An Alien Rescue (57 page)

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Authors: Gordon Mackay

BOOK: An Alien Rescue
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Drang had positioned himself into a position where he could see anyone approaching, waiting for his friends to appear. Darkness was almost with them as the sun had already sunk beneath the horizon. He was waiting for Frell to call him, telling him of their imminent arrival. He waited patiently. Belinda and Phyllis were quietly discussing the next part of the mission following the ship’s repair. Scott had yet to be returned to the island and both he and Frell had still to mate
, or so they mistakenly believed.

“This has to be the most complicated and dangerous mission
ever,” Belinda stated. Phyllis nodded. “And it is still not over.”

Phyllis placed a hand across her mouth as if in deep thought. “We still have the Grey ship too, and our own is on Mars. We must try to salvage it, to get it back. We must!” Belinda waited, considering the complications, then nodded as well.

“So, we leave here and head for Mars. Scott and Frell might…” Phyllis and she smiled at the thought, wondering if what had happened on the Mothership might happen again. Would they share some of the experiences by thought, they both wondered. The each hoped they would.

“I suppose if we given them plenty of personal space there is every reason to believe they will,” Phyllis added to Belinda’s shortened sentence, finishing what she was trying to say.

Drang heard her before he saw them. They were practically upon him before they spoke. The darkness had become so complete that an elephant could have staggered passed Drang without him spotting it. He would have heard it, there was no doubt about that; but he could have missed seeing its bulk in such poor visibility. Both lovers climbed across the sharp edge of the canyon, with droplets of sweat falling from their faces, quickly absorbed into the parched ground where they landed.

Once b
eneath the ship, standing close to the ramp, Scott handed the gasket and equipment to Drang as he and Frell enjoyed a drink of water. Their own supply had finished not long after they started ascending the mountain’s slopes, concentrating on breathing through their noses and not their mouths in an attempt to conserve moisture. Drang inspected the seal that Scott had placed into the palm of one hand, amazed that such an insignificant little item would allow them to escape from the planet and return home. He was aware of the plan his companions had devised as he couldn’t help overhearing what they were discussing while Scott and Frell were returning. He was mentally preparing for another possible meeting with the Greys, considering what sort of action might follow. He guessed he would just have to wait and see – just like the others.

The women approached from
the ramp, patting the lovers on their backs for being successful in their efforts. And like Drang, they too were surprised at the small sealing gasket that would enable them to depart this desert then the planet.

Scott wiped his mouth with a hand, feeling the moistness of his lips. “Ah, water never tasted so good,” he said with relief. Frell agreed. “And now, to work I must go.” Drang handed him the equipment, offering to give him assistance should he need any, before watching him climb into the ship with Frell while whistling some strange out-of-tune song.

“The system has passed its test,” Phyllis called to everyone. “It works!”

They all looked at Scott with his dusty looking face reddened by the sun; or was he blushing with modesty. They each shook his hands while thanking him for his

He turned to face Frell, placing an arm around her waist. “It was a team effort, we all played a part. And as for my trainee mechanic, she’s the best.”

It was Frell’s turn to blush. She returned the favour and gave him a hug as warm and cuddly as if they had just been wed. He could smell her sweat and would bet she could his. He kissed her on the neck and they squeezed each other gently.

“I’m tired,” he said.

“Me too,” Frell added.

The others knew what was coming and quickly set about preparing to leave the Earth, leaving the couple to each other.

There were no witnesses as the ship went straight up, no little goat herders swearing they saw Allah passing overhead and no Greys aware of the ship’s new destination. Drang and Phyllis discussed their strategy of how best to approach the Martian base, while maintaining maximum secrecy and stealth. Belinda was snoozing, dreaming of her room on the Mothership, being petted by an unseen man who kissed and caressed her as carefully as if she were made of delicate glass. Her body writhed slightly, succumbing to the touches of hands and lips.

Frell and Scott
gently kissed, caressing each other’s body. Having shed their suits, they both stood naked and against each other, pressing themselves together as if they wished to join for eternity. They were in the room with the bunk-looking beds, where he had pushed two together. It was at best a Heath Robinson affair, with the upper bunks threatening to give them a good thump if they should either raise a head too high. They kissed and cuddled, sharing what little time could be spared as best they could. The memory of the quick session on the mountain slope rapidly faded as their foreplay took hold, its effects gripping their emotions as if in a vice made of velvet. Their love and desires combined to an eventual climax where both collapsed in a tangled heap. Their second attempt to produce another child was much better than the first, although completely unnecessary as their mountain experience was able to achieve what they had hoped for. As for Belinda, her dream had fulfilled her need to feel the sexual ecstasy from copulation, and once again, Frell had allowed her excitement to be enjoyed and felt by others. Phyllis had stopped talking mid-sentence with a glazed look on her face, clenching her fists as if she were experiencing pain… or something. Drang almost gave her a shake to check for a response, when the thought entered his head there was more going on behind the scenes than he was aware of. His friend and General was with Frell, being both a dutiful soldier and a lover to her. He was pleased for them both.

The Greys arrived at the exit that led onto the surface of Mars, recognising the
large footsteps left in the sand. He could see that three individuals had entered here, travelled by foot and eventually combining with the long-term prisoner to make the four fugitives who created havoc throughout the base.
They would pay dearly should they ever come into contact with the Empire again
, thought the group’s leader.

Mike was
still reeling at being caught again, his body felt as if it was fizzing with gas bubbles. The Greys and their machines had saved his life for a second time; he wondered why. His attempt to escape while killing untold numbers of the little gooks would be known, and yet they had saved him from certain death. He couldn’t understand their reasoning or their actions. He lay perfectly still, allowing the final effects of the Grey medicine to accomplish his full recovery.

“The best and only way we can wash, Scott, is to use the water in the kitchen area. If I pour it over you, you can do the same for me.” Frell suggested a method of washing and something as close to a shower as was possible on board a Grey craft. It seemed like the best way.

“Sure,” Scott said. “Who’s first for a wash, my dear.”

They did as she suggested, with water splashing onto the floor, threatening to turn it into a paddling pool. Feeling cleaner and better for it, they kissed again before heading for the Control Deck. Holding hands, they entered to a female audience who felt as if they had been part of their
communion. Scott felt the nervousness in the air. It wasn’t bad or nasty, it was light-hearted and happy. Everyone smiled at each other, especially Scott and Frell.

The Earth base sent a message to Mars, informing them of the occurrence that had recently taken place. It included details of numbers and the method of arrival and departure. The fugitives’ destination was unknown and what their plans were was also not known. The bait in the trap had been sprung, but without capture of the intruders. Several of the base’s personnel had succumbed to the viciousness of the earthlings, murdered for trying to protect Empire property and lives. The message was automatically received before being relayed to the group who had ventured down the tunnel towards the hidden ship. The message was understood, as was the danger of a returning ship when there were no personnel manning the base’s main interior. The leader muttered something under his breath, which by all accounts was an oath of hatred for all humans. And if he had known with certainty the ship was on its way back he would probably have suffered some kind of fit or seizure. He was in a quandary, trying to work out a plan to cover both ends. His answer was to allow two Greys to continue with the search
for the left-behind ship, while he and the others would return to the heart of the base. Should the humans return, he must be ready. The two groups separated, both had their objectives and one had a leader. The two menials stood still for an indeterminate amount of time before progressing any further beyond the destroyed entrance. Then they would search the area.

“Our ETA will be in two hours so rest and relax while we have the chance.” Belinda wished she had been with Scott, feeling envious towards Frell for the gift she now carried within her. To actually feel the warmth of another’s body against and within her own was something she would try to experience, if at all possible. Mike had seemed a likely candidate, but his death had put a stop to that.
Perhaps in time
, she thought deeply.

Phyllis fell asleep, dreaming of sexual pleasures and love. The kiss she received from Scott still lingered within her heart, her pulse racing at the memory. Drang just flew the ship. The lovers slept soundly.

“It is time to awaken,” Drang announced sleepily. He hadn’t slept or rested, checking the instrumentation and ship’s log. The ship’s history was now known and he needed to get that information back to their Mothership quickly. The knowledge he had learned was too important to be lost so had made an electronic record of it, compressing it into a file ready for transmission should his life be threatened. He could not find it within himself to inform the others of the planned invasion of Earth with the eventual extermination of the human species,
in total
, which included themselves on their own distant world. He approached Belinda, quietly hinting she should accompany him to somewhere private. Her hopes were raised, never once considering Drang might actually qualify as a lover. She never showed the disappointment she felt, although something within Drang said there was something wrong or amiss as he explained their new predicament and essential change of plan.

Belinda had asked Drang not to mention the information he had learned and passed on to her, believing they all had more than enough to think about without adding to the burden. He
agreed and that was that. They had also agreed on a different strategy as well, where they would retain the Grey ship while recovering their own. Drang would fly the hidden ship that presently sat on the surface of Mars, while she and Phyllis would escape in the black craft. Drang’s new directive was to return Scott to his island with Frell on board, while she and Phyllis would steer a course towards the outer boundary of Earth’s solar system where they would wait until he arrived. They would return to the Mothership within their own vessel while abandoning the Grey one. It was one thing doing what they had done to annoy the Empire, but to actually take one of their ships back to their own base was asking for even bigger trouble. Drang was aware of what he had to do and the others would be advised accordingly, without the main reason behind the change in plan being told until they were clear of the system and homeward bound. “But in the meantime,” Belinda had surprisingly announced, “we will return to the Base itself, to recover Mike’s body.”

The others realised she was driven by the grief of losing him, correctly guessing he had meant much more to her than they had recognised. They each hoped it wasn’t a fool’s errand they were embarking upon. Belinda continued to explain the plan of recovering their ship and eventually dumping the Grey vessel, with Scott being returned to Earth.

The ship’s identification signal was recognised and accepted, with automatic clearance granted for its insertion into the base.

“Here we go, hold on to your hats, it’s going to be a fast arrival and touch down.”

The doors swung open and the ship hurriedly flew in and landed. The doors were closed as the power was shutting down. While Phyllis rapidly carried out a series of checks to determine the Base's life-support status, the others left the ship. The Base tested safe.

A klaxon alarm sounded inside the tunnels with a computer generated warning that informed the little group their stolen ship had just
returned. The group’s leader was furious with uncertainty and anger. He should have stayed behind at least, remaining in the Control section while his subordinates went to investigate whether there was another ship hidden close to the point of entry, or not. He felt failure was going to be appointed to his lack of judgment in all the issues the base had suffered from. Without the others to share the blame with, he would be left to take it all. The Empire was too ruthless to allow those missing to carry the blame that others could be accused of.

“The atmosphere is clear,” Phyllis informed everyone. The message was thankfully received.

Belinda asked Phyllis to remain on board, telling her to vacate the base as quickly as possible should anything befall the rest of them. Phyllis looked startled, asking if she herself was going into the base along with the others.

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