All Roads Lead Home (43 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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I was still giving thanks to God for sparing his life, and my own. Anthony was delivered the news about his son, and the truth behind Vincenzo’s brutal murder was also disclosed to him. Jacob kept the agreement I made with Anthony, and he was transferred to a facility that housed a more comfortable hospice wing for prison inmates. He would die alone knowing his two sons were gone. One son murdered by the other, and the other murdered by me.

I would never forget the moment the blade pierced his heart, and the look in his eyes when he saw death was coming for him. He deserved no less than what he got. I did what I had to do to save not only my life, but Cheryl’s life as well. She was caught up in a world that she never belonged in, but stayed in because of the man she chose to love. She bared his child and was held captive by his murderous brother, who nearly destroyed her. I’d never been so relieved to be able to walk away from this nightmare. My friends were safe, and their lives would resume again, as well as my own.
My new life begins today…with Jagger.

I was nervous and feeling guilty for not including our families in this joyous event. Jagger assured me that once we returned to Wyoming, we would marry again and host the biggest celebration Wyoming had ever seen.

I called my parents to wish them a Happy New Year, but I could not reach them. I called the main house and was told by their housekeeper that they were traveling.

Her answer was vague, but what did I expect? Their lives went on as much as mine did in New York. I still would have liked to talk to my mama especially on the day I was getting married, even Wendy was not around. My heart hurt, but this was for Jagger, and I wanted to make him happy.

The guys were out with Tommy, while Zoey and Roxy helped me get ready. Along with Raymond, I pulled some strings out of my “use when necessary” hat and fulfilled another wish for Jagger. The mayor of New York City, a good friend to Raymond, would be marrying Jagger and me, fifteen minutes before the gorgeous ball of thousands of Swarovski crystals dropped down and the New Year began.

I was lost in my thoughts as I stared at a framed picture of my parents with Jamie and me making silly faces behind them. I never wanted to disappoint my family for the choices I made for my life. I couldn’t be second guessing this choice with Jagger. After all, this was what they all dreamed for me. To be happy with the one person that made my life better, gave me a thousand reasons to smile each day, and to just share my life, and to grow old with. I had that with Jagger, and I couldn’t help but smile every time I thought about how we got here to this day.

“Hey, hooker! It’s almost time to leave,” Zoey called out to me.

“You know, Zoey, I do have a name other than ‘hooker,’ and I would so appreciate you not using that word on the day you eventually meet my parents.”

I hugged my friend.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I just can’t believe you are getting married, and to one hell of a hot fucking cowboy!”

“Zoey! Discretion. Language. In that order, please? And yes, I am marrying a very hot cowboy, he’s just as beautiful now as he was when I was seventeen years old.”

“Hallmark movie,” she laughed.

“Exactly, Zoe, but even better,” I responded. “Before we go, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Of course, I’m an open book,” she said as she retouched her lipstick. She looked beautiful with her long hair layered in curls. She added a few streaks of pink and purple. I laughed when she said she needed her sparkle. Roxy was no better, but she only went with purple.

“What’s going on with you and Shane? You seemed pretty cozy and then left together.”

“I only borrowed your cowboy for the night. You can have him back.”

“He’s not
cowboy. He’s my friend, and he’s also a taken one. I’m sorry Zoe, but he’s getting married next month. I love you, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Freaking double d’s, Tenley! Did you think I met him, fucked him, and sent him back to his fiancé in a pretty package with a bow on top?”

“You didn’t sleep with him?” I was almost surprised with my reaction to this news.

“No, I did not. Damn! We just hung out and had a good time. He wanted to see what the city was all about, so in the short amount of time we had together, I took him around town. He seemed to have a blast and didn’t mention anything about a girl back home.”

“I’m sorry, Zoey. Please don’t be angry with me. I just heard how he took care of you when I was in the hospital, and Jagger said you two seemed close.”

“No worries, hooker. I’m good. Shane is great, but I have another type in mind, and he’s packing some serious heat.”

“Oh, my ears are just about to bleed out. Do I really want to know this?”

“Would you settle for a rain check on the story? I want to see how it goes before I get my hopes up.”

“You got it, Zoe, and I hope it does work out for you because you truly deserve some happy in your life.”

“I can’t argue with you there, but for now, what do you say we get you married so the world can see the New Year’s kiss that I’m sure will be on the cover of
New York

It was exactly thirty minutes before the ball would drop and fifteen before I married Jagger. We were met by security and escorted to a location unseen by the press. Jacob was leading the team to ensure our safety. I was surprised he hadn’t returned to Washington yet. He said he couldn’t leave without seeing me get married.

“You look stunning, Tenley. Absolutely beautiful. Your guy may just pass out when he takes in the gorgeous beauty in front of him,” Jacob said to me.

“Thank you, Jacob. You have been such an amazing friend, and even better partner. I’m very proud of the work we accomplished, and I wish you all the best. Where will you go from here?”

“California. I just caught a case, and I’ll be leaving the day after tomorrow. I was hoping to take some time off, but duty calls.”

“Vacation? You? I don’t see you relaxing on a beach kicking your feet into the sand.”

“You got me there. That’s more my kid brother’s style. Simon lives out there with his wife, Nicolette. I haven’t seen them in a while, so at least I get to visit while I’m out there. My parents live there as well. It will be somewhat of a family reunion minus my other two brothers. Who knows? Maybe this case will wrap up quickly, and I can have some fun. I sure could use some of that in my life.”

“I hope you keep in touch, and don’t drop off the grid. You tend to do that when you are working a case.”

I wasn’t sure if he was exactly listening. Jacob’s eyes were scanning the room and his eyes found hers over my shoulder. He was staring at Zoey. I smiled and kept my suspicions to myself, but wished upon a star for my two friends.

“I promise you, Tenley, you will see me again.” He kissed my cheek and escorted me to another room, where I was welcomed with the best surprise of my life.

My family is here!
Wendy, the Parrishes and the Rhodes, all here to see me marry Jagger. I took in a deep breath to halt my tears, but it was no use, I was a goner. My mother quickly rushed over to me with a tissue in hand. Of course she always came prepared. My very handsome father swept me up into his arms and kissed my cheeks.

“Did you honestly think that I would miss handing over my precious daughter to her future husband?” my father said as he lovingly held me in his arms.

He set me down and I was engulfed with hugs from my mother, and the rest of the parents. The only one I still needed to connect with was Wendy. She was patiently waiting her turn.

“You look beautiful, Tumbleweed, probably the happiest you’ve been in your entire life. This is what he wanted for you. I only hope you now understand the path I was on and the choices I had to make for you.”

“I do, Wendy, and if it wasn’t for you and the unconditional love you always had for us, today would be a very different day. This moment I get to have would not have been possible without you. Thank you for charming your way into my office and forcing me to see what I so desperately gave up of ever having again…”

“Oh, sweet girl, what is it?” she asked as she dried my tears.

I simply replied…“LOVE.”



Jacob was right when he said Jagger may pass out when he saw me walking toward him down the aisle. My father’s protective hold was entwined with my arm as he escorted me to the makeshift altar. Jagger was heavily breathing when I reached him. My father placed a kiss on my cheek and then to my hand before passing it to Jagger. Daddy put his hand on Jagger’s shoulder and looked at him with the adoration of a proud father.

The mayor began with the traditional vows, and then we would say a few of our own. We knew how much we loved each other and vowed to live up to our sacred commitment all the days of our life. Jagger and I discussed what we would say, and we agreed to recite one sentence to each other before being pronounced husband and wife.

The mayor gestured to Jagger to recite his words to me. Jagger smiled before unfolding the piece of paper he held in his hand. I peeked, and it was more than one sentence which made me so happy because mine was too.

“I love you, Tenley Faith. I’ve loved you for what feels like a lifetime spent in your beauty, wonder, and light. Through the good times, the bad, and the sad days in between, you were never too far from my mind and my heart. I made a promise to your brother, my best friend, that I would love you until I take my last breath, and even then I think the good Lord negotiates. Today is the day I make you mine and give myself completely over to you. You are not only my lover, but my very best friend, and today my sweet Tenley, we simply begin anew. I love you.”

The crowd beneath us at Times Square was hooting and cheering. Our ceremony was being filmed and transmitted on the big screens! We were minutes away from not only our big moment, but the world’s moment too! The mayor gestured to me to begin. I looked over to Wendy, the one who got me here. She blew me a kiss of encouragement, and I sure needed it now more than ever. I didn’t want to stumble over my words, but what could I say to Jagger in such a short length of time?

“Jagger, I gave you my heart at seventeen. You asked me to trust you, I did with everything I had. We had our good moments and sometimes bad ones too, but the hardest ones were the roads traveled on without you by my side. It took me putting my trust in others to help me come back to you. I thought I had lost my way and would never get that chance again to have this day with you, but then you said…stay. I love you.”

Our families were crying tears of joy, as our union was about to be sealed forever. The mayor held our hands and recited his closing words:

“Now that Jagger and Tenley have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of the blessed rings, and with all of you to bear witness, then by the power of the great state of New York, I pronounce that they are husband and wife. You may kiss your lovely bride.”

Jagger winked, took my face into his hands, and wiped away my tears with his thumbs. We both smiled along with our family and friends to begin the official countdown to the New Year and begin our new life together.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….Happy New Year!!!”

The cheers erupted as Jagger’s lips touched mine and kissed me so lovingly that it sent electricity down to my toes. I’d never felt more alive than in that moment with my cowboy. Jagger was not only my best friend and lover, but now he was my husband.

“Happy New Year, Mrs. Parrish.”

“Happy New Year, Mr. Parrish.”

We kissed and kissed. It was the kiss seen and captured for all of the world to see. It was a magical moment, one I could give to Jagger, and to Jamie who was sure to see our love story from the stars.



THE DAYS FOLLOWING our New Year’s wedding were spent in complete bliss. We celebrated with our family and friends until the morning dawn, and then did some private celebrating of our own. We chose to spend our honeymoon in the penthouse suite of the Park Lane Hotel. The views were incredible, looking over the city we just married in. I didn’t know why we needed this luxury, as we didn’t leave our bed for the next three days. It was truly magical as I was lost and wrapped around Jagger’s protective love. He was mine, and I was his.

I couldn’t stop laughing at what he said as we checked out. We were holding hands and walking toward our waiting car when he said, “I told you so.” And then he leaned in and kissed me.

I wasn’t sure what he was referring to. A strong minded woman like myself especially in gladiator mode doesn’t like to hear when she’s wrong, but for this, I would gladly be reminded of for the rest of my life.

“And that means what, my love?” I asked.

He kissed my hand and then each knuckle before crashing his mouth down onto mine. Jagger’s kisses were addicting that I craved him again and again. I had almost forgotten what we were talking about.

“Never doubt a cowboy. You were meant to be a Parrish, and now you are my love. My wife. My life. Keeper of my heart and guardian of my soul. I love you, baby.”

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