Alphas on the Prowl (34 page)

Read Alphas on the Prowl Online

Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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Chapter Four

Declan narrowed his eyes as the trio strutted to the end of the alley.
I can’t let them find Marcia.
He fisted his hands at his sides, quietly approaching them. He’d only get the benefit of surprise for a moment.
I better make it count.

He raised his hands, stretching his fingers; he grasped the back of one of the men’s necks, wringing it violently to the side. A sickening crack echoed off the brick walls and the other two men spun around.

“What the hell?’ The enforcer with gnarled black hair and yellowed teeth snarled as he stared at his dead comrade.

Declan answered with a punch to the man’s face. His enemy’s head snapped back, and blood spurted out of his nose.

“Hey,” the other wolf hollered, swinging his left arm.

Declan ducked down and rammed his shoulder into the punching man’s ribs, using the guy’s momentum against him. He tossed him to the ground with ease and threw punches.

The black haired wolf stumbled towards him, and Declan twisted, readying to stop his attack, when a blur of blonde flashed in front of him.

Marcia used her speed to force the man into the wall. She clocked the enforcer across the face, using the heel of her shoe. The she dropped heels, gripped the man’s shoulders and kneed him in the groin.

Remind me not to piss her off.

A sharp pain tore into his arm, drawing his attention back to the man beneath him. Nails embedded deep into his forearm and he grunted in pain. Red droplets pebbled atop his skin and slid down in rivulets to his fingers.
Crap that’s deep.
With his free hand, he wrenched the man’s nails out of his skin and then twisted his attacker’s arm. The joint popped, causing the wolf to howl. Using the man’s distraction to his advantage, he jammed his enemy’s clawed hand into the enforcer’s chest. The man gurgled, but before he could say anything, Declan reached up and snapped his neck.

Declan jumped to his feet, prepared to help Marcia, but she’d already dispelled of the other wolf. Her pursuer lay at her feet, blood spewing from his mouth.

“I’m sure they’re not alone. We should go,” she whispered, meeting his eyes.

Declan nodded. As an enforcer, he knew protocol would’ve been to call on of the other teams in the area. They’d taken down the trio quickly, but more might show up.

“I have to get Bray and Rhea. Our apartments on—”

“No,” Marcia cut him off.

“What?” he growled. Did she think he would leave without them?

Marcia stepped forward, placing her warm hand on his. “Call them. Tell them to pack up and leave immediately. Wolves could be on our trail. If we go to them, we could be putting them in danger. We’ll set a time and place to meet,” she explained.

Declan gritted his teeth. He hated the idea, but Marcia was right. There was no sense endangering his siblings. “All right.”

Marcia squeezed his hand, sending warmth flooding through him. Calmness washed over him, and he curled his fingers around hers.

“Come on. We’ll take the subway. If we jump on and off a few trains, it should confuse them,” Marcia said, pulling him into a steady jog. She paused at the end of the alley to peer out into the crowded street. “Looks clear,” she sighed heavily.

She released his hand and curled her fingers around a cell phone. A spatter of blood smeared over the screen.

Does that belong to one of the enforcers? I didn’t see her take it?

Marcia’s fingers danced quickly over the keys as she typed in a quick message. She jammed her thumb down over the send button, then turned and chucked the phone back down the alley. It landed with a clank and burst into pieces.

“There. Now they’ll need to send at least one team to clean up the alley,” she explained.

Declan swallowed. He hadn’t thought of that. She was good. She’s been at this for years, he reminded himself.

“Come on.” Marcia grasped his hand again and tugged him back onto the busy sidewalk.


Marcia trudged to the back of the subway car and plopped down on the hard bench. She dug through her purse and clasped her phone. “You should contact Bray and Rhea. We have a few minutes before we get off.”

“Where are we meeting them?” Declan asked.

Marcia tapped her fingers on the screen of her phone and hit send, hoping that Kendrick and Astrid would see their text quickly. “Friday morning at eight,” she paused hesitating. What if he was playing her?
He’s not; he attacked Killian’s men for you.
“Tallahassee, Florida. There should be a Greyhound going that way. Somerset Diner is in the city. That’s the place to meet.”

“Friday? It’s only Tuesday,” Declan argued.

“We need to make sure that we lose them. If there is any chance we are being followed, we won’t go, and we’ll set another rendezvous. My friend and her mate are meeting us there too,” Marcia told him. She understood his concern, especially given the attack, but he had to see that the only way to keep Rhea safe was distance, at least for the moment.

Declan gave her a grim nod before digging out his phone. He placed the phone to his ear and spoke softly.

Marcia’s cell buzzed with a new text.

What happened? Are you hurt?
– Astrid

I’m fine. Killian’s men found me. I got away. They are searching for you too. Be careful.
– Marcia

I’m on my way to get you, Astrid. I’ll be there in five. Our emergency bag is in the closet. Pack whatever you can, but be ready to go when I get there. Marcia, we’ll see you on Friday.
– Kendrick

Be safe.
– Marcia

You too.
– Astrid

“They are on their way,” Declan grumbled. “Your friends, the couple, did you talk to them?”

“Just now,” Marcia waved her phone.

“I wish I could be with Bray and Rhea, “Declan admitted. “We’ve gone through too much to lose each other now.”

Marcia placed her hand over his, ignoring the warmth that spread up her fingers, she gave him a gentle squeeze. “You’ll see them soon,” she reassured, clearing her throat. “Astrid and I escaped together. For a long time, we lived together afraid to be apart. One day one of Killian’s men found me. I managed to escape, and ran back to the apartment to get Astrid. Two men followed me back. We were both almost captured that day. It’s a mistake I’ll never make again. Astrid and I came up with an escape plan. It sucks, but we have to do what we can to stay free.”

“Is that how you learned to fight? I’ve never seen a female wolf take down an enforcer before,” Declan commented.

“Astrid and I both took self defense classes after that first attack. It was just us for a long time. We’d always had someone to protect us, but out her, you only have yourself,” Marcia explained. “I won’t go back to that hell, and I’ll fight anyone who thinks they can drag me back.”

“I’m impressed with how efficient you are,” Declan began. He sighed hesitantly looking at her. “It’s never going to be over. They are always going to keep looking.”

“I know,” Marcia whispered. Her brows creased, and she nibbled on her lower lip. “But I’d rather spend my life looking over my shoulder than in the pack. Freedom is worth the fear and paranoia that comes with being on the run.”

“Have you considered staying with your friend and her mate? I feel safer around my siblings—even if they do drive me crazy,” Declan explained.

Marcia hummed lightly. The thought had crossed her mind. As a pack animal, it was in her nature to be around other wolves, but it wasn’t always practical. Or maybe she was over thinking it. The pack lived together all the time. Why couldn’t she, Astrid, and Kendrick?

“You have a fair point. What are you suggesting, and why are you so willing to help?” Marcia wondered aloud.

“I don’t want to see you hurt,” Declan mumbled. “The idea of…” he trialed off and looked away.

She didn’t need him to finish the sentence. The idea of being returned to the pack and mated was horrific. “Thank you,” she blurted, meeting Declan’s gaze. “They were leaving, you didn’t have to involve yourself.” He could’ve let them walk away, but he’d lashed out to protect her. The enforcers would be watching for him now too. Bray and Rhea would be in danger because of Declan’s actions to help her. She closed her eyes, shuddering at the realization.
I don’t want anyone else’s lives at risk.

“The thought of them breaking you… I couldn’t let them do it,” Declan growled. A frown marred his handsome features, and he balled his fists.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” That was a promise she intended to keep. Marcia stood up and tugged Declan up with her. “Time to switch cars again.”


Declan settled into the subway car and leaned his head back against the window. Eight rides later, and they still hadn’t left the city. He trusted Marcia had a method to her madness. After all, she’d been running for years, and he’d always been the one hunting. Her idea was genius. Instead of leaving a single trail to follow, they were marking their scent all over the city. The enforcers would be busy searching for them. By the time they realized they’d left, he and Marcia would be long gone—he hoped.

Marcia leaned into him. Her lavender scent filled the air, and he inhaled deeply relishing in the aromatic perfume. Delicious.

“This one will lead us to the train. We’ll hop on there and take it to New Jersey,” she explained.

“I’d like to check in on Bray and Rhea when we get a chance,” Declan replied.

Marcia nodded. “It should be okay to do that. I ditched my phone a few stations back. I don’t know how much info they have on me, but I couldn’t risk it. They don’t know who you are. You should be okay to continue to use your phone.”

When did she do that? He hadn’t seen her dump her cell. She was good. He could learn a thing or two from her, Bray and Rhea too. “Will you teach Rhea how to fight?” he asked quietly.

Marcia shrugged as a tiny smile pulled at the corner of her lips. “Sure.”

“Thanks,” Declan grinned.

“You and Bray never tried to teach her?” Marcia asked curiously.

Declan ran a hand through his hair and met her gaze. “We would, but she isn’t always receptive to our help. She calls us moody and overprotective.”

“Ah,” Marcia giggled.

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Declan asked tilting his head to the side.

“Astrid’s my sister in every way that counts. I wish I had had older brother like you and Bray. Mine are monsters, just like Killian. The things they did. I wish more women would’ve fled with Astrid an I,” Marcia sighed. “They were too scared and refused to leave.”

Declan turned in his seat to face Marcia. “The problem is we can’t make change happen. People have to crave change to the point they’ll act. They have to be willing to challenge the wolves in charge and risk it all for what they believe in. until enough wolves get fed up with the old ways, we don’t stand a chance.”

“I know,” Marcia replied. “How long do we wait for them to see reason?”

“As long as it takes,” Declan responded. One day the wolves would wake up. Then they’d have an army. Until then, they’d take the small victories.

“You’re welcome to stay with me until things get sorted,” he offered.

Marcia’s wide blue eyes fixated oh him, and she shivered. She chewed on her lower lip as she studied him. Her arousal filled the cabin, and he breathed in the musky aroma. He leaned in eager to taste her plump, pink lips.

Marcia blinked and cleared her throat, looking away from him. She ran a hand over her long blond locks as she stared at the steel floor.

“I mean you can stay with Bray, Rhea, and I,” he amended realizing how his previous comment had sounded. “Your friends too.”

“We’d have our own little pack,” she smiled, still gazing at the floor.

“I guess we would.” He hadn’t considered that. It might not be a bad idea. They could look out for each other.
You only know Marcia. What if you don’t like her friends? What about Bray and Rhea? Would they be open to the idea?

“We have time to think about it and work out the details. I like the idea.” Marcia placed her hand on top of his and curled her fingers around his. She gave him a shy smile, meeting his gaze. “This is our stop,” she whispered.


Chapter Five

Marcia yawned as Declan jammed the keycard into their hotel room door. The green light flickered, and he shoved the door open. Home sweet home, at least for the night. They’d stopped in some tiny town in Pennsylvania. At three in the morning, they were both exhausted. After jumping trains for most of the evening, they’d paid cash for a car and had driven a few hours. They were out of danger, at least for the moment—she hoped. “I think I’m going to hop in the shower,” Marcia said setting her purse on the bed closest to the bathroom.

“This one’s your bag,” Declan said, handing her a plastic sack. They’d made a pit stop for a few necessities.

Her fingers grazed over his as she took her things from him. Declan’s hand lingered on hers, neither of them wanting to part. His calloused palm fit perfectly over hers, and she shivered, wondering how it would feel caressing her body. All afternoon, she’d fought their intense attraction. She’d needed to stay focused to ensure they escaped the city safely. Now it was just them, and one microscopic hotel room.

Marcia took a step closer. Declan swallowed and hesitantly reached up to tuck one of her blonde locks behind her ear.
I want him.
“Shower with me.” She knew how to be forward. In the pack she’d been timid and fearful, but out on your own, you had to take charge.  She had a feeling that if she showed Declan a little boldness his inner wolf would take over and he would show that confidence brimming beneath the surface.
I just have to coax it out of him.
“I want you to take me in the shower,” she whispered huskily.

Declan didn’t need any further encouragement. He tugged her to him, crashing his warm, hard mouth against hers. Marcia trembled with delight as his tongue parted her lips.
I need more.
She gripped the back of his head, pulling him impossibly closer so she could thrust her tongue into his mouth. He tasted like honey and sin. She wanted all of him, to feel him everywhere.

He broke away, peppering kisses from her jaw to her neck. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, desperately trying to release them. She shrugged her shirt off and then tugged his tee up and over his head. Biting her lip, she skimmed her fingers over his toned chest. Muscles rippled over his pecks, and his six-pack begged to be touched.
Yum. Look at all these delicious muscles.
Marcia took her time, exploring the hard curves of his body with the pads of her fingers.

Her hand trailed lower, and she grinned as she flicked the button of his jeans open. Slowly, she lowered the zipper, her eyes widening as she took in the large bulge. A chill of anticipation zipped up her spine.
I need to feel him inside of me.
Curling her fingers around his boxers, she yanked him to her.

Declan’s hands fell on her waist, and then skimmed up her sides. Butterflies fluttered in her belly as his fingers tickled under her arms before gliding to her back. Her bra loosened, and she let the garment slip down her arms and fall to the floor. Declan stepped forward, ducking his head down, he took one of her breasts into his mouth. She groaned as his warm tongue circled over her areola.
Yes. Yes.


Declan sucked on Marcia’s nipple, enjoying the soft fullness of her breasts. Her lavender perfume enveloped him and he fought the urge to bury himself in her. He wanted to enjoy this, wanted both of them to savor this. His fingers trailed down her lithe frame to the back of her skirt. Slowly, he slid the zipper down, and removed his hands. The skirt dropped to the floor, leaving Marcia in only her black lace panties. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he kissed his way down her body.

He knelt down on his knees as he hooked his fingers around the band of her panties. “I want to taste you,” he told her.

Marcia trembled as his hands skimmed down her legs, dragging her underwear with them. Declan smiled as he leaned forward and nuzzled her sopping core. He suckled her juices, relishing in the soft, melodic moans that escaped her lips.

Her fingers curled in his hair, pulling lightly. He grinned as he continued to lap at her delicious pussy. Yes. He would show her that not all wolves only cared about their own pleasure. This was about her too. She’d been with other men—other wolves, but he was going to make sure that Marcia remember him. That she only wanted him.

His cock throbbed, begging to fill her, to claim her. The wolf in him bubbled beneath the surface as his canines ached. Would she want to mate with him? Was it too soon? They barely knew each other. His wolf seemed to disagree.
No. Not yet.
His wolf growled, but seemed to be behaving itself.

“Declan,” Marcia groaned loudly. “I want you inside me,” she panted, parting her legs further for him.

He shivered as he licked her mound. One more taste, even that wouldn’t be enough, she was wonderfully delectable.
I want her to cum. I want to taste it.
He moved his thumb over her mound and found her sensitive nub. Her sweet nectar flowed into his mouth, and he growled against her core. “Come for me, Marcia,” he urged. “Let yourself go.”

Her fingers massaged his scalp as she pulled him closer. “I’m so close,” she whimpered.

Declan pressed harder against her clit as he suckled her throbbing center. Marcia cried out, and he grunted as her juices flooded his tongue. He gripped her hip tighter, holding her in place so he could enjoy her orgasm. Marcia mumbled incoherently as her hand went slack in his hair. He swiped his tongue over her gushing core one last time before he began to kiss his way up her body. He paused to take on of her tight buds into his mouth before making his way to her lips.

Marcia drew him closer, smashing her supple breasts against his chest as she held him to her. His cock dragged against her thigh, begging for release.
This is about her, keep doing what you’re doing, be confident and attentive.
He pulled back and smiled as she stared up at him with wide, confused eyes. “How about that shower?” He offered, taking her hand.

He didn’t wait for her to respond as he led her to the bathroom. Reaching into the shower, he turned on the water, then faced Marcia again. He lowered his jeans and boxers in one swoop. Stepping out of his boots, he took his clothes off, baring himself completely to her.

Marcia grinned and stepped into the steamy shower. Rivulets of water cascaded down her sculpted body, causing Declan to stare.

“Are you going to join me?” she asked with a wry grin.

“Am I not allowed to admire you?” he questioned quietly. Was he pushing it too far? Would she change her mind? Marcia’s eyes widened and a genuine smile graced her round face. “You’re gorgeous,” he complimented as he joined her under the stream.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she teased, nipping his bottom lip at the same time as she curled her fingers around his cock. Slowly she began to pump him.

Declan closed his eyes, getting lost in the motions. She was amazing.

“You like that?” Marcia questioned.

“Yes,” he ground out through gritted teeth. If she kept that up their fun would be over too soon. He wrapped his hand over her wrist. Opening his eyes, he met her gaze as he removed her hand.

Marcia beamed, shuddering as she backed into the corner. She placed one foot on the wall, offering herself to him. Declan closed the gap, unable to control himself any longer. He crushed his lips over hers, growing impossibly harder as their slick bodies melded together.

Marcia’s hand found his cock again, and guided it to her wet, hot entrance. Needing no other encouragement, he slid into her. So wet and tight—perfect. They both groaned as he filled her to the hilt. Her sheath fit his length perfectly.

Declan set a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her.

Her fingers gripped his back as she moved her hips in tiny circles, matching his movements. He’d never been with a wolf or a human like this before. The coupling was special, intimate, and he didn’t want it to end with tonight. One night with Marcia wouldn’t be enough. Every night for the rest of their live would be wonderful.

His gums ached again as his canines dropped down.
No. I won’t claim her without her permission.

“Declan,” she purred against his lips. “Do it. I know you want to,” she panted, pulling away from him.

Declan licked his lips as he met her gaze. Her canines drooped down as well.

“Mark me,” she grunted as she continued to move against his dick.

He thrust harder, and she cried out, closing her eyes. She leaned forward and sunk her sharp teeth into his shoulder. Declan howled as the jolt triggered his orgasm. His cock pulsated happily as it released inside of her. He sunk his teeth into her soft breast, briefly aware of her screaming his name as her tight walls clamped around his dick. He groaned, pumping into her, prolonging both of their orgasms. Lights burst behind his eyes as he filled her with his seed. She was his—only his.
I’ll protect her with my life. I’ll keep her safe. No one’s going to hurt her again.


Marcia rolled over, connecting with something lean and hard. She grinned without opening her eyes as memories of last night came tumbling back. Declan had been amazing. Her body hummed and a painfully delicious ache tingled in her center.

She trailed her fingers over her shoulder and down to her left breast. The bite mark was still there. A reminder of what they’d done last night. She’d been marked several times in the past, but it didn’t mean anything unless the mark was reciprocated. Declan was the first wolf she’d ever bit back. He was the only wolf she’d ever given herself too, and it had been incredible.

“Morning,” Declan murmured, blinking his eyes open.

“Hi,” she whispered with a smile as she opened her eyes.

He sat up and cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair. “How are you… how are you feeling?” he asked nervously.

“You’re not getting shy on me again are you?” she teased.

“I just…” he trailed off.

Marcia took his hand. “I don’t have any regrets about last night,” she assured.

He relaxed and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Me neither.”

Marcia sat up and placed chaste kisses to his lips. “Do you want to stay in Florida?” she mumbled between pecks. The attraction to Declan was fierce, but what if they didn’t want the same things?

Declan shrugged as h e pulled back. His fingers splayed in her hair, softly caressing her scalp. “I hadn’t given it much thought. As long as Bray and Rhea are there, and they are safe… I don’t care where I live.”

Marcia smiled, propping her head up on her hand. “At best we can stay for a few years. We’re young enough people won’t notice our lack of aging for a while.”

That was one of the nice things about being a werewolf, youthfulness. If allowed to live out their lives naturally they would both grow to be close to a thousand. Unfortunately not many wolves—even alphas lived to their full age potential. The packs were brutal; one wolf was always fighting for dominance, and the women, most women died in childbirth their bodies only able to tolerate so many births.

“I think I’d like a warm climate. I tracked a wolf to Arizona once. It was a nice contrast to the chilling Virginia winter,” Declan acknowledged.

“I lived in Texas for a short bit a few years back. It is nice,” Marcia agreed. She opened her mouth, but stopped short.

Footsteps crept across the carpeted hallway outside their doorway. She narrowed her eyes, peering at the red lights of the alarm clock. It was seven in the morning. Someone might be up and about for business she tried to assure herself.

The door clicked as something was shoved into the lock.
So much for that theory.

“I hear it too,” Declan whispered. He slipped out of bed and quietly slid into his jeans.

Marcia crawled across the bed, positioning the pillows as she went. Carefully, she covered up the pillows and bunched up the surrounding blankets.
There, that looks like a sleeping body.
Next, she tiptoed over to the bag of clothes they’d purchased. Silently she pulled out her garments and dressed. She kept her eyes peeled on the door, watching as the handle jiggled slightly.

“They’ll probably have tranquilizers,” Marcia hissed, motioning for Declan to follow her. She slunk across the floor and hid in the opening to the bathroom. “They won’t want to make too much noise. The last thing they’ll want is to alert anyone of a struggle. With any luck, they’ll think we are still sleeping,” she continued to explain in a hushed whisper.

Declan ducked in beside her and gave her a grim nod. “We wait here then attack them from behind,” he concluded.

Marcia inclined her head.
Good. We’re on the same page.
She held her breath as the door clanked and creaked open. Footsteps padded across the carpet.

Gritting her teeth, Marcia pressed her back against the wall, wishing she could melt into it.
Come on. Walk past us. A little further.

Her pulse roared in her ears as she waited for them to pass their hideaway. The floorboard creaked loudly from behind the wall and Marcia grimaced. She would’ve heard that if she’d been sleeping. The wolves on the other side froze, no doubt waiting for them to stir.
Crap Now what?

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