Allende’s Chile and the Inter-American Cold War (65 page)

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Latin America through Soviet Eyes
, 153. See also Miller,
Soviet Relations with Latin America
, 148–84, 218.

Quotation from Kornbluh,
Pinochet File
, xiv.

Quotation from Intelligence Note, INR, “Coup in Chile Reveals African Mistrust of US,” 10 October 1973, box 2198/RG59/NARA; and Telegram, Schneider to SecState, 16 September, DOS/CFP.

Foreign Ministry Memorandum, Asesor Político to Señor Ministro, “Preparación de Conferencia de Países No Alineados,” 5 June 1973, Cumbre de Paises No Alineados: Zambia-1970/AMRE.

Wretched of the Earth
, 79–84.

Kennan to Acheson, 29 March 1950, in Holden and Zolov,
Latin America and the United Sates
, 195–98.

Kubisch interview, FD; Telcon, Kissinger and Emilo Rabasa, 18 September 1973, box 22/Telcons/NSCF/NPMP; Kissinger, Address to Luncheon for Latin American Foreign Ministers, Other Heads of Delegations to General Assembly, and UN Permanent Representatives, 5 October 1973, Telegram, SecState to All American Republic Diplomatic Posts, 7 October 1973, DOS/CFP; and
Memoria del Ministerio
, 71.

, 21 September 1973, 46–49.

Piñeiro, Speeches to DGLN, 2 March and 28 April 1974, in Suárez,
Manuel Piñeiro
, 109.

Condor Years
, 56.

Castro to Honecker, 21 February 1975, as quoted in Skierka,
Fidel Castro
, 206.

Intelligence Memorandum, Office of Current Intelligence and Directorate of Operations, “The Status of Cuban Subversion in Latin America,” 2 May 1975, CREST/NARA.

Soto interview, 7 July 2005.

Piñeiro, Speech to DGLN, 25 July 1974, in Suárez,
Manuel Piñeiro
, 120.

Kornbluh and Blight, “Our Hidden Dialogue with Castro.”

Conflicting Missions
, 228, 390–99

Brezhnev, 13 January 1980, as quoted in Garthoff,
Détente and Confrontation
, 928–29.

Telegram, SecState to Chargé Thompson, 5 December 1973, box 2194/RG59/NARA.

Ulianova, “La Unidad Popular y el Golpe,” 112–13.

Memorandum of Conversation, Zhou Enlai, Kissinger, et al., 13 November 1973, and Memorandum from the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs to President Nixon, 19 November 1973, docs. 59 and 62/FRUS/1969–1976/XVIII.

Schmitter, “Lessons of the Chilean Coup,” 343.

Santoni, “La Via Cilena al Socialismo nella Riflessione del Partito Comunista Italiano”; Urban,
Moscow and the Italian Communist Party
, 268–69; and Schmitter, “Lessons of the Chilean Coup in Europe,” 347.

Schmitter, “Lessons of the Chilean Coup in Europe,” 347–55.

Chilean Communist Party
, 121–24.

Ulianova, “La Unidad Popular y el Golpe,” 127, and Prizel,
Latin America through Soviet Eyes
, 167.

Piñeiro, Speech to DGLN, 28 April 1974, in Suárez,
Manuel Piñeiro
, 12, 107, 114.

Airgram, Davis to SecState, “The Military Junta at One Month,” 12 October 1973, box 2198/RG59/NARA.

Joan Garcés at “The Pinochet Case and Its Consequences 10 Years On” conference, London, 11 November 2008.

Estrada interview.

Allende as quoted by Fidel Castro, 28 September 1973, in Timossi,
Grandes Alamedas
, 179.

Allende, “Last Words,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 241.

A Note on Sources

Telcon, Kissinger and Rogers, 14 September 1970, in Kornbluh, “New Kissinger ‘Telcons’ Reveal Chile Plotting at Highest Levels of U.S. Government.”

Friedman, “Retiring the Puppets, Bringing Latin America Back In,” 625.

Blanton, “Recovering the Memory of the Cold War,” 67

Documents from this period have not yet been indexed. At present they are filed by document type (Oficios, Telex, Aerogram), classification (Confidenciales/Ordinarios), direction of correspondence, (Enviados/Recibidos or E./R.), country, and year.

For example, see Quiroga,
; Soto,
El Ultimo Día
; Estrada, “Allende’s Death In Combat”; Bautista Yofre,
Misión Argentina
; Martínez Corbalá,
Instantes de Decisión
; Marambio,
Armas de Ayer
; interviews with Paul Wimert and Nathaniel Davis (1999); Pérez, “La Izquierda”; Ulianova and Fediakova, “Chile en los Archivos de la URSS (1959–1973)”; and Gonzalez Pino and Fontaine Talavera,
Mil Días (I and II)

All online documents were accessed over the period 2003–10. Documents belonging to the Chile Declassification Project can be located by date after selecting declassification tranches and using the “List All” function.

On the burning of Allende’s papers, see Oña interview, 16 December 2004, and Soto,
El Ultimo Día
, 69–70, 73.

Castro, “Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On.”

Manuel Piñeiro
, 4.

On underlying questions, see Miller,
Soviet Relations with Latin America
, 127–29.

Hostile Intent
, 172–73.

UPI Press report, 11 September 1970, as quoted in Oficio Conf., Embachile Rio to Señor Ministro, 17 September 1970, Oficios Conf., E./R./Brasil/1970/AMRE.

Mario García Incháustegui, Press Conference, 15 September 1973, in
, 29 September 1973, 49; and Crimmins interview.

Primary Sources
Archival Documents
  • Arquivo Histórico, Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Brasilia
    • Oficios Recebidos da Embaixada do Brasil, Santiago, 1970–73
    • Oficios Recebidos da Embaixada do Brasil, Washington, D.C., 1970–73
    • Telegramas Recebidos da Embaixada do Brasil, Washington, D.C., 1970–73
  • Archivo General Histórico, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Santiago
    • Discursos del Presidente S. Allende Gossens, 1971
      • Fondo, Hernán Santa Cruz
      • Memorandos
        • Dirección Economica, 1967–74
        • Gabinete del Ministro, 1963–87
        • Jurídicos
        • Políticos
      • Memoria del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 1970–73
    • Oficios, Telexes y Aerograms (Enviados y Recibidos)
      • Argelia
      • Brasil
      • Cuba
      • Estados Unidos
      • México
      • Naciones Unidas
      • OEA
      • Perú
      • URSS
  • Archivo Nacional, Santiago
    • Fondo Orlando Letelier de Solar
  • Centro de Investigación y Documentación en Historia de Chile Contemporáneo, Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago
    • Fondo José Toribio Merino
  • Casa Memorial Salvador Allende, Havana
    • Press Archive, 1971
    • Private Collection (Miscellaneous Chilean Embassy Files)
    • Testimonies (Ulises Estrada and Jorge Timossi)
German Democratic Republic
  • Bundesarchiv, Berlin, Germany
    • Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv
  • Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten Berlin, Germany
  • Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych, Warsaw
    • Zespoly 40/75, 41/75, 12/78, and 13/78
United Kingdom
  • The National Archives, Kew, London
    • Prime Minister’s Files
    • Records of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
      • FCO7: American and Latin American Departments, 1967–76
      • FCO59: Economic Relations Department and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Financial Policy and Aid Department and Financial Policy Department, 1967–75
      • FCO61: United Nations (Economic and Social) Department, 1967–76
United States
  • National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland
    • Central Intelligence Agency Records Search Tool
      • Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of State, Subject and Numeric Files, 1970–73
      • Record Group 84: American Embassy Files, Santiago
  • Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Archives, College Park, Maryland
    • National Security Council Files
      • Institutional Files
      • Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts
      • Subject Files
    • Nixon White House Tapes
    • President’s Office Files
    • President’s Personal Files
Interviews by the Author

Carlos Alzugaray, Cuban diplomat, 10 September 2005, Havana, Cuba.

Carlos Amat, Cuban diplomat, 24 April 2006, Havana, Cuba.

Ana Maria Bussi, Allende’s niece, 9 April 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Manuel Cabieses, Mirista and managing editor,
Punto Final
, 25 March 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Carlos Chain, Cuban intelligence officer (early 1960s) and vice minister for foreign affairs (1967–72), 8 December 2004, Havana, Cuba.

John H. Crimmins, deputy assistant secretary for Latin American Affairs (1969–73) and U.S. ambassador in Brasilia (1973–78), 3 May 2005, Maryland.

Patricia Espejo, private secretary to Allende, 31 March 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Ulises Estrada Lescaille, head of Chilean operations at the DGLN (1970–73) and chargé d’affaires for political work and defense of the Cuban embassy in Chile (August–September 1973), 13 December 2004, Havana, Cuba.

Carlos Goméz,PS militant and member of the Chilean ELN, 23 October 2004, Los Andes, Chile.

Lincoln Gordon, U.S. ambassador to Brazil(1961–66), 2 May 2005, Washington, D.C.

Felix Huerta, PS militant and member of the Chilean ELN, 23 March and 20 April 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Ramon Huidobro, Chilean diplomat and ambassador to Argentina (1971–73), 18 and 28 October 2004, Santiago, Chile.

Isabel Jaramillo Edwards, private secretary to Allende, 24 November 2004 and 21 September 2005, Havana, Cuba.

Hilda Lopez, Quimantú employee and PCCh militant, 28 October 2004, Santiago, Chile.

Gonzalo Martínez Corbalá, Mexican ambassador in Santiago (1972–73), 30 December 2009, Mexico City, Mexico.

Pedro Martínez Pírez, first secretary of Cuban embassy in Chile, (1962–64), 15 December 2004, Havana, Cuba.

Luis Fernández Oña, DGLN officer and political counselor at the Cuban embassy in Chile (1970–73), 9 and 16 December 2004, 3 September 2005, 15 April and 2 May 2006, Havana, Cuba, and conversations, March–April 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Lisandro Otero, Cuban cultural attaché in Chile (1970–73), 17 December 2004, Havana, Cuba.

Anibal Palma, PR member and Chilean deputy foreign minister (1972), 23 October 2004, Santiago, Chile.

Andrés Pascal Allende, Mirista and Allende’s nephew, 6 April 2010, Santiago, Chile.

Gonzalo Rojas Pizarro, chargé d’affaires at Chilean embassy in Cuba (1972–73), 1 November 2004, Chillán, Chile.

Luis Suárez Salazar, DGLN analyst, 10 December 2004 and 12 September 2005, Havana, Cuba.

Luis Silva, PS militant, 31 March 2005, London.

Oscar Soto Guzman, Allende’s private cardiologist, 29 April 2005, Washington, D.C., and 7 July 2005, Madrid, Spain.

Volodia Teitelboim, PCCh senator, 5 November 2004, Santiago, Chile.

Jorge Timossi, Prensa Latina journalist in Santiago (1970–73), 14 September 2005, Havana, Cuba.

Javier Urrutia, representative of CORFO in the United States and financial advisor to the Chilean embassy in Washington, D.C., 27 October and 3 November 2004, Santiago, Chile.

Viron “Pete” Vaky, assistant to Kissinger for Latin American affairs (April 1969–November 1970), 27 April 2005, Washington, D.C.

Michel Vázquez Montes de Oca and Nelly A. Cubillas Pino, commercial attaché in Chile (1970–73) and his wife, 11 September 2005 and 23 April 2006, Havana, Cuba.

José Vierra, Cuban diplomat, 28 April 2006, Havana, Cuba.

Online Documents

Castro, F. “Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On.”
, 30 June 2008.

———. “The Second Declaration of Havana.” 4 February 1962.

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