All Roads Lead Home (34 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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“I won’t move a muscle,” she quietly said. I gave her about two minutes, and my girl was down for the count. I cleaned up the floor a bit, and then gave her some time to rest.

I went outside to gather some firewood, and found a note taped to the door. I looked around for anyone in sight, but saw no one. I saw tracks that matched the ones from Tenley’s jeep, so I wasn’t worried that it was someone we didn’t know. I shoved it into my back pocket and gathered up the wood. The fire was blazing again and warming up the cabin. I made us omelets with toast and fruit on the side. I clipped a sunflower from the arrangement on the table and placed it into a single vase. I double-checked everything I placed on the tray and carried it over to my sleeping girl who was beginning to stir with the aroma coming from the food tray.

“That smells delicious. What are we having?” she asked playfully.

“Breakfast for dinner.”

“My favorite” She winked.

We talked while we ate and cleared the air from the heavy conversation back at the house. I wasn’t ready to make any decisions about Shane, or my future role on the ranch. I was happy with the horse business shared with my father which blended into Brock’s business he conducted with the summer tours he hosted. I also needed to feel out Tenley and where she wanted to be. I was absolutely serious when I said I would follow her this time.

My father was already prepared for me to leave if it came down to it. He was still worried for me, but he also knew my heart was forever aligned with Tenley. The rest was only details.



IT’S BEEN THREE days since Jagger and I officially reunited. The morning following our amazing night spent at my cabin, I sent Jagger home to begin his physical therapy. He wasn’t a great liar, and clearly was having some issues with his leg. Dr. Sampson assured him that with the proper physical therapy, he would return to where he was physically before his accident.

He already had a home gym designed and set-up in the new house, so he opted to work out there versus going into town to the hospital. On the ranch is where he felt most comfortable, and deep down I knew that. After we cleared the air about everything, I told Jagger that I needed a few days on my own to think and come to some decisions that would affect my career and where I wanted to live. Of course to everyone involved, the obvious answer was Wyoming, but Jagger would agree to New York if it meant being with me.

We already made the decision to be together, so now it was up to me to decide the rest. No matter what Jagger has promised, I would never be able to live with myself if I forced his hand and selfishly chose my career again over him. His heart was in Wyoming, and my heart was entwined with his, so there was my answer.

Shane was keeping a low profile around the ranch. He kept himself busy with his daily work while waiting for Jagger’s decision. I didn’t want Shane to dissolve his partnership with my father. This was his home, and he belonged here just as much as I did. I wouldn’t be the one to hurt him like that, and I prayed with great hope that Jagger would feel the same. It certainly didn’t serve us well to keep holding onto a past we could not change. The life I’d been living was proof positive of that. Jagger needed to be shown the way, just like I did. I believed in his good heart, and I was confident he would find his way back to Shane and renew their friendship as the brothers they once were. I knew Jamie never stopped hoping for that to happen.

After a morning ride with Jazzy, I took refuge in my father’s private office. I’d been home for about a month now, and Christmas was just about a week away. The ranch was in full swing with vacationers, and the town was hosting a tree lighting spectacular with a winter carnival to follow. It had been years since I’d gone to the winter carnival. The last memory I had was with Jamie, Jagger, and Shane on my last holiday break before I graduated college the following spring. I wanted those good memories again. I was hoping the ice melted a bit with Jagger and Shane, and we could all go as friends.

My father’s office was cozy and warm. I lit a fire and sat beside it with my laptop and phone. It was time to make a difficult call, one I’d been avoiding, but no longer saw the point of putting off. It was time to pull the Band-Aid off and take yet another leap of faith. I called Mr. Steele directly on his private line, but it went straight to voicemail. I hesitated and disconnected my call. I then called his assistant and left a message with her. He was tied up in meetings across town and would not return to the early evening. What I said would be difficult enough, so waiting a few more hours was fine by me.

I then called my own office where Roxy was still on leave. Cheryl had taken over her duties and was managing the day to day tasks. She answered in her most professional tone.

“Good Afternoon, Steele and Copeland Law Firm, Ms. Fairchild’s office.”

“Hi, Cheryl, it’s Tenley.”

“Hello Ms. Fairchild, how are you doing?” She sounded a little off, but I shrugged it off at first.”

“I’m fine, Cheryl, thank you for asking. How is the office? Anything I need to know about?”

“All is great here, Ms. Fairchild. Roxy is having a great vacation, as I’m sure you are too. Where did you say you were again? Would you like me to forward any mail to you?”

“That won’t be necessary, Cheryl. I’ll be in touch.”

I quickly disconnected my call with her, and realized she was probing me for information. I never disclosed my itinerary with Cheryl or the other administrative assistants. Only Roxy knew along with Zoey and Mr. Steele. My travel plans were password protected with only Roxy and Mr. Steele having access to it.

After the car explosion during Tommy’s trial, Jacob, my friend and the agent who worked with me, advised me taking extra security precautions. He had a private security firm work with me to secure all my personal and business dealings. It was also strange how Cheryl just assumed Roxy was on vacation, but what assistant takes weeks off? I needed to speak with Mr. Steele right away, and I decided to phone him on his cell phone.

He answered right away and was comforted in knowing I was safe. His concerns about my safety raised alarms with me especially after Tommy was attacked.

“Mr. Steele, please level with me and tell me what is going on. I already know about the assault on Tommy Mills. Zoey filled me in, and I know Roxy is on a leave of absence, with Cheryl filling in for her. Have there been any more threats?”

“Yes, Tenley, there have. An unmarked envelope was messengered over to your office with a letter of threat made against you. The second was a flower delivery, but when it was opened, the boxed contained snakes.”

“Oh my God! Did you phone the police? Is everyone safe at the office?” I was pacing my father’s office and contemplating getting on a plane to fly back tonight.

“Tenley, we are all safe, and no more threats have been sent. I did contact Agent Jacob Paulson directly, and he told me he would be in contact with you.”

“Mr. Steele, I haven’t heard from him yet. When did you last speak with him?”

I spoke to him four days ago. I would have thought you would have heard from him by now.”

“I have not. Mr. Steele, are all my files still secured?” I questioned.

“Absolutely. We just performed an office sweep last night when everyone went home. We told no one of this, and we also tapped your phone. I already knew you checked in today, as I have to imagine so does Agent Paulson. Stay where you are, Tenley. I will sleep better knowing you are safe. I almost want to put Zoey on a plane to join you, but she compromised and moved back into my home until we figure out what the hell is going on. Agent Paulson suspects this all has something to do with the Mills case.”

“I think you’re right about that, Mr. Steele. I had a bad feeling since hearing about Tommy.”

“Please, Tenley, call me Raymond. You’ve earned that right.”

“Thank you, sir. Sorry, old habits die hard. Thank you, Raymond, for giving me this time. I will be in touch soon.”

“My pleasure. If any developments arise, I will call you immediately.”

I ended my call and then phoned Jacob. If anyone could help me, it would be him. His office told me he was out on assignment and I could leave a message. I then phoned Tommy to check in on my friend. He was doing much better, and his ribs were completely healed. He still was hot, he said as I heard Roxy laugh in the background. They both sounded really good, and I was happy for the two of them. Tommy deserved to be happy, and I had good feelings about his blossoming romance with Roxy.

“Okay you two, have fun and please be safe,” I said to them.

“You be safe too, my friend. I love you, Tenley.”

“I love you too, Tommy. I’ll speak with you soon.”

As soon as I ended my call, I noticed Jagger standing in the doorway.

“Hi, I didn’t hear you come in,” I said to him.

“How could you when you were telling another guy you loved him. It feels like Déjà vu all over again.”

“You’re right, I do, but just as a friend.”

“I know that, sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’m getting reacquainted with your jealous side.”

“I’m not jealous, baby. Just protective of what’s mine. I trust you completely with my heart. I know you love me.”

“I do, Jagger, I love you so much. I just can’t have you doubting that love.”

“Never again, I promised you that. Now come here, and give me a kiss. I’ve missed you, and I’ve been going crazy without you.”

I walked into his arms where Jagger hugged me with all of his love for me. He made me feel so wanted and cherished.

“Did you take care of all of your work?” he asked.

“For the most part, yes, but I still didn’t speak with Raymond about my future plans.”

“Which are?” he looked nervous.

“Jagger, do I really need to say it? My life is with you, and you’re here, which means I’m here.”

“Tenley, I’m not asking you to choose. This is how I lost you the first time. I want it to be different for us this time, and whatever you decide will be okay with me. As long as we are together and married, I will be fine anywhere.”

“Thank you for that, but I’m ready to walk away from my life in New York and begin my new one here with you. I will still practice law, maybe even open up my own practice. I haven’t had much time to really think that far ahead, but I’m not ruling it out either. Would you be okay with that?”

“Baby, I would be okay with all of it. You have made me so happy.”

He crashed his mouth down onto mine and demanded entrance. I opened for him and he kissed me with such passion, I began to feel dizzy. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I called out to whoever was on the other side.

“Hey there, Fairchild,” Jacob Paulson was entering my father’s office. He was a monster of a man, having played professional football in the NFL. His build matched Jagger, but my guy was leaner in muscle and just as intimidating.

Jagger still had his hold on me as he glared at Jacob.
I guess this would be the perfect time to test the jealous theory.
I knew my cowboy. They always protected their own, and by the looks of it, Jagger was not happy with Jacob at the moment. Did I mention he looked like Chris Hemsworth? Yeah, he’s that hot, but was only a colleague and friend.

I nearly jabbed Jagger in the ribs to release me. He did, and I walked over to greet Jacob, who of course picked me up and caged me into his wall of muscles he called his chest. Jagger cleared his throat in the most obvious way.
Here we go…

“Jacob, put me down.” I laughed as he smiled back at me.

“Sorry, Fairchild. It’s a Paulson thing. We tend to do that a lot.” He winked at me.

“So I remember. Jacob, this is my…” Not sure how to address Jagger, he made it easy and did it himself.

“Jagger Parrish, Tenley’s fiancé. And you are?” He shook Jacob’s hand in a tight handshake and waited for him to respond.

“I’m Jacob Paulson, Federal Agent Paulson, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise. So what brings you here to Wyoming, and without any notice?”

“Jagger…” I interrupted him, but he had the balls to put his hand up to silence me.
Oh hell no, cowboy!

“Fiancé you say?” Jacob looked over to me. “I would think your man here worked for the agency, on account of the twenty questions,” Jacob replied.

“Not really twenty questions, just two,” Jagger fired back.

“Okay, Mr. Parrish, not that it is any of your business, but since Tenley here seems fond of you, I’ll answer you. I am here on official FBI business. I did in fact wire a message to this ranch several days ago, and when my message was not returned, I decided to fly out here personally to check in and status with my colleague. Satisfied?”

I had just about enough of the “who’s dick is bigger contest” with Jagger, who promised me he would not behave like this. “Jacob, will you excuse me for a few minutes while I speak with my fiancé?”

“By all means. Is there somewhere I can make a few calls in private?”

“Yes. You can make your calls down the hall, the last door on the right.” I pointed down the hall to show Jacob the way.

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