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Authors: Kylie Griffin

Alliance Forged (18 page)

BOOK: Alliance Forged
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The bond between the warrior and Kymora came as no surprise. He’d seen her calm explosive situations before, using just her voice and skillful words, and Varian was volatile. His behavior and reactions that afternoon during the challenge and when he’d watched them by the graves was proof.

Some resented Kymora’s complete honesty, and there were times
she offended those she spoke to, but no one could claim her as lacking in generosity or that her compassion was insincere.

In fact, if anything, she was giving to a fault. She served their
very well, more than anyone he’d ever known, embodying the qualities of a true Handmaiden. This instilled confidence in those whose lives she touched, and Varian it seemed was no exception.

The warmth and excitement in her voice as she spoke about him made him wonder if there was more to their friendship than anyone expected. An unlikely pairing, one he didn’t believe would work. But then he’d assumed the same about Kalan and Annika.

He shook his head. Whether or not Kymora and Varian shared something other than friendship really was none of his business. Besides, his feeling was based on nothing more than instinct. For now, it would be best for all if he kept his thoughts to himself.

Chapter 16

VER the last three weeks,
patrols have attacked villages along the border.”

Kalan’s somber announcement started a murmuring among the humans. The musty odor of unease coming from them wafted on the evening breeze and prickled the hair on the back of Varian’s neck. His gaze swept the circle of those gathered for the meeting. Raids were common along the border. What had them so upset?

are taking slaves but only the healthy and fit.” In the flickering firelight, the furrows in Kalan’s brow were pronounced, the angles of his face more severe. “They’re leaving no survivors.”

Across the circle, Kymora’s head jerked up, her features slack with shock. “They’re massacring everyone else?”

Varian’s nostrils filled with the piquant scent of fear.

Her brother nodded. “By the time our outriders came across the attacks, the
had moved on or retreated back across the border.”

“This isn’t usual?” Varian asked.

“No. In the past they’d raid, capture as many as they could, then leave.” Kalan’s jaw flexed and the hand resting on his knee curled into a tight fist. “Their patrols have also attacked towns near Whitewater River—Tianda, Nan Pirto, and Crosso Falls.”

“They’re all a day’s ride inside our border!” This came from one of the crafters. The woman glanced at the man beside her. “My sister and her family live in Tianda….”

“There were wounded and more people taken.”

The woman gave a small cry and reached out to the man for comfort. Kalan’s words were little reassurance for the ones who’d lost family members in the raids, although Varian kept that thought to himself. Other humans began talking amongst themselves; a few rose to their feet, too upset to remain seated.

“Why were they attacked?” Varian had to raise his voice to be heard.

Kalan raised a hand for quiet, then spoke. “We suspect the
are testing our defenses. That, combined with the raids, suggests they’re stockpiling blood-slaves and gathering information for a larger incursion.”

Varian grunted. “Savyr’s reputed for going to war when he perceives a threat, whether it’s against other
clans or humans.”

“How are we a threat to him now?” asked another crafter.

“Annika believes he’s learned about our alliance.”

have never denied our existence.” Lisella’s brow creased, her slow tone thoughtful. “They’ve just killed us on sight. I don’t think they ever expected we’d find sanctuary here, and now that we have…”

“Exactly.” Kalan’s grin was more of a grimace than a smile. “While you are few in number, your scouts’ Gifts would benefit us in any conflict with the

gaze locked with Varian’s, level and steady. The knowledge of the enhanced abilities of the scouts was there in the
green depths. Who’d informed him? Arek? One of the other Light Blades?

“A scout in each patrol along the border would help even the odds in any confrontation,” Kalan continued. “It would give the Blade Council time to call in all off-duty Light Blades from across the provinces and to conduct searches for new warriors to join our ranks. We can no longer ignore the danger signs that suggest Savyr is preparing for war.”

“War?” someone cried. “
Mother of Mercy
, surely not!”

The musky odor hovering in the air thickened to almost overwhelming proportions. Varian’s heart began to pound. He drew in a deep, calming breath. Several
shifted restlessly as they too reacted to the increased level of the humans’ distress.

He traced the lip of his cup with his thumb. So, the reason for Kalan’s visit to their village was dual purposed? To deal with the rebels and request their help? To date, the
had been offered sanctuary and an alliance. They’d trained a handful of Light Blades in covert techniques but had yet to contribute in any significant way.

He gestured to the houses among the shadows. “Joining your patrols would mean leaving this village.”

“True.” The human leader gave a brief nod. “With the threat of more rebels, either renegade Light Blades or others who support the ex-Councilors, you’d all be safer back at Sacred Lake.”

grumbled at the suggestion. Varian kept his tone neutral. “And if we wished to remain here?”

“That’s your choice”—Kalan’s gaze never wavered—“but I would ask that you let me assign more Light Blades and others to live with you. You’re going to need help rebuilding your houses and planting more crops in time for winter.”

didn’t have the manpower to rebuild and replant, not in the time left before the seasons changed, and to forsake one for the other would leave them homeless or hungry come winter.

Varian glanced around the circle, his gaze lingering on the younger members of their group. Hardship was a way of life for all of them, even the little ones.

“You’re going to need every warrior for this coming war.” He was sure Kalan knew that. “We’ve made do before with living in caverns, we can do so again.”

“Rebuilding here or living in the caverns, I’d still like more Light Blades living among you.” The hard-edged steel in Kalan’s voice reinforced the promise he’d made to them months ago. “I won’t compromise on your safety.”

Varian inclined his head, impressed that the
Lady’s Chosen
continued to be a man of his word. Kalan wanted this alliance to work as much as he did.

“Whether we live here or there, there’s still the chance we’ll be attacked.” Taybor, one of Rystin’s strongest supporters, spoke up, a deep frown on his brow. “We’re not going to know who the rebels are.”

They had enemies within and without. Varian raised an eyebrow, curious as to how the human leader would respond.

Kalan acknowledged the statement with a nod. “The Blade Council has imposed sanctions on the families of these renegades. They’ll also be enforced on anyone who supports them. Trade, services, supplies, labor, travel.” He raised a finger for every area he listed. “Restrictions or bans will be placed on accessing or utilizing them.”

, some of the families might be ignorant of what’s happening.” Kymora bit her lip. “Is it fair to punish them as well?”

“The decision wasn’t made lightly. These families can petition to have the sanctions lifted. An aura-Gifted will be present in the meeting to validate the sincerity of those who appeal.”

“Aura-Gifted?” Varian glanced across the circle. “This skill is like yours, Kymora?”

She nodded. “Yes, although it’s much more finely tuned to
thoughts and emotion. A rare Gift, extremely reliable, but one that makes it hard for these people to live among others.”

“So, the sanctions are a deterrent.” Varian speared Kalan with his gaze. One more issue needed to be dealt with before he made any decision. “But what of the renegade Light Blades?”

“They’ve already been stripped of that title and they’ll be imprisoned alongside the ex-Councilors.”

“We would have killed them.” There was little warmth in his tone.

Kalan barely blinked. “You had every right to defend yourselves, but capturing the rebels has helped.”

“How so?”

“When the Blade Council received Arek’s message, your restraint was seen as an act of mercy by the Councilors. You’ve proven yourselves different from the
.” Kalan’s gaze never wavered and Varian appreciated his bluntness. “By assisting us to defend the border, others will see you cooperating with us against the
. There’s nothing more convincing than seeing an alliance in action.”

“A common cause to offset anxieties?”

“And to establish a bond.” Kalan inclined his head in agreement. “I’m not dismissing your concerns about being attacked or the problems we’re all experiencing adjusting to one another, but time is a luxury we can no longer afford. I’m expecting as much of my own people as I am of yours.”

The promise Kalan had made to the Blade Council a few months ago involved him stepping down as the
Lady’s Chosen
if the alliance proved a failure. He was risking his future as much as the

“Hesia warned us many times of Savyr’s unwavering desire to see the human territories conquered and enslaved.” A familiar pang of loss pricked close to Varian’s heart as he thought of her. “She knew we’d stand a better chance working together.”

“So, you’re saying we really don’t have a choice about staying here
in the village.” Taybor’s terse declaration brought about a flurry of remarks.

Varian ran a hand through his hair and zeroed in on the small group of
sitting around Taybor. Even without scenting them, their tense gestures and terse whispering betrayed their fear. His soul ached to see them so affected. Trusting others would never come easily, not with the life they’d led up until now.

But retreating and hiding from the humans and
wasn’t the answer. They’d be living half a life, spending every day looking over their shoulders, confined by restrictions to ensure their safety, never allowed to enjoy the pleasure of true freedom. What sort of leader would he be to condemn them to that style of life? They all deserved something better, but forcing the reluctant would do more damage than good.

“It’s a time of compromise.” Kalan’s voice rose over the others. He waited until all discussion ceased, then leaned forward. “There’s a wing of apartments in the Light Blade compound I’ve made available to you. The rooms are in a much more private area than the storage building-cum-dormitory we constructed for you last time. That space would be yours, strictly off-limits to everyone else, unless invited.”

A thoughtful and generous gesture. Varian’s estimation of the human leader lifted several notches.

Taybor rose to his feet, his jaw clenched at a stubborn angle. “This needs to be said, but you may not like what I have to say.”

“You’re free to express your opinion.” Varian kept his tone level. “You know I value everyone’s thoughts.”

“It’s no secret some of us think the alliance with the humans isn’t going to work….” His voice trailed off and he glanced at those seated on the ground beside him and received several nods of encouragement. “And your word is law, Varian. We know if you agree to the
plans, we’ll have to cooperate.” His gaze flickered to Kalan and he dipped his head. “We appreciate the compromise, but the simple fact is there are those of us not comfortable with total inclusion. Not yet.”

Varian inhaled a deep breath. A faint bitterness tainted the air. How was he to balance the needs of those who were afraid and the demands of living up to their part of the alliance?

“Safety overrules anyone’s unease, Taybor.” His hard tone had the younger man’s brows dipping low.

“Varian, may I make a suggestion?” Kymora’s question stalled his response. “What if the
return to Sacred Lake, but only those who volunteered would work with the crafters who’ve lived here with us, or go on patrol, or help with the searches?”

The flames consuming the wood in the central campfire popped and crackled in the quiet that followed her question. Almost every pair of eyes turned to him. Relief flooded through Varian with Kymora’s proposal. Had she sensed his concern? He didn’t care if she had, not this time. He released a slow, soft breath. This was something he could work with.

“We’ll return to Sacred Lake,” he stated, then fixed his gaze on the scout. “And the
Temple Elect’s
suggestion is an acceptable alternative for those who need more time to adjust.”

Taybor nodded once and retook his seat among the others.

Kalan lifted his cup in salute, the corners of his mouth curling upward. “To the success of our alliance.”

Varian raised his and others followed their example. Much of the tension of the last several minutes eased with the toast.

“With the decision made, perhaps we can end the meeting and spend some time catching up with friends?” Kymora asked.

“A good idea,” Kalan agreed. “But there’s one more thing I’d like to discuss with you, Arek, and Varian privately.”

A frown creased Kymora’s brow. Varian met Arek’s gaze, one eyebrow lifting. The warrior shrugged. The
hadn’t informed his Second of the topic to be discussed.

Varian pushed to his feet. “Let’s go for a walk.” He gestured toward a pathway leading into the darkness beyond the firelight. “This way.”

Chapter 17

ENEATH Kymora’s fingertips, the muscles in Kalan’s forearm were tight and hard, much like the heaviness saturating his aura. She smoothed her hand over the coarse weave of his shirtsleeve until she could lace her fingers through his.

BOOK: Alliance Forged
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