Relax Abi this is our first real date’ he
reminds me and I smile up at him in excitement.

‘Ok….. I love your car’ I admit ‘can I have
a drive one day?’

‘No’ he answers blandly ‘that is one thing
you cannot do’ but his amusement is apparent in his droll voice.

‘What is it?’ I glance around at the plush
cream leather interior.

‘Jaguar… you have a car?’ he queries.

‘Not at the moment, there’s no point
really’ I shrug.

‘But you do drive?’ he reiterates.

‘Yes I drive, I am a bit of a speed freak
really’ I admit.

‘Now why does that not surprise me’ he
mumbles as we speed through the streets.

We dine in a stunning restaurant in
Knightsbridge, a place that I deduce you require an invitation rather than just
walk into.  I imagine they are selective with their clientele maybe a credit
check before you enter!  Several designer clad men and women greet Grant as we
enter the grand dining room decorated in creams and gilds to which he nods
politely his hand remaining on the bottom of my back guiding me as we are shown
to our table.  It was slightly pretentious but not as much as I expected and I
relax quickly as Grant puts me at ease becoming the perfect dinner companion. 

‘So, what do you really do?’ I enquire
after two glasses of champagne.

‘I already told you, I buy properties’ his
eyebrow arches a small smile on his lips.

‘Come on Grant I feel ill-informed. Everyone
is laughing how little I know of you and your life.  I only know the bedroom
Grant’ I express wiggling my eyebrows as I take a sip of my glass of bubbly.

‘That is the real Grant’ he assures me.  I
pout at his response before he sighs ‘I do buy properties. I am qualified as an
architect, I renovate buildings and transform them into bars, clubs or
residential apartments’

‘Ok’ pacified for the moment but I sense
his uneasiness at the conversation ‘I have learned a little more today. I am
not interested in what you have Grant but I am interested in what you are’

‘I realize that’ he nods pushing a hand
through his hair ‘finished?’

‘I am thank you so very much.  I would
offer to pay but I don’t think my meagre salary would push to an establishment
like this’ I smile adoringly at him and he takes a breath, to see his face
react to how I feel reassures me somehow.

‘I pay for dates’ he assures me sternly ‘in
many ways I am a very traditional man’ he gestures to the waiter for the bill. 
‘How about we find somewhere to have a dance?’

‘Sounds good’ I have a need to be in his

We approach a bar and walk directly through
the queue to the front where the doorman addresses Grant immediately,

‘Evening Mr Fitzgerald’ he calls with a
smile directing us through immediately.

‘Good evening Jed’ he returns the smile leading
me through the crowds to a VIP area, we stop at a booth where Grant indicates
for me to sit. 

‘What do you want to drink?’ he enquires

‘A passion fruit mojito if they have it
please’ a waiter appears and Grant orders drinks for us.

I am bouncing to the music as the drinks
are placed in front of us, Grant has a soft drink as he is driving ‘we could
have got a cab’ I remind him ‘you could have joined me in a drink’

‘I am ok, high on life’ he grins wrapping
his arms around me and I lean in to him.  I feel so content at this precise moment.

‘So when things become challenging I am
going to remember how extremely happy I am here and now and attempt to bring
things back to this’ I inform him as I nibble his ear.  I feel him suck in a
breath as he inhales me, ‘you belong with me Abi’ he whispers before I hear
someone call.

‘Get a room Stephens’ I glance up to view
Bella and Mike standing beside us.

‘Hi’ I smile back before searching Grant’s
face ‘did you arrange this?’ I enquire and he winks ‘thought you may want to
bump and grind with your pal for a bit’ I squeeze his thigh in gratitude as we
all squeeze into the booth.

Bella and I are giggling from all the
cocktails we have consumed moving to the music on the dance floor as the boys
look on, Mike is grinning and Grant is shaking his head.  Someone taps me on
the shoulder and I turn to find David from the bar Bella and I drank in a week

‘Hey’ he calls and I smile up at him taking
in his smart appearance and handsome face.

‘Hi David, how are you doing?’ he is a
decent man in different circumstances perhaps…

‘Good, you didn’t call’ he states his eyes

‘No I didn’t, I am sorry I did tell you I
wouldn’t be calling’ I smile ‘but thank you David’ I reach up and kiss his

‘No worries, take care Abi’ he rubs my arm
and turns away.

‘Whoops’ Bella smiles at me.

‘He was a good guy just not for me’ I
inform her.

‘Most certainly not for you he wouldn’t
screw you on the desk as I remember’ she giggles and I join in until a pair of
arms surround me.  I glance up into Grant’s eyes and note he is anxious, ‘hey
handsome’ I wrap my arms around his middle.

‘Hey, a secret admirer?’ he requests.

‘That was David enquiring why I hadn’t
called him’ I inform him honestly ‘the guy from the bar last week and no I
didn’t moan when he kissed me because I never allowed it to go that far’ I lean
up and nibble his chin ‘how could I when I am in lust with you’

He gazes down at me swaying us against the
music ‘I am in love with you Abi’ he whispers and my heart flutters, I grab his
face and pull it down to mine as I kiss him gently amongst all the bodies
swaying on the dance floor.  Before I have a chance to deepen the kiss Grant
stops me and grins ‘not here’ before guiding me back off of the dance floor.

‘This is one of mine’ he mutters in
explanation ‘I don’t want anyone seeing my woman in the throes of passion’

‘Your woman eh? Are you a secret caveman
Grant?’ I tease despite my heart somersaulting at his possessive words.

‘Absolutely, be careful I don’t throw you
over my shoulder and take you back to my cave’

‘You can if you wish’ I flirt and he grasps
me pulling me to him and I sigh ‘it feels so right’ I breathe and he nods.

‘Come on let’s go’ he mumbles waving a hand
to Bella and Mike who are wrapped around each other on the dance floor, they
wave back grinning.

We pull into the underground car park at
Grant’s Canary Wharf apartment and enter the lift, ‘so I take it we are coming
back to your place’ I raise an eyebrow.

‘You certainly will be coming Abi’ he traps
me in the corner of the lift his body thrust against mine as I move my mouth to
his biting and nibbling his lips as he breathes deeply, his hands move to the
bottom of my dress and push it upwards his hand slipping between my thighs.

‘No underwear again Abi’ his eyes darken as
he strokes along my folds which are moist for him, ‘oh yes’ he mumbles as his
finger enters me and I gasp throwing my head back.

‘Hmmmm’ I groan grinding myself against the
probing fingers ‘Grant’ I call and he quickens his thrusting as I widen my
legs. The elevator reaches our floor and Grant removes his fingers and smoothes
my dress back to its original position.

‘Tut Abi’ he licks his fingers and I groan,
he chuckles guiding me out to his door.  There is only one door leading off
from this elevator so I presume it must be the penthouse.  I push his wealth to
the back of my mind and concentrate on the imminent activities.  When we enter
the first door I realize that may not be possible as the entire floor radiates
wealth.  The area in front of me is a large open planned room that houses a
lounge area, a kitchen with a breakfast bar and a dining area.  I gasp and
suddenly feel extremely inadequate, Grant turns when he hears me and frowns.

‘What is it?’

‘Wow, I guess you are rich’ I murmur, I
turn to him ‘extremely beautiful but very over whelming I don’t want to
contemplate what you thought of our tiny flat?’ I flush.

He shrugs, ‘I don’t judge people Abi’ he
strokes his finger down my cheek gently.

‘I am not judging you Grant I have suddenly
realized what the opportunist requires’

He tenses, ‘let us not discuss that now’

I begin to unbutton his shirt pulling it
apart and placing my lips on his chest moving over to first one nipple and bite
it as he gasps, I lick around soothing it until it is a tightened bud before
moving to the other one.  I take tiny nips as I make my way down to his abdomen
undoing his trousers and pushing both those and his underwear down releasing
his throbbing erection.  I groan at the prospect before grasping the shaft and
licking around the head, he groans and grabs my pony tail pulling gently
against it the pressure sending Goosebumps around my body.  I suck in his
length to the back of my throat as he continues to groan, I suck in and out
continuously as Grant breathes deeply, ‘easy baby’ he calls as he leans over
pushing the zip of my dress down as I suck harder and deeper, ‘no more’ he
demands pulling me up to him encouraging my dress down my legs leaving me
exposed to his view. 

‘Very nice’ he growls as his eyes absorb
me, I step out of the dress ‘keep the shoes’ he instructs as he leads us to the
bedroom.  I am unaware of my surroundings as Grant pushes me back against the
soft coverings, his physique is spectacular, ‘do you work out?’ I pant and he
seems distracted by the question for a moment before answering ‘yes’

‘I love your body’ I groan.

‘Ditto’ he leans down to suck my straining
nipples as I gasp, ‘we are going to do this slowly’ he informs me.

‘No! I don’t want slowly’ I retort

‘Slow baby’ he insists as he places kisses
all over my chest and abdomen, I am wriggling and panting as he avoids my moist

‘Please Grant’ I call ‘I need you inside

‘Slow’ he whispers as he bites down one
thigh and up the other ‘you are too impatient it will be worth the wait’ he
assures me as he licks the inside of my thigh. My insides are on fire, my sex
clenching, I have an ache within that is becoming more intense by the second.

‘Please Grant’ I beg and he bites gently
against my clitoris as I feel the waves appear and disappear in a second as he
moves to lick around my navel.  I am attempting to thrust my hips up towards
him but he has pinned them down with his hands, I can feel my sex dripping in

‘Grant’ I shout and he grins as he blows
across my sex before licking the length of my core once leaving me exploding around

He waits for me to settle before he makes
his way up my body kissing gently along the way.

‘Wow’ I croak.

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