Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1)
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“No. I want Jake to see us together. I want him to understand I’m not interested in a future with him.”

“He won’t be a problem anymore. I got my point across.”

“How? What did you say to him?”

“Let’s just say he knows how far I’m willing to go to protect you.”

Jensen returned from the car and greeted them with a smile. “Is there anything else I can get for you, Dr. Jackson?”

“No, Jensen. I have everything I need.” Warren placed a quick kiss to the top of her head. “Thank you for looking after Marie.”

“It was my pleasure.” He bowed to them and said, “I will let Dr. Carrington know you are ready to leave.”

“Thank you.” Warren squeezed her tight.

When the door to the study opened Jake turned toward the threshold and froze.

Marie watched as the emotion faded from his face but his eyes couldn’t hide the pain. He paced slowly toward them, his gaze concentrated on her. The left side of his face was red and swollen. He stopped a few feet from them and graced her with his usual cocky smirk.

He took another step toward her and held her gaze. He stopped when Warren pulled her tight against his body, keeping her safe.

“I won’t hurt you Marie. No matter what you feel for me at least know that. What I told you at dinner was the truth. I would have given you anything.” He paused. “But I see now that it wouldn’t have mattered.”

He looked at Warren and she watched the pain in his eyes turn to hatred. “Congratulations on your victory. Now get the hell out of my home.”

Jake turned and paced to his desk on the other side of the study. He kept his back to them all and paused next to AJ only long enough to hand him something.

She watched Jake stare at his mother’s portrait and felt pity for him. She couldn’t help it. The stories he had told her about his parents at dinner made her heart break for the child Jake had once been. How difficult it must be for him to find love, when the ones he loved the most, didn’t love him back.

She touched her hand to her belly and vowed her child would never feel unloved or unwanted.

Jensen stepped to AJ.

“Dr. Carrington, I believe Miss Adams and Dr. Jackson are ready to leave.”

“Yes, thank you.” AJ shook his hand then turned and walked out the door. He glanced at her and Warren as he passed them in the foyer and headed outside.

Warren turned her silently and guided her to the car.




Marie stared out the window in the backseat of AJ’s car while he and Warren discussed the state of Jake’s mental health. Neither of them had much compassion for him and she assumed the history between the three men was the reason. Most of the conversation was too technical for her to understand but the words “delusional” and “unstable” got her attention.

“Jake knows where I live now. Is that going to be a problem?”

The two men looked at each other and hesitated. Then AJ said, “Possibly, but I think Warren has a solution for that.”

“What about tonight? I could call Jan. I’m sure she’d let me stay with her.”

Warren pulled the visor down and adjusted the mirror so that he could see her and smiled. “You’re staying with me tonight.”

A low hum emanated from AJ’s pocket. He pulled out a cell phone and handed it to her. “I have a feeling this belongs to you.”

She recognized it immediately and checked the caller ID. “Hi, Jan.”

“Are you okay? Where are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m with Warren and AJ.”

“Are you on your way home?”

“We’re headed to Warren’s. Can I call you in the morning, Jan? I’m really tired.”

“Yeah, sure. I just wanted to know you were okay. You scared the hell out of me, Marie. When you’re rested I’m going to kick your ass.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. But I think you’ll have to get in line first.”

Janet chuckled.
“Get some sleep, hon. Night, night.”

“Good night.”

They pulled up in front of Warren’s house and he helped her out of the car. She reached for her bags.

“No!” Both men spoke in unison.

She flinched and drew her hand back then rolled her eyes. “You have got to be kidding me.”

AJ grabbed her bags and Warren pulled her into a warm embrace. He kissed her gently. “You’ve been through enough today. You need to take it easy.”

“May I walk to your front door or is that too strenuous of an activity?”

“We should probably play it safe.”

She squealed when he swept her up in his arms and carried her through the front door. He set her on the couch and met AJ at the door.

She fidgeted with her phone while Warren and AJ talked quietly. She didn’t know what they were discussing and she really didn’t care at that point. She was so tired from the emotional rollercoaster she had been riding the past two days she just wanted to get some sleep.

She ran her fingers along the touch screen on her phone and suddenly remembered she had lost it earlier. She turned to face them from across the room.

“AJ, where did you find my phone?”

The two men stopped talking and turned to look at her. AJ opened his mouth and paused. He looked from her to Warren, then back to her again.

“Jake handed it to me before we left.”

“Where did he get it?”

“I don’t know, Marie. He didn’t say.” He looked at Warren and clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll see you next week.”

Before she could say another word AJ was out the door.

Warren sighed and turned to her. “I think you better get some sleep, sweetheart. You look exhausted.”

“What’s going on, Warren? What aren’t you telling me?”

“I think the better question is what aren’t you telling me?” He picked up her bags and ushered her to the staircase. “Let’s get some sleep, baby. We’ll talk about this in the morning.”

Fatigue was weighing her down and she realized she didn’t have the energy to talk about Jake anymore. Logic told her the conversation would eventually get to the events of two years ago and she would need more strength just to think about it let alone talk to Warren about it. With a heavy sigh she headed up the stairs and hoped Warren would still love her after tomorrow.

Chapter 24


Marie hugged her robe tighter around herself when the cold air emanating from the window sent a chill down her spine. The leaves had changed to orange and gold hues but today she noticed they had begun to fall. She loved autumn and hated to see it end. Soon the world would look bleak when the bright colors faded to brown.

A neighbor across the street was scraping frost from his windshield as exhaust plumed from the tailpipe. Two squirrels frolicked through the leaves that had fallen from the big oak tree in Warren’s front yard. On any other day it would have looked like the perfect picture for a greeting card, but today wasn’t any other day. Today she could lose the most important thing in her life…Warren.

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, it was seven forty-five. Normally she’d be in the office by now but Warren had told her they were taking the rest of the week off. He said it was AJ’s idea and that the arrangements had already been made for a temp to cover for her until Monday. She figured it was more Warren’s idea but it didn’t matter either way, she was just glad for the chance to rest.

Warren was still sleeping. He looked tired last night when they had gone to bed. The circles under his eyes had been so dark they made his face look pale. Her guess was he hadn’t slept much since this whole mess had started. A wave of guilt washed over her and left behind a dull ache in her gut.

She turned back to the window and shivered again, this time it was from fear. He was going to ask her about Jake today. A million scenarios had run through her mind, most of which ended with him throwing her out. She couldn’t imagine him feeling anything but anger when he found out she’d been with Jake.

She didn’t know the details about last night but when she’d seen Jake with the marks on his face she knew the two men had come to blows. She also realized how much they hated each other.

Warren was hurt by the fact that she’d gone to Jake’s to get away from him. Part of her decision had been driven by a desire to get back at him for what she’d overheard, but she never thought about how much it would hurt him. Looking back, it made perfect sense. How could she not have known how he would feel? Now she had to admit to having a past with Jake, an intimate past.

The sheets rustled behind her and she took a deep breath. The time for retribution had come. She had to face what she’d done.


“Hey, baby, how long have you been awake?”

“Not long.” Marie kept her back to him.

Warren slid out of bed and pulled on his flannel pants. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her against him and laid a gentle hand to her belly. Marie was carrying his child…
his child
. He hugged her tighter and she turned her head to lay her cheek against his chest.

He raised her chin with his finger and looked into her eyes. “Marie? You okay?”

“Yeah,” she whispered. She spun around and pulled him tight to her body.

“Okay. I’m not fluent in Venetian but I know enough to know something is wrong.”


“You know…Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? Venetian?”

She smiled.

He grabbed her hand and walked her to the chaise next to the window. He sat down and pulled her back between his legs.

“Now, tell me what’s wrong, and don’t tell me ‘nothing’ because I know something’s wrong.”

“Why do you love me?” she asked.

“Is this a trick question?”

“I’m serious, I want to know.”

“Hmmm.” He pulled the lapels of her robe closer together when she shivered. “I love everything about you.”

“Like what?”

“You’re beautiful and sexy.”

“I am not.”

“Hey, stop interrupting me.” He placed his hand over her mouth. “And you’re not just smart you’re brilliant, and strong. I love the way you bite your bottom lip when you’re deep in thought. I love the way you cry at chick flicks. And I love holding you against me.”

“But what about my faults?”

“What faults?”

“You know…how I like the way we have sex.”

“First of all we’re not just having sex, we’re making love. And liking to be restrained and dominated is not a fault, baby.” He licked the shell of her ear. “It’s sexy as hell.”

“It’s not normal.”

“It is normal when love is involved.” He paused. “I think you crave it because you demand so much from yourself. You feel you have to be strong in every aspect of your life and it makes you tired. So, when it comes to intimacy you don’t want to be the strong one anymore. You need your lover to be strong for you.”

He moved from behind her suddenly and pinned her to the chaise with his body, one hand restrained hers at the top of the backrest, the other untied her robe and pushed down his pants enough to position himself at her entrance.

He slid his cock forward. Her lips were wet and her body was ready for his possession.

“Spread your legs and open yourself to me, Marie.”

She obeyed his command.

“That’s my girl.”

He pushed the tip of his erection between her folds, gently caressing her clit. He lowered his head and growled softly next to her ear. “You like it rough too, don’t you?”

She nodded.


She gasped when he thrust hard once and sheathed himself fully inside her. He paused to let her catch her breath then set up a pounding rhythm so fierce it set his soul on fire.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair and took her mouth in a fierce, demanding kiss. He broke the kiss and nipped his way along her jaw.

He whispered, “God, I love you, Marie.”

He could feel his orgasm building. It wouldn’t be long. He released her hands.

“Grab on to me, baby.”

He massaged her clit firmly and bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He sucked hard and could feel her body tense; the muscles in her passage gripped him with an almost painful strength. He pinched her clit gently and she exploded in ecstasy.

Her body’s hold on him tightened sharply and triggered an orgasm so fierce his back bowed in response. When the spasms subsided he collapsed on top of her and pressed her body into the soft cushions.

She wrapped her arms around his broad chest and held him against her.

He started to roll off and she wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed him tighter to her.

“No. Please. Not yet. Just hold me a little longer.”

“Baby, I’m heavy. I won’t let you go but you need to breathe.”

He snaked his arms around her back and pulled her with him as he stepped backwards and sat on the side of the bed. His cock had softened but the head was still just inside her body. He concentrated on the feel of him still possessing her.

She shifted and their bodies separated completely. He mourned the loss of the connection and kissed her tenderly. He moved to the headboard and leaned against it, still holding her in his arms. A strange fear he couldn’t explain wouldn’t let him release her.

He held her for what seemed like hours, loving the feel of her body next to his. He wanted to memorize everything about this moment and keep it in his mind forever. Nothing in his entire life had ever made him feel more complete than holding her in his arms. She was his heart, his soul, his safe place.

He was starting to doze off when he felt a warm tear drop to his shoulder. “Baby, why are you crying? What’s wrong?”


Marie opened her mouth but she just couldn’t do it. He was going to hate her and she didn’t have the strength to release the guillotine.

“I see. You’re going to make me work a little harder. Okay, does it have anything to do with recent events?” he asked.

She tried to sit up but he held her tight against him.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He buried his face in her hair and inhaled. “Marie, I meant every word I said to you last night. I love you, I love our baby, and we’ll figure this out together somehow. And nothing you can say will change how I feel.”

“I wish I could believe that but there are things you don’t know.”

“I’m sure there are a lot of things I don’t know about you yet. Just like there are things you don’t know about me. That’s what we have the rest of our lives for, baby.”

Marie fought to get up and he let her walk to the foot of the bed.

Warren sat up and swung his legs to the side of the bed. He leaned his elbows on his knees.

“I take it these things I don’t know have to do with you and Jake?”

“This is really hard for me.”

“Did he hurt you, Marie?”

“No…yes…well not this time.”

“What do you mean ‘not this time’?”

Marie couldn’t look at him. If she did she’d never get it out.

Warren sat up straight and looked at her. “Jake told AJ you used to love him and that you’d learn to love him again. Is that true? Did you love him?”

“No. At the time I thought it could have been but…”

“But what? How close were you?”

Marie leaned forward against the footboard and watched her finger as she traced the pattern in the grain of the wood.

“We weren’t. We went on one date about two years ago and it didn’t end well. After that he started harassing me every time he saw me. At one point he started showing up at my apartment at all hours of the night, drunk as hell, and making a scene.” She looked up at him. “That’s when Janet helped me find the apartment I have now.”

Warren stood and slowly paced to her. “How did he hurt you, Marie?”

She crossed her arms. “I thought he cared about me, but he didn’t. I was just another…”

“Another what?”

He reached out to touch her and she backed away.

“No. Please don’t. I need to get this out.”

“Get what out? Why don’t you want me to touch you, baby? What the hell did he do to you?”


“Bullshit. You’ve never pulled away from me like that. If that bastard touched you I’ll kill him.”

“It’s not what you think. I just can’t bear to see the disgust in your eyes when you find out…” She whispered, “What I did.”

“Like what? Did you sleep with him?”

“No…not really.”

He took a step closer to her. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I knew it. I knew you’d be angry.”

“You slept with Jake?”

Marie couldn’t speak. The pain in her heart was constricting her lungs.


She was frozen with fear. She hated what she’d done with Jake and she knew he’d hate it even more.

“Was that Jake’s price for helping you? Or did you run away from me to fuck him?”

“Stop it! I’m not a whore! I thought he cared about me but all he wanted was a piece of ass! And I never
him, you asshole! I told him to stop and he took me home!” She sucked in a deep breath and held it. She watched him exhale then continued. “Even after that I was still dumb enough to think he wanted me, not just a fuck toy.” She paused. “Then I saw him later with another woman and it was clear he was no longer interested in me.”

Warren dropped his head and ran his hand through his hair. He blew out a heavy sigh and looked up at her. “You’re talking about what happened two years ago.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t you just say that?”

“I didn’t want to say it at all. I hate myself for being so stupid, for thinking he actually cared about me. I hate everything about that night and I knew you’d hate me for…for what I did with him.”

“Marie, I don’t hate you. I couldn’t if I tried.” He took a cautious step toward her. “I’m sorry, baby. I should have known you wouldn’t do that to me. You’re right, I am an asshole. I should’ve known better. I did know better I just…”

“Aren’t you angry?”

He huffed out a laugh. “Aren’t you? I just called you a whore. You should’ve slapped my face.”

Marie took another step back. “But what about—”

“Jake? That was before I met you. I hate knowing he touched you but I have no right to be angry about that.” He reached out his hand to her. “Please, Marie, forgive me.”

She stepped toward him and he pulled her into his arms.

“You shouldn’t be angry about it either. You didn’t make the mistake, he did. You tried to give him your heart and he threw it away.” He paused. “Please, baby, tell me you forgive me. I hate that I hurt you. Tell me you still love me.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “Of course I still love you.”

He sighed. “Thank God.”


Warren leaned down to kiss her and she backed away.

She covered her mouth and ran for the bathroom.

He could hear her retching and he slowly walked to the door.

“Are you sure you still love me?” He laughed when she nodded yes.

When she was done he wet a washcloth with warm water and sat next to her on the floor. He gently wiped her mouth then pulled her onto his lap.

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