Read All Through the Night Online

Authors: Suzanne Forster,Thea Devine,Lori Foster,Shannon McKenna

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Love Stories; American, #Women, #American, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories; American, #Erotic Stories, #American Fiction, #American Fiction - Women Authors

All Through the Night (39 page)

BOOK: All Through the Night
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“Do you like that?” he asked huskily.
“Oh, yes,” she whispered.
He caressed her, teasing her with his hands, and her old self watched with mingled wonder and dismay as the new Annie undulated over him like some sort of wanton sex kitten. She closed her eyes and let him nudge her tenderly into another series of soft, shivering orgasms, linked like beads on a string into a glittering blur of pleasure, long and protracted and achingly sweet.
Finally, he gripped her hips tightly. “Now, Annie,” he said, his voice pleading. “I can’t wait anymore.”
“Of course,” she said soothingly. He prodded her, positioning himself, and began to push inside her, slowly and relentlessly. She gasped as the delicate muscles inside her resisted the blunt invasion.
He slowed down. “Relax, Annie,” he said shakily.
She tried to relax, but he was so big and unyielding. Not even her first time had she felt so vulnerable. Jacob stopped, having shoved about half of his thick length into her. His grim silence and the steely tension vibrating in his arms at-tested to the effort he was expending to hold still. Enough she thought. He’d given so much to her. She had to at least try to give this one thing to him.
She breathed deeply, concentrating on relaxing and yielding, and then tried to move, sliding up and down a tiny bit. She was surprised she could move at all, but Jacob’s tender ministrations had made her incredibly slick and soft. Excitement rushed through her as the intense sensation began to slip into focus. She moved again, more boldly this time, clinging to him with every little muscle inside herself, and what had been a blunt, uncomfortable intrusion shifted seamlessly and became a stretched, sensual, utterly fulfilled feeling. She pushed herself down upon his heavy shaft with a shuddering sigh, hungry for more of him. He let out a hoarse cry, and that was it. She loved it. She was drunk on her power over him, she wanted to make him gasp and groan and shout. She slid all the way up the solid length of him, bathing him in her slick, sultry juices, and sank down again at the same moment that he gripped her hips and drove himself upward.
The incredibly deep penetration shocked a low cry out of her throat, and Jacob stopped. “Did I hurt you?” he asked urgently.
“No, no,” she assured him, clutching his arms with trembling fingers. “Please, Jacob. Please, move, give me… let me feel it.”
“Oh, yes,” he muttered. His grip tightened, and he drew himself out with lingering slowness, savoring the clinging caress of her secret flesh. He surged in again.
Annie’s nails dug into the powerful muscles of his shoulders, each heavy thrust jerking a sob of terrified pleasure from her throat. She had never dreamed there was so much sensation deep within herself. The mouth of her womb pulsed with energy, every cell of her awake and luminous. She abandoned herself to the driving hunger of the powerful man beneath her, riding him higher and higher until agonizing pleasure jolted through her in rhythmic, shuddering waves. She collapsed on his chest, her hair flung across their faces. Jacob held her tightly, his hips jerking violently against her as he spent himself.
They lay there, wordless and trembling. Annie brushed her hair out of his face, wound it back behind her neck and kissed him, trying to silently convey her appreciation for his generosity. Jacob thrust his tongue into her mouth, and his penis swelled eagerly to fullness inside her. She wriggled voluptuously, savoring the sensation of his thick shaft embedded within her. A girl could get spoiled with one of those to play with every night. “Aren’t you tired?” she asked, laughing softly.
“I’ve had this erection since Philadelphia,” he said lazily. “It’s going to take more than one orgasm to tire me out. But I challenge you to try.” He dragged her possessively closer, his hips pulsing against her as his tongue greedily explored her mouth.
“I’ve never been able to resist a challenge in my life,” she told him, her breath catching with excitement.
His laughter vibrated through them both, and she sighed and arched herself wider open to him as he slid his big, hard penis slowly in and out of her yielding body, loving the delicious fullness.
“The night’s still young, sweet Annie,” he said. “Go for it.”

Chapter Three


His first thought when he woke was that the floor of the tent was unbelievably cold and hard. The second, as he opened his eyes, was that the sleeping bag had a threadbare flannel lining upon which could still be seen the dim figures of Santa Claus and his team of reindeer. And the third, which quickly became by far the most important, was the fact that the soft, naked woman in his arms was sneakily trying to slither out of the sleeping bag.
“Good morning, Annie,” he said.
She twisted around, her eyes wide and frightened. His gaze dropped to her chest, which she unsuccessfully tried to cover with one arm while groping for her T-shirt. Her body was spectacular by daylight, what little, wiggling bits of her he could glimpse. Deep pink nipples poked impertinently over her arm, and his usual morning erection began to throb painfully. Down, boy, he told himself. After last night’s marathon, Annie was going to think he was a sex maniac.
Which, come to think of it, was exactly how he felt.
“Hi,” she said, in a strangled voice.
He tried to think of a way to make her smile, but his sleep and sex-fogged brain wasn’t up to the task at that hour. He plucked at a flannel reindeer, presumably Rudolph, though his outsized bulb of a nose had faded to a pale pink. “Seasonal sleeping bag?”
“It’s mine from when I was a kid,” she said. “I didn’t want to take any stuff that Philip and I—” She stopped, swallowing visibly.
“Is that the asshole’s name?” he murmured.
She pulled the T-shirt over her head, affording him a maddeningly brief glimpse of her stunning breasts. They jiggled as she tugged the shirt down over herself. He wanted to throw himself at her feet and beg like a dog for just one more peek. Dignity, he reminded himself. Dignity was key.
Her face emerged from the shirt, eyes narrowed. “Look, Jacob, I don’t want to be rude, but I’d appreciate it if you’d get yourself together so I can fold my tent.”
He watched calmly as she struggled into her panties and jeans. Her pale face was slowly turning a rosy pink. He grabbed his clothes, admiring her round, enticing ass as she scrambled out of the tent, and followed her out, stark naked. He stretched luxuriously and scratched his chest. Let her take a good long look at him and face reality.
She turned around, and squeaked in alarm. “Holy God, put that thing away!” she hissed.
He gave her a lazy grin and popped his shoulder blades. “You liked it well enough last night, sweetheart.”
Just then, a portly matron in a pink jogging suit trotted down the path on her way to the bathroom. She looked over at them, gave a horrified squawk, and bolted back the way she came.
Annie’s face was deep crimson. “You’re going to get me arrested!”
Jacob gave her a “little ol me?” shrug, and looked down at his hugely erect cock as if noticing it for the first time. “Gee whiz, would you look at that. It’s a tribute to your beauty, Annie.”
“Put your pants on,” Annie said furiously. “And don’t you dare try to pull that Mr. Slick routine. That might work at night by the campfire, but not by the cold light of day.”
Jacob grimaced as he folded his hard-on to the side and zipped his jeans over it. Ouch. “What would work, Annie?” he asked plaintively.
She lit up her camp stove, ignoring his question. “Would you like some instant oatmeal?” she asked in a brisk, let’s-move-on sort of voice. “I’ve got maple sugar, country peach spice and regular.”
He snorted. “After last night? Like hell. Let’s get some real food.”
Her back stiffened visibly. “I’m thrifty,” she snapped.
“And I’m buying,” he countered. “Let’s go to that pancake place back on the highway. We’ll get ham and eggs and grits. Orange juice and coffee and a big, buttery stack of pancakes. What do you say?”
She shot him an uncertain glance over her shoulder, looking tempted. Then her mouth tightened. “I’ll stick to my oatmeal,” she said stiffly. “I don’t need any man to buy me breakfast.”
He grabbed her shoulder, turning her to face him. “Hey, Annie. Hello. I’m not just ‘any man.’ I’m Jacob. Remember me? We met last night. Naked. In your tent. For hours. Does that ring a fucking bell?”
His voice came out harsher than he’d intended. She flinched away. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “This just… isn’t what I expected.”
He yanked on his sweatshirt. “What the hell were you expecting?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t even think about the next day. I thought that a one night stand was a… a no strings sort of thing.”
He squinted. “Strings? What strings?”
She shook her head helplessly.
Comprehension dawned, and outrage followed swiftly in its wake. “You mean, you weren’t expecting to have to deal with me in the morning? You thought I would just fuck you and then disappear?”
She looked miserably confused. “I don’t know. I didn’t think.”
He shook his head, incredulous. “I’ve been chasing you for eight hundred miles. You think I’ve scratched my itch, and now I’m done?”
“But I thought that’s how anonymous trysts with strange men were supposed to go!” she wailed. “According to the script you should’ve been gone before I even woke up. Just a… a bittersweet memory, like Zorro or something. Maybe a rose on my pillow, at most.”
Jacob rubbed his aching lower back with a grimace. “You don’t have any pillows, Annie,” he muttered.
She looked so distressed that he decided it was time to try to make her smile. “Let’s have a whole bunch of anonymous trysts, and let them run together into one long, indefinite tryst. What do you say?”
Annie’s luscious lower lip trembled. “I just can’t take this right now,” she whispered. “I can’t handle you, too, on top of everything.”
Jacob stifled a sigh. Nice going, bonehead, he thought. He was just a barrel of laughs this morning. “Don’t look at me like that, Annie,” he said wearily. “I swear to God, I’m completely harmless.”
That provoked a soggy little chuckle. “Hah. I can think of lots of words to describe you, Jacob, but ‘harmless’ is not one of them.”
“And just exactly what have I harmed so far?” he demanded.
She stuck out her chin. “You’re harmful to my peace of mind.”
He made a disgusted sound as he shrugged into his jacket. “You didn’t strike me as all that peaceful before.”
He had a point, Annie conceded silently, but she would rather die than admit it to him. He leaned quietly against his bike, watching her as she bustled around dismantling her campsite. Not offering to help, which was fine with her, because she didn’t need any help. None, zip, nada. Not from him, not from anybody. It was time to take charge.
But it was hard to feel in charge with Jacob’s dark eyes following her around. God, he was gorgeous. This morning was the first good look she’d gotten of him naked. The lean, harmonious grace of his muscular body was heart-stopping. She started blushing again just thinking of the formidable erection he had just displayed to her. Incredible to think that all of that had been inside of her, over and over, all night long. A rush of liquid heat made her catch her breath and press her thighs together. She was even regretting the fact that she hadn’t given him a blow job, which was odd because it had never been her specialty. But she actually wanted to take Jacob in her mouth, to run her tongue around the swollen crimson head of his penis. To rub her hands up and down that rigid shaft, make him groan and dig his fingers into her hair.
God, what was wrong with her? One minute she was giving herself a bracing pep talk, the next, she was staring into space, dreaming of Jacob’s thick penis sliding in and out of her mouth. The man had her under a spell. She peeked at him. He was smiling, and the bulge in his jeans proved that he knew exactly what she was thinking. She had to get out of here, quick, before she started to beg him for it.
She packed her stuff haphazardly into Mildred, and turned back to him, digging her keys out of her pocket. What did people say in these situations? She hadn’t a clue. She shook her head helplessly.
Jacob gave her a crooked little smile. “See you around, Annie.”
“See you,” she muttered, leaping into the pickup. She didn’t let herself look back.
The ache started right about when she pulled onto the highway. It was nagging and painful, like a bad toothache, but in her belly. How rude, to just leave like that. She could have said something nicer, after that incredible night. Something sweeter. At least something polite.
She looked for him on the road all day. A couple of times she thought she saw a faraway motorcycle, but she couldn’t be sure. She didn’t stop for lunch, or to hike, just at a couple of rest stops to pee and stare blankly at the bare trees. She tried eating some saltines, but they wouldn’t go into the cast-iron knot of her stomach.
BOOK: All Through the Night
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