America One: War of the Worlds

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Authors: T I Wade

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #High Tech, #Hard Science Fiction, #Space Exploration

BOOK: America One: War of the Worlds
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War of the Worlds

Book VII



– War of the Worlds

Copyright © 2014 by T I Wade.

All Rights Reserved.

Published in the United States of America.


No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address: T I WADE, 200 Grayson Senters Way, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526.


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T I WADE’s books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information, please write: T I WADE, 200 Grayson Senters Way, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526.


Library of Congress Catalogue-in-Publication Data
Wade, America One / T I Wade.


Editor – Jim Doak, Hayden, Alabama


Cover design – Jack Hillman, Hillman Design Group, Sedona, Arizona


Formatted by





Chapter 1   The Reunion

Chapter 2   The Briefing and Return to Earth.

Chapter 3   Ryan Richmond Takes Over Command of Astermine Co.

Chapter 4   Visit to China

Chapter 5   Mission Four to Mars

Chapter 6   Lots of Gold

Chapter 7   Mars Underground

Chapter 8   Oh Hi!

Chapter 9   A New Home for Many

Chapter 10   A New Plan

Chapter 11   Return to Earth

Chapter 12   Earth and
America Three

Chapter 13   Israel, Mars Attacked and New Engines

Chapter 14   A New Revelation or Two

Chapter 15   War of the Worlds—Act One

Chapter 16   War of the Worlds—Act Two

Chapter 17   The Other Half of Mattville

Chapter 18   War of the Worlds–Act Three

Chapter 19   The Secret Base

Chapter 20   War of the Worlds—Act Four—Ceres

Chapter 21   One Giant Leap for Mankind

The Martian Club Retreat


Ceres Base

Base Nevada

Ryan and Kathy Richmond

The Astermine Crew



Astermine’s Secret Society (ASS)

Books by the Author

About the Author




War of the Worlds
is dedicated to Buzz Aldrin


Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr. was the second man on the moon, and a man I had the pleasure to meet in 2014. I dedicate the last book in his series to a man who has gone further than any man before him, and will forever grace the history books of time.


One person can create a miracle, a team can create many miracles.


Chapter 1
The Reunion

“What the hell did you guys do to my legs, put them through a ringer?” asked Jonesy trying to stand on his own two feet. “I‘m committed to sleep and you do horrible acts to my body while I’m in la-la land,” he continued wincing with pain while having to cling on to his daughter and weak wife for support as he tried to stand. “Last time I’m going to be put to sleep like a damn dog.”

“Dad, I’m sure your legs will get better after a few hours,” stated Saturn winking at her mother, who looked as pale as, and only a little better than her husband.

“Maybe they should have just chopped those things you call legs off before they put you to sleep,” replied Maggie his wife.

“You OK Jonesy?” asked VIN. “It sounds like you are, since I can hear complaints.”

“Next time I’m flying Cathy Pacific,” replied General Jones.

“Who?” asked his young daughter not understanding.

“An airline that existed before your time dear,” answered her mother.

“Oh! One of those flight companies in the old movies,” added Saturn.

“Stop gabbing ladies, I need to sit down,” added the tall astronaut, and he was helped to the nearest chair where he was belted in. “If these legs hurt so much with little to no gravity, I had better ask Lieutenant Noble if he has a spare pair of metal legs before we reach earth.”

Young Mars Noble rushed up and was asked to help move the poor man.

“And you are?” Jonesy asked bluntly.

“Commander Mars Noble, sir, in charge of getting you guys back to earth in
America Two
, sir.”

“Good. Any cold beer left on this rock. I need one right now?” Jonesy added. Mars looked towards his father, who nodded no.

“No, sir, but we have tons of it back on earth ready for you, sir” replied the young man Jonesy thought looked a little like his old partner.

“Mr. Jones, you survived I see,” stated Ryan Richmond being helped over by two young ladies towards the older man.

“You been partying during our sleep absence boss? All those young girls around you. You remind me of Hugh Heffner,” Jonesy asked being belted into the seat.

Ryan could see that Jonesy wasn’t looking too healthy. He was sure he wasn’t either as his wife Kathy also looked worse for wear, and so did Maggie, Jonesy’s wife.

“Not quite Mr. Jones,” replied Ryan happy to see that the tall man, and his weird sense of humor had survived.

You remember my daughter Lunar?” Ryan asked. “And this is Jenny, one of the Burgos daughters.

“I remember Lunar and Jenny a lot younger. Hell, I don’t even recognize Saturn, my own daughter. These old kids are all a bunch of real aliens if you ask me. Real Twilight Zone stuff. How long were we under, or asleep? You guys said it would take fourteen years. Apart for my legs that now feel a hundred years old, it only feels like I was put in that test tube a few hours, actually only a few minutes, ago. How come all our kids look so old?”

“Because we are 14 years older, Dad, or do I have to whack it into you,” replied his daughter. That shut Jonesy up, as well as he was needing to puke into a bag one of the youngsters was holding and ready for.

“America Two?”
questioned Ryan looking at his elder daughter, Lunar. “She is flying?”

“A real beaut, Dad,” replied Lunar excitedly. “This was her maiden flight into outer space to get you.”

“The wagon wheel design?” he asked.

“Exactly as you, Boris and Igor designed her, but with six times more fire power,” Lunar replied.

“Who is her Flight Commander?” Kathy Richmond asked being helped towards the other astronauts by another young girl. Kathy was still groggy, but in better shape than her husband.

“Commander Mars Noble, no less,” replied her daughter Lunar pointing towards Mars. Kathy still didn’t believe Lunar had grown up so much. “And guess what, Dad, Mom, we
have fantastic news for you. Captain Pete and Dr. Nancy survived the
America One
explosion. They are now retired in Australia, and on our very own island with Joanne and Roo. It’s a beautiful island, you are going to love it.”

“Yes, once we get over the gravity conditions. Something I’m not looking forward to in this weak condition,” stated Kathy Richmond leaning over and giving her white-faced husband a kiss on the cheek. “We are not really with it, so give your father and me time to digest all this news. I can’t believe that we have been asleep for 14 years. You look so grown up Lunar…and we have three grandchildren to meet?”

“I have two good-looking boys, Mom, James and Mark, and Pluts has a two-month old baby boy, baby Titan,” replied Lunar with feverish excitement. “He’s a darling and needs his grandmother.”

Throughout the two cryogenic levels of the base inside the asteroid, the same conversations were taking place between parents and their very grown up children they had left as mere teenagers.

“Where is Penelope?” asked Michael Pitt to nobody in particular as he was helped to sit up in the cryogenic chamber. He then watched as his wife Penny who had been lying next to him was assisted by the same young lady to also sit up.

“Vice President, Dad, I’m Shelly” replied Shelly Pitt helping her mother sit up. Shelly was Penelope’s younger sister.

“Vice President of what, Astermine?” Penny asked as a much older-looking Jenny Burgos, and someone she didn’t recognize, came over and literally lifted her husband out of the chamber and helped sit him down an a soft earth deck chair. Once Michael was tied into a chair they lifted her out.

“No, Mom. Vice President of The United States of America,” Shelly responded excitedly helping the two others sit her mother down next to her father.

It took her father a few seconds to respond as her mother Penny also regained composure and together the three of them hugged as a family for several seconds.

“Our Penelope, a politician? What is this world coming to?” stated Penny Pitt aghast. Michael Pitt said nothing but a weak smile crossed his face, like he might have known something his wife didn’t.

Allen Saunders felt worse than his worse hangover during his Air Force Academy days. His head felt even worse than a Jimmy Hendrix drum solo.

He was very dizzy and was laid down on the floor of the room by his eldest daughter Pluto Jane. He would have fallen if it wasn’t for her help. Allen looked around for his wife Jamie and felt even worse when he saw her puking hard into a bag.

He closed his eyes, gripped his daughter’s hand weakly and rested. He certainly wasn’t doing this cryogenic stuff again, until he remembered that a human could only do it once, and now he knew why.

Slowly they all regained some sort of composure but it took many minutes for every person to begin to feel human again.

Igor was very weak, it seemed that it hit some harder than others. Boris was even worse, and luckily Mars and crew had all of Dr. Nancy’s interns with them.

Boris’ heart stopped when he was lifted out of his horizontal chamber and tried to stand up. He immediately slumped to the floor. His fall was cushioned by two of the crew, but he still hit the floor with his head hard, and lay very still.

Immediately two of Dr. Nancy’s “PAs’” she called them rushed over and shouted for the Defribulator one of the crew had carried in. As one ripped open Boris’ Tee-shirt the other powered up the machine and within two jumps, Boris was once again alive, although still unconscious.

Boris would be the first to be carried aboard into
to fly back to
America Two
, which was thirty miles off the starboard bow of DX2017 and under the captaincy of Jane Burgos.

Jane and her younger sister Jenny had lost their parents in the last attack on The Martian Club Retreat 16 years earlier, and many remembered that they were one of a few who wouldn’t have parents waking up.

Dr. Rogers hugged his wife Nurse Martha once they were awake. In turn they had no son waking them up, as he had died in the same attack.

They were very excited to be told, once they had regained their composures that their good doctor friends, Dr. Nancy, now many years older than them, and Captain Pete were retired and looking forward to the return of the medical team back to earth. Dr. Nancy had given the outbound crew a letter to hand to Dr. Rogers and his wife when they were awakened.

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