Alpha One: The Kronan (15 page)

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Authors: Chris Burton

BOOK: Alpha One: The Kronan
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Alpha Two—The Moon

The romance with space began on the moon and it very nearly ended there. The loss of the first manned space station on the moon in 2032—with fifty-eight crew members perishing in the aftermath of a huge explosion—set space exploration back twenty years before the people of Earth regained their fascination with the cosmos and a second more permanent moon station opened its doors. The new facility at Black Rock became the center of the vast Alpha Two joint military commercial complex and it was here that new non-ranking recruits and graduates of Alpha’s academies arrived to start their tours.

Lieutenant Carla Stevenson’s shuttle touched down at 0800 hours after the short flight from Earth. Just two days after graduation and only twenty-four hours after she said goodbye to Jake, she was here. The cosseted, leafy surroundings of the South Down Academy seemed a very long way away.

Carla was led into a large hall with two hundred other Alpha personnel to await further instructions. After a few minutes, names were called alphabetically and the numbers in the hall slowly reduced. After what seemed an eternity, her name was called and she approached the front to be greeted by her sponsor, Major Thomas Harrington.

“Lieutenant Stevenson. Thomas Harrington, Communications Lead. I trust you had a good trip?”

“Yes, it was fine, thank you Major.”

Carla was taken aback by the informal nature of her introduction.

“Excellent. We need to take a shuttle to the Senate headquarters on the eastern side of the base. Your accommodation will be on site, rather than within the base.”

Carla followed the Major back towards the shuttle landing bays and within minutes, they had boarded a small senate shuttle for their short trip across the complex.

“You will see that we try to keep things informal. May I call you Carla? We are Alpha personnel, but what we do is to a degree separated from the main body politic and our funding is direct from ECG not Alpha. You will enjoy your work with us. It will be varied and interesting and we are a sociable bunch. Your apartment should be quite comfortable and we have direct access to the eastern leisure facility, which helps to relieve the pressure of our responsibilities.”

The shuttle landed and they entered a domed automated walkway, which carried them the last three hundred meters to the senate building.

“As you would expect, we are extremely busy. Both Alpha and the ECG are desperately trying to engage the support of other APF members. There are over seventy separate negotiations in place at present, including some indirect attempts to open discussions with the Kryl. For the immediate future, we will be moving from one negotiation to the next as and when we are called for. This afternoon, we will be sitting in on a discussion between Alpha and the Elkhert’s Tribe. Are you familiar with their species and language? If not the translator software will assist.”

“It is not a language I know but I can start to familiarize myself right now.”

“No need. We are here to support and to listen. This is an APF led initiative.”

“I am rather confused, Major. I thought my post was Junior Communications Officer to the Senate. This role seems more diplomacy than comms?”

“Your comms experience will come in useful, believe me, but probably not today. As I suggested, our role is varied and there will be quite a lot of listening, some comms and translation work, a little diplomacy and occasionally a mix of all three. Don’t worry it will all start to make sense in a week or two.”

Carla was uncertain but went ahead with the Major’s assertions
She would listen, take it all in, and prepare herself. Although she was finding it hard to see what relevance her four years of military training had. However, in this environment, everyone had to be flexible and she was ready for whatever challenge that was brought before her.

She missed Jake and wondered how he coped with his three-week shuttle endurance. She was concerned for him but reasoned that his combat ban would keep him away from immediate danger. If there was anything the Senate could do to help the crisis to resolution without a major battle, then she would do her utmost to assist.

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Shen Knui’s Moment

Rather than feeling pressured by her predicament, Commander Shen Knui was reveling in her new post as Commanding Officer of the Halo 7.
It may only be temporary,
she thought, but it would give her just the chance she needed to make her mark. She already reasoned that security restrictions meant it was inadvisable to communicate with fleet command. They did not need to know Commander Hoskins was injured. She decided to take this reasoning one step further—she would not let on to the mini-fleet to which she now ‘commanded’.

The first responsibility was to preserve their current position. The PBA weaponry banks had discharged their latest mass plasma charge and the technicians prepared their next assault. The PBA offensive made some kind of impact. Two or three of the Kryl cruisers looked a little jaded and she ordered a fresh Jump Ship attack on these positions, to try to take advantage of the situation. The Halo 7’s shields were allowed to partially recharge and repairs were taking place across the ship. All casualties were accounted for and the injured were being treated.

Commander Hoskins remained in a medically induced coma, to assist in his healing process. His wounds were not life threatening but it was standard procedure for head injuries of this kind to provide twenty-four hours of coma treatment.

Shen Knui had the power, and the resources to take things forward and she was looking for a big-impact solution. The Mother ship was the key target and timing was critical. Quite why the Mother ship was still here, when the majority of the Kryl fleet were in battle with the main Alpha fleet was a mystery, but it was and Shen Knui could think of only one way to quickly and assuredly destroy the it, once and for all. She had security clearance to deploy sub-space weapons and she did not intend to miss the chance.

“Mister Peterson, we have security clearance to authorize the deployment of sub-space weapons against the mother ship. I have calculated that a part four yield, Tiger based charge aimed directly at the mother ship will be more than sufficient. The mother ship is critical and I want to commence this action immediately.”

“Do we have the authority to act? This is a major and potentially controversial deployment?”

“Yes, we have the authority, bestowed on us.”

Peterson was uncertain, but he was keen to show initiative, especially with such a key battle deployment. “Apart from our two individual security codes, are there any other security requirements?”

“Only to verify that the use of the charge in this environment is acceptable. I have already done this and Weaponry is loading the charge to a Tiger missile. Delivery will be via Sabre on a close pass of the Kryl fleet.”

Until now, Shen Knui’s assertions to her first officer had been entirely correct. She lied about verification. She did not seek to clarify this further, preying on her XO’s inexperience in his new position.

“Are you ready to deploy the codes?”

“Yes...of course.”

The unsuspecting Lieutenant Commander was an easy target. She just needed to get the codes entered and the charges could be deployed.

“This is Commander Shen Knui. Security clearance two, beta, one, alpha, two, six. Confirmed.”

Shen Knui looked at her first officer. He seemed completely oblivious to the deception that he was now part of.”

“This is Lieutenant Commander Peterson. Security clearance two, beta, one, alpha, three, nine. Confirmed.”

“This is Commander Shen Knui. Confirmed coding for deployment of sub space weapons, order verified and complete. Command authorization code ‘beta
six, omega one, two three, Shen Knui.”

The Halo 7’s weapons computer confirmed the authorization. The sub-space charges could now be deployed on Shen Knui’s command. She thanked her first officer and left the bridge, preferring to supervise the charges deployment to the missile and Sabre personally.

Ten minutes passed and the missile was loaded to the Jump Ship. The pilot underwent pre-flight with the ships CAG, Lieutenant Temsouri, who had just reopened the hangar bay. Shen Knui returned to the bridge.

“There is definite movement within the fleet, now commander. The mother ship appears to be moving out!”

“Thank you Number One.”

“Patch me directly through to the Sabre pilot.”

“Lieutenant Stevens, this is Commander Shen Knui. The mother ship is moving out. The target remains the same but you need to ensure she is clear of any Alpha vessels, when you deploy. Their commanders will be more defensively aware than they would in a static position so two Rapier support vessels will aid your attack. I suggest you launch and start your final run preparations.”

The Sabre launched, followed almost immediately by two Rapiers which were on standby to deploy. The mother ship moved away from the fleet and a mass of additional vessels were in tow. Shen Knui knew she had to act quickly, timing was critical. She opened a secure ship-to-ship comm. link.

“Mini-fleet, prepare to move out, on my command. We are deploying non-standard weaponry and we need to make safe distance ASAP. We will redeploy, once the debris has cleared.”

“The mother ship is clear of the fleet. We will need to deploy quickly.”

“Get the Sabre to commence her run now.”

“She is out of position and coming around now. It’s too late. The mother ship has gone.”

Shen Knui was not about to back out now. She could still make a big impact on this battle.

“Sabre redeploy to remaining Kryl fleet. Number One. Is the fleet ready to move out?”

“Yes. All ships mobile and ready.”

“Sabre in position.”

* * * *

Commander Jacques had rested and was on route to the bridge. If Jonathan was still unconscious, he intended to assume command, as the ranking officer. He had no way of knowing what was about to happen.

The Sabre moved forward and gathered pace. The remaining two hundred or so Kryl Vessels re-grouped in attacking formation—the objective: to destroy the remaining Alpha vessels in the system. They did not see the missile coming until it was too close to take countermeasures. The destruction was immediate and widespread with most of the remaining Kryl fleet vaporized within seconds of the missiles impact on one of the leading cruisers.

Shen Knui gave the order to move out just moments before. The Jump Ships, including the three deployed by the Halo 7 were in hot pursuit of the mini-fleet. But, it was too late for most of them as the sub-space wave swept before them.

The wave continued its expansive path and eighteen Alpha cruisers were too slow, to clear its wake. Alpha lost over 3000 personnel.

Commander Jacques arrived on the bridge as it became clear what had happened.

“Commander Shen Knui. On whose authority was a sub-space charge deployed?”

“We had the authority bestowed on us, when Commander Hoskins was injured.”

“And the fleet?”

“We had a communication black-out.”

“I thought you said you had spoken to them?” Peterson was becoming agitated.

“I needed to ensure your compliance. Look, someone needed to take a stand here. We were too slow for the mother ship, but we have taken out over two hundred Kryl vessels. The biggest success of this battle so far. Now we can finish any cleaning up and then join the main fleet, with our heads held high.”

“How many Alpha ships? How many crew were lost? This was not a legitimate action, commander, you did not have the authority and you lied to your XO to obtain his authorization. Stand down immediately. I am assuming command.”

“I will not, Sir. This is not your ship and you have no authority here.”

“I am sure Mister Peterson will second my order, stand down now.”

Peterson moved to restrain Shen Knui, and she realized her situation was hopeless.

“Security, confine Commander Shen Knui to her quarters, with a security detail outside. Mister Peterson please take the con. Try to find out how many Kryl ships are left and whether we can recover any crew or vessels from the affected area.

* * * *

Shen Knui was safely held in her quarters and Commander Jacques had entered the medical center and stood by Jonathan Hoskins bed, while the medic administered a fast acting coma release drug.

“Let me know, when the commander comes round. I will be in the ready room.”

Five minutes later, Jacques sat at the desk in the ready room.

Peterson had just joined him.

“We lost eighteen ships, Sir. I have advised fleet of our status. I presume that you will report to the Admiral directly on the actual reason for or redeployment?”

“Yes. How many Kryl ships remain?”

“None, Sir. There are no Kryl ships in the Tri-star System.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight
Steve Costello—Jump Ship Pilot

It wasn’t real, until he’d actually taken part in his first sortie. Steve Costello was now a Jump Ship Pilot and it felt good.

He was assigned to B Company, Gold Squadron, under the command of squadron leader Cheryl Picaud. She was older, attractive, but not his type, a bit too domineering, but there was chemistry. Steve had settled down to the shift patterns quickly and was now, some five weeks later, relaxed and part of the team. At least that was the impression he tried to give; in reality, he would never be a team player.

There was no real pressure yet. The squadron would launch two or three times daily and patrol a targeted section of the solar system and then return. There was still no direct threat from the Kryl and there had been no kills either. Steve was flying Rapier 6’s, with the occasional outing in one of the squadrons two 7’s. Today, in a 6, his Gold Squadron was sent on a long-range sortie beyond the Kuiper belt.

All seemed, as it should be, until they started their return run back to Alpha 2, then all hell broke loose. From nowhere over fifty Kryl fighters appeared, instantly in attack, their red glow creating the eerie impression of a Victorian street scene, late at night in the fog. Three Rapiers were lost within the first thirty seconds of battle. Steve was in trouble quickly as three fighters loomed large to his rear but he was here before and he knew the Kryl fighters were no match for the Rapier in a dogfight.
You just had to out-maneuver them, get a fix, and take them out
. The first two kills were quick, but the third was good. Clever positioning and deft touches by the Kryl fighter pilot were countermanding the advantage the Rapier usually had. Steve pulled out all the stops just to get behind him, but once there the missile lock and the fighter’s destruction were a formality.

Six more Rapiers were destroyed, with the Kryl gaining the upper hand before they left just as suddenly as they had appeared. Fifteen minutes of madness, leaving nine pilots dead and only six Jump Ships and their pilots remaining.

“This is Gold group leader. Okay everyone, the excitement is over and yes, it was bad, but we destroyed most of their fighters. We regroup and continue our run back to Alpha Two. We can discuss this further at the post-flight.”

My God, she is playing it cool
. Nine of her pilots lost in one fifteen minute fracas. It would be difficult to explain and everyone suddenly felt less invincible.

The post-flight meeting took place shortly after landing. All Gold Squadron pilots were present, including the reserves.

“I have invited all pilots to this post-flight as this discussion involves all of us.”

“Lieutenant Costello. Good tactical maneuvering and five kills is good for a rookie. You did well but you need to remember to protect your team as well as playing the hero.”

It was usual for Squadron Leader Picaud to pick out an individual to praise, before she opened the main point of the meeting.

Picaud went on to analyze the loss of each Kryl vessel
. She is clearly trying to draw on the positives
Surely, she will mention our losses?

“We all feel sore about the loss of our colleagues. It always hurts, but so many in one sortie, is unusual and painful. At least now, we know what to expect and we will prepare better next time. The squadron will be brought back to full strength quickly and we will be back out to the Kuiper Belt, this evening. Remember that when we fly as a squadron, we stay as a squadron. We are a team.”

Lieutenant Barlow, one of the experienced pilots stood. “Have there been any other Kryl incidents in the region?”

“Yes. I understand there were five others, all in the Kuiper Belt region. All B Company. Twenty-six Jump Ships have been lost to date.”

“Should we be pulling out the rookies as we have entered a combat situation?”

“I asked the same question to my CO, as we returned to base, his response, ‘We are already way beyond that’. Our rookies were blooded today and regrettably some were lost but in my experience rookies become experienced pilots quickly in this environment. I think we can expect an increasing number of rookies joining us. My advice: look after them. They just have to learn quickly. That’s it; we will speak later at the pre-flight.”

* * * *

Their schedules were so hectic, that even based so close to each other, tonight was the first time that he and Carla had seen each other since graduation. It was a long day for Steve, with two flights into the Kuiper Belt behind him. He would have cancelled if it were anyone but Carla but this was a chance to see her alone and to rekindle their relationship. He planned this day for a long time.

“Hiya Steve. My, look at you with your Jump Ship wings and your flight fatigues!”

“Hi Carla. You look usual.”

“Thanks Steve. How is everything? I presume you have started flying sorties now?”

“Yes, although between you and me, they have just started to get ugly.”

Steve went on to explain the events of the day to Carla who seemed genuinely concerned. Carla explained her new post as best she could, but inevitably, it was not long before she had turned the subject matter to Jake.

“I still haven’t heard from him Steve. I know he is probably okay, with his flight ban and all, but they are losing Cruisers up there, as well as Jump Ships. I am afraid I study the daily casualty figures with a fine tooth comb.”

“I am sure he will be fine. He’s a big guy and can look after himself. I guess we just need to let him get on with it and just enjoy any free time that we can spend with each other; albeit that we are restricted by what we can do and what we can drink!”

“Steve, it is a good thing that you can’t drink. You need to avoid getting yourself into trouble.”

There was edginess to her voice for the first time.

“That’s all over now. I am a jump pilot—doing what I set out to achieve. I just think it is a shame that we can’t just grab a bottle and curl up together and watch a movie, like we used to!”

Steve was trying it on but it had been such a long time since he had seen her. He needed to try to make this and every encounter with her count.

“We were together then Steve and we aren’t now. You can’t drink when you are on standby so this is about as good as it gets, I am afraid. It is good to see you though!”

“You too Carla. You know it won’t always be like this. Jake is likely to be away for a long time and you know that I will always be here. Goddamn it Carla, we used to be so good together.”

“Don’t. You know it is over and we have moved on. There are other girls for you now; perhaps in your squadron?”

“No Carla. You are still the only girl for me.”

“You have to get rid of that Steve. We were over a long time ago and I have moved on. Now it is time that you did too.”

“I can’t. We loved each other. We lived with each other, then suddenly Jake comes along, and somehow, it is all gone. You have only been together a few months. That is not love that we have.”

“Stop! What Jake and I have is far greater than anything you and I ever had. I am sorry to have to put it so bluntly, but what choice do I have? You and I crashed from one crisis to the next. Yes, we lived with other, but ask yourself how many times either of us tried to walk out on the other? It was virtually every bloody week! It took me a while to realize it but eventually I did. You and I are just not compatible!”

“Did you ever love me?”

“Of course I did. We just grew out of love.”

“Okay. We are good friends though, yes?”

“Yes...we always will be.”

Steve contemplated his next move, but decided that he would back off for now.

“Then that is good enough for me. I need you to be part of my life Carla. However that may be.”

They finished their drinks and parted a short while later, in relatively good humor. Carla felt relieved that the pressure building up on their relationship had finally broken. Steve though, was having none of it.
It was Jake who caused the problem and it was Jake he had to deal with.

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