Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)
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Both girls had fallen asleep in the back of Zack’s SUV on their way home. After their conversation on the bench, Zack had been quiet the rest of the evening, which was fine with her. The only reason she’d agreed to go tonight was for Jessica. She needed some normalcy in her life right now. Diana was determined she would give that to her, even if it meant spending an evening with her old crush. Zack pulled up to her house. Before she could thank him he said. “I’m sorry about earlier. Heck! I’m sorry about the whole night.”

“No problem. Thanks for the ride.”

His hand on her arm stopped her from opening the door. “Diana, can we be friends again? We were pretty good at it once.”

She ran her hand through her hair to keep herself from laying it over his hand on her arm. “I’d like that.” Why had she said that? Could have something to do with those whisky-colored eyes. She could get drunk on them. She had at one time long ago.

“Thanks. I know you have a lot on your plate. Whatever you need, I’m here.” He ran a hand down her hair, and she had to fight the urge to tremble.

“I just might take you up on that if Liz manages to run Logan off.”

“Who’s Logan?”

“The eating disorder therapist I hired. He arrived today, and Liz chose to disappear so she wouldn’t have to see him.”

“How bad is her problem?”

“Bad enough she collapsed after her last fashion show and was hospitalized for three days. The doctor said if she didn’t get help soon her heart will give out or other organs will start shutting down.”

“I didn’t realize she was that bad off. I’m sorry. I know being saddled with Liz is the last thing you wanted.”

“No kidding. But she seems to be different. She’s changed since we were kids.”

“Yeah, she has. She’s spent quite a bit of time up here over the last year I’ve been back and even before then.”

“Has she? I didn’t know.” So Liz had been the dutiful daughter all these years while Diana was busy building her career. Another strike against Diana.

“Hey.” Zack wiped a tear off her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Why the tears?” She shook her head. “I just thought of my parents. I’m sure it will take a while before I stop bursting into tears at odd times and places.” She managed a small smile. “Thanks again for tonight. Jessica needed it, and so did I.”

“Anytime. Want me to carry her in?”

‘‘No need, she is light. I can manage.” She pushed the door open and got out before she did something really embarrassing, like kiss him.












The following morning Diana was coming down the stairs when she saw Liz trying to slip out the front door. “Going somewhere?”

Liz jumped at the sound of her voice. “I have errands.”

“At this time on a Sunday morning? Nothing is open in Magnolia Falls.” Diana reached the bottom of the stairs. “You are going to have to meet him sometime. Now would probably be a good time, considering the amazing smells coming from the kitchen are his doing.”

Liz sighed and set her purse down on the foyer table. “It does smell good, doesn’t it?”

Diana nodded and wrapped her arm with Liz’s. “We will do this together. I promise he isn’t an ogre. As a matter of fact, he is kind of cute.”

“Does my sister have designs on my eating coach? Wait until Zack hears he has competition.” Liz smiled the mischievous smile that used to scare Diana. Now she felt no fear, only camaraderie.

“There is no competition,” Diana said.

“A little competition might be just what Zack needs.”

“Zack is a friend, nothing more,” Diana said. Was she trying to convince Liz or herself? After last night she didn’t know.

They entered the kitchen to find Logan pulling something out of the oven. “Good morning, ladies. You are just in time for a blueberry coffee cake.” He set it down on the counter. “We also have egg white and spinach omelets.” He pulled a chair out at the table. “You must be Liz. This is your seat.”

Diana pulled her arm out of Liz’s so she could accept the offered chair. Liz just stood there, staring at Logan. He didn’t move, nor did he speak. Diana recognized this as a fight of wills. She also hadn’t missed the way Logan had looked at Liz when they walked in. Diana was used to seeing that stunned look on men’s faces when they first saw Liz. She had to give Logan credit though. He was able to hide his reaction much more quickly than most men. Finally she nudged Liz on the back. “If you don’t go, then I will. I’m starving, and the food smells amazing.”

Liz went to the table and sat at the seat Logan offered her. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

Logan smiled triumphantly at Diana over Liz’s head. “There is a plate for you as well.” He went to the other side of the table and held out the chair for Diana. “If you don’t mind, I will join you. I thought we could get to know each other a little since we will all be living under the same roof.”

“That’s an excellent idea, Logan. Thank you,” Diana said. She sat down and took a bite of the wonderful omelet. The flavors were amazing.

Over the next half hour Diana was amazed at how Logan managed to put Liz at ease. He had her talking freely after ten minutes. That never happened. Liz was always very reserved. She had let her guard down so much she finished her omelet without even realizing she was eating. Granted, it was a small portion, smaller than her own Diana had noticed. Still, it was progress. Perhaps this was going to work.

When they had just finished eating, a sleepy Jessica walked into the kitchen. “What smells so good?”

“That would be blueberry coffee cake,” Logan said.

Jessica scrunched up her face. “Why would anybody put coffee in a cake? Yuck.” Her comment elicited a laugh from all three adults.

Jessica looked at them bewildered, but still walked to Liz who pulled her into her lap. “There isn’t any coffee in it. They call it a coffee cake because people like to eat a slice while they drink coffee. Would you like a piece?” Logan asked her.

Jessica nodded and laid her head on Liz. She was still sleepy. Diana stood and poured a glass of milk while Logan brought the cake along with plates to the table. He served a large piece for Jessica and set it in front of her. He then served smaller portions to himself and Diana. As they sat at the table talking, Jessica proceeded to eat her cake. Liz absentmindedly picked up a few pieces now and then and ate them. Diana realized that was why Logan had given Jessica more. He was counting on Liz eating some as well.

After they had all finished eating breakfast, Diana stood and reached for Jessica’s hand. “Let’s go get you dressed. We have to pick up Cassidy because her Uncle Zack has to go see a sick horse.”

“Yippee.” Jessica jumped out of Liz’s lap and followed Diana out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Zack had called earlier that morning asking if she could watch Cassidy for him. In exchange he would pick up the girls from school the rest of the week. Diana had a feeling the next month of co-parenting two small girls with Zack was going to wreak havoc with her self-control.


When she and Jessica arrived at Zack’s to pick up Cassidy things were in chaos. Cassidy was crying and Zack was trying to calm her down while he gathered his vet bag. “Hey guys. What’s going on?” Diana asked.

Cassidy ran to her and threw her arms around her legs. “Auntie Diana, I can’t find my necklace that mommy gave me, and uncle Zack won’t help me look.”

Diana looked up at Zack and saw the pained expression on his face. “I really have to go see this horse. I promise I will look for it when I get home Cassidy.”

“Jessica and I can help her. We will find it, won’t we Jessica?”

“Yes, we will. Come on Cassidy, let’s go look in your room.” Jessica took Cassidy’s hand and they went up the stairs.

“I feel awful,” Zack said.

“She’s six, everything is ten times worse at that age, especially for a girl. She will be fine. Now go save that horse.”

Zack dropped a quick kiss on her forehead. “Thank you. I owe you.”


Diana walked into her father’s law offices on Monday morning and was greeted by Mrs. Morrow, his long-time secretary. She had kept the office up and running during the last few weeks since the accident with another attorney from Hartford helping out with court appearances. Tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t imagine this office without her father in it. The ever-perceptive Mrs. Morrow noticed, stood from her desk, and enveloped Diana in a hug.

“It’s good to have you here, honey. It was your dad’s dream that you take over one day.”

“But not today and not without him.” Diana sniffed. A few stray tears managed to fall.

“He was very proud of you and the choices you’d made. Don’t ever lose sight of that.”

Diana nodded. “Thank you.” She walked towards her father’s office slowly and pushed open his door. It still smelled of him, peppermint and his cologne.

“Go on in. I promise there aren’t any ghosts in there.”

Taking a deep breath, she stepped over the threshold and walked to his desk, not so sure Mrs. Morrow was right. She pulled his brown leather chair out and sat down. Despite her most valiant effort she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She picked up the picture of her father and her stepmother and looked into their happy, smiling faces. It was so hard to fathom she would never see them again, never hear their laughter. It wasn’t fair. They were too young and she, Jessica, and Liz still needed them. She slammed their picture face down on the desk and winced when she heard the sound of glass breaking.

“I’ll bring a new frame for that later.”

She jumped at the masculine voice and looked up to see Zack standing just inside the office. He had closed the door.

“What are you doing here?” She couldn’t keep the annoyance out of her voice. She didn’t want him to witness her every outburst.

“I thought you could use some coffee and a strawberry muffin this morning, not to mention company on your first day.” He held up the tray of coffee cups and a white bag. She could smell Ray’s famous muffins. They were her favorite. He’d remembered.

“That was thoughtful of you, but I don’t think I’ll be very good company right now.” She sniffed.

“That’s okay. I owe you one,” he said. He set the coffee and muffins on the table and then he walked around the desk, and knelt down in front of her, taking both her hands in his. “It will get better. It will just take some time. I promise.”

Diana nodded. The tears fell harder. Before she could stop herself she lunged into Zack’s arms. He lifted her and carried her to the sofa in the corner of the office. He held her in his lap and ran his hand up and down her hair in a soothing motion. He didn’t offer any platitudes. He let her cry it all out. She had been strong for Liz and Jessica. Now she needed someone to be strong for her. Once again, Zack was there when she needed him. She had missed him all these years.

After she had finished crying, Diana moved off his lap and sat next to him.

Zack handed her a cup of coffee, then opened the bag and pulled out two muffins, handing her one. They were still warm. Surprisingly, she felt like eating. She raised the muffin to her nose and inhaled the amazing scent. She took a bite and closed her eyes. “
, I’ve missed these. I must have tasted every muffin in New York City looking for something that came even close, and nothing ever did.”

“Same here. But I’d figured the difference was you.”

“Me?” She asked, confused.

“I figured the reason Ray’s muffins tasted so good was because every time I had them I was with you. It was always you who added extra flavor to my life.”

Diana smiled. “You’re just trying to make me feel better. Besides, I don’t know if I believe your theory,” she said.

Zack leaned closer to her. “There is one way we can prove my theory.”

This was what she had missed most about Magnolia Falls, Zack. There was no use denying it. No matter how hard she tried, she had never gotten over him. Now, he was so close. She knew what he was offering. All she had to do was lean forward, and his lips would be on her. A big part of her wanted nothing more than to be kissed by Zack, while another part of her was afraid. She had survived losing him once. She didn’t think she could survive it a second time. Zack must have seen something in her eyes, perhaps the fear shown brighter than her desire, because he backed away. She should be relieved. But all she felt was disappointment.

“I just wanted you to know I’m here anytime you need me.” He smiled at her and took a drink of his coffee.

“I’ll remember that next time I’m in the mood to test a theory,” she said.

He smiled and, changing the subject, said, “This office looks the same as when we were kids.”

“It does. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for me to be here. There are so many memories.”

“You could make it your own. Redecorate and put your stamp on it. I know your dad wouldn’t mind.”

“Maybe I will. I think that’s the only way I’ll be able to work here.”

Zack finished his coffee and muffin. “I’d better get back to work. I have a full day of patients to see.”

They both stood up. Diana leaned up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for everything,” she said.

He looked into her eyes, reached for her hand, and pulled her to him, slowly. He pulled her into his arms. “Anytime, Kitten.” He leaned towards her, his eyes on her lips. She was reaching up for him, when he pulled away.  “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t do this. It’s been a difficult morning for you, and here I am, taking advantage of the situation. It won’t happen again,” he said.

Diana was fuming. “Do you really think I’m some brainless female who would allow herself to be taken advantage of? I might be sad and distraught, but I am not vulnerable. I do not allow myself to be vulnerable. Not anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Diana. That’s not what I meant.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Look. This just isn’t right. It’s not the right time.”

Diana turned cold. She walked away from him and back to her desk. “I think you should leave now. I’ll pick up the girls from school today. I’ll drop Cassidy off at your place after school.”

“Diana, I—”

She put up her hand to stop him. “You have made yourself perfectly clear,” she said in a tone that indicated the conversation was over. Thankfully, he understood and left.


Zack pulled his truck into his drive way and sat there for a moment staring blindly ahead. So much for good intentions. The minute he’d seen her with tears streaming down her face all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and soothe the tears and hurt away. She looked so vulnerable sitting behind her father’s large desk, staring at their picture, pain radiating off her.

He almost kissed her. He had to get a grip and stay away from Diana Mathison. Falling in love with her was not an option. Did he ever really fall out? After today he didn’t think so.


Zack’s visit had managed to take Diana’s mind off her parents and onto other things, namely him. To get her mind off him she decided to get to work. She called Mrs. Morrow into her office to go over their cases and get familiar with them.

“Joe from Hartford has been handling things, but he is swamped and glad you are here to take over. You know he and your dad were golfing buddies, and he stepped up right away to help out.”

“That was very nice of him, I will have to take him and his wife out to dinner to thank them personally.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll set it up.” Diana smiled, Mrs. Morrow was nothing but efficient, and she wouldn’t let anyone get out of doing something they should. She handed Diana the first file from the stack on her lap. “This is a simple estate planning case. Mrs. Button has decided to change her will again.”

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