Always Summer (29 page)

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Authors: Criss Copp

BOOK: Always Summer
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They had a
sofa bed in their living room, which would be for our use.
However, they were a little low on blankets
and pillows, so we needed to bring those ourselves.

We packed
up Blake’s car after lunch... we were a little late at doing so, since Blake
had found it necessary to accost me in the kitchen while I made us some
Two orgasms later, we
showered, ate and then packed our things into the Audi.


Julie and
Helen came running out to us the moment we pulled up in front of their
They’d been waiting for us.

Helen was a
gorgeous woman, with milk chocolate brown skin, grey eyes, short hair akin to a
Halle Berry
pixie cut and a face the
angels wanted back.
Her body was another
perfect example of the hourglass shape, and she was just a smidgeon shorter
than Julie.
Julie had recently admitted
that Helen was in fact bisexual; however, she was committed wholeheartedly to
They’d now been seeing each other
for such a long time, I was certain she was right.

“You made
it!” Julie enthused, hugging first me and then Blake.
Helen held back and then when the coast was
clear, she too gave us hugs.

“You three
head in.
I’ll follow in with our stuff.”
Blake announced.

I leant in
and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

babe!” I said.

In the
apartment, Julie and Helen alongside their two flat mates, Jason and Susie, who
had both shared classes with Helen from the beginning; began pulling out shot
glasses and alcohol for our celebratory beginnings of a great weekend out.

Susie squealed, while Jason cut up lemons and Helen pulled out a salt shaker
from above their stove.

everything!” Blake announced, as he dumped the last of our bags in the corner
of the lounge room for later, and came over to the kitchen; coming up behind me
and pulling me into his body by curling his arms around my waist.

Blake questioned, “Already?”

Julie answered him... “You need to be buzzed before we go out!” she argued.

“It’s 3
When does this thing start?” he
confusion evident.

o’clock!” Helen answered.
“But we’ll be
eating, there’ll be more people here soon and we’ll need to spend some time getting
ready, so it will all be gone too soon!” she reasoned.

“I’ll be
paralytic before then if this is how we get started!” Blake laughed.

“No, silly!”
Julie scolded.
“Two shots to start, then beer for the next few hours to keep the
buzz going!
Just pace
... please!” she laughed.
“You won’t be able to buy anything when we
get there you know!”

“Um... durr!”
Blake sarcastically responded.

stomped over and melodramatically slapped Blake, before turning and darting out
of reach from his return swing.
It made
me smile to see them playing around like that.


The build
up to the evening out was in full swing.
The apartment was packed!

I liked
everyone here... all of Julie’s new friends, with the exception of Mandy, who
was the typical blond bombshell... absolutely gorgeous and aware of it.
She had taken one look at Blake and
introduced herself, thrusting her boobs forward into his shocked and watching

she drooled, (it was disgusting).
“Mandy! And you are?”

Julie answered for him. “My brother!” she clarified.

older or younger?” she asked, her eyes undressing him right there in front of

I was
talking to Jason at the time about the legitimacy of haiku poems, but my
conversation was quickly stalling.

“Um... older!”
Blake responded, a confused look passing over his face.

I walked to
them and placed my hand on his arm.

“And this
, his girlfriend!” Julie said sharply.

“Oh... Hi!”
Mandy said, barely sparing me a look.

Summer, it’s time we got ready!” Julie announced, looking at her watch, before
looking up and giving Mandy a dirty look.

“Okay.” I

I lifted up
and kissed Blake on the cheek and whispered, “Won’t be long!”

“Okay.” He
said, looking at me with a smile and kissing my forehead.

Leaving, I
threw a filthy look at Mandy, who didn’t see, since she was staring at Blake’s
butt, in view of the fact that he had turned around and accepted another beer
from Jason; showing Mandy his back.


Helen and I were getting ready together in their bedroom.
I was sporting the skinny jeans, heels and
sequined top look.
My hair was left out,
and my makeup was sultry.
Helen and Julie
were doing the punk thing... knee high laced boots, short tartan skirts and
tight black t-shirts... together they looked really good!
It was a totally different look for Julie,
and she actually owned it!

makeup was applied, we stepped out the room and back into the throng of surging
college kids.

Helen shouted, encouraging everyone to quieten down, “It’s time to be heading
out!” she announced.

I looked
for Blake, and found him seated on the couch, next to Mandy; her hand was on
his chest, in addition to another on his left ear, and his face was turned in
to hers.
I noted his hand was wrapped
around the wrist of the hand that was resting on his chest.

“What the
fuck is going on here?” I seethed.



Who the
fuck did she think she was?
I’d sat down
here to get away from her, after already dodging her when she purposefully
when introducing herself.

sought me out and sat down next to me, asking me about my piercings.
I endured it to begin with, but I was
This girl was hot...
totally the type of girl I’d have been interested in tapping when I was without
However, I was with Summer now... and those days were thankfully long
She was just another one
night stand for someone else to deal with... my interest registered in the
negative digits.

Then she
was touching my ear and attempting to coo in it.
No amount of alcohol was going to get me
interested in following this road.

I informed
her not to touch me, my girlfriend wouldn’t appreciate it, and so she gushed,
placing her hand on my chest and leaning in tight, saying that she wasn’t trying
to cut in, that she was just interested in my jewelry.

Um… yeah! I was so buying that!

I grabbed
her wrist and was just pulling her hand off me, explaining to her that I had
zero interest in her skanky ass, when
before us and angrily addressed the scene.

“What the
fuck is going on here?” she seethed.

Now I was
just fucking angry!
Summer and I had
come this weekend to reconnect with friends and have fun... not get into fights
over stupid shit!

I looked up
at Summer so she could see my anger and hopefully interpret it correctly... she
narrowed her eyes and turned to face Mandy, who had by now pulled back from me
following my words about being skanky and having no interest in her.

wasn’t normally a confrontational person, she wasn’t exactly physically built
to duke it out, although she’d whip the girl’s ass in a skateboarding contest,
beauty contest and personality contest.
did things differently.

Like the
time when Natasha Sorrel had been teasing Julie about her quirky dress style,
and had Julie in tears, back in seventh grade.
Summer fearlessly walked towards Natasha, grabbed Owen Hammond’s tray
out from under his face, with unfinished burger on board; and proceeded to walk
directly up to Natasha, pick the burger up and smash the food into Natasha’s
She then took a step back and
brandished the tray as a weapon, taunting Natasha about her choice in
She’d received a detention, but
then so did Natasha after the reason was discovered for

grabbed a plastic cup from a passerby’s hand and without hesitation, threw the
entire contents into Mandy’s face.
for me I had seen it coming and moved away far enough not to get too much
splash back.

She then
lifted her leg and grabbed one of her stiletto heels into her hand.

“Get the
fuck off of my man bitch!” she said.

“What the
fuck!” Mandy screamed.

whore doesn’t work for him... so get your diseased slutty self out of here!”
she warned, brandishing her stiletto.

Mandy shot
up and went to grab Summer; at the same time that Julie barged through and told
Mandy to get the fuck out of her house, and I had jumped up and pushed Mandy to
the side so she didn’t have a good shot at Summer.

The whole
apartment full of people watched Mandy leave.
Perhaps she had been overly punished for her stupid insistence of trying
to get me to show some interest; but looking at
I felt she deserved those ‘just desserts’.

“I know it
wasn’t your fault... but if you weren’t so God Damned sexy, this wouldn’t have
happened!” Summer said aggressively.

I just
mouthed openly like a fish... what could you say to that?

“I’ll be
pissed now for hours!
And the bitch
stole my buzz!” she complained.

Yep, the
girl definitely got her ‘just desserts’... I was gonna have to tread carefully
for the next couple of hours, and it wasn’t even my fault!

It was time
to make it well known that
and I were both
completely off the market.
I already had
plans as to how we could achieve that heightened status, these plans needed to
be instigated really soon.



previous weekend ended up being awesome, despite the slut!
My period had held off till the Monday
morning, and we had enjoyed blissful sex over the weekend, as Blake attempted
to make up to me for doing absolutely nothing wrong!

Now Friday,
the off week was at another successful end.
Waking up and dressing for class I ignored Blake’s moaning for me to get
my ass back into bed, because he had something to show me; since he knew my
period had eased off yesterday, and was non-existent today; but he should’ve
known I wouldn’t have sex till later.

eagerness this morning confirmed my suspicions that he had something planned
for me this afternoon.

preferred penetration... he wanted to be sharing the experience with me.
And now to top off my ‘off week’, I also had
to get to New York this evening, since I was flying down to Cozumel, Mexico
tonight at 9pm, for a photo shoot on Saturday.

I’d be returning
home on Sunday night, with Blake collecting me from
airport and bringing me home so that I could return to classes
on the Monday.
This was the first time
we’d been apart since we moved in together.
I was already missing him, yet I was excited to be travelling for the
first time out of the states as well.
mean it was the Caribbean side of Mexico after all!

Blake was
going to go home for the weekend, since
airport wasn’t far from Northport.


A strenuous
morning with my lecturer Mr.
, who was a
strict and inflexible character, not to mention regimented disciplinarian...
left me feeling a little wilted.

I pushed
through the door, dropping my bag off my shoulder, to land in my hand, and
being careful not to scrape my skateboard along the paint of the door, I
wandered into the entrance area.

I’m home!” I trilled.

“In the living room!”
Blake shouted back.

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