Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (4 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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This was such a good idea Bri, I think I need another drink though”

Brianna laughed before steering her friend out of the rest room
. They had already consumed six whiskey chasers and two beers. As a shifter she was at the ‘one more and then I am in the zone’ territory. Standing at the bar, Lizzy pulled out some money from her purse.

“Ok, she wolf let’s see what else you can handle, how about a
triple absinthe and then some dancing” her speech was just starting to slur.

“Sounds like a plan, the first one to finish wins!”

“Oooooh if I win can I have another night with Luke?”

“If it makes you happy, then yes, as long as you return him unhurt and ready for duty back to me”

“Oh I can’t promise that, I think he still has my claw marks on his balls after tonight”

Ewwww Lizzy too much”

Both women looked at the shot glasses with the green liquid just waiting to be a part of them.

“On three?” Bri smirked.

The three second countdow
n was fast and slurred. Lizzy’s glass hit the counter hard, followed by Brianna. She felt the burn start on her tongue, her throat then her stomach, she could almost visualise it going down. The room spun and Lizzy was laughing with three mouths, or so she thought.

“I win, I get to fuck Luke again
, woo hoo!”

A song came on that they both loved.

“Dancing time! Let’s move these bodies, put our feminine powers out there and find some rough and ready” Brianna shouted.

Moving her body to the beat, she had never felt
so free as she did tonight. Everything was right, except for the images of one sexy alpha pushing in her mind. Her wolf practically panted every time she caught the image. Shaking her head, she growled only to be grabbed by two strong hands.

“Is that growl for me she wolf?”

Turning around she stared up at the wolf with short brown hair and a body like he had just come from a photo shoot. Smiling down at her, showing his lengthened incisors. Classic signs of arousal and need.
Well maybe my rough and ready just got served on a platter for me, lucky me!

“Do you want it to be?” she answered.

Dear god, did I just say that? cue the porn music and let’s get it on. The absinthe had been kind and pushed her forward in her high heels to that zone that she wanted, pure escapism.

The wolf ground his length against her letting her know exactly what he wanted, the friction rough against the thin material of her dress. But she had zero libido, he was just not doing anything for her in that department. What she wanted was Marcus, to feel him grind his length against her. Faking a spin she pulled
out of his arms, noticing Lizzy was doing the same with another wolf, who was practically identical. Probably out for buy one get one free. Grabbing her friend’s hands she pulled her to the stage area.

“Come on let’s get up there and show every shifter in the place we mean business, that one gave me the fuckin creeps”

Lizzy laughed and followed her to the raised dance platform. Within minutes of gyrating, they had a circle of wolves practically salivating at the two sexy females. Feeling more daring and wasted from the alcohol they performed a little show.

shouted across to her.

Ha! Ha! is this coyote ugly or what?”

Laughing with her friend she spun
, missing the edge and felt herself falling backwards.
Way to go Bri, crimson moon and the windmills!
Closing her eyes at the impact to come, a pair of very muscular arms caught her, pulling her close. The growl reverberating from his chest, had her inhaling sharply. Intoxicating pine aroma with a hint of sandalwood rushed into her lungs.
Oh crap!
Daring to take a peek she squinted one eye open, to see those stunning dark amber eyes staring down at her, face unmoving.

Either I have had too much to drink and a hallucination of epic proportions is happening or Marcus Buchanan, my new client is having a night on the town”

Opening her other eye, she saw the flash in his eyes, as he pulled her close, nuzzling her neck, inhaling her scent.
The effect had her wet in seconds, a gentle throbbing made her ache in her core. Growling low he whispered in her ear.

I am glad to see that your wet arousal is for me baby and not these bastards that were lining up to fuck you”

Stunned at his words, for once in her life she was speechless. She was quickly sobering up. Turning her head to the side she saw that his Beta
, Connor, was carrying Lizzy gazing down at her with a heated stare. Behind them, Luke was moving the drooling wolves away from them, in his ever diplomatic way. Punch first ask questions later. And then they were moving, Marcus tall frame cut through the dance floor with graceful ease, she was in so much trouble.



The minute he had stepped into crimson moon the stench of lust, desire and aggression was practically bleeding out of the walls.
Cutting through the crap he caught the scent of vanilla and honey. Following the delectable aroma, skirting the edge of the dance floor, he saw her dancing on a raised platform. Her sensual curves and smile had him rock hard for her. His anger rose up a notch when she was circled by a group of shifters, as he stepped closer he could almost hear their thoughts, the sexual aggression coming off them was so intense.
Mine! My mate.
All he was concerned about was getting his sexy mate out of here somewhere safe where no scum sucking low life could watch her or worse touch her. The growl that left him had Connor stepping in front of him. His eyes followed his alphas, surprise registered on his face and desire flooded off him. Marcus grabbed him by the collar.

“What the fuck Connor? I should rip your throat out for staring at
Bri, your dick is pointing in the wrong direction my friend”

Connor lowered his eyes before speaking.

“Alpha, it is not Brianna that has me hard, it’s her friend next to her”

Luke stepped around the pair of them.

“Lizzy? You have a thing for her?”

“My wolf is clawing to get to her”

“Well I’ll be damned”

He rubbed his neck glancing to the woman he had only fucked hours ago.
Oh this was awkward. Hopefully she had washed most of his scent off before coming out tonight. He liked Lizzy but he had just not found the one, it was a mutual understanding between them that now and again there would be some action between the sheets. Looking at the face of Connor right now he guessed his plans to have another full course meal was gone.

Marcus let go of Connor, nodding his head in silent apology. His long legs carried him behind the stage where she was dancing. He pushed out all his alpha vibes, causing some movement of the wolves until he was right behind her. She was incredibly sexy and was wearing fuck me sandals. They would have to go, the
y were an accident waiting to happen. With rapid reactions his eyes caught the heel just teeter over the edge and instinctively he had threw his arms out to catch her. The moment she had landed he just wanted to hold her close, getting himself high on her unique scent.

Brianna felt the cool breeze on her hair and opened her eyes. She kept them closed the entire time he had carried her through the club. Not that she was embarrassed, male shifters were very primal and liked to display their testosterone levels quite literally on their sleeves, or in this case in their arms. Part of her thought that if she closed her eyes then the whole reality of what was happening
was just a dream, when you open them your back on planet earth. One look at the strong chiselled jaw of Marcus had her theories dissolve suddenly. She heard him delegating instructions to Connor and Luke before being gently placed down on her feet.

“I could have walked you know!” she huffed.

Opening the door to the packs SUV he picked her up again and placed her in the passenger seat. Leaning over her he pulled the seatbelt across her chest. He was so close, his hand brushed her nipple causing her to gasp at the sensual feeling. Again he nuzzled her neck, kissing up to her earlobe.

“Just making sure you don’t run like you did last time baby” he whispered.

Frustration boiled up inside of her and she opened her mouth just as he shut the door, watching him step around the front.

“For your information
, Alpha, I did not run last time I drove away!” she snapped.

She could have sworn he laughed a little at her comment. As protocol and rank, Connor waited for Marcus to get in the driving seat before lifting his own precious bundle into the back seat.
Luke went to get in next but stopped at a growl from Connor. Muttering an apology, he stepped back and let the Beta get in next to Lizzy. Brianna would have found the whole scene comical if she was not so bloody frustrated and horny as hell.

The silence and tension was so thick you cut th
rough it with a knife. Lizzy was passed out on the back seat with her head against Connor who had his arms around her shoulders and Luke was staring out the window, probably feeling like the third wheel. Looking across at Marcus she wondered what the hell he was thinking, her mind was upside down. Deciding to break the silence she turned in her seat.

“How did you know where I was?”

“Lucky guess” he replied, not once taking his eyes off the road.

Suspicion clawed inside her. Turning to Luke she noticed he had found the colour of the night sky immensely interesting.

“You told him?”

Bri I had to, Murdoch was on the war path looking for you”

“Why? What have I done now?”

A chuckle came from the driving seat, her eyes flicked to Marcus and she let out a low growl. He flicked his eyes to her, the amber darkening by the second, his own rumble caused her to back down. Why, she did not know, any other wolf she would have stood her ground but he was powerful and her wolf just rolled over with her belly exposed.

“Murdoch signed us up for the Buchanan case, we leave tomorrow”

Shifting in her seat, she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I have other duties, he will have to find another tracker”

“You are the only tracker I need Baby and you are leaving with us tomorrow come hell or high water. I have already sorted it with Murdoch”

“How?” she snapped


“Would that happen to be of the
notes variety?”

“Not entirely”

Letting out a frustrated sigh she shifted in her seat, maybe the night sky was interesting after all, these clipped answers were driving her mad. Relief flooded her when the headquarters came into view, she was out of the car before he had stopped the engine. She could move fast when she wanted to and right now she was using that to her advantage. Racing into the accommodation block she smacked her hand against the scanner. Once inside she turned to see Marcus striding toward the door, Connor carrying Lizzy and Luke at the back. The sound of the electric door hissing shut was music to her ears. Spinning on her heel she ran up to her room on the third floor, opening the door with her keys. She wished in this case that it was a hand scanner but the old fashioned method would have to do. As soon as she was inside she locked the door, leaning against the wood to catch her breath.
She was so screwed.

Kicking off her sandals she glorified in the cool wood against her feet.
Each step she took toward the living room was bliss, she never really got used to heels, the only reason she wore them was because it gave her height and made her legs look longer. Stepping into the bedroom she stripped off her clothes, the dress caught her nipples and she cried out at the sensation, she was so aroused.
Damn him!

Storming into the bathroom she turned the shower to cold. Bracing herself she jumped in quick, soaping her body and washing the make- up off her face. How the hell was she going to
maintain a working relationship with him when he made her feel like this? Growling at her own thoughts, she dried herself off and grabbed her black satin robe. It was just as she was sitting down with a glass of water that she heard a knock at her door. Intuitively she sniffed the air and lo and behold her stomach clenched again.

Keeping her breathing calm and steady she sat very still, maybe he would think she was asleep. Again a knock at her door
, this time louder.

“I know your awake
Bri, can we talk?”

His voice was so smooth, her wolf was being coerced into clawing out of her skin and
clinging to the infuriating man.

“I’m just going to bed!” she shouted back.

“No your not”

Temper got the better of her. Marching to the door she unlocked it, pulling it open.

“How the hell do you know I’m not going to bed, if I say I am going to bed then I am going to bed”

His eyes flashed dark amber
, his eyes scanning her body, the sexual energy was pulsating out of him. He slowly walked in with purpose, causing her to hit her back against the wall. Gently he closed the door, coming to stand next to her, bracing his arms beside her head, caging her in.

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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