Always Beautiful (5 page)

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Authors: M.K Oien

BOOK: Always Beautiful
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“Fight fair and you know the rule, last man standing wins.” Matt said before stepping out of the square. The crowd began to go wild, this time chanting. I watched as Zeppelin and Gregory both put their wrapped fists up and moved closer to each other. Circling each other, they sized each other up. Knowing that they had fought before, numerous times apparently, I wondered if they could calculate what move the other would make.

Gregory took a step toward Zeppelin and cocked his fist back, ready to strike. Zeppelin dodged the blow and swung around, punching Gregory in the side of the head. You could hear the hit and people began cheering and booing depending on who they rooted for. Captivated by his movements, I kept my eyes locked on Zeppelin as he circled around Gregory again and delivered a flawless uppercut. Gregory stumbled back for a moment. He growled and glared at Zeppelin, who wore a cocky smile as he stuck up his middle finger in Gregory’s direction.

“Yeah!” Tucker shouted and turned to Josh for a fist bump. Before there was time to protect himself, Gregory rushed Zeppelin and shoved him back really hard. Both men almost came barreling into the crowd. There was a series of gasps and cheering as they grappled with each other. Zeppelin wrapped his arms around Gregory’s waist and attempted to push him toward the center of the square. They struggled against each other and eventually fell to the cement floor. Zeppelin landed first, his neck strained to keep his head up and avoid smacking it on the ground. Gregory landed above him and began swinging. He got a few solid punches in on Zeppelin and my mouth flew open in shock.

With blood on his cheek and his brow split open, Zeppelin began to throw blows as well and it effectively got Gregory up and away from him. They circled each other again, both men were breathing heavy, their chests rising and falling as they stared at each other. “Knock him out Tree!” Someone in the crowd shouted. “Cut the tree down Zeppelin!” Another person yelled. Gregory started gunning for Zeppelin again, but Zeppelin must have been anticipating the move, because he quickly darted out of the way. He turned quickly and wrapped an arm around Gregory’s neck while his back was still to him.

I cringed as I heard the cracking noise when Zeppelin’s fist connected with Gregory’s head from the side. Gregory fell to his knees while attempting to remove Zeppelin’s arm from around his throat. The blows kept coming until moments later, Gregory slumped forward and Zeppelin loosened his hold. Tucker began to inch closer to the square, all the while watching Gregory to see if he would get up. Zeppelin stepped back, taking deep breaths. His body was red in places, his face bloody, and he was sweaty all over. I couldn’t stop staring at him, fascinated with what he had just done. It was amazing how in control of his body he seemed to be and how powerful he was. Bloody or not, I had the sudden compulsion to feel his body against mine, feel his arms around me, his lips on my lips.

Tucker made it to the square and squatted beside Gregory’s body. He was breathing, but clearly down for the count. Tucker stood and grabbed Zeppelin’s arm, lifting it above them. “Winner, Zeppelin Rhoades!” Tucker determined. The crowd cheered again, some people didn’t sound too happy and began to disperse. A couple of guys came into the square and hoisted Gregory up. He was groggy but opened his eyes and groaned as they carted him back to the room he had gotten ready in.

“That was insane!” Hannah squealed. I turned to look at her, my eyes wide and my body humming with adrenaline. “That was beyond insane!” I stated. “Did you enjoy the show?” Josh asked from behind her. I began nodding my head and smiled. “Yeah, I mean it was intense but awesome too.” I responded. “And we won some money!” Hannah cheered. “I didn’t bet.” I replied. “Well Dixon will pay you really good.” She assured.

Her gaze flew past me and then she grinned at me. Waggling her eyebrows, I was about to ask her what she was doing when my hand was clutched from behind. I turned around abruptly to see Zeppelin, his blue eyes were sparkling, his chest rising and falling still. “Come here.” He growled low and began pulling me through the crowd of people. I wanted to protest, I think. I should have demanded that he tell me what he was doing. I could have, but I didn’t. The feel of his hand around mine felt too good.

Zeppelin didn’t let go of me as we made it away from the crowd, and continued on to where the rooms were behind the stairs. Flinging open the first door abruptly, Zeppelin tugged me into the room. He turned and slammed the door shut at the same time he pulled me into his body and turned pressing me against the now closed door. Without a word, he ran a hand behind my neck, the other gently squeezed my waist and he leaned his head closer to mine. My brain barely had time to register what he was doing as he pressed his lips against mine. Warm, full lips that felt incredible against me. I gasped and Zeppelin went in for the kill. His tongue swept my lower lip and then entered my mouth. My own tongue met his eagerly and we hungrily tasted each other, savoring whatever this was.

Zeppelin groaned and pulled me closer to his body. I could feel the hard muscles of his chest pressed against mine, the hard length of him against my hip. I let out a moan and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me roughly and gently bit my lower lip, tugging it as he drew his head back from me. His blue eyes locked on mine in the dimly lit room. Both of us were breathing heavy and he still held me close so that I could feel him. “I had to taste you.” Zeppelin said in a raspy whisper. I felt my muscles clench down below at this admission. I couldn’t speak. My heart was still pounding in my throat, the blood still rushed in my ears. I only nodded. “The way you looked at me out there, right before the fight. I just wanted to kick that guy’s ass quickly and drag you back here. It was all I could think about.” He confessed.

Zeppelin removed the hand from the back of my neck and stroked my cheek with his index finger. He trailed it along my jaw and over my bottom lip. My lips parted and under no control of my own, my tongue darted out to taste the tip of his finger. Zeppelin sucked in a breath. His eyes became hooded as he gazed at me. “I wanted to taste you too.” I admitted in a breathless whisper. In an instant, Zeppelin began to devour my mouth again. He moved both of his hands to my hips and pressed himself into me. I was pinned between him and the door, completely at his mercy. His hands ran down my hips to my ass and he gripped me roughly, pulling me against him.

I grabbed his shoulders as he hoisted me up, our bodies aligning perfectly against each other’s. He pressed me into the door using his hips and I wrapped my legs around his waist firmly. “Oh my God!” I moaned as Zeppelin started to move my body against his. “Holy shit Lucky, I swear I can feel how hot and wet you are through those jeans.” He groaned against my cheek as his lips traveled down my jaw and back up to my ear. Zeppelin’s breath was hot and fast in my ear. He removed one of his hands from behind me and slid it up my waist, underneath my shirt. His skin was like fire against my own as he continued his exploration of my body. My eyes rolled back as his fingers traced along underneath my bra. “Zeppelin…” I moaned. “You feel so good angel.” He breathed as he teased the fabric, his fingers sliding back and forth.

His fingers moved higher and he cupped my breast as he placed open mouthed kisses alongside my neck. I fisted my fingers in his hair and he lifted his head, his lips brushing mine.

“Hey Zeppelin!” Dixon shouted, pounding on the other side of the door with his fist. Zeppelin let out a low growl. “What?” He barked. He moved both hands so that he was clutching my thighs and pressed himself into me again. I bit my bottom lip. I didn’t want my cousin hearing me. Zeppelin smirked at me and kissed my lips. “We need you out here. Is Lucky in there with you?” “Yeah she is.” He replied and kissed me softly again. “Well get out here. Matt’s paying people and we need to roll out soon.” Zeppelin sighed against my lips. “We’ll be out in a second.” He told him. Dixon didn’t say anything after that, so I assumed he left.

“Damn.” Zeppelin muttered and began to lower me. When my feet hit the floor, my legs wobbled. Zeppelin gripped my waist and pressed his forehead against mine. “I don’t want to let you go.” He said softly. I licked my swollen lips. My breathing was back to normal now, mostly. “That was…Wow.” I breathed. Zeppelin pulled back from me, his eyes sparkling and a ghost of a smile on his lips. “That wasn’t even all of me angel. Wait until you get the whole thing. I’ll make you see stars.” He promised. I arched a brow at him. “Stars, really?” I asked with a sardonic smile. Zeppelin stepped back and shrugged. “You’ll have to find out.” I nodded slowly.

Letting out a sigh, I smoothed my clothes and fluffed my hair with my fingers. “I should get out there.” I said. Zeppelin nodded. He looked at me curiously and then stepped forward, his hand cupped my face and his thumb ran along my cheek. “You had a little bit of blood on you. Sorry I didn’t clean up first.” Just his touch gave me butterflies again and I wanted to kiss him. “Don’t worry about it.” I said softly. Zeppelin’s lips curved up in a half smile and he gently pressed his lips to mine one more time. “I’ll see you out there.” He breathed against my lips and then backed away from me. I turned to grab the door handle. I took a deep breath and let it out before opening the door. I didn’t regret what I had just done. In fact, for the first time, I felt alive.


Chapter 3

June 2012

It wasn’t like me to make out with a guy I didn’t know well. Hell, I barely made out with my ex-boyfriend Jeremy. Zeppelin was a much better kisser than any of the guys in my past. He was a lot stronger too and more dominate. I had never really thought I had a type before, but thinking back on the few boyfriends I had, it was obvious Zeppelin wasn’t typical. All the other guys I ever had interest in were straight-laced with big plans for their future. I guess I was the same way. I always focused on my academics and working toward one day being in the medical field. How odd that I was just realizing this.

I must have had an uneasy look on my face, because as I wandered over to where Hannah was she asked me what was wrong, and looked confused. “Nothing,” I mumbled. Hannah handed me a full cup of beer and cocked a brow. “You sure about that, you looked almost lost for a second.” She said. “Do you think I’m too focused on the future?” I asked. Hannah went back to looking confused. “What? Why are you asking me this, what happened in that room?” I sighed. Leaning my head closer to hers, I whispered in her ear. “Zeppelin and I were making out.” Hannah gasped audibly, her head snapping back to look at me with wide eyes. Thank goodness nobody else was around us, or they would wonder what was going on.

“Yeah, and it was pretty much the best thing ever.” I admitted. My brow furrowed. “I feel like I’ve been selling myself short.” Hannah searched my face for a minute and then suddenly began laughing. I glared at her and began to get mad. What the hell was so funny about this? I was about to yell at her, but she shook her head and put a hand on my shoulder. “Girl, you haven’t been selling yourself short. You just haven’t discovered what you want yet…Or at least until now.” She explained. “I don’t follow.” Hannah sighed. “Lucky you asked me if I thought you focused on the future too much. The answer is yes and no. Yes, because you have missed out on opportunities to expand your horizons socially and no, because you are working toward a dream. That’s undoubtedly awesome.” “Okay…” I still wasn’t quite sure what she meant.

“I think that now that you’re in a new place and around new people, you are less inhibited. You’re twenty-one years old. You need to live a little more and stop worrying so much about the future. At least take the summer off.” She said. “I don’t want to make time for guys, especially ones that probably won’t stick around long.” I admitted. Hannah shook her head and smiled. “You don’t have to. It’s okay to make out with a guy and not date him Lucky.”

Obviously I had known that. Hannah lived by those kinds of rules up until Josh. It wasn’t that I was naïve about hooking up and hanging out with a guy for a short time. It was simply something that I had never personally done. The concept was foreign to me. The thought now though was most definitely appealing. What was coming over me all of a sudden? Maybe Hannah was right. I was in a new place with new people other than her and Dixon. I had just witnessed my first underground fight and there was a strong possibility the rush of that caused me to let my guard down with Zeppelin. Was it so bad though? I was a twenty one year old woman. Perhaps I should do as Hannah said and take the summer off from stressing about my future.

I sighed and looked at Hannah, a slow smile forming across my mouth. “You’re right.” I declared. She grinned at me. “I’m always right Lucky Harris. That’s why I’m your best friend. Now drink your beer and loosen up.” She pushed my hand that was holding my cup up to my face and I took a drink of the frothy liquid. The beer was nice and cold which helped considering it was still warm in the basement. There weren’t as many people now, and anyone left was either standing around talking or crowded with Matt, collecting their winnings.

I spotted Dixon standing near Tucker. They were talking and laughing about something. Dixon’s head turned and his eyes spotted me. He immediately stopped his interaction with Tucker and began to walk toward me. I glanced at Hannah. “Do I look like I did before I went back with Zeppelin?” I asked quickly as I instinctually smoothed my hair. “You look fine. Your lips are a little fuller though.” She said with a wry grin. That didn’t help. I wondered if Dixon would notice. Did guys notice those things? I started to panic. Would my cousin be pissed if he knew I had been kissing his friend? I didn’t have any more time to think. He stopped in front of me.

“How did you like the fight Cuz?” He asked with a smile. “It was pretty awesome. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it at first, but I liked it.” I said. Dixon nodded and pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket. “This is your payment for making calls for me today. I really appreciate your help.” “Thanks.” I took the money from him and shoved it in my back pocket. I had left my purse in the car with Hannah’s. She had said they weren’t necessary inside. “As soon as the place clears out, we were going to head back to the house and have a few beers. Are you cool with that?” Dixon asked. “Sure, I don’t mind.” I replied. I smirked at my cousin. “You really don’t have to ask my permission Dixon. It’s your house.” “I know, but it’s yours too for the time being. After last night, I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with it.” I nodded and playfully glared at him. “As long as you’re not offering up my room to someone else, I think I’ll be fine.” Dixon chuckled and nodded. “It won’t happen again.” He assured me.

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