All That Glitters (13 page)

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Authors: Ilana Fox

BOOK: All That Glitters
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She stood up. ‘Nash, I’m sorry, I know you think you know what’s best for me, but I hardly ever get to go out, and I’m not going to spend tonight watching everyone else have a good time.’ Out of the corner of her eye she saw Johnny place his hand on the bare back of a model, and she felt a twinge of jealousy. She should be in there, with him.

Nash scowled. ‘Fine. But I’m going to set some ground rules. The press is here, after all.’

Ella rolled her eyes. ‘Look, I’m not going to make a fool of myself, or Danny, just by hanging out at my own aftershow. I’ll have three drinks max, will charm the socks off everyone, and if I dance, I won’t do it provocatively,’ she said good-naturedly.

Nash paused for a moment, and then sighed. ‘Do what you want, but don’t get into any trouble. I can’t afford to mess this job up.’

Ella stared up at him in shock. ‘What does that mean? What sort of trouble do you think I would possibly get up to?’

‘Nothing, nothing,’ Nash said hastily. But it was too late, and he knew it. ‘Okay, Aaron warned me that it’s at events like these – when people feel a massive rush of release – that they get into trouble. You’re overjoyed you’ve had a successful evening and you want to let your hair down and celebrate. I get that. But you have to remember you’re
working. Just because everyone else is partying it doesn’t mean you can let your inhibitions go. You’re still Ella Riding, you know. And if you get too drunk or behave inappropriately it could ruin all our hard work so far.’

Ella bit her lip, hard. When she’d agreed to be Danny’s wife she never realised that she’d practically be imprisoned. Yes, she had the perfect lifestyle and a beautiful home, but what was the point of it all if you couldn’t have fun or be yourself? What was the point of all this success if you were lonely?

‘Nash, I’m not going to do anything that embarrasses you or me. But I’m going to have fun tonight. I deserve it.’

And with that, she spun on her heel and rushed towards the group of people who were laughing wildly while knocking back tequila.

‘Princess,’ Johnny drawled, as he passed Ella a sticky-looking cocktail. ‘You made it.’

‘I made it?’ Ella asked.

‘Yes, you managed to escape the clutches of your power-hungry manager. I never thought you’d make it inside, and that you’d have to sit on your little throne by the pool all night.’

Ella put her hands on her hips and tried to look as indignant as possible. ‘Well, my management team seems to think I’m somewhat special, and that I shouldn’t have to mingle with people like you. You know, former children’s TV presenters and out-of-work actresses. You’re the very sort of people who should be
for me.’

Johnny stared at her for a second and then burst out laughing. ‘That’s why I like you, Ella Riding – because you have a personality. So many WAGs don’t. Now, let me introduce you to Ansku Tiihonen. She’s a very popular Finnish model who’s on the verge of breaking the UK. Rumour has it she’s just about to start modelling for a
well known retailer.’

‘Johnny, you know you can’t tell people about that!’ the model giggled, and she playfully slapped Johnny across the chest. Ella stared at her. Her long honey-blonde hair reached her tiny waist, her blue eyes sparkled under thick black lashes, and she was all skinny limbs and big breasts. Ella hated her immediately.

‘What?’ Johnny laughed. ‘I didn’t say you were
about to start being the face of Topshop!’ and he roared with laughter. ‘I’ve not been on – or in – the high street for ages, you know,’ he said provocatively, and ran his hands over Ansku’s perfect figure. Ella felt sick with jealousy. She suddenly hated her curves, hated her choppy haircut, and wished she’d never left her seat by the side of the pool. She had to get away from Johnny, and fast.

‘Nice to meet you, Ansku,’ Ella said as politely as she could, and she started to walk away when Johnny grabbed her and yanked her back.

‘Hey!’ he slurred, his voice heavy with alcohol. ‘Not so fast. Ansku really wants to chat to you.’

‘Oh, I’m sure Ansku isn’t interested in talking to your colleagues,’ Ella began. ‘Especially not me.’

‘But I am!’ Ansku said. ‘I asked Johnny if he could introduce us. I watched you on
tonight, and I thought you were fabulous. I wanted to ask how you got into presenting.’

Ella stared blankly at the model in front of her. She was so gorgeous that she could probably walk into any career she chose. Forget TV presenting, she could be a Hollywood star if that’s what she wanted.

‘Well, the production team phoned my manager and asked me if I’d like to present the show,’ she said slowly. ‘They’d seen me as a guest on Johnny’s programme,
Cooper’s Kingdom
. I suppose they thought I was good on camera and that I could do it . . .’ Ella trailed off. She knew she sounded slightly ridiculous. Whoever got invited to be a guest on one programme and then got a job offer as a TV presenter off the back of it? Nobody.

Ansku trailed one lock of golden hair around her finger, while keeping her other in the back pocket of Johnny’s post-show jeans.

‘And how did you get to be a guest on Johnny’s show? Did your manager sort it out for you?’ she asked curiously.

Ella stayed silent. She hated to admit it, but she knew she’d only been invited on
Cooper’s Kingdom
because she was married to Danny Riding. She had her whole, wonderful life because of Danny, and not for any other reason.

‘I invited her on,’ Johnny interrupted smoothly, as he caught the expression on Ella’s face. She looked pained, as if Ansku had asked the wrong question. ‘I met Ella at a launch party and I absolutely had to have her on my programme. She wowed me.’

Johnny’s simple explanation was enough for Ansku, who shot her a sunny smile and then changed the subject, while stroking Johnny’s arm. Ella didn’t think she could stand it for a moment longer. She
that Johnny Cooper could have any woman he wanted, and he didn’t need to show off in front of her to prove it. She excused herself as graciously as she could, and slinked back to the swimming pool, where Nash was checking his emails on his iPhone.

‘Had enough of the fun people?’ he asked her bluntly, as Ella sat down dejectedly.

She nodded, but the whole time her eyes were on Johnny. Ansku was draped all over him, and yet again Ella felt like a stupid little girl. She’d developed a major crush on someone who flirted with everyone and clearly loved playing the field. With models. Her eyes smarted with tears she refused to let fall.

‘I think you’ve worked hard enough for one evening,’ Nash said, as he put his phone down. ‘I think it’s time to call it a night.’

Ella couldn’t think of anything she’d like more. ‘I’d love that,’ she replied gratefully, and she let Nash guide her inside so they could organise a car to take her back to Surrey.

But Johnny Cooper had other plans.

‘Nash, man, I’d like you to meet Ansku,’ he called out, and Nash and Ella turned to see Johnny and his model friend standing behind them. Ansku was smiling her happy, perfect model smile, and Ella felt her heart sink. She didn’t have anything against Ansku, but she didn’t want to be near her or Johnny. It was obvious they’d be going home together, and the thought of it physically hurt. She didn’t think she’d
been this jealous, and she was struggling to hide it.

‘Hi, I’m Nash Barnwell,’ Nash said politely, as he helped Ella into her simple Balmain leather jacket. ‘And while it’s great to meet you, Ansku, I’m afraid we’re leaving.’

Ansku pouted. ‘But I’ve been waiting to talk to you for like, for ever,’ she said in her light Scandinavian accent. ‘I wanted to come and meet you by the pool, but Johnny said you were working and I shouldn’t interrupt.’

Nash glanced at Johnny, and then back at Ansku. She looked radiant in a black and white Just Cavalli mini dress, and Ella could tell Nash was struggling not to stare at her model-perfect body, her long hair, and her plump lips.

‘Why did you want to meet me?’ Nash asked with interest. He sounded friendly – friendlier than he’d ever been with her – and Ella could tell he couldn’t quite get over how beautiful this model was. She was stunning.

‘Because Johnny says you’re Ella’s manager, and that you’re the best manager in London. I’ve been looking to talk to someone about taking my career to the next level, and after I talked to Ella about how effortless her career trajectory was, I was hoping we could discuss you applying some of that magic to me.’ She looked so eager, and so innocent, that Nash couldn’t ignore her.

‘I was going to chaperone Ella home,’ Nash said, ‘but I’d be happy to talk to you. Ella, you can get back to Castle House without me, can’t you?’

‘Of course I can,’ Ella began, in her most dignified tone, but Nash didn’t appear to hear her. It seemed that his baby-sitting duties were well and truly over.

‘I’ll see you to your car,’ Johnny added smoothly. ‘Just to make sure you get past the photographers, of course.’

He put his hand on Ella’s back, and began to steer her away from Nash and Ansku. ‘Do you fancy a nightcap?’ he whispered in Ella’s ear. His breath was hot on her neck, and just that tiny sensation by itself was enough to make her weak at the knees. ‘I’d really like to talk to you.’

She knew she shouldn’t, but Ella couldn’t help herself. Couldn’t keep hiding it. She was very quickly becoming addicted to Johnny Cooper.

Chapter Nine

Johnny took Ella’s hand, and he led her through the beautiful rooftop gardens until they reached the balcony overlooking the city. The windows in the skyscrapers glittered like lemon quartz and citrine, and the glowing London sky burned amber. It was another beautiful night in the city, but Ella barely noticed it. Electricity was in the air, and Johnny’s hand was enveloping hers. It was all she could think about.

She was on fire.

‘I’ll see you to your car soon, I promise, but I have to talk to you,’ Johnny began, and Ella was surprised to hear him sound so nervous. Johnny was normally so cocky, so sure of himself.

‘What’s this about?’ she asked in a low voice as she gazed up at him. But Johnny didn’t say anything. He simply stared at her.

‘We both know what this is about,’ he said eventually, and he squeezed Ella’s hand. ‘It’s been bubbling over from the very first moment I met you, and I can’t stand it any more. I can’t keep pretending.’

Ella held her breath. She’d fantasised about this moment every time she lay in bed feeling frustrated and desperate for his touch, but now it was here – now Johnny Cooper had told her he wanted her as much as she wanted him – she didn’t know what to say. She just knew she couldn’t let down Danny. She couldn’t betray her marriage, and the promises she’d made to him on her wedding day.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Ella murmured. ‘I think you’ve got the wrong idea about me. I don’t feel anything at all for you. Not like that.’

Johnny squeezed her hand tighter. ‘I
you like me,’ he pressed. ‘You’ve liked me from the moment you met me. I know you have. I could see it in your gorgeous violet eyes.’

Ella pulled her hand away. ‘You didn’t see anything in my eyes, because I don’t like you,’ she protested, but she knew she didn’t sound very convincing. She never had been a very good liar. ‘I’m married, and I love my husband.’

‘But does he do it for you? Do you dream of being with him every minute of every day? Do you get home and rip his clothes off, just so you can press your soft body against his? Do you lick his skin, do you ache for him, and do you melt when he gazes into your eyes?’

Ella refused to look at him. ‘Shut up, Johnny,’ she whispered, but Johnny continued.

‘Does he stroke you so gently that your whole body lights up in fire? Does he kiss you deeply, or fuck you roughly? And does he make you come harder and longer than you ever have? Because Ella, if he doesn’t do all of those things to you –
you – he’s not the one for you. I am. I want to do all those things to you. And more. So, so much more.’

Johnny’s voice was husky with lust, and despite herself, Ella felt more turned on than she ever had in her life. She was desperate for Johnny. She wanted him. Now.

‘He’s my husband,’ she said, as if those three words could banish her feelings for Johnny.

‘But he doesn’t love you the right way. He doesn’t love you like I could. And I could, you know. I think you’re amazing.’ Ella heard Johnny’s voice crack, and she finally looked up at him. There were tears in his eyes. ‘I’ve never felt this way, and I know you’re married, and I know you’re not available, but Ella, God. I think we could be so right together. We could be amazing.

Ella felt her hands shake. She wanted Johnny so much, but what would Danny say if he found out? What would Aaron do?

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t.

‘I’m sorry, but I really can’t give you what you want,’ Ella said. It was time to get out of there, and fast. ‘I’m a married woman, and you and I work together. It just isn’t going to happen.’

Ella turned her back on Johnny and began to walk away as fast as her wobbly legs would allow. She’d only managed a few steps when Johnny grabbed her, spun her towards him, and pulled her into a dark corner where she prayed they wouldn’t be seen.

going to happen, and you know it,’ Johnny snarled, and before Ella could react, he kissed her, pushing his lips hard onto hers. His hands trailed down the side of her body, and as they gently touched the sides of her breasts, Ella felt her body wind tighter and tighter in lust.

‘I’ve got a room here,’ Johnny whispered, as he ran his hands through Ella’s hair, over her bottom, on the side of her face. She no longer cared about Danny, or her marriage, or if anyone could see them. She was lost in Johnny’s touch. She was intoxicated.

‘Then let’s go to it,’ Ella murmured, and her violet eyes dilated as they met Johnny’s blue ones. They stared at each other for a minute as their hearts raced.

There was no going back.

Ella opened her eyes and briefly wondered where she was. The light in the room was different from the soft, dappled light that streamed through her bedroom windows at Castle House, and she could hear traffic: police cars screeching, lorries growling and car horns honking.

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