Along Came Merrie (16 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Along Came Merrie
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“So who’s this Axe?” Christianson asked, ignoring him.

“He’s my sergeant at arms,” North answered. “As such, I’m asking you to leave this to me.”

“Leave it to you?” Christianson snorted. “What? Biker justice? We all know what that means, Mr. Tabion—an unmarked grave somewhere in these mountains.”

North stiffened. “Don’t believe everything Hollywood spits out, Detective. I’m perfectly willing to bring Axe to you once my crew and I have stripped him of his MC privileges.”

“I’ve been working organized and gang crimes for a long time,” Christianson said, “which means I’ve heard a lot of bullshit in my life so forgive me if I don’t fucking believe you.”

North took a forceful step in his direction. Givon jumped in front of him and held his shoulders.

“Not now,” Givon whispered.

“This is a club matter,” North insisted in a low voice. “Axe is a traitor to the Pack.”

“I know. And I understand, North. You hear me?” Givon insisted. “I respect that.”

North stared at him then slowly eased back, nodding.

“Wait a minute,” Detective Christianson said. “Are you saying this Axe has defected to another club? This is just a dispute over colors?”

“This is a dispute over loyalty,” North corrected. “The Demon Devils moved into our territory.”

The detective scratched his chin. “You’re clubhouse is over the county line, though, isn’t it? So technically, there isn’t a jurisdiction boundary, is there?”

At the taunt, North curled his hands into fists. For an instant, Merrie thought the biker was going to deck the cop. But Givon placed a hand on North’s shoulder, which seemed to diffuse some of North’s tension.

“Regardless,” the sheriff said. “Axe has to be brought in for questioning, and it’s up to Merrie to press charges.”

Suddenly, all eyes turned in her direction. What had she missed?

“Merrie,” Braden said. “You need to press charges. That man has to pay for what he did to you.”

She looked at each of them, helpless to make a decision. All she had wanted was to forget.

“What…what does that mean?” she asked, trying to stall.

“By pressing charges, you would be signing a complaint alleging Axe of violating the law,” Givon explained. “And by agreeing to press charges, you are also agreeing to testify against him in court.”

“You mean I would have to confront him. See him again.”

Givon nodded. “Unless he confesses.”

“He won’t confess,” North said. Givon glared at him.

“Do I do that now?” she asked.

“No,” Givon said. “I have to bring him in for questioning first then you need to come to the station within twenty-four hours to press charges. Merrie, if you don’t, he’ll walk free and you’ll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “I…I need to think.”

She saw he wasn’t happy with her answer but he eased back and relaxed his stance.

“All right,” he said. “You have twenty-four hours. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she replied.

He gave a single stiff nod then headed for the door. North followed him. Detective Christianson watched both men before he turned back to Braden, Leo and Merrie.

“I would advise against pressing charges,” he said.

“What?” Braden said angrily. “You want her to just let this asshole get away with this?”

“Listen to me,” the detective said, keeping his focus on Merrie. “I’ve worked organized crime for twenty years and in that time, I’ve seen the gauntlet of witnesses. An outlaw motorcycle gang won’t hesitate to hurt you in any way possible to shut you up. Even if you run, they’ll come after your loved ones. Gangs work through fear and intimidation but it’s also a guarantee. Think long and hard, Miss Walden, before you go accusing a member of a crime.”

The detective strode out of the house as well, leaving Merrie shaking in her shoes. She thought she was safe but it seemed the only way to make sure was to forget the incident had ever happened.


* * * *


“Let me handle this,” North insisted again.

“I can’t,” Givon said. “Axe beat her, for God’s sake. I’ve seen the pictures. He forced her to jump out of a moving car, breaking her wrist. If it wasn’t for her quick thinking and her bravery, I’d be investigating a homicide.”

“This is my problem,” North insisted. “The club will handle Axe.”

“You told me you were going legit,” Givon said, keeping his voice low so no one could over hear him.

“I am.”

“Then back me on this.”

Frustrated, North ran a hand through his hair. “I have to tell the other officers. He’s in charge of security for the club, for fuck’s sake!”

“Then talk them into giving him to me.”

Detective Christianson stormed out of the house. His glare landed immediately on Givon.

“You’ve interfered in my investigation,” the man snarled.

“What investigation?” Givon demanded. “You never even contacted me.”

“Your office is part of this fucking mess,” the detective declared. “Accusations have been made against you—”

“I’m pretty sure I know who my leak is,” Givon interrupted. “If the Department of Criminal Investigations comes to Destiny then I have nothing to hide.”

“We’ll see, Sheriff,” the detective snarled. He turned his back and stomped to his car. A few seconds later, he roared away from the house with a furious spin of tires on the rocky driveway.

“What an ass,” North remarked.

“I don’t like that man,” Givon admitted. “Come on. Let’s go find Axe.”


Detective Christianson angrily dialed his brother. Axe picked up on the second ring.

“North knows,” he snapped. “They’re on their way. Get the hell out of there and disappear or else the girl might press charges.”

“Ah, you do care about me,” Axe drawled.

“Fuck you. If she doesn’t press charges, you won’t get arrested and you don’t mention my name. Once I retire, I’m done. Understand?”

He ended the call before his brother said another damn word. He was tired of this shit. His retirement was set to start on Monday, which left him three days. No fucking way was he going to allow his brother to screw this up. If Axe simply laid low, maybe disappeared from the Red Wolves altogether, then his problems would be solved.

As long as he got his health benefits then his brother could go drown in a fucking lake, for all he cared.

Chapter Twenty




For the first time in a long time, Merrie felt as though she could relax. No more wondering or worrying. Axe would be dealt with and all she had to do was decide if she was going to press charges.

Of course she would.

Wouldn’t she?

Did she want him loose on the streets, able to get to her again? She knew North had said he’d deal justice but she didn’t know if she could fully trust him to keep his word. Gangs stuck together and if push came to shove, Merrie didn’t hold out hope that North would condemn one of his biker brothers.

“Have you ever ridden a horse?” Braden asked, startling her out of her musings.

“Yes,” she said. She hadn’t grown up in her hometown in rural Wyoming or worked on a dairy farm without learning how to ride a horse.

He smiled. “How about the three of us take a ride, enjoy the rest of the day before I have to go back to work?”

She shot Leo a quick glance, who nodded.

“That would be wonderful,” she said.

Since she didn’t have boots to wear, her sneakers would have to do. Braden drove to the barn then introduced her to a little mare named Sassy. Sassy’s dark chocolate coat gleamed in the sunlight. She bobbed her head in a greeting and Merrie patted the soft white fur on her face. And the horse didn’t just walk. She pranced.

“That’s why her name is Sassy,” Braden explained.

“I love her.” Merrie stroked the mare’s velvety nose. Sassy nudged her arm, clearly looking for a treat. “I didn’t bring anything with me, sweetheart. Next time, okay?”

They saddled their horses then took off at a moderate pace across the rolling green hills. Destiny backed up to the Wind River Mountain Range, a part of the Rocky Mountains. It was a popular tourist destination of hiking, climbing and skiing, and Braden and Leo’s ranch had an eastern view of the sweeping landscape.

“Wyoming’s highest peak is Gannett,” Braden told her, pointing into the distance. “It’s about thirteen thousand eight hundred feet.”

“Although there’s about fifty mountain peaks in the Wind River Mountains at thirteen thousand feet,” Leo cut in dryly.

Merrie laughed. “I must admit, even though I grew up in Wyoming, I didn’t know all that much about the mountains, especially this range.”

They rode across the flat grass, between the trees and over a little mound into their own private clearing. Nearby a river sped past, its water glistening in the bright sunlight. Merrie couldn’t help but wonder if this was the same river she’d walked through during
night. It probably was. There weren’t many rivers in the area. She shivered despite the warm sunshine.

The men dismounted and she followed course, loosely tying the reins on a low-hanging branch.

“This is a beautiful place,” she said. “Peaceful.”

“And secluded.” A wicked little gleam in Leo’s eyes hinted that he had something fun in mind.

“Oh?” she inquired, her heart skipping a beat. “And just what would we do all by ourselves to stay occupied?”

Leo pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his, kissing her long and deep. Her senses spun and she clung to him.

“Merrie,” he moaned as he broke the kiss to lick his way down her neck. “Lean against Braden.”

Braden brought his arms around her shoulders and trapped her back against his chest—not that she intended to get away. Leo loomed over her, staring into her eyes for a moment before he claimed her lips again, sliding his tongue into her mouth to dance with hers. As Leo cupped her breasts and rubbed them through her shirt, Braden shimmied his hands down the sides of her body until he reached her hips. She wiggled her ass against his hard cock and he nuzzled her neck, just as he unzipped her pants so he could slide his hands inside and under her panties. As soon as he touched her clit, she almost jumped out of her skin, moaning.

“You are so sexy,” Braden murmured in her ear, his voice heavy with sexual need. “Sexy and beautiful.”

“And ours,” Leo added. “Right, sweetheart? You’re ours.”

With Braden to her back and Leo tormenting her aching breasts, Merrie could only whimper her affirmation. Yes, she was theirs, and they were hers—and everything she’d ever wanted in life was finally within her grasp. A home filled with love plus not one, but two, wonderful men.

As Braden pushed his finger into her, and Leo pinched her nipples, she bucked her hips and wiggled, seeking something and going crazy when the men continued their ruthless assault on her senses. They teased her, revving her up little by little until she could no longer contain her climax. She exploded, riding Braden’s fingers as Leo swallowed up her passionate cry of release.

“That’s it,” Leo breathed against her mouth.

She humped Braden’s hand, her inner walls milking her orgasm for a few breathless moments. As she slowly filtered back to reality, Braden removed his hand from between her thighs but kept his hard body pressed against her back. Leo gave one last swipe with his fingers against her nipples before cupping her face to give her a light kiss.

Both men helped her undress and her clothes fell at her feet. “Turn around, Merrie,” Leo ordered.

She obeyed. Now she stared up at Braden and she saw all the love, the tenderness and yes, even the lust shining from his eyes.

Behind her, Leo ran one hand over the curve of her bottom, down the back of her thighs then up between them to touch her intimately. He dropped to his knees level with her ass and nudged her legs apart. The stance gave him better access to her anus. With his thumb, he circled the tight ring of muscles there. She tensed but the pressure he applied caused her to squirm.

“Don’t worry,” Leo assured her. “I brought plenty of condoms and lube.”

The soft noises of the picnic basket opening then closing teased her ears, and a second later, cool gel drizzled into her crack. She gasped. Leo smeared the lube on and around her anus, his feathery strokes soon heating her blood and causing her juices to run. Now slick, he pressed his fingers inward. He bent one finger, rubbing along the back wall of her passage to stretch her. Slowly, he breached her with another digit, widening her. The thrust and burn took her breath away.

“You’re so gorgeous.” Leo groaned. “So wet. Feel how wet she is, Braden.”

During all this time, Braden had simply watched her reaction to Leo’s ministrations, but now he teased down along her stomach and slid his hand through her curls. When he found her folds, he dipped a finger into her warmth.

“So wet,” he agreed. “I want to fuck this pussy. Would you like that, Merrie? Would you like my cock buried in your tight little cunt while Leo discovers the delights of your ass?”

Merrie panted. Not only did the images turn her on, but the fact that Braden was saying them revved her higher.

She moaned. “Oh yes.”

Braden dropped to his knees to kiss her belly button then licked his way south until he reached the apex of her thighs. He nudged them apart and a second later, he licked her and sucked on her clit. He pushed one finger into her wet pussy then began thrusting, back and forth, hitting her G-spot and driving her out of her mind.

Leo placed his finger at her back entrance, prepping for penetration by mimicking Braden’s fingers pumping inside her pussy. Before she even realized what was happening, her body exploded into a thousand pieces, shattering her strength. Stars bloomed behind her eyes and dimly she heard the rustle of condom wrappers tearing open. She opened her eyes and saw Braden lie down on the grass, his cock swollen and hard. He held her hand to help steady her as she straddled him. She fisted his dick, locked gazes with him and slowly lowered herself. Since he was big, it took her a moment to adjust to his girth.

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