Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series (20 page)

BOOK: Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series
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“Don’t even start that shit with me Cole. I have every right to despise you,” she spat at him as she struggled to calm the darkness inside her.

“I’m so sorry Angel,” his tone went soft, “I know those words will never be enough but.”

Nikki cut him off, “
You rang me with information.”

He sighed, “Yes I did but I can’t give it to you over the phone.”

Nikki knew what he was doing. He was trying to lure her to meet with him.

“You can and you will,” she r
eplied with a growl of her own.

“This is not something we can discuss over the phone. If you want this information you’ll have to meet with me,” he told her.

“You’re wasting your time. I am not going to fall for your bullshit.”

This time Cole cut her off, “Et
tu Brute.”


Nikki’s heart stopped at that tiny phrase.

“What did you just say?”

Cole ignored her question, “I’ll meet you in the alleyway behind the Mint in an hour.”

Then the call went dead.



Tex had endured a long cold swim across the harbour only to have to take along walk to find a working pay phone. At which point he’d tried calling in a pickup from Ace only to have his call declined several times. In the end it was Brodie who’d collected him from the other side of the harbour wet and freezing his damn ass off. He called Trace and then not only was he wet and cold he was both relieved and confused. Trace had managed to follow mystery man and he’d followed him all the way to the private parking garage at the Mint. It seemed like there was more to that place than a casino and a hotel.


Their mission tonight was to go back there and with Slick’s help find out who this guy really was. Tex would’ve sat on that building all day if it hadn’t been for Rat’s funeral. The man deserved to be honoured by all his brothers and regardless of their current problems the club, the family, came first. As Tex had stood shoulder to shoulder with Nikki at Rat’s funeral he realized this was the first time he’d seen her in a week. And even though she was standing next to him she wasn’t really there. There was something going on with her, something other than the funeral. He just knew it.


As soon as the service was over Nikki had slipped away from them under the guise of going to the bathroom. Something was off, really off.

“Are you getting the same vibe from Ace as I am Brother?” he asked Trace.

“Yeah, something’s not right with her and I think it’s got something to do with Reaper,” Trace replied.

gave his brother a quizzical look, “What the hell would it have to do with him?”

“I was talking to Brodie earlier and he was telling me that Nikki and Reaper have been riding out together every night this week.”


That revelation worried Tex. Reaper
was a necessary part of Soldiers of Chaos machine. He did the jobs that no other man was capable of, those evil sick and twisted things that sometimes had to be done to keep the club alive. The man was a natural born killer. He could enter a room full of armed men and come out the other side with barely a scratch, he could move silently and kill just as soundlessly. The man was a ghost, a deadly unholy ghost.  He was the reaper in human form, hence the name. The fact that Nikki had suddenly become the man’s shadow was deeply unsettling.


Nikki reappeared from the cabin and without so much as a glance at anyone she headed straight for the vehicles parked next to the barn.

“Where the hell is she going?” Trace wondered out loud.

“I don’t know but you follow her. I’ll take Reaper,” Tex ordered.




Nikki pulled into the Mint car park her senses on high alert. She knew this was a bad idea. All logic pushed her to turn around and she almost had twice on the way over. This was dangerous ground for her right now. The darkness inside her was quaking with anticipation and that sick need he inspired in her was sitting right below the surface. She needed the information he had, the club needed the information he had. Nikki rolled around to the alleyway behind the club. The memory of the last time she was here drove the tension higher.


As she stopped her bike halfway down the alley, the door opened and Cole stepped out into the yellow light of the afternoon sun. The minute she laid eyes on him she knew just how much of a bad idea this was. The monster inside her roared with the need to be near that man, for a taste of what he could do for her. She was barely keeping her shit together as it was and when you put him into the equation she knew what little grip she had would fail. She needed to get this over and done with and fast. Nikki avoided eye contact with him as she dismounted her bike leaving her helmet, mask and glasses behind.


Nikki walked slowly down the alley her eyes flicking back and forth searching for any sign of danger.

“There’s no one here but you and me Angel.”

God, that growling voice. Her breathing became slightly more labored at the sound of his name for her rolling off his tongue. She stopped a few feet from him and waited warring with the instinct to kneel before him and beg for relief from this thing inside her.

You said you had information?” her voice came out husky and she wanted to curse her traitorous body for the reaction.


“Look at me Angel.”

His command rumbled through her body, a wave of heat and darkness. She couldn’t look at him, she knew if she looked at him that would be it.

She ignored his command, “the information Cole.”

He took a step toward her and she stiffened. Don’t touch me, was all she could think, please don’t let him touch me.

“I will give you the information you need but first I want you to look at me.”

A voice inside her head was screaming no even as her eyes went to his. The second her gaze met Cole’s she was lost to the darkness inside her, to the darkness reflected in his eyes.


“Oh Angel.
Let me take care of what’s going on inside you.”

He reached out to her placing his hand on the side of her face. His touch sparked another wave of dark need within her. She wanted to give in. She wanted let him feed the monster inside her.

“Let me give you what you need.”

His hand slid quickly into her hair and tightened. The sting from his grip returned her to that room which was just an elevator ride away. She felt the ache build between her legs and the monster inside her smiled with glee. He closed the space between the two of them molding their bodies together. Then he struck.


Cole pulled her head back and his mouth crashed down on hers. His kiss was ferocious. He ate at her mouth like a starving man offered his first meal just in the nick of time. Nikki lost all sense of herself and her surroundings as she began to respond to Cole. She needed this so badly she was helpless against. Suddenly Nikki found herself pinned against the alley wall both her
arms twisted up behind her back Cole’s hand securing them in place. His other hand was buried back in her hair. His mouth left hers and travelled down to the crook of her neck. He stopped kissing her skin briefly then he sunk his teeth into her flesh. Her eyes closed and the moan that left her mouth was pure sin.


The loud roar of a twin cam had her eyes opening wide and Cole’s head whipping around. She watched as an unmistakable figure on a Harley Fat Bob turned his bike and thundered through the car park. The afternoon glow from the sun lit him up as he exited onto the street and disappeared. Trace.


Nikki’s brain was shocked back in to action. She shook loose from Cole’s hold and dropped her eyes to the ground. She knew this would happen. She knew if she came here she would let him suck her back in.

“I shouldn’t have come here.”

She moved quickly towards her bike.

“You can’t keep denying it Angel. I am the only one who can give you what you need.”

She pulled on her glasses and mask as she straddled her bike.

“You can’t hide what’
s inside you,” his words echoed that of her mother in her nightmares.

He was right but she couldn’t find salvation with him. She started her bake and quickly throwing on her
helmet she roared out the alleyway.


Nikki entered the clubhouse through the side door. She’d been looking for Trace for two hours. She’d already been to the clubhouse but there was no one there except for Melanie and the prospects. Dumb and dumber hadn’t seen him. She’d gone to the house and found it empty. She’d asked the girls at Eros but they hadn’t seen him. She was furious at herself and the monster was clawing away at the walls of its prison. She also had nothing to show for her meeting with Cole either. No information about the rat among them. Not that it mattered now. In a few hours her and Reaper would ride out to that house and take down the bastard traitor anyway. He’d told her to meet him at the clubhouse away from the funeral goers that had gathered at the farm.


As Nikki neared the corner of the short hall she heard Rose’s voice coming from the main room.

“What are you doing here?”

Something about her tone of voice put Nikki on alert. She approached the corner cautiously.

“I asked you a question. What are you doing here?”

“Get your hands of me you old hag,” Melanie’s voice made Nikki’s insides burn with hate.

Bitch. Melanie was really pushing her luck giving
the President’s old lady shit was a big no, no.

“What did you just call her?” that sounded like Case’s old lady Joanne.

“You heard me you fugly bitch.”


Nikki rounded the corner just in time to see Joanne punch Melanie in the face. Didn’t that make Nikki smile? She wasn’t the only one smiling. Nikki could see Casey, Joanne’s best friend, standing behind Rose.

“Watch your mouth you stupid skank. You have no right to talk to the
Prez’s old lady like that.”

Melanie held her cheek and hid behind her hair.

“Unless you want another one I suggest you leave now bitch plus I’m pretty sure you’re still on a freeze out.”

Melanie dropped her hand from her face and reached into her purse. She pulled a gun.


Joanne backed up quickly moving Rose behind her. Melanie pointed her pistol at the three women, her hand shaking.

“Don’t you fucking come near me.”

As she stared at Melanie Nikki felt cracks begin to form in the monster’s enclosure but she couldn’t stop them
. It was time she sorted this skank out. Melanie was turned slightly away from the side entry hall and hadn’t seen Nikki yet. Nikki flattened herself against the wall and slid closer to Melanie.

“I’m here because I was fucking invited.”

Who the hell would invite that skank back here?

It was Joanne who asked the question
, “Who the fuck invited you?”

Nikki was almost at Melanie’s side.

“Your man did.”


Lying bitch. Case may have had a dirty mind, a dirty mouth and a dirty sense of humour but he would never actually follow through with any of the shit that came out of his mouth and Nikki knew that Melanie wasn’t telling the truth. The hurt in Joanne’s eyes angered her further. She withdrew her Glock from its holster and leveled it at Melanie’s skull.

Drop the gun,” she demanded.

Melanie’s head swung her way quickly. Her eyes travelled from the barrel of Nikki’s gun to Nikki’s face and back again. Then she straightened up like all of a sudden she had a spine.

“You drop yours or I’ll shoot them,” Melanie warned.

Nikki smiled at that comment she’d spotted something that Melanie obviously hadn’t.

“You aren’t going to shoot anyone.”

“What makes you so sure about that bitch?”
Melanie asked.

Nikki smiled wider
before replying, “You forgot the safety bitch.”


Melanie turned back to her gun and Nikki took advantage of her distraction. She stepped towards Melanie and pistol-whipped her in the side of the face. Melanie dropped the gun and fell to the floor. Nikki grabbed a handful of Melanie’s using it to maneuver her around on to her knees. Melanie struggled scratching at Nikki’s arm till Nikki put the muzzle to her temple. Melanie froze and Nikki tilted her face up so she could see the fear in her eyes. It filled her with an undeniable satisfaction.


“What’s that look for Melanie? You should be used to being on your knees. I mean sucking dick is what you love right?” Nikki slowly dragged the barrel of her pistol down Melanie’s cheek as she spoke, “Sucking Soldier’s dick in particular?”

Nikki wedged the muzzle against Melanie’s mouth and forced it between her lips. Melanie squealed and tried to shake her head in protest but Nikki just gripped her hair tighter. She slid the barrel back and forth in Melanie’s mouth.

BOOK: Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series
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