Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection (12 page)

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection
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“What are you doing?” Sahara asked. “Put me back down on the floor. I don’t have time for this.”

Touching her legs, he spread them further apart so he could step between them. “I wanted us to be the same height, so I’ll be able to touch you the way I’ve been dreaming about since I realized you’re my forever.”

Sahara wished that Jax would stop saying she was his mate because, instead of bothering her like it used to in the past, the more she listened to the words coming from Jax’s lips, the better it sounded to her ears.

What would it be like to have someone as gorgeous as Jax into her, but she couldn’t allow herself to get caught up with someone who thought he was really a vampire. It just didn’t make any sense at all. She truly wondered if her Uncle Frank knew about any of this. Surely, he wouldn’t have hired Jax if he knew his closest friend was this way.

If she fell into the sexy way Jax had of talking to her she wouldn’t ever be able to shake off his way of seducing her with his words. She already had a hard enough time keeping him in the category of her bodyguard and not potential boyfriend. It wasn’t like her at all to think of any attractive male who worked around her as a future love interest.

“Jax, you really need to
─” Sahara words were cut off in mid-sentence when Jax
dipped his head running his tongue down the side of her neck.

“Shhh...” he whispered softly. “Just let me taste you and love you. I can promise you that it will be so
...better than anything you have ever experienced in your life.”

“How do you know that I haven’t already come into contact with all those wonderful experiences with another man?” Sahara tossed back trying to hold on the last of her slipping control.

Raising his head, Jax’s eyes slowly went from a beautiful shade of green until they looked almost pitch black. “I can smell that there hasn’t been a man before me on your sweet body. In addition, you
will have another man’s scent on you because I’ll tear him to pieces without a second thought.”

Sahara felt a warm glow flow through her at that moment. She had never in her life been so wrapped up inside a silken cocoon of euphoria before and the hunk in front of her was the person causing it.

This was one of the rare times in her life that she wasn’t totally focused on working on a new song or a dance routine for an upcoming appearance.

“How do I smell?” she asked, secretly holding her breath as she waited for Jax’s answer.

“Sweet, spicy, sinful and untouched,” Jax murmured in a low silky voice sending tiny tremors down her spine. “All of the qualities that my mate should have and I want her to have. Now that’s enough talking about me. Let me get back to what I was doing when you stopped to ask me that question.”

Drawing her earlobe into his mouth, Jax slipped his hand between her thighs moving her panties to the side then easing two thick fingers into her while his mouth didn’t stop making love to her ear steadily driving her out of her mind.

Placing his left hand on the dresser behind them, Jax used the position to gain more leverage as he pushed his digits further causing her body to welcome the slight penetration and fullness.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” he encouraged softly as her breathing sped up. Moving his thumb around in a circle, he stimulated her already highly aroused body with the added movement of his fingers.

Suddenly, Jax worked in a third finger sending her over the edge. The sound of her panties ripping filled her ears the second before Jax dropped down to his knees and his mouth covered her sensitive area shooting her orgasm through her body. Moaning, Jax pressed his face closer as his finger dug into her thighs and he lapped up her juices.

“Let go,” he whispered softly against her skin as his lips moved away from her. “Come for me, baby.”

Tossing her head back, Sahara screamed as another orgasm tunneled out of her soul then all over the rest of her trembling body. Suddenly shock set in, Sahara gasped when Jax’s fangs pinched her inner thigh, breaking through the skin.

The memory of the amazing orgasm Jax had exploding from her was gone as she felt the run of blood leaving her body going into Jax’s waiting mouth. It was one of the scariest and sexiest things Sahara had ever experienced in her entire life, but in the end fear won out.

“Stop,” she pleaded pushing at Jax’s shoulder. “I don’t want this.” She continued to plead with Jax until he finally lifted his head licking a drop of her blood from the corner of his mouth.

She watched as his eyes turned from two black pools slowly back into the vivid green eyes she loved looking into so much when they got into one of their usual disagreements.

“Sahara, you’re a step closer to being mine. Now that I’ve had a taste of you I would truly kill any other man who might try to take you away from me.”

A momentary slither of panic swept through her as a thrill of frightened anticipation touched her spine. How was she supposed to answer him after a statement like that? Jax was acting too possessive of her and she didn’t know how to handle those emotions or him.

“Look, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sahara said as she eased off the dresser stumbling a bit when her feet touched the floor. Her mind was so cloudy she could barely form a complete thought on her own and it felt completely out of her character for her.

Jax’s hand instantly shot out to catch her but she sidestepped his touch. She was already wound too tight as it was and if he placed his hands on her body again she might not be responsible for her actions.

“No, I can do it myself. I’m pretty sure you touching me right now isn’t the best idea for either one of us. I think I need some time away from you.”

Jax’s expression darkened with an unreadable emotion as he advanced towards her. “Sahara, you aren’t going to run from me this time. I won’t allow it. I know what just happened between us scared you, but there is nothing to fear from me. I love you and once you allow your mind to believe in me and what we are to each other things will be a lot clearer for you.”

Oh God
, Sahara thought watching as Jax continued to advance towards her.
I’m in so much trouble now.

Unsure of the appropriate way to handle Jax now after the experience they’d just shared, Sahara held up her hand hoping to hold him off but he kept coming like he wasn’t paying a bit of attention to her. Sahara would have taken another step back but she couldn’t. Jax had her too locked in place with the determined look in his gaze.

He looked more like a predatory animal than an accomplished and well-known bodyguard. His intensity was scaring the shit out of Sahara so much that she was at a loss for words that would keep from coming any closer to her.

“Stop!” she cried.


Chapter Twenty-One



“Do you know that I’ll always find you? It doesn’t matter where you might try to go and hide from me. You’re the woman I love and I’m never going to let you go.” Jax shoved down the urge to bite Sahara again.

He couldn’t get the sweet taste of her blood out of his mouth or mind. Sahara was his for eternity and she wasn’t going to find an excuse to keep denying how much he turned her on. Sahara might think she was good at hiding her desire from him, but honestly the more she fought the more intense the signs were to all of his senses.

The way Sahara’s breathing hiked up another notch when his body was only one short foot from her. Even the way the pulse throbbed at the side of her slender neck was a dead giveaway her words to him weren’t truthful at all.

Confidence was a huge part of his being a vampire and he was very confident Sahara wanted to be in his arms again, but she wasn’t ready to ask him.

Sahara was fighting hard for a distance that he wouldn’t ever be able to give her as her mate or bodyguard. She didn’t understand that once a vampire found his
female human mate there was NO separating them. They were linked to each other for the rest of their lives. A
woman was born solely to mate with a vampire and never a human male. Sahara wasn’t ever supposed to marry, love or produce children with a human male. Caring for her was his ultimate duty in his life and he wasn’t about to shy away from it.

“Jax, I don’t doubt that you’ll follow me anywhere I go. However, I want to spend some time with Raya tonight. I haven’t spoken to her in a while. We usually talk three times a week and now with everything going on in our lives our friendship is taking a blow. I don’t want to lose my best friend.”

Hearing Raya’s name made some of the protectiveness leave Jax’s body; he wasn’t concerned about Sahara’s friendship with her outspoken friend. Besides, he still hadn’t gotten a good chance to apologize about what had happened between them several weeks ago. He didn’t want his sudden presence in Sahara’s life to ruin her closeness with her pint-sized friend.

“How about you call Raya and see if she wants to go out to dinner with us,” he said. “Of course, it will be my treat. I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to dine in the company of two beautiful women.”

Sahara watched him closely before walking away from him and sitting down on the bed. Leaning back on her hands, she crossed one leg over the other as he continued to stare at her. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Sahara knew what she was doing to him.

He wanted to read her mind, but he held back.

His cock twitched in his jeans as the short skirt slid further up her smooth brown legs making his mouth water at the mere thought of tasting her again. He felt his fangs descending and ran the tip of his tongue across the tip. If she kept doing what she was doing, he would forget all about eating any food and make a meal out of the bundle of sexiness tempting the hell out of him.

“Raya might be nervous about having you around since your gun pulling stunt on her. I know she told me she’d gotten over it, but she hasn’t been back here to see me since then. How about you invite Zander along with us? I like Zander and I’m sure Raya will too. He’s a very good-looking man.”

Before Sahara could give his brother another compliment, Jax had crossed the room and stood in front of her. “You need to stop complimenting my brother. He’s isn’t your mate,” he growled. “I am and if you need me to prove it to you, I won’t have a problem with it at all.”

“Jax, I never said I wanted Zander. Where did you get that crazy idea?” Cocking her head to one side, Sahara stared at him with a slight smile on her full mouth.

Oh, if she doesn’t stop teasing me
, Jax thought
, she’s going to get everything she keeps telling me she doesn’t want me to do.

“You asked about him and a woman only inquires about a man when she’s interested in him. Don’t make me confront my brother about you. If you didn’t get it by now then you should. You were made for me and no one else. That’s the reason you’re still a virgin. Your body wasn’t interested in accepting any other’s man cock but mine.”

“How do you know that I’m still a virgin?” Sahara asked.

“Sweetheart, I can tell from the way you touch and kiss me that you haven’t been with a man. Am I wrong? Have you allowed another man to do what I did to you a few minutes ago?”

Jumping up from the bed, Sahara stood in front of him with her lips pressed together in anger. “Why do you feel that you can say these comments to me anytime they come into your head?” she hissed.

“Because it’s the truth and we both know it. Don’t you already find it hard enough to think straight when I’m only looking at you?” Jax asked in a low voice. “Did you forget I can read your thoughts, but if I couldn’t I can see and feel the struggle inside of you, sweetheart.”

“I don’t think you should be reading my mind. My inner thoughts are personal and for only me to know about,” Sahara complained.

“Sahara, I can’t let you be in such control of everything when I know this is right for us. The only way I can let you know how I feel about you besides tossing you back on the inviting looking bed and having my way with you for the rest of the night, is by being very vocal and telling you how much your touch turns me on. My cock gets hard just from the sound of your voice. I’m not about to keep that bit of information to myself. Why should I?”

Sahara gasped. “Jax, you can’t say things like that to me. It isn’t right.”

“Let me show you how right it is.” Leaning down Jax tugged Sahara’s body to him and kissed her. He plunged his tongue into her mouth licking the side. Electric shocks worked their way up and down his spine as Sahara wrapped her arms around his neck.

She rubbed her hard nipples against his chest and he grabbed her hips rubbing his cock against her stomach.

Jax felt Sahara’s orgasm fast approaching and just as she was about to get what she was dying for from him he removed her arms from around his neck and stepped back, a tiny grin on his mouth.

What in the hell

Jax read the thought as soon as it appeared in Sahara’s head.

Great! He had Sahara exactly where he wanted her...
with the need for him to make love to her. Now he decided it was time for him to leave her alone just like she kept asking him to. It would be only a matter of time now, before Sahara was begging him to make love to her.

Spinning around, Jax made his way towards Sahara’s bedroom door wondering how long it would be before she was naked and a willingly participant in his bed.

“Where are you going?” she demanded.

“I’m going to get ready for our date. You only have an hour to get ready and make sure Raya knows that we are going out and yes, even before you ask, I’m coming with the two of you like I said earlier.”

Looking back over his shoulder, Jax held Sahara’s eyes with his. “I’ll invite my brother too, but don’t get any ideas about him. Zander is off limits and I’m not going to budge on this. He’s in love with someone else and it will stay that away. Do you understand me, Sahara?”

“Okay, I understand, but you need to also understand too that I’m not interested in Zander at all. I just think he’s nice. Is there a crime with that?”

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection
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