Alveus (ABC's Inc. Romance #1) (10 page)

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you’ll be entertaining your benefactor tonight,” Lexi presumed. Clare seemed so
pleased that Lexi didn’t have the heart to be snide about it. The least she
could do was be proud of her friend for winning the coveted honor. Clare nodded
with a smile.

but you missed the performance put on by the heir apparent,” she said. “And it
was for your benefit, too.” Clare shared that it was clear to her that both men
had been on a reconnaissance mission to spy on Lexi. “They couldn’t keep their
eyes from straying over to where you were sitting, and you were oblivious the
whole time,” she laughed. “You sure have a way of getting under their skin.
Life is so much more exciting since you’ve come along. Anyway,” she went on,
“Junior was seeing red by your obvious shun, and I guess he thought he could
make you jealous by taking one of his father’s girls to his bed tonight.”

no, I’m sorry about that,” Lexi said. “Who’s the unlucky girl?”

but it’s okay,” Clare assured her. “She doesn’t mind him being rough. I think
she took a lot of worse abuse before she was brought here. She’s learned from
experience how to please people.”

Lexi’s heart went out to the poor girl. She watched as her friend toyed with
the ankle bracelet. “That’s a nice gift,” she conceded. It was made of platinum
with diamonds spelling out her name. She was well aware of the message the
sheikh was sending – slave bracelet! Then another thought occurred. “I’m gonna
miss you tonight,” she shared.

Clare waved her hand, “I’ll return after a few hours, as soon as he falls
asleep. You’ve heard of the walk of shame? Well, here’s where the saying was
invented. You haven’t felt shame until you’ve been escorted from the suite by a
guy who’s heard everything that’s gone on while standing guard outside the
door.” She started laughing. “Sometimes I have to ignore the strange way he

face turned red. After everything she’d gone through in the last couple of months,
you’d think…


room was dark when Lexi’s eyes flew open. Someone was frantically shaking her

Are you alright, Clare?”

up!” The words were spoken in Arabic. Not Clare – Salma?

stood up and followed the figure out into the hallway. From the dimmed
lighting, she noticed that her escort was pregnant – Ahmad’s wife. Why would he
send his wife for her? Sure enough, she led Lexi into the royal section of the

should put on a robe,” Lexi said as she turned to retreat back to her room.

woman grasped her roughly by the arm, steering her forward again. Despite the
warmth, Lexi shivered and it wasn’t because she was wearing a tiny pair of borrowed
baby-doll pajamas, either. Something was off. Each step confirmed her
suspicions as Lexi noticed that she hadn’t seen one guard, and they passed by the
stairs leading to the royal bedroom suites. Ahmad’s wife led her to a door,
opened it and quickly shoved her inside.

lights came on and Lexi recognized the sheikh’s office. The pregnant woman
hastened to the desk, picked up the receiver of a phone, pressed a button and held
it out to Lexi, gesturing for her to take it. Lexi was astonished and stood
motionless, staring at the woman.

you,” she finally said, taking the proffered receiver when the woman shook it
more frenzied. Ahmad’s wife wanted her gone and was helping her to call for rescue.
Her motive didn’t matter to Lexi, she was grateful to the woman. She could hear
an operator offering assistance and put the phone to her ear.

States information, please,” she said. After a short wait, the American
operator came on. “I need the number for Edward Bravanger Law offices in
Kensington, Maryland. Thank you; can you ring that number for me, please?” Lexi
had no idea what the time was in Kensington, but prayed that someone would be
in the office. She had no one else she could call – certainly not Uncle
Richard, nor Dane. She let out her breath when the receptionist answered.

is Lexi Alberton; I need to speak to Ed.” She was immediately transferred to
his office line.

Alberton, this is Gareth, Ed’s son,” a voice on the end of the line said.
“Everyone’s looking for you. Where are you?”

in Hejd.”


Empty Quarter – Hejd”

sorry, you’re breaking up…

Lexi’s arm was grabbed, and the harsh voice of the sheikh commanded her

up the phone!”




Chapter Ten




said we have to get
home with her honor intact.” Gretchen pointed
out. “We’re guessing you meant Lexi?”

told you I didn’t know who she was,” Dane answered crossly. “Aly is the name
she answered to, Aly Prost. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact
that Aly is
.” Dane’s chest squeezed tight with mixed emotions
– emotions he was inadequate to deal with. Unfamiliar sensations attacked him
like a virus and he instinctively looked to Oma for help. Her eyes moistened
with understanding and compassion; he was a child again, pleading for his
grandmother to make everything right.

don’t we deal with the facts of her disappearance and what we can all do to find
her,” Oma suggested. She turned to the Carstens, “What can you offer as help?”


you know anyone from a German based company called
?” Greig
asked, his eyes still glued to the computer monitor. When Dane hesitated, he
looked up from the screen to make eye contact with his childhood friend.

that I can recall,” Dane said, his eyes focusing in space thoughtfully. “The
name seems familiar, though. Can you find a list of board members?” He stepped
around the desk to see the monitor over Greig’s shoulder.

it right here. I thought I might know someone, but none of the names ring a
bell.” Greig leaned to the side to give Dane a better view.

shook his head. “No, not to me either,” he confessed. “What’s their connection
to the human traffickers?”

maybe a dead end,” Greig reluctantly admitted. “The company has what they call
Info-Guard which allows people using the same InfoTrain email server to easily
send each other encrypted email. The recipient is sent two messages: one with a
web address for accessing the message, and another containing a one-time
password for logging to the appropriate InfoTrain server. After logging in, the
person must change the password. That way, if both the URL and the password are
intercepted and a hacker reads the message, the intended recipient will know
that the password has been changed and that the message has been compromised.”

you’re saying that they probably never opened the communication I sent and
there’s no way to trace them?”

I’m not willing to say ‘no way,’ but it’s going to take time. If we could
encourage some assistance from the designers of the system… well, then maybe we
could cut that time in half.” Greig turned and lifted his eyebrows at Dane in
an unspoken hint.

get right on it. See if I can find an influential friend of a friend,” Dane
said, grateful for a way in which to keep himself occupied, anything to keep
his mind off of Lexi.

he watched Greig Carsten tap away at the keyboard, Dane recalled that as a kid his
friend had been a sci-fi buff, always interested in the latest technology. He
eagerly devoured all of the movies and television shows about outer space and
the future, and was rarely seen without a science fiction novel in his back
pocket. It was no surprise then that Greig graduated at the top of his class from
Caltech and was instrumental in networking all of his father’s business
acquisitions into the main headquarters server.

father, Lee was the youngest of the ABC’s and discovered a talent for infrastructure
while assisting Alexander Alberton and Henry
Brighton in fulfilling their dreams. He
could take the bare-bones of a fledgling or failing business and build up a
solid, profitable company. His good friends then turned around and convinced
him to make a career of it, aiding him in opening Carsten Enterprise. As his
children grew into adulthood they were free to follow their own interests while
still maintaining a career in the family business. Carsten Enterprise owns a
diversified list of companies including: hotels, airlines, restaurants, fitness
centers, malls, and department stores.

quick tap at the door brought Dane’s attention up in time to see the Carsten
siblings being herded into the office by Ed Bravanger. Losing no time on
pleasantries, Ed addressed them.

just received a call from Gareth. He’s heard from Lexi,” he announced. Everyone
alerted and began asking questions.


she all right?”

is she?”

held his hand up for silence. “The telephone connection was bad. All he could
decipher was that she is in the Empty Quarter.”

my God,” Fani cried. “They use foreign women as sex slaves in Saudi Arabia!”
Her sister glared at her.

necessarily, that’s mostly propaganda,” Gretchen chastised. The guys exchanged
worried looks.

Empty Quarter is a huge area,” Dane said, trying not to think about Fani’s
outburst. “Did she narrow it down a little?”

said she tried, but like I already told you, the connection was bad.” The
elderly attorney shook his head. “It sounded to him like Sahed. He checked
before he called me – there’s no such place.”

officials are useless,” Dane said. “We’ll have to find her ourselves.” He
looked to Stefan, “Are you with me?”

course,” he nodded.

going as well,” Fani spoke up, and continued when the men were about to protest,
“She’ll need a friend and that is why I’m here, after all,” she insisted.

no time to debate it,” Dane said. He could see by the look on her face that
Gretchen was intent on joining the rescue party as well. Shit, all they needed
was to introduce two more beautiful women into the mix! “We’ll need visas,” he
told Ed.

is already on it, but I’ve got to warn you,” Bravanger replied, “It could take
as long as a month. We’re going to try and pull in every favor we’re owed to
get it expedited.”

have some FBI friends at the Bethesda Athletics Club,” Stefan supplied. “I’ll
give them a call. Maybe they can give us some back up.”

get in touch with our airlines,” Gretchen contributed. “Check to see where the
closest airports are that we can get in and out of, with minimum fuss.”

the room began empting, Dane felt his determination rise – they were going to
do this!
Hang in there mein liebes, I’m coming for you.




teeth were clattering. Lying on her side, she hugged her arms in an attempt to
get warm. The sand under her was slowly losing its heat as it absorbed the cool
desert night. She shuffled, trying to dig her body into the warmer sand below.
Something moved beneath her shoulder and she jerked up with a sharp scream. A
frightened lizard scurried away into the moonlight. Tears surfaced in Lexi’s
eyes. The nights were the hardest.

was her third night in the pit. She guessed it to be a shallow abandoned well.
There was an iron grate over the top, probably to keep animals from falling in.
It did nothing to shade her from the burning sun during the day, although it
did afford her a view of the clear night sky. She gazed up at the stars
spotting Orion the hunter, her favorite constellation, and prayed for him to
come to her rescue.

Saleh had been furious to find her in his private office, and on the phone!
Wearing a robe that failed to cover his bare chest and legs, it was obvious
that he had been pulled out of bed on her behalf. If he had shouted, threatened
and ranted, Lexi would have found it easier to stand against him in defiance.
But instead he stood red-faced with anger, and with a low steady voice commanded
his men to throw her into the pit. They followed his instructions, literally,
and her shoulder still hurt where it had hit the ground bearing the rest of her
weight. She had not seen nor spoken with anyone since that evening, although the
day before a plastic bottle of water had fallen through the grate followed by a
hasty retreat of footsteps. Lexi was certain the gift had been from Princess

day went by with still no word from the sheikh. Lexi was beginning to think
that it was intended for her to die a slow death in this pit. On the first day
she had searched for a way out of the well, finding footholds up the wall, but
they disappeared a quarter of the way up. Being almost four days without food, Lexi
knew her strength would probably fail another attempt. Besides, she would still
have to deal with the heavy grate, and even then where would she go? She didn’t
want hopelessness to turn her back into the hollowed out shell she’d been,
starting when her mother had taken ill, and ending with her uncle’s betrayal.
Grief from her parents’ deaths had been the catalyst that took away her
resolve. She still missed them, but that wound was healing. No, Lexi Alberton
has always been a fighter and she sure as heck was going to go down fighting!
She moved another six inches to follow the shade. Soon it would be high noon,
and she had to decide which part of her body would take the brunt of the sun’s
fury today.

stood flush against the wall of the well, trying to squeeze out of the direct
sunlight. She turned her body as on a spit, each bit of bare skin crying out
for cover. The baby-doll pajamas she still wore barely covered her mid-section.
She flipped it up over her shoulders to protect them for a while. The top of the
water bottle she had buried in the sand taunted her to partake of the last two
swallows she’d been saving. How nice the liquid would feel sliding down her
parched throat!

heard a noise and suddenly it became dark where she was standing. Her legs buckled
in relief and she landed on her knees. Looking up she saw a tarp covering two
thirds of the grate and a familiar friendly face.

Lexi’s voice came out in a dry squeak.

am sorry,” the princess said, “I am forbidden to come here and the men have
just now left for the day.”

you must not take the risk, sweet girl.”

no, it is alright.” The young girl lowered a rope down to Lexi. “The servants
will not say anything to Father.”

took the rope and untied the cloth sack with trembling hands. She pulled out
two bottles of water, some crackers and dried meat. Grateful tears sprung to
her eyes.

you,” she cried. Taking a bite of the jerky, her dry throat rebelled, refusing to
swallow. After a coughing fit, she heard the princess tell her to drink the
water. Lexi took three large gulps of the cool liquid and tried another bite of
the meat.

and eat, I wish to speak with you,” Fatiha said. Lexi sat under the protection
of the tarp and managed to coax the food down her protesting throat. She kept
her eyes on the water bottles as if fearful that they would disappear.

I meant to die here, Fatiha?” she asked. “Please tell me the truth. Why have
they left me here?”

does not want you to die; he only wishes to teach you obedience. I heard him
arguing with Ahmad. Father desires for his heir to learn to take proper care of
his possessions. Three fine stallions have died under my brother’s
mistreatment. Our father had hoped that Ahmad would value you enough to change
his ways. Ahmad is being stubborn; he thinks that now that he is the crown
prince he should no longer be treated as a child by Father. If he was aware
that my brother has not come to check on you, the sheikh would be very upset.”

you’re saying that the sheikh is punishing me for my disobedience, although
Ahmad is meant to use this opportunity to bend me to his will?” Lexi shook her
head, getting her thoughts in order. “But your brother is ignoring me to spite
his father. He would rather allow me to die, than bend to his father’s will. I
find it ironic that Ahmad cannot see the similarities we share in that matter.”

am sorry I must ask, but what possessed you to be in my father’s private
office? How were you not spotted by the guards?”

was woken by Ahmad’s wife. I thought she was taking me to see him.”

took you to Father’s office?” surprise crossed Fatiha’s face. “She is the one
that alerted Father’s guard that she saw a light under the door and heard
noises coming from the room, that night!”

set me up,” Lexi groaned.

will tell Father,” the princess declared. “It was not your fault. Rasha should
be punished for what she has done!”

no you can’t do that. Ahmad may harm the baby she’s carrying.”

will not harm his firstborn,” Fatiha insisted. “He will simply take away the
privileges she receives as his first wife.”

I don’t want you to say anything… please,” Lexi begged. “Your brother has a
temper which rules him. He won’t think until it’s too late, and the damage will
already be done. I won’t be responsible for the harm of an innocent child.
Besides, it won’t really change anything for me – you know that’s the truth.”

is Rasha’s fault that you suffer, don’t you wish for revenge?” The young
princess couldn’t seem to understand.

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