American Diva (38 page)

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Authors: Julia London

BOOK: American Diva
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“What difference does it make?” Audrey asked irritably. “It’s not him.”
“Miss LaRue, you never know what can set a person off.”
She groaned and covered her face with her hands a moment. “Falling out of love,” she mumbled.
“You or him?” the detective asked.

“Is there someone else?”
“That is a very personal question,” she said, glaring at the detective.
“Just covering all the bases,” he said congenially. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

,” Audrey said quickly, and lifted her head, looking right at the detective. “There is no one else.”
Jack swallowed down the nudge his heart gave him in response to her answer. Of course she wouldn’t own up to their affair. Not now. But deep inside, he wished she had.
“Let’s see if we can’t round up Lucas,” the detective suggested, and looked at Jack. “Can you find him for us?”
Audrey didn’t look at him, but drew her bottom lip between her teeth as she concentrated on her hands in her lap. “Yeah,” Jack drawled, his gaze steady on Audrey. “I can find him.” He turned and walked out of the room.
He could tell these local cops that it wasn’t Lucas who wanted her dead. But he had a funny suspicion about Rich, and thought he might have a little chat with him by himself.
The box was not a bomb, but another letter wrapped around a little travel clock telling Audrey that next time, it would be for real. The clock, Jack and the detective thought, looked new.
“Any place you can buy these around here?” Jack asked idly.
“Not too far. A quick cab ride from here,” the detective said, and looked at Jack. “Want to ride with?”
“Yep,” Jack said.
On the way to the pharmacy, Jack put in a call to Michael.
“Yo,” Michael said when he answered the phone. “It’s Bob the Bodyguard. What’s up?”
“Can you run a quick check on someone for me?”
“Sure,” Michael said. “Friend or foe?”
“Don’t know.” He gave Michael the details and told him a little about what was going on.
“Damn,” Michael said low. “And here I thought you were just having a grand old time. You and Hotpants are still dancing to the beat, right?”
“I’d appreciate it if you could get back to me as soon as you can,” Jack said, and hung up.
The detective raised a curious brow. “What you got?”
Jack shrugged a little. “Not much, really. A hunch.”
“Hunches are good,” the detective said. “Talk to me.”
Jack talked, laying out why he thought Rich needed an extra look.
The pharmacy did have a surveillance tape, which they handed over to the police. And Michael called back with some interesting news of his own. “Richard Later had a little run-in with the law about fifteen years ago,” he said. “He was stalking an old girlfriend. She said he wrote her some nasty letters, although it appears the actual letters are missing from the file.”
“That’s interesting.”
“What’s interesting is that he caught up to her one night, talked her into coming over to his place, then got all weird on her. He was wearing a vampire outfit and tried to bite her.”
“No shit?” Jack asked.
“No shit.”
“Huh,” Jack said, thinking. “Wonder why that didn’t show up on the background checks we ran on everyone at the beginning of the tour?”
“Because his girlfriend refused to press charges. She didn’t like it, but didn’t think he needed to go to jail for it. He moved from Chicago to L.A. after that.”
“I think we have our guy,” Jack said. “It will take a little more to make a case, I suspect, but he’s our man.”
“Stick close to your girl,” Michael said. “I’d hate for her to get bit.” He laughed at his own joke.
They talked a little longer about work, but when Michael started nosing around about Audrey, Jack cut the conversation short. “Gotta go, pal,” he said. “We’ve got a show tonight.”
“Spoilsport,” Michael groused as Jack hung up.
Jack called Audrey just as she’d managed to convince everyone that they could leave her alone. Lucas was especially resistant, but when Audrey threw a fit, he made his way to her door. “You’re being foolish,” he said, pointing a finger at her. “This is not me directing your life, this is just telling you what is.”
“Go tell someone else what
,” she said irritably. “It wasn’t a bomb, they have a good lead, and I don’t need to be watched like a toddler, okay? So please go.”
Lucas went. She hadn’t even locked the door behind him when her cell rang.
“I need to talk to you,” Jack said without preamble when Audrey answered.

” She was drained and felt completely off-kilter.
He paused, and she wanted to kick herself for sounding so reluctant to see him. “I had hoped now. You’ve got a couple of hours before you need to be at the amphitheater.”
“I know, but . . . okay,” she said, giving in.
“I’m coming over.”
Audrey threw the phone on the bed. It had been a very trying day—what she did not need right now was someone else telling her what to do. She just wanted to get to the amphitheater and do her show and then get the hell out of Little Rock.
Moments later, she heard his knock on her door, and Bruno began his hysterical barking.
Audrey marched to the door and looked through the peephole; Jack was standing on the other side, one arm propped against the jamb, looking very impatient. She threw the door open and glared at him.
“Uh-uh,” he said, waving a finger at her. “Not that look.”

“The aggravated look,” he said as he walked in and shook the door from her grip, letting it slam closed. “The
“I don’t have a
look,” she said. “I’m just exhausted.”
“Oh yes you do,” he said, and put his hand on her waist. “Not a good idea when I’m in this kind of mood.”
“What kind of mood?” she asked, confused.

mood,” he said, and yanked her into his chest and kissed her with the same sort of longing Audrey had felt for him the last few days. She wished for all the world she could just sink into him and forget about everything else, pretend that life beyond that door didn’t exist.
Unfortunately, it did exist. He lifted his head, tweaked her nose. “What’s the matter?”
“What’s the
? I’ve been a little busy being interrogated,” she said, catching a breath as he tweaked her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. “And stalked. And oh yeah, someone left a bomb at my door. And I haven’t slept.”
“It wasn’t a bomb.”
“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . .”
“Okay,” he said, “you’ve had a rough day. But I’ve got an idea to make it a whole lot better.”
“Does it involve Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream?” she asked.
He laughed. “It could. Are you alone?”
Thank God
He smiled again. “Smart ass,” he said, and lowered his head to hers again at the same moment he swept her into his arms and carried her across the room. He tossed her onto the king-sized bed and leapt on after her, breaking his fall with his arms on either side of her. When Bruno jumped up to join them, Jack pushed him off again. “Not now, Bruno. You have her all the time.”
In spite of her promises, in spite of the many confused feelings she’d been having lately, Audrey could not resist his touch. She hadn’t even realized how badly she wanted him until the moment he touched her.
He wrapped one leg over both of hers, then slid his hand up her ribcage and down again. “I tried to call you.”
“Like I said . . . I was a little preoccupied.”
He moved his hand to the waist of her jeans and flicked open the button. “Girl, you don’t even know what preoccupied means,” he said, and unzipped her pants. He slipped his hand inside, sliding his fingers between her legs. Audrey sighed with pleasure as he began to massage her. Jack covered her shirt and breast with his mouth, teasing her with his teeth.
Everything flew out of her head—her promise to Lucas, the bomb scare, her show. Somehow, Jack could push the entire world out of her room so that it was just the two of them. She felt incapable of anything when he touched her and she let herself go, falling headlong into the moment. She moved so that he could pull her pants from her body and push her legs apart and press his mouth to her panties.
It was incredibly sexy—she was soon sliding down the slope to fulfillment. He suddenly rolled onto his back, pulling her with him so she was on top. “Take my jeans off.”
Audrey smiled pertly and undid the button of his jeans, then unzipped the fabric that strained over his erection and, with his help, pushed them down his hips. Audrey straddled him, rubbing against his erection.
“Take off your shirt,” he said low, and greedily eyed her body when she did.
“And the bra.”
Still rubbing against him, she reached behind her and unfastened the bra. Jack grabbed it and pulled it off her before surging up and taking her in his arms to kiss her. One hand slipped between their bodies and began to stroke her. “Can you guess how many times I have thought about this in the last forty-eight hours?” he asked softly.
“As many times as I’ve thought of you?” she responded as she pushed her hands through his hair. He groaned and took her breast into his mouth. She sighed with pleasure, let her head drop back, reveling in his touch.
He grabbed her by her hips and lifted her up, closing his eyes as she slid down his body, burying him deep inside her, moaning as she began to move on him.
Jack leaned back and took her breasts in his hands, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the way she moved on him. She braced her hands against his chest to move faster, feeling the pressure building within her body.
Jack suddenly surged up again; Audrey squealed with surprise when he rolled them over so that she was on her back. He grinned, buried his face in her belly for a moment, then flipped her over, onto her stomach. He slipped his hand under her abdomen and lifted her up, so that she was on all fours, and leaned over her, his mouth on her shoulder, one hand on her breast, the other sliding down between her legs.
“I’ve been going crazy thinking of you,” he said. “I can’t sleep, I can’t eat . . . I count the minutes until I can be with you again, just like this,” he said as he moved between her legs. He kissed the back of her neck, massaged her with his hand. Audrey was breathing raggedly now, wanting him inside her, pushing against him and grinding her body against his hand.
Jack drew a line with the tip of his tongue down her spine as he spread her thighs with his. He guided himself into her, slipping in slowly, groaning with the exertion of holding himself back to be gentle.
“No,” Audrey moaned, pushing back against him. “Don’t be easy, I don’t want easy. I want you to
A growl of approval escaped Jack and he pushed hard inside her, causing Audrey to cry out with pleasure. She dropped her head and began to match his rhythm, pushing back against him with as much force as he slid into her. Her back arched; she indulged the lustful desire that was roaring through her veins, feeling her body pitch toward an explosive release.
The stroking of his body was as frantic as the stroking of his hand. She moved wildly against him, moved with animalistic abandon, her body burning in every place they touched. He put his hand at her nape and urged her to bend down, then bent over her, his mouth in her hair and on her neck, his fingers moving magically against her flesh. “You make me hot as hell,” he said hoarsely. “God, how I’ve wanted you like this.”
Audrey panted, building to a release, all but sobbing with pleasure and bucking wildly as her body erupted. She cried out with the strength of it, and was followed a moment later by Jack as he thrust into her once more.
With his forehead on her shoulder, he snaked his hand around her waist, anchoring her to him as they both fought to catch their breath, and rolled them onto their sides. His breath was in her hair and on her skin as he pulled her to him.
Audrey closed her eyes and dreamily relived it all, her life held at bay.
But then Jack stirred and kissed her shoulder and pushed her hair back. “I love you, you know,” he said, his voice low and hoarse with emotion. “I’ve never loved a woman like I love you.”
Audrey opened her eyes; reality came flooding back in, carrying with it her feelings, scattered into a million unrecognizable pieces, and taking the fog from her brain. “I . . . I love you, too.”
His hand stilled from stroking her belly. “A little more conviction would be nice.”
“I, ah . . . I guess I was thinking about the show,” Audrey said, and moved away from him. His hand slid away from her body as she moved; her skin felt cold where he no longer touched her.
“Wow. That’s romantic,” Jack said, sounding wounded.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean that like it sounded,” Audrey said as she slipped off the bed and picked up her pants and pulled them on. Honestly, she didn’t know how she meant it.
Jack propped himself up on his elbow, watching her. “What’s going on?” he asked quietly.
“Nothing,” she said, but she realized that she couldn’t seem to look at him.

We just made love. And here I am assuming that after yesterday, we’re in a better place. Aren’t we?”
“Sure,” she said. She stole a glimpse of him, saw the look of utter disbelief on his face. “Not exactly,” she admitted. “It didn’t go as I’d hoped.”
“Wait . . .
?” he asked, scrambling off the bed and grabbing his jeans.
“I can’t do it, Jack,” she said, throwing her arms wide. “I have tried every which way, and I can’t seem to break his hold over me.”

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