Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy (34 page)

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Authors: Donald B. Kraybill,Steven M. Nolt,David L. Weaver-Zercher

BOOK: Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy
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English language: in Amish funerals; in Amish schools
Enright, R. D.
Episcopal Church
Esau and Jacob
Everything for Sale
Evil: divine judgment and; earthly justice and; providence and
Evil and the Justice of God
Excommunication: among Anabaptists; conditions for; practice of; shunning and. See also Shunning
Ex-members, forgiveness and pardon of
Exodus 20:4
Extended families
Faces of Forgiveness, The
(Shults and Sandage)
Factory work
Faithful America blog
Families of victims: acts of forgiveness by; attendance of, at Roberts’ funeral; on forgiveness; gratitude of, for outside support; Roberts family meetings with; Roberts family’s ongoing activities with; on struggle for forgiveness; trust fund for; update on, as of 2009,
Family Life
Farmers markets
Farms, Amish
Fatalism: outsiders’ perception of; submission
Final judgment.
See also
Bart Township Fire Company
Forgetting and forgiving
Forgive for Good
Forgive-and-forget policy
Forgiveness: for acts against other people; cautions for; in Christianity; conditions for; debate about; decisional
emotional; defining; for extremely heinous acts; key questions about; pressured; psychology of; Roberts’ mother’s process of; scholarship of; unconditional
Forgiveness, Amish: in aftermath of shooting; Amish culture and; Amish definition of; Amish martyrs and; Amish public speaking on; Amish reactions to outsiders’ interest in; in Amish schoolbooks; analysis of forgiveness and; anger and; biblical sources for; challenges of, for Amish; Christian forgiveness and; as communal responsibility; in communion season; critiques of; examples of, in other incidents; habit of; impact of; lessons from; love and; media coverage of; national conversation about; others’ ideological use of; pardon
; personal struggles with; positive reactions to; practice of; pressured; questions about; redemption and, ; roots of; salvation dependent on; shunning and; spirituality of; of strangers; sympathy and; teaching, to children; textual sources of; transferability of, to mainstream society;
See also
Critiques of Amish forgiveness
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Forgiveness Is a Choice
Fox News
Free of Charge
Free will
Funds, victim relief.
See also
Funeral processions
Funerals, Amish: benches for; customs of; non-Amish guests of; of shooting victims
Galatians 6:2
(submission): church authority and; concept and dimensions of; divine providence and; forgiveness and; stories and songs that illustrate; teaching, to children; transgression of
Gender roles
Genesis 33:1-17
Georgetown, Pennsylvania; hit-and-run incident near; Roberts’ home in.
See also
Bart Township
Georgetown United Methodist Church
Gergen, K. J.
German language: in Amish schools; in Amish worship services
Gingerich, E.
Giving up.
See Uffgevva
See also
Worship services
Gobodo-Madikizela, P.
God’s providence: Amish views of; biblical sources on; human choice and; miracles and; and Nickel Mines shooting; questions of; and the reality of evil; surrender to
Good Night, My Son
Gospels: discipleship tradition and; priority of, in Amish theology.
See also specific book headings
Gottlieb, A. M.
See State headings
Acts of grace; Forgiveness; Forgiveness, Amish
Gracious remembering
Grapevine, Amish
Gratitude, Amish, for outside support
Greater good, providence and
Greetings, ritual
Gregory, B.
Grief counselors
Grief support groups
Grieving: Amish; Amish community support for; Amish preparedness for; bench wagons and; death rituals and; emotional suppression and; ongoing; public expression of; rituals of mourning and
Growing Up Amish
Grudges, letting go of: Amish belief in; in communion season; against ex-members; forgiveness defined as; against Roberts family; struggles with.
See also
Forgiveness, Amish; Resentment
Gun control debate
Harvest season
Helicopters, on day of shooting
Herod, King
Hershey Medical Center
Hesburgh, T.
Hidden curriculum
History of the Amish, A
Hochstetler, J.
Holmes County, Ohio
Holocaust, and forgiveness debate
Horse-and-buggies: bench wagons and; subgroup differences in; use of
Hospitals, victims at
Human Being Died That Night, A
Humility: and avoidance of publicity; and deferring to divine justice; and deferring to divine providence; forgiveness and;
and; and lack of public commemoration; in prayer and practice; sources of
Hunting season
Hurricane Agnes
Hurricane Katrina
Huyard family
Songs and hymns
“I Was a Little Child,”
“Ich war ein kleines Kindlein,”
Immigration to North America
“In der stillen Einsamkeit,”
“In Quiet Solitude,”
Indiana, Amish settlements in
Indifference, forgiveness
Individualism: Amish communal authority
; anger and; forgiveness and;
Gelassenheit versus
; in mainstream American society.
See also
American mainstream society
Industrial Revolution
Insurance, Amish rejection of
Jacoby, J.
Japanese origami cranes
Jesus, discipleship and.
See also
Crucifixion; Discipleship
“Jesus Loves Me,”
Job, providence and
Job 40:4
John (Gospel): 4:10 forgiveness story in
Johnson-Weiner, K. M.
Journalists: challenges of; on-site presence of; questions of, regarding Amish forgiveness.
See also
Media; Publicity
Judicial system.
State authority
Final judgment; God’s providence; Salvation; State authority and justice; Two-kingdom theology
Khaleej Times
Kime, J.
King, E.
Kraybill. B.
Kuttner, R.
Labi, N.
Lamb, S.
Lambright, M.
Lancaster Amish lectionary
Lancaster Amish settlement: Amish schools in; autumn in; characteristics of; funerals and viewings in; mourning rituals in; other violent incidents in; population of; reactions of, to media coverage of forgiveness.
See also
Nickel Mines community; West Nickel Mines School
Lancaster City
Lancaster County Emergency Management Agency
Larry King Live
Leaders, ordained: abuse of power by; church districts and; roles of
Left to Tell
Legal Affairs
Liberal Christianity, Amish-inspired critiques of
Limits, respect for
Lord’s Prayer:
and; language used for; location of, in Gospel of Matthew; occasions for recitation of, ; prominence of, in Amish faith; on salvation and forgiveness; as source on divine providence; as source on forgiveness
Love: Amish view of; of enemy; forgiveness and; shunning as “tough,”
Luke (Gospel): 23:34; as source for forgiveness
Luskin, F.
Luther, M.
Mainstream society.
American mainstream society; English, the (non-Amish)
Mark (Gospel), as source for forgiveness
Martyrs, Amish: ballads of; forgiveness and; shooting victims as; sixteenth-century; stories of
Martyrs, non-Amish
Martyrs Mirror (Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians, The)

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