Alphas Unleashed 1 (5 page)

Read Alphas Unleashed 1 Online

Authors: Cora Wolf

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Alphas Unleashed 1
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"I have to have you right now," he said, abandoning his plan to use his tongue between my legs. He easily picked me up and flipped me over to take me from behind and I knew it was exactly what I wanted too. It felt right. I was lost myself, just a bundle of animal urges. "I need you inside of me," I whispered, spreading my legs and pushing myself back against him. I felt his hard cock, riding up between my butt cheeks. It felt big, but that wasn't surprising, he was big all over.

He pushed me forward, I felt him drag the head of his dick across my wet opening, and then he slid himself in to me, hard and long and fast right from the first thrust. We didn't need to say anything, we were both animals going purely on instinct, knowing exactly what the other needed.

He pushed me down between my shoulder blades, so that my chest and one side of my face were flat against the silk sheets, my ass up in the air, smacking back against his hard chest every time he sunk himself in to me. I had never known it could be this good. Never even imagined. But I had never met an alpha either, and that's what he was, every inch of him.

He put both his hands on my hips and started to pull me back on to him with every thrust, and I moaned between my little gasping breaths, loving the way he filled me up. I dug my hands in to the silk sheets as he dug his fingers in to the flesh of my butt, kneading it and seeming to become more and more turned on.

"You're all mine," he said in a fierce voice, thrusting away, and I could hear him breathing hard now. "Say it," he said, "tell me you belong to me."

"I'm yours," I said, my voice breathy, "I belong to you."

I felt the orgasm coming and then it vibrated through me all at once, making me shudder and spasm and gasp at the strength of it. Connor held tight to my hips, thrusting away like a piston, reaching for his climax, and he found it, finishing himself inside of me with one long final push, staying deep as he filled me up with his seed.

I could feel all the tension going out his body, him relaxing against me as the desperate need we had had slowly subsided.

Eventually he pulled himself out of me and collapsed on the bed beside me. I turned my back to him and he pressed himself to me, one big arm draped across me, holding me close, possessing me. 'I belong to you.' That's what I had said -- what he had demanded I say. But I had meant it. I kissed his big bicep and he nuzzled his face in to my hair. I was his. In that moment I felt more safe and cared for than I ever had in my entire life. I knew instinctively that I would never have to fear for my life again, that he would protect me no matter what. I was home.

"By the way," Connor said, "you see that door over there?"

I looked and there was a door, what I had assumed was a closet.

"It's an ensuite bathroom."

I laughed, "I'm
glad I didn't figure that out."

Chapter Three

I woke up sometime in the night from a rather amazing dream about chocolate cake. The same chocolate cake that was no doubt sitting in the fridge at that very moment. I had no idea what time it was, but it was still dark outside. I could hear Connor's even, shallow breathing beside me in the bed.

I should have just gone back to sleep. I didn't
the chocolate cake.

But it had been ages since I had had chocolate cake. And if the cake was anything like the rest of that place, it was going to be the world's best chocolate cake.

I carefully untangled myself from Connor and hopped out of bed. I threw the robe on and then let myself out of the room as quietly as possible. I glanced down from the top of the stairs but the lower floor was completely dark. There was just the light of the city below from the floor to ceiling windows.

I tip toed down the stairs anyway, wanting to be sure that I didn't wake anybody up in the middle of the night, and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and sure enough, there was the huge slice of chocolate cake. I put the cake on the counter, closed the fridge, and tried to remember which drawer the cutlery had been in.

I tried one, but it was spatulas and whisks and other assorted kitchen stuff that I had never owned.

"Next drawer over," a voice behind me said, and I whirled around, pressing myself against the counter and trying frantically to identify the source of the voice. Then I spotted someone, a silhouette against the slight light of the window. A big, muscular silhouette.


He turned and came over to me, and when he was a few feet away I could finally make out the features of his face.

I sighed, "you scared me."

"Sorry," Marcus said, pulling a bar stool out from underneath the other side of the kitchen island and taking a seat.

"I couldn't sleep," I said, immediately trying to explain myself, "and I was hungry and I--"

"It's fine Sara," he said, and I thought I could see the ghost of a smile on his face in the low light, as my eyes slowly adjusted, "you're welcome to anything in this house. Certainly anything in the fridge."

I didn't need to be told twice. I turned around again and opened the next drawer over, like Marcus had said, and sure enough there was the cutlery. I took out a fork, then grabbed another one and offered it to him.

He shook his head. "I'm already indulging," he said, and shook a tumbler glass that I hadn't seen before.

"So why cant you sleep?" I said, as I took my first bite of cake, trying not to look too eager. It was even more delicious than the cake I had dreamed of. I was really going to enjoy living with the two of them.

"I don't sleep all that much," Marcus said. "Too many dreams. I came out here to enjoy the view. And think."

"Oh, well I can go back to my room if you want to be alone," I said.

"No, stay. I would like it if we could talk a little."

"Okay," I shrugged, "anything you want to know, I'm an open book." A few hours earlier I would never have been willing to be that open, but now that I had gotten so close to Connor I wanted to make sure Marcus liked me too.

Marcus played with his glass a moment, swirling the dark liquid in the bottom of it.

"Has Connor added a new cut to his collection?"

The question caught me so off guard that I dropped the piece of cake I was balancing on the fork. I thought back to Connor saying that Marcus didn't approve of what he did. I didn't want to get Connor in trouble, but I also didn't want to start things off with Marcus by lying to him. "Yes, he has," I said in a quiet voice.

Marcus nodded just a little. "It took me a long time to civilize him. He was just about all animal when I found him. He could barely even speak. I managed to break him of most of the habits that he retained from that place that I found him in, but he stubbornly holds on to that one."

"Wait," I said, thinking it through in my head, "how did you even know that..."

"That you had seen him naked?" Marcus smiled. "I have better ears than you might think Sara. As you will soon learn, the more you change in to the wolf, the more the wolf bleeds over in to your human life. When I first learned to change at will I spent a great deal of time as the wolf. I even spent an entire month in that skin. I am as much wolf as I am human now."

I had long since put the fork down. It wasn't that Marcus was frightening, or menacing, he was just... intense. Too intense to sit there and eat cake with, even as good as it was.

"I bring this all up only because mating can be a very primal experience for our kind. I don't want Connor to get lost in that. I don't want him to undo all the hard work that he did to regain his humanity. It is a fine line to walk, between man and animal."

"No, he's fine," I said. I knew exactly what being more animal than human looked like. It described every other male werewolf I had ever met, every wolf that had gotten one good sniff of me and had tried to force themselves on me. Connor was different from them, of that I was sure.

"Good," Marcus said.

"What was that like, spending an entire month as a wolf? I cant even imagine it."

"I was running away from my life, or what was left of my life, and in that sense it was liberating. I didn't have to think, I didn't have to be me. All I thought about was the scents and the sounds and the sights of the forest. And the next kill. I simply existed."

I couldn't even wrap my head around that. Going to sleep as a wolf. Waking up a a wolf. Being the wolf was something I endured. Occasionally it turned out to be useful. But to live an entire month like that? My mind quickly went back to what I was really wondering about though. "Are you okay with me and Connor..." I blushed, "being together. You said you didn't care, before, about which one of you I chose, but..."

"It makes no difference to me. I grew up safe, surrounded by family. I don't have the first idea of what your life has been like up until this point, but I imagine that safety and security have been in short supply. Connor's presence by your side can provide you with both of those things, whereas I am not as interested in being that presence. I wouldn't presume to take that away from you."

I smiled.

"However," Marcus continued, "unlike the two of you I have lived in a pack before. I know that when your mating heat arrives you will seek out the alpha wolf. Any feelings you have for Connor will become unimportant. Your body will insist. And make no mistake, Connor is not the alpha of this pack, I am. And when you go in to your mating heat I will be equally unable to control myself. I will do whatever it takes to have you."

I was speechless. Was it true? But why would Marcus lie about it? It had to be true.

"I am amenable to... sharing, however, if that is something that you and Connor are willing to consider. You are the first female we've come across, so I've never broached the subject with him."

The thought of my body overriding anything else I wanted... it was unnerving. And a just little arousing too.

"Think on it," Marcus said, "but not too long. Unless I'm mistaken, your mating heat will arrive soon, no?"

I nodded, too shocked to speak. Three weeks and I would be unable to control myself for a full forty-eight hours.

Marcus glanced around behind him. Through the windows the first hints of sunrise were starting to peak through. Marcus turned and drained the rest of his glass and put it down on the counter. "Go wake up Connor. It's time to go."


I came downstairs and saw that Marcus and Connor were both waiting for me, talking in low voices. They stopped as I started coming down the stairs, my bag slung over my shoulder. Connor was wearing beat up leather boots, jeans, a t-shirt and an old jacket. His long hair was tied back.

Marcus was the total opposite, dressed in a perfectly tailored gray suit, shiny brown leather shoes and not a hair out of place.

"Ready?" Connor said as I joined them.

I nodded.

Connor slung one big arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him as we all walked over to the elevator, and I put my hand in his. It felt right, but I couldn't help but keep looking over at Marcus. He didn't so much as glance in my direction, but his words still rung my ears. 'Connor isn't the alpha of this pack, I am.' And when the time came, I would throw Connor away and jump on him, and he on me, slaves to our hormones. Unless I was willing to share, though I wasn't sure exactly what he had meant by that.

And what if I wasn't willing to share? Or if Connor wasn't? Would the two of them fight over me, or would one of them leave? Even after all those years, there was still so much that I didn't know about being a werewolf.

"Wait until you see the house," Connor said, as we dropped down from the top floor in the speedy elevator, "we'll have a whole wing to ourselves, and after I teach you to turn whenever you want we--"

Connor's words cut off as the elevator doors opened on more than a dozen people all milling around the lobby, at least half of them wearing police uniforms. The security desk I remembered from the night before was taped off, and as soon as one of the officers saw us he came forward.

"Folks if you could just follow me," the cop said, holding out his hand to direct us around what was obviously some sort of crime scene.

"What happened officer?" Marcus said as we walked along the edge of the police tape.

"You'll have to read about it in the paper buddy," the cop said.

Marcus stopped, and I couldn't see his face, but I could see the cops. He got one good look at Marcus and the blood suddenly drained from his face. "The security guard on duty was murdered," the cop said quickly.

"How was he murdered?" Marcus said.

The cop looked around, then in a low voice, "his head was ripped clean off. They think it was an animal." The cop gestured with his hand for us to keep walking, "please."

I remembered him, the security guard from the night before, the one that hadn't batted an eye when Marcus and Connor had come in without shirts on. Alan, that was his name. And now he was dead. I got a queasy feeling deep in my stomach.

The cop escorted us to the front door and then turned around and left quickly, eager to get away from Marcus if I had to guess.

Marcus paused at the front door to the lobby and looked around, then casually leaned down and smelled the door handle. Instantly his face hardened and a low growl escaped his throat.

Connor quickly leaned in and gave the door handle a sniff too. "Shit," he muttered, and started to scan the sidewalk.

I leaned in and sniffed the door handle as well, feeling a little foolish and not really knowing what to expect, but all I could smell was the faint trace of human touch. Their sense of smell really was a lot better than mine.

Marcus had his phone out. "The downtown penthouse. Get rid of it." He didn't wait for a reply, just shoved the phone back in his pocket and stalked off towards a waiting black town car.

"What's wrong?" I said, looking up at Connor.

Connor took my hand and started walking after Marcus towards the car. "A vampire named Drago killed the guard."

My heart skipped a beat. The sun was up, but only just. I had never been sure when exactly in the morning vampires had to find a dark place to wait out the day. What if the vampire was still prowling around? And then I realized that while we had been sleeping, the vampire had been down in the lobby. Maybe even trying to get upstairs. Separated by only a key-card and an elevator.

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