Always and Forever (24 page)

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Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: Always and Forever
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Every single instinct inside of me wants to
tell Jake the truth. I’m dying to tell him about the night my father came into
my room and what he did but he’s already so protective over me, if he finds out
the truth there’s no way he’ll let me go back home and I can’t leave my mum
with that monster.
“Nothing has happened, everything’s fine.” I
plaster a false smile on my face, hoping he won’t see through my lies.

you sure? You would tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you?” His eyes
bore into mine as though he somehow knows I’m not being truthful with him.
“Seriously, everything’s fine.” I reassure him.
“Before I forget, I need to put some more money
on your phone. I was going to do it for you but seeing as your phone isn’t
working right now you’ll have to do it instead, you think you’ll be able to
“Sure, just tell me what I have to go.”
“Ok, this is the top-up card and there’s forty
pounds on there so you should be good for a while, all you have to do is call
this number on the card.”  He hands it over and I take it from him,
feeling guilty for accepting his money. I don’t like it but at the same time I
love being able to talk to him everyday, no way am I about to give that up.
“Thanks so much, Jake, I feel bad for taking
this. You’ve already done so much for me.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ve told you before that I
need to be able to talk to you, this is as much for me as it is for you.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s fine.”  He says curtly, turning
away. I can see that he’s not entirely happy with me, there’s something which
is keeping him at a distance.
“What’s wrong? There’s something you’re not
 “Are… are you sure that you were just
friends with that guy, Bethany? You two looked pretty cosy when I first saw
you.” He refuses to look at me, his gaze focused on the ground beneath his
“Jake, I promise you all we’ve ever been is
friends. Maybe I thought for one moment that I might have felt something more
for him tonight but then I saw you and the way I feel about Callum is
meaningless when it compares to what I feel for you.”
“And yet you still accepted his number. Do you
know how much that hurt me, Bethany?” He glares at me with accusation and I
swallow nervously.
“I shouldn’t have taken his number but I didn’t
want to be rude. I felt so guilty about my father keeping all of his letters. I
just wanted to make it right.”
Jake spins around, staring deeply into my eyes.
He somehow manages to convey every single emotion that he has through them and
once again I find myself wondering what I would see in them if he were making
love to me.
“What are you thinking?” He asks, as though he
instinctively knows my thoughts had turned sexual.
“Don’t make me say it.” I beg.
“Only because you look so uncomfortable but one
day you will tell me every time you have a dirty thought about me. I can see it
on your face when you imagine me doing something to you.” He leans in towards
me, whispering seductively into my ear.
“Am I that transparent?” I ask, feeling lame
and far too innocent.
“No but you go red every single time, you look
flustered and embarrassed and that’s how I know you’re having an impure
thought.” He teases, grinning at me wickedly.
“I always seem to blush whenever I’m around
you; it’s what you do to me.”
I wait for Jake to make a suggestive innuendo
or to tease me even more but he says nothing. He looks troubled and conflicted
which makes me incredibly nervous. It’s as though he can’t quite decide whether
he should say something to me. I watch him struggle to find the right words
before he finally takes a deep breath and grabs hold of my hand.

You still don’t get it, do you? Bethany, I feel like you’re
the only reason I’m still alive, that you’re the only reason I’m still here. I
know this is crazy but the idea of you not being there, the thought of you not being
a part of my life… the thought of anyone else touching you drives me insane. My
feelings for you are hardly normal and the dependency I have on our
relationship is unhealthy. I don't expect you to understand it but the truth
is... I’m nothing without you. Your existence keeps me breathing, you're all I
need to survive and that's why I need you to promise me something. I need you
to swear that you will never leave me; I want you to promise me that you’ll be
mine forever and I need you to swear to me that this is it… you and me
together. I need to hear you say it, Bethany. I won’t rest until I hear it
spoken from your lips. Put me out of my misery, I’m begging you.
can’t take this
anymore, I’ve tried to be patient and wait until you’re ready but after tonight
and seeing you so close to somebody else… I just can’t wait anymore. I want to
make us official, I want to be exclusive. I need you to be mine, Bethany. I
don’t want to keep on torturing myself by worrying that someone else will take
you away from me. If we’re together and in a committed relationship then it
might be easier for me to be less jealous and possessive. So I guess that’s
what I’m asking. I need to be with you. Say yes and I’ll make you happier than
you’ve ever been. Say you want this and that you want me. Please, say it.”
He gazes down at me, a powerful determination
and resolve etched all over his face. He is absolute in his decision to make me
his and knowing that the passion and the uncontrollable hunger that’s burning
fiercely in his eyes is all for me makes my body feel like it could liquefy and
combust at exactly the same moment.
intensity can sometimes scare me and yet it
is the same unyielding intensity that draws me to him. I’ve never wanted anything
or anyone as much as I want Jake. I crave him and I’m not ashamed or
embarrassed to admit that he’s now become the centre of my world. He’s
completely taken over my mind, my body and my soul. The truly messed up thing
is... I don’t mind.
I understand his desperation; I understand the
essential need that he has to make me belong to him. There’s only one way that
I can relieve his anxiety, I have to convince him that I feel for him exactly
what he does for me.  
yours, Jake. I have been since the
moment that we met and I want the same things that you do. I want us to be
 He exhales loudly and grins at me, it’s
as though all of the tension and unease he was carrying has been lifted from
his shoulders. The relief that he feels exuberates from him and I can’t help
laugh along when he picks me up, spinning me around in a circle. He’s puts me
down and is just about to lower his lips towards mine when I suddenly remember
the promise I made to gran last week. I told her that I’d bring Jake to meet
her and I had completely forgotten about our plans until now.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Jake, we have to go. I can’t believe that I
forgot to tell you but I promised gran that I would bring you to her house
tonight, she wants to meet you.”
I try to pull away from him but his hand which
is now cradling my neck refuses to let go. He pulls me towards him, asserting
his power and his strength over my own.
“No. You’re not going anywhere, baby. I need
that kiss…” He tries to initiate another kiss but I press my hand against his
chest, preventing him from moving any closer.
“Jake, I’m serious! I promised her last week
and I’m not going to break that promise. We need to be quick, we really have to
go.” I say urgently.
“But you never said anything, why didn’t you
mention it before now?”
I’m not sure how to answer him; I guess I’ve
had so much on my mind all week I just forgot to say anything to Jake. I’ve
spent the last few days trying so hard to avoid my father it just slipped my
“I’m really sorry. I don’t know how I forgot to
tell you but we really need to hurt, can we go?” I tug on his hand using all of
my strength, feeling incredibly disappointed when it’s not even enough to cause
Jake to move. I know that this initial meeting with gran might be a little
rushed but I’m not going to let her down, meeting Jake means a lot to her.
“Ok, fine. Let’s go.”
I grin like an idiot when Jake admits defeat
and agrees to come along and it’s only when we start walking that I decide to
question him about the screwed up performance he put on earlier in front of
“If you don’t want to talk about it then it’s
fine but I have to ask, what was the purpose of what the hell was all that
about when you first saw me. It was really intense.”  
“You didn’t enjoy it?” He asks with a huge
self-satisfied smirk on his face.
“That’s not the point; just explain to me what
you were thinking because it was more than a little inappropriate.”
“Ok, I know this might make me sound a little
pathetic and immature but you have no idea how angry I was when I first saw you
two together. It took so much of my restraint and self-control to remain calm,
I really don’t know how I managed to refrain myself from hurting him. So I
guess I just wanted to show him that you belong to me and that you’re mine. The
only way I could do that without you getting all embarrassed and self-conscious
was to turn you on at the same time. I needed to show him that only I could do
that to you, I’m the only one who gets to touch you.”
“Jake, that’s crazy.”
“Are you telling me that you didn’t enjoy it?”
He teases, raising an eyebrow at me in question.
“That is not the point!” I argue.
“Of course it is. Bethany, if you enjoyed it
then I really don’t give a shit about what he thought. By the time we were finished
there was no doubt about how things really are between us. I made sure of that
by the look I was giving him. I guess the only good thing to come out of this
is that we’ve now had the important conversation that was needed and we’re
together. There’s no way I’m letting him come between that and he doesn’t have
your number so the only way you two will speak again is if you call him, which
isn’t going to happen, right?”
He stops walking and stares down at me, a
confrontational frown on his face. He’s ready to argue with me over this and I
don’t think I have the drive or staying power to fight him on this. I feel
sorry for Callum, I hate what my father did by keeping his letters from me but
all of it is in the past. He tried to antagonise Jake and I don’t appreciate
him doing that to me. Jake feels threatened by my friendship with Callum and I
have to ask myself how would I feel if things were the other way around? Would
I really be comfortable with a girl from his past causing conflict between us?
Of course the answer is no.
I’m about to answer him when Jake strokes his
fingers down the side of my face, locking his smouldering dark eyes onto mine.
I swear it only takes one look from him to make my knees go weak and my insides
turn to mush.
“Jake, it’s not that simple. I told him I’d
call, how can I go back on that?”
“Just say it, Bethany. Tell me you won’t call
him and tell me that you’re mine. I need to hear you say it.”
“But I’ve already said it.”
 “I want to hear you say it again and you
still haven’t told me that you won’t get in touch with Callum.
I need to feel secure, Bethany. No other guys
can be calling you and I certainly don’t want you to call them. You have to
understand that, right?”
He tangles his fingers in my hair, tilting my
head back so he can see every single thought and emotion flash across my eyes.
I automatically close them in anticipation of what’s to come; I’m so desperate
to feel the weight of his mouth on mine.
“Kiss me.” I beg him, needing it more than I
want anything in the world.
“I will but I need you to tell me that you
won’t speak to Callum again. I know this request might seem unfair but it’s one
I have to ask from you.”
“I understand where you’re coming from and
that’s why I’ve asked myself how I would feel if our situation was different,
if it were you who has just reconnected with a female friend from your past. I
wouldn’t like it, Jake. In fact, it would drive me crazy and that’s why I
promise you I won’t use that number. I won’t phone him. I admit that I feel a
little guilty but I won’t risk what I have with you over this, it’s too
precious to me.”
He closes his eyes and breathes a huge sigh of
“Thank you… thank you, thank you, thank you.” He
mumbles repeatedly, showering me with kisses all over my face.
moan loudly when his tongue finally slides into my mouth, caressing my own with
so much love and adoration. Maybe Jake’s possessive and overprotective nature
should disconcert me, what we have is so intense and it’s all happened in such
a short space of time but the truth is, it doesn’t scare me. I do belong to him
and he belongs to me, if I’m certain of one thing in this world than that’s it.
We arrive at gran’s a few minutes later and I
find myself suddenly feeling nervous at the thought of the two of them meeting
for the very first time. Jake also looks really nervous and I squeeze his hand,
hoping to reassure him that this will be ok. I knock on the front door and am
glad when she takes no time in answering it, greeting us both with a big warm
smile on her face.
“Bethany! I was beginning to wonder where the
two of you were. Come on in, it’s freezing out there.”
I give her a hug full of appreciation. As soon
as she answered the door my nerves disappeared and I just know that this
introduction will go well tonight.
“It’s great to finally meet you Mrs…” Jake
pauses and glances at me in question but before I can answer him gran
“Oh! There’s no need for any of that nonsense
you can call me Rose.”
I lead Jake into the living room and sit beside
him on the sofa, taking hold of his hand. It feels wonderful to be here with
Jake and to be able to show our affectionate without worrying about being
caught. This is how it should always be and I find myself longing for the day
it will happen, even though I know the changes of that are infinitesimal.
“I’m really sorry we’re late, Gran.” I tell her
when she joins us, not wanting to reveal anything more about why I lost track
of time. What happened tonight should stay between me and Jake, I’m not sure he
would appreciate hearing me talk about Callum again.
“Don’t worry about that, Bethany. I’m just so
pleased to finally meet you, Jake. Bethany has been so happy these past few
weeks and I know that’s because of you.”
I feel myself blushing and glance at Jake,
shrugging my shoulders as though it’s no big deal.
“It’s been my absolute pleasure. Every single
moment I’ve spent with Bethany has been incredible and I’m so pleased that I
make her feel the same way.”
He squeezes my hand, fastening those
magnificent eyes on my own.
“Bethany, do you mind fixing us a drink?”
“Sure, what would you like?”
“I’ll have a coffee for me and what about you,
“I’m fine with anything, coffee will be great.”
Jake winks at me, causing me to poke my tongue out at him before I head into
the kitchen.
I hope he’ll be ok with gran whilst I’m in
here. I can’t hear what they’re saying but I can hear the background murmur of
their conversation. I’m sure gran will be asking him a dozen questions which
makes me will the kettle to hurry up and boil so he won’t be left alone for too
I carry the coffee through on a tray and they
both stop talking as soon as I enter the living room.
What did I miss?” I ask, wondering why they
went silent as soon as I came in.
“Nothing much, Jake’s just been telling me all
about himself.” Gran says cheerfully.
I look at Jake as I sit back down but he
refuses to give me any eye contact, keeping his intense gaze focused on the floor
in front of him. Something’s not right, what the hell happened out here whilst
I was gone?
“Jake?” I ask uncertainly.

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