Always Beautiful

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Authors: M.K Oien

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Always Beautiful




M.K. Oien


Cover Design © 2013 Making Magic Design

Copyright ©2013 M.K. Oien

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, or events are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.



This book is dedicated to the memory of my lost loved ones. I miss you every day.



Zeppelin Rhoades came into my life like an unexpected storm. One minute all was calm and peaceful in my world. I was right on track of where I thought I was supposed to be. I had a plan set and a purpose. The next minute,
was my plan and my reason for living. He overturned my life and consumed me like a blazing, powerful wildfire. He’s ultimately my greatest love, my soul mate, the one whom I could literally not breathe without.

Sometimes life throws you things when you least expect it. These are usually the best gifts. Zeppelin taught me that if you counted your blessings and opened your eyes, you could find the beauty in everything. He also revealed to me what it felt like to truly be loved and the importance of allowing your-self the opportunity. Even if there was a chance that it could hurt like hell in the end, I fell for him hard. At the risk of losing him and even myself for a while, I still fell. To me it was worth every minute.


Chapter 1

~Present Day~


I wasn’t entirely sure why I stood where I am today. I knew it was because of him and I loved him for it. I was also terrified and the tears wouldn’t stop falling down my pale cheeks. If I could just see him and hold him once again I would be okay. He wasn’t here now though. He left me because he had to, because those were the rules. I thought back to two nights ago when I last saw his face. When I last gazed in to those amazing blue eyes and ran my fingers through his light brown disheveled hair. I touched my lips, remembering how his kiss felt.

“You’re my angel, Lucky.” He had whispered before kissing me passionately. “I love you Zeppelin.” I spoke against his lips. I felt him smile and he pulled back from me, still keeping his arms around my waist. “I love you.” He said back.

More tears began to fall and I reached for a tissue on the table beside me. “I’m going to have to redo your makeup if you keep up the water works.” Hannah, my best friend, said as she pulled me into a light hug. “I’m sorry, it’s just that today is huge. It’s an ending; a finality.” I replied. Hannah pulled back from me and nodded with a small smile. “It’s also a new beginning Lucky. Try to remember that. Zeppelin wouldn’t want you crying and thinking negatively.” I swallowed and tried to fight the onslaught of more tears. I dabbed at my cheeks with the tissue and took a deep breath. “I’ll be okay.” I told Hannah and myself. Hannah placed a hand on my shoulder and guided me toward the mirror. “You’ll be more than okay.” She said.

My gaze traveled up to the mirror and I took in the way I looked. It made a whole new set of tears want to escape, but I held them back and allowed myself to process what was to come next. I smoothed the black dress I wore, my hand trembling. I took another deep breath in and let it out slowly. I could do this; I wanted to do this, for Zeppelin.

Hannah left me alone to locate my mom and dad. Some people enjoy having a healthy amount of people surrounding them. I was not that person. I preferred quiet and solitude. I walked over to my IPod and pressed play. The slow melody of The xx began to flood my ears. I closed my eyes and began to sing the lyrics to Angels. My mind drifted to the first time I met Zeppelin. I think even then I knew that he was going to be more than just a stranger.



June 2012

I had just moved in with my cousin Dixon the week before. I was studying to become a Cytotechnologist, a job that I had wanted very badly and was important to me. A lot of people that I knew thought I was crazy for getting into a profession that involved examining the changes in cells. It didn’t seem fun or exciting to some, but I was thoroughly curious and it intrigued me. To me, I got to be that person that helped in finding out what was wrong with a person whether it be cancer or some other disease.

The college that I had attended in Medford was fine for some basic pre requisites but I was better off attending the actual medical college in Portland. Dixon was a few years older than me and had just graduated the year before. At twenty three years old, He had a house, a good job at my uncle’s garage, and a degree in business. I knew I couldn’t be where he was at this point in my life. Considering I was twenty one and was just about to dive in to another few years of school plus a clinical internship, but the outcome would be worth it in the long run.

My parents were a little uncertain at first when I told them that I wanted to move to Portland, but eventually they realized it was the best thing for me. They were helping me with my tuition so I took their feelings into consideration. I also was able to get a partial scholarship which helped tremendously.

Having my cousin and uncle here helped them in their decision. It was agreed that I could stay with Dixon until I was able to find my own apartment. My parents were going to help me out with the down payment on a place when the time came and I was grateful. All I really needed to worry about was food, rent to start saving for, and gas for my car.

That was the one thing that I refused to leave behind in Medford. My car is a mauve 1966 Coronet 500 that my dad and I had worked on since I was thirteen. When I graduated high school, it was given to me as a present. This car was my baby and I had even dabbled in a little drag racing with it back home. There was no way I was leaving it behind and knowing that my uncle and cousin would be more than happy to see it, I stuck to my guns and brought it with me.

Dixon was the best kind of roommate because he was hardly ever home. I had my own room and plenty of space to live without feeling like I was interrupting his life.

Dixon and I were pretty close when we were kids. Being only two years apart, I considered him like a big brother. I was always following him around and begging him to play with me. It helped that I shared some interests with him. My uncle has been an avid car person as long as I’ve known him. Dixon was always in the garage with him and I liked to be there too.

They packed up and moved to Portland when I was twelve. I was sad that we couldn’t be as close anymore, but our families visited on occasion throughout the years. This was the reasoning for my dad getting the Coronet for me. He knew how much I enjoyed spending time with cars and Dixon and it was his way of allowing me to continue that.


The Friday after I moved in, I was feeling less than great. I picked up some sort of cold virus and decided to spend the entire day and night lying on the couch and watching movies.

“I’m heading out to Matt’s and then we’re going out. You sure you don’t want to go?” Dixon asked as he grabbed his keys off the end table. “No, I think its best I stay in tonight.” I replied. Dixon walked around to the couch I was on and stuck his hand out to feel my forehead. “You do feel a little warm.” I rolled my eyes. “I think I’ll survive
.” I teased. “Hey, I’m just trying to be nice. Do you need anything before I go?” Dixon asked. I shrugged. “I think I’m fine for now.” “Well, call me if you need anything. I’ll see you later.” He said as he headed to the door. I waved him off and went back to searching for a movie on Netflix.

A few hours after Dixon left, the sun had gone down. I got up to grab something to drink. I was in the middle of pouring some orange juice when I heard the loud rumbling of an engine. Putting the juice away, I wandered back out to the living room just as headlights turned into the driveway. Dixon hadn’t mentioned anyone stopping by. I peered out the curtains and my eyes widened. There was a bad ass looking ‘67 GTO. It was cherry red and appeared to be in pristine condition. “Damn.” I muttered as I checked out the gorgeous car. The driver’s side door opened and a guy stepped out. He was wearing dark jeans and a white t-shirt. His arms were covered in multi colored tattoos and he wore a black baseball cap. I stepped back from the curtain in fear of being caught. Moments later there was a knock on the front door.

I casually strolled to the door and opened it slowly. I didn’t want to seem obvious in knowing he was here. The guy was tall and his partly shaded blue eyes fell on mine, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Hey, I’m looking for Dixon.” His smooth, deep voice spoke. I had met a few of Dixon’s friends in the last week, but not this one. Surely I would have remembered him or at the very least, his car. “I’m sorry, he’s not here.” I replied. “Do you know when he will be back?” The guy asked. I noticed the way his eyes traveled down my body and back up. “Not sure.” I said shortly. This stranger was undoubtedly good looking, but I really didn’t care for the way he was looking at me. I felt like a bug under a microscope or the prey to a hungry lion. He nodded. “I could have sworn he said to meet him here.” He mumbled.

“Well, he’s not here so…” I trailed off. I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms over my chest, only now realizing that my thin tank top wasn’t the best thing to answer the door in. This six foot something bad boy’s eyes roamed over my body again deliberately. When his eyes met mine, he smirked. He didn’t even have the decency to look sorry. “You can go now.” I said, pinning him with my bitchiest look. He chuckled darkly and shook his head. “Alright, I’ll go. You be sure to tell Dixon that I’m looking for him.” He replied.

I rolled my eyes. “And who might you be?” I asked in an irritated tone. I uncrossed my arms and grabbed the side of the door, preparing to close it. “I’m Zeppelin.” He said and then turned away, bounding off the steps toward the killer car in the driveway. I didn’t realize I was staring until he turned back to face me as he opened his door. Winking at me, he called, “See you later angel.” I effectively slammed the door closed and made sure it was locked. I felt my face flame with mortification. I was just checking out one of Dixon’s friends and I got caught. Letting out a sigh, I wandered back over to the couch and curled up once again with my favorite blanket.

I was startled when I heard Pardon Me by Incubus playing. I grabbed my phone off the arm of the couch and saw that it was my best friend Hannah calling. Hannah and I grew up together in Medford. She moved to Portland after high school to attend college at a fashion institute. I missed her like crazy while she was away and she was the first person I visited when I moved here. We had only been face to face a handful of times in the last few years, so it was exciting for us both to be back together in the same city. We had always been close. Hannah was like a sister to me and she hung in the same circle as Dixon and his friends.

“What’s up?” I answered. “Hey Lucky, what are you doing tonight?” She asked. I could hear some sort of music playing in the background of wherever she was at. “I’ve got this cold or something. I’m lying on the couch.” I replied. “Oh. Well I was going to see if you wanted to come out to the bar for a bit.” She said cheerily. “You’re at the bar tonight?” I replied. I almost wished I was out with her and having a good time, but my head and throat reminded me that it wouldn’t be a good idea.

“Yeah, me and Josh and a few other people, that sucks that you don’t feel good.” She said. “I know. I’d love to come out but Dixon just left and I really don’t want to make myself feel worse.” I said. “I totally understand. So listen, I was talking to Josh about you looking for an apartment and he knows of some decent places. Do you want to go house hunting tomorrow?” She asked. “I can’t tomorrow.” I sighed. “There’s a fight in the evening and Dixon needs me to make calls.”

My cousin didn’t only work at his dad’s shop. He also helped his friend Matt out with a few side gigs. One of them was a popular underground fight club with the college kids. It made some decent money and he had asked me a few days ago if I would help out. I was all for it as long as he paid me a little too. It wouldn’t hurt to make some extra cash this summer to prep for the fall and school.

“Josh and I are going.” Hannah announced. “Is he fighting?” I wondered. Josh was an avid fighter while he was in college, but graduated last year. I didn’t think he was really into that anymore. Hannah said he was a trainer at a local gym now. “No, he just wants to watch. There’s a guy that hasn’t fought in a while and supposedly he’s a beast.” She explained. I furrowed my brow. “Dixon didn’t mention who was fighting. Who’s the guy?” I asked. “I don’t know his name. I just heard people talking. He’s one of their friends.” “Hmm…Okay. Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night then. Have fun and don’t drink and drive!” I scolded. Hannah laughed. “I love you Lucky Harris. Call me if Dixon drives you too crazy.” She said. “Oh I will. Catch you later.” I replied before hanging up.

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