All Through the Night (46 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Forster,Thea Devine,Lori Foster,Shannon McKenna

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Love Stories; American, #Women, #American, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories; American, #Erotic Stories, #American Fiction, #American Fiction - Women Authors

BOOK: All Through the Night
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“Annie,” he said in a rough, hoarse voice. “Come here.” He held out his hand, willing her silently to take it. She stared at it, biting her luscious lower lip, and he wondered frantically what was going on behind those smoke-colored eyes. They were veiled from him by the dark sweep of her lashes, by that rich curtain of honey-blonde hair.
Then she reached out, her slender fingers twined with his and she scooted tentatively closer to him on the seat. Dizzying relief surged through him, and she gasped in surprise as he dragged her across the seat and onto his lap. He slid his fingers into her hair and kissed her ravenously. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste, the plump, trembling softness of her mouth, the way she blushed when she was excited. She was rosy pink right now, cuddling on his lap. She slid her hand beneath his jacket and splayed it against his chest as she kissed him back with timid eagerness.
He yanked her blouse out of her jeans and thrust his hand inside, cupping her breast. He rolled her taut little nipple between his fingers and kneaded the soft, luscious roundness hungrily in his hand.
She stiffened and tore her mouth away from his. “Not here!”
“Why not?” He was drunk with her flavor, her scent, her silky texture. She was like a drug, and he was strung out, wild for her. He barely noticed her struggles as he unbuttoned her jeans and thrust his hand down inside her panties, sliding his finger unerringly into her hot cleft, down where she was so slick and sweet and marvelous. He would caress her, slowly and patiently, waiting until she was slippery and hot, until he felt the beautiful little pulses of her first orgasm clutching rhythmically around his finger, and then, when she was shivering and desperate, he would peel off those skin-tight fuck-me jeans she was wearing. He would spread her beautiful white thighs wide open and ram himself into her hot, quivering body, give her everything he had—
“No! Jacob, damn it!”
She was clawing at his wrist, wriggling on top of his raging hard-on. He forced himself to focus on her words. “What?”
“Have you gone nuts? We’re in the parking lot of a family restaurant!” she said furiously.
He glanced out the window, dazed. “Oh. I forgot,” he muttered.
“Forgot!! Hah! I do not want the worthy citizens of Bernhard, Arkansas, to actively participate in my sex life, so get your greedy paws off me, you sex-crazed maniac!” She seized his wrist with both hands and yanked it out of her jeans, glaring at him as she buttoned them up.
He deliberately licked the fingers he had thrust into her panties, savoring the sweet, rich flavor that lingered there, and turned the key in the ignition. “We’re checking into a motel,” he said. “Right now.”
She looked bewildered. “I thought you were hungry—”
“Yeah, and you’re lunch,” he muttered, putting the pickup in gear. He laid his foot on the gas and the pickup leaped eagerly forward, toward the budget motel down the road.
As soon as the door lock flashed green, he propelled her into the room and slammed the door shut. He flung his jacket on the floor and shoved her against the wall. “Those jeans drive me crazy,” he growled, sliding his hands hungrily all over her hips.
“They’re too small,” she said shakily. “They shrank in the wash.”
“They’re perfect,” he insisted. He wrenched open the buttons of her jeans and fell to his knees, dragging them down around her ankles.
She clutched his shoulders for balance, staring down at his dark head, his thick hair straggling wildly out of its elastic band. He pressed his face against her mound, breathing in her fragrance with deep, hungry breaths, and put his hand between her legs, forcing them apart. He leaned forward and thrust his tongue into her cleft, swirling it tenderly around and around the flushed delicate bud of her clitoris, sucking on it with slow, devastating skill until her knees sagged and she started to slide down the wall. He reached up his arms to brace her, and his tongue plunged deeper, lapping up the heated juices that pooled between her legs. “Jacob, you’re obsessed,” she gasped.
His teeth flashed in a swift, feral grin. “Yeah,” he agreed, prying off her shoes. He yanked her jeans off her ankles. She heard the sound of ripping fabric and her panties sailed after them. She backed away, unbuttoning her blouse as he stripped off his clothes; with that wild look in his eyes, it was clearly up to her to salvage what was left of her wardrobe. He seized her and bore her down beneath him onto the bed, his hands everywhere, as if he were trying to learn her by heart.
Her body clenched. He was too heavy and hot and desperate, and she was jittery and wild, her nerves on edge. “No,” she protested, pushing at him, but it was like pushing a mountain.
“What?” His chest was heaving, but he froze in place, waiting.
“It’s too much,” she said shakily. “It’s freaking me out. I need you to be—” She searched for words, but they eluded her.
“What?” His voice was a grating rasp of frustration.
“I don’t know. Slower. Softer. You’re scaring me.”
He rolled off her onto his back, still panting, and clapped his hand over his eyes. “Shit.
,” he said, his voice furious.
His long, muscular frame vibrated with tension, his furiously erect crimson penis rose stiffly all the way to his navel. A tangle of conflicting emotions bewildered her: fear at his raw hunger barely held in check, pity for his evident distress, all mixed with a secret female satisfaction at her own power that she could drive him to such a state. She edged closer to him. “I didn’t say you had to stop completely,” she said. “I just wanted you to calm down a little.” She petted the hair that lay flat and silky against his hard belly, leaned down and gently swirled her tongue around the swollen head of his penis.
He jerked up onto his elbows with a muttered curse. “God, Annie,” he groaned. “This is supposed to calm me down?”
She cradled his balls tenderly in her hand, licking him from the base to the tip of his shaft with one long, wet, luxurious swipe of her tongue. “Do you like that?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions,” he said furiously. “I’m not in control of myself. Bear that in mind if you provoke me.”
The low tremor in his voice made her want to soothe him. She crawled on top of him impulsively and pressed her mouth to his in a soft, yielding kiss. “That’s just a risk I’m going to have to take,” she said. “I trust you, remember?”
His eyes never left hers as he groped on the floor for his jeans. He ripped open the condom and smoothed it swiftly over himself. “Maybe you shouldn’t,” he said. “Roll over.”
She stared at him blankly. He made an impatient sound, and flipped her over himself, and she found herself suddenly on her stomach, the mattress bouncing beneath her as he splayed his hands over her backside and pressed her down onto the bed. He kissed and tongued the little twin dimples at the base of her spine, and his strong hands shoved her thighs wide open.
She pressed her face into the rumpled sheets, lifting herself for him in a fevered agony of anticipation, far beyond any teasing or game playing. He thrust his fingers inside her, spreading her silky juices all around until she was slippery and soft and ready. She let out a low moan as his penis slid slowly into her tight sheath, stretching her wide. She was sore and oversensitive from the last night’s endless hours of intense lovemaking, but too aroused to care. She arched her backside up to him in eager, silent invitation.
He drove himself all the way inside her with a hoarse shout, crushing her onto the bed with his big, hot body and claiming her completely, and she finally began to understand what his harsh warning had meant.
She clutched handfuls of the sheet, trembling in confusion. Panic was mixing crazily with excitement as he drove his thick shaft in and out of her in a deep, savage rhythm that bordered on violence; but she knew instinctively that he was too skillful a lover to hurt her. It was his very skill that was so dangerous, his intense, seductive power that battered down her defenses, demanding that she yield herself up. She could lose herself to him, and be utterly possessed.
Their struggle took place on a plane of consciousness she had never known existed, with a clashing explosion of energy that shook her mind, scorched her body, turned her inside out. She yelled at him in raw, incoherent anger, thrashing beneath the plunging, rhythmic invasion of his body, but her struggles only inflamed them both further. He would not be denied; she felt it in the way he held her, the way he arched his long, powerful body over hers and drove himself into her. The desperate tension in her muscles sharpened the edge of the climax bearing down on her to an unbearable pitch, wrenching a wailing cry of pleasure from her throat. She felt his triumph in every cell of her body as she convulsed around him.
He began again almost immediately, rolling her onto her side. He folded her leg up, toying mercilessly with her shivering, unresisting body, relishing the sight of her, heavy-eyed and flushed and panting.
Then he mounted her again, his passionate desire unabated. Annie’s body responded helplessly, her sheath supple and slick as he took her from every angle, in every position. He moved and lifted and turned her to suit his pleasure as if she were a doll. He made her come again and again, with his hands and his mouth and his insatiable penis, but when he came close to his own orgasm he stopped, his body rigid. He held her crushed and breathless beneath him—and began again.
“Enough,” she begged him. “Please.”
“Not yet,” he said, his voice a harsh gasp. “I warned you, Annie.”
For this round, she was flat on her back, spread-eagled and writhing beneath his pumping body. She reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair, yanking down hard. He gasped, startled. “Damn it, Jacob,” she said furiously. “Are you doing this to punish me?”
“God, no.” He deftly unsnarled his hair from her fingers and pinned her hands behind her head. “I’m doing it because I love watching you come. I love when you clench up and squeeze my cock inside you, when you make those sexy sounds, when your face gets all rosy red. I just cannot… get… enough of it.” He punctuated each word with a sensual thrust. “Come with me now, Annie,” he urged. “Together. Right now. Let’s fly together.”
“No,” she whispered, shaking her head, sure that it was part of his sorcerous plan to bind her to him utterly. She thrashed on the rumpled bed as he thrust his tongue into her mouth and ground his hips against hers. He insisted, using the innate skill of his body, changing the angle so that his hard shaft stroked relentlessly against her most sensitive point. He demanded, compelled, dragged her inexorably over the brink with him, and they fell through dark and light together, fused into a single pulsing wave of rapture.
When she came back to herself, she was weeping. Jacob rolled onto his side and gathered her close. At first she just lay there sobbing in his arms, but as consciousness crept back, her anger slowly ignited. How dare he presume to comfort her when he was the arrogant bastard who had reduced her to this ravished, unglued state. He was still inside her, wedged so deeply that she could feel his heartbeat pulsing against her womb. She lashed out at him, but he jerked away from the blow.
He swelled again to full arousal within her as she struggled, and she was suddenly exhausted. She went limp, sobs tearing at her chest. “Don’t, Jacob,” she whispered. “Leave me be. I can’t take any more.”
Jacob stared down at her, a tiny muscle pulsing in his jaw. His face convulsed, as if in pain, and he withdrew from her body. He sat on the edge of the bed and hunched over, putting his face in his hands. Annie curled up on the bed until the sobs subsided, and took deep, shuddering breaths, willing herself to calm down. Jacob’s muscular back was rigid and trembling. The room was utterly silent.
Jacob removed the condom without looking at her. He disposed of it and pulled on his jeans, his face an impenetrable mask. “Get dressed,” he said curtly. “We’re getting something to eat.”
Annie forced herself to sit up, draping her hair over her breasts, and watched him silently as he laced up his boots. “Would you bring me back a sandwich?” she asked, unable to control the tremor in her voice. “I’d like to take a bath.”
He frowned as he shrugged on his shirt, his face dubious.
“I could really use some privacy,” she said softly. “Please, Jacob.”
He walked slowly to the bed and pushed back the hair that veiled her face from him. He cradled her cheek and tilted her face up. “Do not leave this room,” he said slowly.
She shook her head.
He caressed her cheek with his fingertip, and stepped back, obviously reluctant. He plucked his wallet out of his jacket, and left.
And she could finally breathe.
Theoretically. If she breathed too deep, the tears would start again. If she held her breath, she would pass out. She compromised with short, strangled little gasps and stared at the horrendous motel art—some sort of obscenely bright-colored mallard duck. She put her hands over her eyes to block it out, and tried to pull herself together.
She had to grab onto the last, ragged, fluttering shred of her independent will and run, far and fast. She couldn’t let herself be taken over, swept away. For God’s sake, the man had just fucked her practically senseless, and she still wanted him. She doubled over with a strangled laugh and pressed her face against her knees.

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