American Diva (35 page)

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Authors: Julia London

BOOK: American Diva
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“Ohmigod—do you remember
that happened in the last twenty-four hours?”
“Do you think I can forget a single fucking moment?” he exclaimed. He fell back on the pillow, slung one arm over his eyes. “I just thought if we made love, you would remember what it was like between us.”
! We haven’t had sex in months!” Audrey said irritably. “And you decide
is a good time to pick it up again? It’s like everything else today—you suddenly get the message, you suddenly start paying attention to me and you think it’s going to change the way I feel.”
“What am I supposed to do?” he shouted. “Maybe you want me to lie down on the floor so you can walk all over me in your high heels, huh? Would that make you feel victorious?”
“This is ridiculous,” she said angrily. “You need to go sleep in another room.”
Lucas moved his arm and looked at her. “I
? You gave me your word we’d at least get a chance to discuss this—”
“I’m not discussing anything at four in the morning, okay? This doesn’t feel right, you being in here,” she said, gesturing wildly about the suite they were sharing.
Lucas hauled himself up and fairly leapt to his feet. “I guess it didn’t feel right, me being on stage with you, either,” he said, as he marched around naked trying to find something to put on.
Audrey didn’t say anything to that. There was nothing
say—he was dead on. She didn’t feel right about it anymore.
Lucas found a pair of shorts and quickly put them on. He found a T-shirt, too, and as he pulled it over his head, he said, “I trusted you, Audrey. I trusted you with my
and my
. I can’t believe after all I’ve done for you, after all the sacrifices I have made to make
a star, that you are going to throw me out like some groupie.”
“I’m not throwing you out. I am asking you to respect my wishes and leave!”
“I don’t know what it means on your planet, but on
planet, when a woman asks a guy to sleep somewhere else, that’s pretty much throwing him out.”
She could feel a headache coming on again and put a hand to her temple. “Is it too much to ask that?”
He shot a look at her. “When are we going to talk?”
, Lucas. We talked yesterday and in the coffee shop this morning.”
“You can’t count that,” he scoffed. “There were photographers and fans and everyone was gaping at us.” He put his hands on hips. “We need a chance to really
. You drop a bombshell like that on me, and it takes me a little time to get my wind back, you know? And even if I can’t convince you to give me a chance, there’s a lot to discuss if you’re going to leave.”
“Yeah, okay,” she said, feeling that she was swimming in a sea of guilt again. “When we get to Little Rock, we’ve got some time there and we can talk then.”
Lucas studied her for a moment. “Okay,” he said softly. “But if you don’t talk to me in Little Rock, I can’t be responsible for what I will say or do.”
She rolled her eyes and looked at the bed.
“One more thing,” he said, watching her carefully. “Give me your word you won’t see him, either.”
She blinked. “
“It’s only fair! I at least deserve that much, don’t I, Audie?” he asked, using her old family nickname. “I am begging you for a chance to at least be heard. But you’re not going to hear anything I say if you are fucking him!”
Audrey’s heart began to vibrate in her chest. “Get out of here,” she said low.
“Promise me!” he cried frantically.
Twenty-four hours, she told herself. She just had to endure twenty-four hours and give him a chance to be heard. It was one day for all the days he had given her. And he seemed so desperate.
Audrey promised him.
Audrey LaRue: Frantic Lucas Bonner opening
Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
If there is one thing that can be said for Lucas Bonner, it’s that he has a lot of co-writing credits on Audrey LaRue’s latest offering, and everyone knows that he and Ms. LaRue are a hot item romantically speaking. He needs to cling to that, because as a performer, Bonner is a one-note pony. His opening set lacked the quality one would associate with LaRue, and the music was uninspired. Bonner might want to consider a full-time gig as her manager and hang up the guitar.
On a bright note, Audrey LaRue is beautiful, the rumors of her diva-like behavior notwithstanding. The girl has definitely got a set of lungs on her. The marketers must love
, and I have to admit, it was great. But with the exception of some up-tempo pieces: “Frantic,” “Breakdown,” and “Take Me” among them, the other pop tunes sounded a bit generic. But LaRue turned it up in the second half of the show by singing some wonderful ballads. “Pieces of My Heart,” “Complicated Measures,” and “Loved Once More” were outstanding and included a soulful alternative mix. It was Diana Krall wearing leather—sexy and hot.
was overseeing the loading of the buses the next morning when he saw Audrey get on the first bus. Alone. It was the first time he’d seen her alone since that moment in the rehearsal hall yesterday.
He took a quick look around, and moved in that direction.
“Morning, Joe,” he said to one of his security guards as he opened the door to the bus.
“Hey, Jack,” Joe responded with a wave, and seemed to think nothing of Jack getting on the bus.
Jack moved cautiously to the back, almost expecting Bonner or Courtney or some other constant presence to hop out of one of the sleeping berths and ask him what he was doing. Lucky him, there was
one on the bus. They were surprisingly and blessedly alone. The bedroom door was open, and with one last look behind him, he stepped across the threshold.
Audrey was standing at the end of the bed in that cramped little space, Bruno lounging on top of the bed. Her face lit with surprise and delight, but her smile quickly faded as myriad emotions scudded across her face. It seemed an eternity before either of them spoke or moved . . . but then Audrey whispered his name.
She lunged for Jack at the same moment he caught her by the waist, steadying them as she threw her arms around him and buried her face in his neck, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her, pressed his face to her hair, breathing her in.
She cupped his face with her slender hands, nipping at his lips, kissing his face, his eyes. “God, I have missed you,” she said between kisses.
“Are you alone?” he asked as he twirled her around and pushed her up against the fake paneling, his body responding wildly to her touch.
“I kicked him out last night,” she said breathlessly as his hands roamed her body, and kissed him again, her tongue in his mouth, her body pressed against his. Jack slipped his hand beneath her blouse and caressed bare skin, moving up, to the perfect mound of her breast.
“I’ve been going crazy, wanting to touch you,” he growled. “I see you on that stage and all I can think about is being inside you again.”
Audrey moaned and kissed him again. Jack’s hand moved lithely over every curve, palming her breasts, and then down, to the apex of the legs, cupping her through her jeans.
She gasped against his mouth; he pushed against the fabric, and she twisted her head away from him. “No,” she said roughly. “I
“No one is coming,” he said low. “It’s early yet—we’ve got time.”
“But I promised . . .”
Jack stilled, his mouth in her hair. “What do you mean, you promised?”
“I promised him,” she said weakly.
Jack blinked. He pressed his hands to the panelling, effectively pinning her against the wall as he stooped down to look her in the eye. “You promised him
“That I wouldn’t see you until he and I talked—”
“Oh God—”
to,” she said frantically, seeing Jack’s look. “Come on, Jack, give me a break here—this is a lot harder than I thought!”
“It doesn’t seem too hard if you are promising him you’ll stay away from me,” he said as he struggled to see the situation from her viewpoint. “Don’t get me wrong, Audrey—I hate that this is so hard for you. But it will be over before you know it, and you don’t need to . . . to
him anything.”
She sighed heavily. “The guilt is suffocating. I just can’t seem to
Jack felt his gut sink again and straightened up, dropping his hands. “What have you told him?”
“I don’t know, to be honest,” she said as she sank onto the edge of the bed.
, Jack told himself.
. “You don’t
“I mean
, I told him I was in love with you—” She sighed again. “Actually, he’d figured out we’d been together. And as you might expect, he didn’t take it very well. I told him that I was in love with you, I never meant for it to happen, but it did, and . . . and he thinks he should have a chance to redeem himself.”
“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” Jack asked quickly. “I thought you and I had crossed some sort of line here.”
“Right. I know . . . but . . .”


She looked up at him, her gaze pleading for understanding. “But . . . I’ve been with Lucas a long time, and he’s done a lot for me—”
“Audrey, wake up! Don’t let him hold that over your head,” Jack said, squatting down next to her. “He
you to feel guilty because he needs you too badly.”
“I think he is saying it because he
it. We’ve been together a long time, Jack. It’s very hard—for
of us—to just throw that all away. I owe him some respect, I owe him an explanation, and I owe him the chance to discuss it. It’s not like he did anything wrong.
the one who broke the commitment.” She winced when she said it, as if it was painful to mention.
“And I think he’s right. I can’t ignore all that he has done for me.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” he said, feeling a little desperate as he took her hand in his. “What are you saying? You’re going to give him the chance? You have to realize that Bonner has a lot to lose if you call it off, and he’s going to fight like a dog to protect what he’s got with you.”
She groaned, pulled her hand from his, and buried her face in her hands.
Jack earnestly squeezed her knee. “Think about it, Audrey. He doesn’t have a prayer of making it without you, because he doesn’t have the talent. There’d be no record deal, no slot as an opener. Have you ever noticed that every time you end up in a tabloid, it’s usually someplace with Bonner? Someplace
suggested you go? He is using you to put his name out there. He’s like Kevin to Britney—if you go away, he slides into obscurity.”
“That’s not true,” she said, dropping her hands from her face with a frown.
“Like hell it isn’t. He knows if you go, so does the boat to fame.”
“Don’t you think it’s possible that he really loves me and doesn’t want our relationship to end because of that?” she asked irritably.
“Of course I do. I know he loves you—he’d be a fool
to love you. But he’s got a lot to lose besides you.”

” she said, and stood up, walking around the edge of the bed in that small space. “What else is new?
around me is on the boat to fame. It’s not just Lucas—it’s the band, it’s Courtney, it’s the roadies, it’s even Mitzi. It’s even
if you think about it.”

?” he asked, surprised, straightening to his full height. “I’m not looking for fame!”
“Not the same sort of fame, but you’re using me to get what you want.”
Jack blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Your flight school,” she said. “You are on this tour to make money for your flight school. We both know you couldn’t make the kind of money you need with TA. But you can make it with me.”
She might as well have kicked him in the kneecaps. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I’m not kidding! It’s true, isn’t it? Oh don’t look like that—I don’t
about that. I’m trying to make a point. I’m just doing it badly.”

care about that. If you think I am here with you now in the middle of this mess for
, then I won’t take a goddamn dime. And just so we both are clear,” he said, moving closer to her, slipping his finger under her chin and forcing her to look up, “it’s not as if I forced you into this mess.”
“Oh for God’s sake, don’t go off the deep end. I am just trying to make you understand that everyone who comes near me is into me for some other reason besides just
,” she said. “And Lucas . . . Lucas was there at a time when no one was into me for any other reason but me, and I feel like I owe him.”

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