Alpha Fighter (6 page)

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Authors: Ava Ashley

Tags: #coming of age, #bad boy, #mma fighter romance, #mixed martial arts, #military romance, #sports romance, #navy seal, #sex, #romance, #new adult

BOOK: Alpha Fighter
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"Thanks," I say, taking the binder and a blank notebook to start cataloging. I'm pretty busy with that for the rest of the morning, but Tamryn eventually stops me sometime in the early afternoon to grab a bite for lunch across the street at Bennie's Pizza. We're sitting in a booth over steaming slices of pepperoni pie when Tamryn gives me a sly smile. 

"So, interesting ride to work today?" she asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, 

"I know that car," says Tamryn, "Every girl in town knows that car."

"Oh?" I ask. I try to keep my voice casual.

"So, what's the story with you and cutie Cooper?" Tamryn winks at me. "New in town and already with the stud, huh?" 

"Oh, we're not together." I can tell I'm blushing redder than the pizza sauce on my slice. I take a bite and look down at my table as I chew. "We're just roommates."

"With benefits?" Tamryn smirks. "Come on, you know you want to tap that. Who doesn't?"

"No, we're just roommates," I repeat. "So he's a lady's man, huh?"

"No more than Casanova." Tamryn shrugs. "Honestly, it's more that women throw themselves at Cooper any chance they get than that he actually tries to be suave." Great. All the more reason to stay far, far,
away from Cooper. 

"Have you seen that body? Have you seen that man fight?" Tamryn seems to have forgotten all about her lunch as she gazes off into the distance in a lusty daydream. “I’m not even an MMA fan chick or anything, but that man makes me want to line up by the ring and throw my bra in the air like the worst of ’em.”

"I haven't seen him fight," I say, not mentioning that I have seen his ridiculously appealing abs and perfect chest. "Is he any good?"

"Is he any good? He's a fucking beast." Tamryn shakes her head and picks up her pizza again. "Panties dropping, left and right."


She just wiggles her eyebrows suggestively as she munches on her pizza.

I try not to think about Cooper in the ring, dripping sweat down his perfect chest, his piercing blue eyes narrowed in concentration. I try not to think about his muscles tensing and jaw set. I try not to let my mental fighting ring turn into his bedroom and I try not to let his opponent turn into me. I try not to think about what it would feel like to have him use those muscles to pick me up, push me against a wall, and take me, deeply and passionately.

The damp spot in my panties tells me my efforts aren't as successful as I'd like.

Chapter Fourteen


drop the shopping bags on the counter and shake my head in disbelief when I realize what I'm doing. I went to a bar where a sure thing was waiting for me, like she does every Thursday, in her almost publicly indecent hot pants and little tube top causing rises all along the bar. I chatted her up, ordered us each a drink. She giggled, gave me that 'I'm ready' look, and then I left. Without her.

To go to the grocery store and buy food to cook dinner for a girl who is about as far from a sure thing as they get. In fact, she's so far on the other end that she's a surely not. She's off limits.

So here I am, looking at two bags of nice groceries from one of those overpriced supermarkets where everything's organic-this or fair-trade-that, preparing to spend too much time and too much effort romancing a chick who's too much trouble to even consider.

I tell myself that I'm not actually romancing this chick. I'm just being a good guy. She had a huge interview today and a nice dinner would be a great effort. Besides, a relaxed, happy girl is more likely to let her guard down and let me figure out what her story is than a stressed, hungry one. And last of all, she cleaned the whole fucking apartment yesterday and made it gleam like some Maple Street penthouse, for fuck's sake. I'm just returning the favor with a gesture of roommate good will.

Yeah, right.

Roommate good will is great and all, but I don't think there are many roommates out there, good will or not, who would sacrifice a sure lay with a smokin' chick to make dinner for their roommate pal. No guy is

So what the fuck am I doing?

I shake my head and stare at the grocery bags. Ah, well. Too late now. I'm not getting laid anymore and a man has to eat.

I'm making pretty much the only thing I know how to make, my ma's lasagna with rolls from the store and a salad on the side, when Savannah stumbles in, mid-yawn.

"Oh, hi" she says, stretching as she slides her backpack off her shoulders and holds it by the top strap. "Whatever you're making, it smells amazing."

"Thanks. I'm just whipping up some dinner," I say, "It should be ready in about fifteen minutes. Care to join me? There's plenty to share."

"Really? That would be awesome, I'm starving!" Savannah tucks some hair behind her ear. "I'll just take a quick shower and then I'll help set the table."

"So I take it the interview went well?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Her face lights up with a huge, beautiful smile. "I got the job!"

"Congratulations!" I'm still fighting not to think of her in the shower and how much I'd like to be with her in there. Though then we'd need more than fifteen minutes before dinner...

"Thanks," she says, then shifts on her feet a little awkwardly and really adorably. "Okay, well, I'm going to go shower now..."

"Have fun," I say. I can't keep the wicked gleam out of my eye and the cute blush that spreads across her face makes it so worth it.

I enjoy the view a little too much for my own good as she leaves the room. Damn, those toned legs meet that perfectly curvy ass in the most ridiculously sexy way. If only those cutoffs weren't in the way.

By the time she's out of the shower, dressed—unfortunately—and back in the kitchen to set the table, I'm pulling the lasagna out of the oven. It actually looks pretty good.

She sets the table in silence, though I catch her stealing glances at me now and then. The air is charged and, by the rate at which she's blushing, I know she feels it, too.

If she weren't my roommate, I would throw caution to the wind and forget about how bad an idea it would be to get involved with a girl who's as much of a mystery, and intentionally so, as this one. My big head is clearly not the one in charge of my desires at the moment, and all I want is to pick her up by her pretty little waist, throw her down on the table that she's in the middle of setting, pull down her cutoffs to reveal that perfect ass, and give her the proper fucking I've been wanting to since I first saw her.

Instead, I eat dinner with her. We eat in near silence for a few minutes, interrupted only by her saying thanks and raving about how good the lasagna is. It's nice to see a girl with an appetite, for once. She's slim, but not a twig, and she likes enjoying her food. Unlike the girls I usually eat with, she doesn't poke around at her food or try to act like salad is the only thing she sees on the table. She takes a healthy serving of both the salad and lasagna and eats freely and unselfconsciously. She's a woman who knows how to enjoy herself.

That's not a good train of thought to go down, though, and I know it. So though we're eating in companionable, perfectly comfortable silence, I finally break it. Mostly to drown out my own thoughts and keep them from going places they shouldn't, like under her clothes.

We chat about her work. She tells me about her position as all around lackey, referring to it somewhat self-deprecatingly, but I can see her pride. It lights up her face with energy and ambition in an incredibly appealing way. She asks me about my fighting, teasing that she has heard about me from co-workers. The raised eyebrow and sassy smile she gives me turn me on.

It's getting to be a somewhat uncomfortable dinner for me, since I'm not getting the release that every look and smile and move of hers makes me need more and more, but it's also so enjoyable that I make myself deal with the growing discomfort from my increasingly tight pants. Savannah gives it right back to me; I haven't been challenged like this since the early days with Sarah. Savannah's laugh is like music. I can't help but smile when I hear it and I find myself wanting to make her do it again and again.

There's something about this girl.

After dessert—slices of a shared chocolate cake that I picked up from the bakery aisle of the grocery store because women like chocolate—Savannah and I clear the table. She gets started washing the dishes while I wipe down the table, and I pause for a moment to admire her beautiful figure. She's humming a little to herself, under her breath, and gently swaying her head from side to side, her shiny hair swishing across her back.

I bring the sponge back up to the sink just as she's turning to put a plate in the drying rack. She gives a little 'oh' of surprise and almost stumbles. Reflexively, I reach out to steady her.

And then she's mere inches from me, my hands on her arms, holding her up. She smells lightly of something sweet and floral and delicious. She looks up at me, eyes wide and beautiful, rimmed by dark lashes and set in her perfect face. Her lips are slightly parted and I look at them just a moment too long. It's hard to pull my look away and we get even closer for a moment, as our bodies take control and draw us together.

Then it's like a switch flicks in her brain or she has suddenly remembered something. She breaks away from me, drops the plate in the drying rack, and runs out of the kitchen. I hear her door slam shut behind her.

I can't figure this girl out. Worse, I care.

Chapter Fifteen


he door slams shut behind me, making the thin walls around it shake a bit. I lean back against the door and slide down it, like I'm barring someone from entering my room. It's an absolutely ridiculous gesture, because the only thing that is endangering me at the moment is myself and my pent-up libido. Eighteen years of chastity, eighteen years of purity, eighteen years of never giving in to impulse or desire. Eighteen years of self-restraint that I just almost threw away for a tall fighter with piercing blue eyes and hair that's just the right kind of shaggy.

I'm breathing hard, like I just ran ten miles, but exercise isn't why my heart is pounding the way it is in my chest. My whole body feels alive and I'm pulsing with lust, longing, and just plain curiosity. I'm curious about what else is out there. What is sex, this forbidden fruit, like? What would it be like to feel Cooper's hard cock move inside me?

I blush at the thought, but it's thrilling all the same.

And then there's the longing. For those brief moments in the kitchen right after Cooper steadied me, when I was no longer unbalanced but Cooper was still holding me firmly in his hands, I felt safe. It makes no sense to feel safe with someone who is such a danger to me by mere virtue of his gender and attractiveness. It makes even less sense to feel safe with someone as renowned for his bachelor ways, and habit of hopping from woman to woman, as Cooper seems to be. But somehow I felt safe with him, against all logic and against all reason. I felt safer than I have felt in years.

I felt like I could just be myself and that was enough. I didn't need to be Savannah Santos, daughter of Flint Santos and future Mrs. Nate Moreno. I could just be Savannah, a young woman finding her way in the world with a dream and a sketchpad and a heart full of desire.

Still, even though my feelings make no sense, I wish I could give in to them. I wish I could ignore the fact that it would be unacceptably irresponsible to entangle Cooper, an innocent bystander to my life, in the mess that getting involved with me would be. If I feel anything for the handsome man who gave me a ride to work and cooked me dinner, even anything as minimal as basic human respect, I owe him the decency of staying far, far away from him.

So instead of opening my door and going back to the kitchen to finish what I almost started, I close my eyes and indulge myself in an imaginary world where I'm Savannah Quin, Cooper isn't a total player, and we can be together. I pull my shirt over my head and unhook my bra, cupping my bare breasts in my hands as I gently massage my nipples and pretend that my hands are Cooper's. I take a hand off of one of my breasts to slide into my pants, instead, and then into my underwear. As I rub my clit, I pretend that I'm rubbing myself against the length of Cooper's stiff erection.

I can't risk losing my virginity, because the motorcycle club board goons would definitely check the wedding bed of a motorcycle club princess after her wedding night, so the rest is pure imagination without manual simulation. Eyes still closed, I keep playing with my clit as I imagine Cooper thrusting his erection deep inside my soaking wet pussy and filling me like no man ever has before. That thought sends me over the edge and soon after I come, I fall into a deep and blissful sleep.

Chapter Sixteen


'm pretty sure Vlad can tell something is up the next day at morning training, but he doesn't say anything. It's a fight day so I need to focus, and dredging up subconscious shit isn't going to help me do that. Besides, Vlad knows I'm not some punk and know how to channel my energy towards a singular goal. From my time as a SEAL, I have an unusual ability to hyper-focus and zone in on my target. 

Tonight, it's this punk-ass, rich kid boxer. This kid, Nate, isn’t even in my league, but he’s between leagues at the moment. No one in his own league will fight him anymore, because they’re beat before they even step into the ring, but no higher organizations would sign him yet. He has to prove his worth; that’s the way it works in MMA fighting, no matter who your daddy is. Anyway, the kid got lucky because my original opponent for tonight’s fight, last year's second place fighter, was an absolute idiot and got himself shot in a bar brawl. The loser doped like nobody’s business. Anyway, it’s no surprise that his brain was too fried to avoid getting shot right before the big tournament. A real man doesn't need steroids and supplements. A real man works for his victories and wins them through the strength of his body and the force of his mind alone.

Since my original opponent couldn’t fight, and he got himself taken out too close to the match for the league to reschedule, so someone else could fight me, they need someone from another organization to step in for the fight. Giving Nate a shot was better than just canceling the fight entirely. Too much money was already out there in sold tickets and bets and the fans are already all riled up.

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