An Exceptional Twist

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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Copyright © 2014 Kimi Flores

Smashwords Edition 2014


Photography by

K Keeton

Cover Models

& Eric Zeke Madden

Cover Design by

Cover to Cover Designs

Editing by

Story Girl Editing

Interior Design by


All rights reserved. Except as permitted
under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any
means, stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the author or publisher.

This book is a work of fiction. Any
references to historical events, real people, or real locales are
used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, or incidents
are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to the
actual events, locales, and persons, living or dead, is entirely

The author acknowledges the trademarked
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work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The
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Chapter One - My Best Friend's Wedding

Chapter Two - Girls from Pasadena Just Seem

Chapter Three - Latin Style

Chapter Four - Pretty Pink Tootsies

Chapter Five - California Wine Tasting

Chapter Six - Bucketful of Wishes

Chapter Seven - Do Vegetarians Eat Bacon?

Chapter Eight - Roses, How Original

Chapter Nine - What Comes Around Goes Around

Chapter Ten - Good News Travels Fast

Chapter Eleven - Sweet Home, Alhambra

Chapter Twelve - Do You Trust Me?

Chapter Thirteen - El Diablo’s Evil

Chapter Fourteen - Aim for the Drain

Chapter Fifteen - Just Keeping it Real

Chapter Sixteen - The Friend Zone

Chapter Seventeen - Yeah, but She’s Going Home with

Chapter Eighteen - No Need to Sugar Coat

Chapter Nineteen - She’s Lucky I Don’t Sleep

Chapter Twenty - Sexy in Any Language

Chapter Twenty-One - But I'm Really

Chapter Twenty-Two - Trust is a Fragile

Chapter Twenty-Three - Poppin’

Chapter Twenty-Four - That Wasn’t a


Bonus Chapter - The Storage Room

Author Preview - Melanie Dawn, Then There Was


About the Author

An Exceptional Twist Playlist

This novel is dedicated to Jess, T and
Megan, my critique partners and friends.
I couldn’t have published Leah and Stefen’s
story without the three of you incredible women.


Leah sat at the large, linen covered table
under a canopy of silk, poking away at her third piece of wedding
cake. Yes, third piece. Briefly glancing around, she contemplated
licking the plate. To her dismay, her sister, Dani, met her gaze
and stifled a laugh.

Leah paused, the dish already raised halfway
to her mouth. “What?” She shrugged, irritated, considering that
maybe she’d taken it too far, but it was mouthwatering and worth
any stares she would get.

Why can’t Dani find someone to gossip with
and leave me alone?

Her older sister’s eyes
sparkled with humor. Leah wanted to slap that smug look off her
face, until Dani said, “You’re so interested in your dessert that
you haven’t even noticed
looking your way.”

Leah’s head snapped up to catch the groom’s
cousin, Stefen, staring at her, and Dani’s laugh finally broke
free. Stefen pushed away from the bar and strode confidently toward
her, never once breaking eye contact. Leah’s heart started to pound
as she put the plate down and wiped the crumbs from her face.

Becoming increasingly
flustered by Stefen’s approach, she attempted to swallow down the
lump of nerves in her throat.
Oh god, he’s
coming closer.
This type of man was the
last thing she needed in her life.

Even his sister, Bri, had warned Leah about
his cunning intentions when it came to females. But, damn, was he
hot. She could feel the heat on her face and knew it was bright
red. It didn’t help that the previous weekend he’d seen her
stumbling into her best friend Abby’s living room the night after
her bachelorette’s party. She was hung over, wearing only red lacy
panties and a tiny white tank top.

Leah cringed at the memory.

Stefen stopped in front of her, grinning
widely, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. “You look
stunning, Leah. I almost didn’t recognize you all dressed up.” His
voice was smooth and deep, causing her skin to break out in goose

he definitely knew what was on her
. Leah would have to find a way to
take back the upper hand, or she was going to have a difficult time
with him later.

Lifting her eyebrow, she replied, “I'm not
surprised Stefen, considering I'm upright and clothed, not the
typical woman you're used to.”

“The night is young still.” His cocky smile
and retort came even quicker than hers.

Avoiding his intimidating stare, she scanned
the backyard, which had been turned into an elaborate wedding
reception. Her best friend, Abby, was swaying to the music on the
dance floor with her new husband, Caleb, and step daughter,
Madison. The three of them made such a beautiful family, all moving

Leah stood up, sauntering around him. Her
long black hair cascaded down her tanned back as she peered over
her shoulder, and smirked. “In your dreams, Stefen. I’m not that
kind of woman, but I wouldn’t mind a dance.”

Confident that he would follow, she made her
way around the pool and headed toward the make shift dance floor.
The candles that floated on the water reflected all around her as
she soaked in the romantic atmosphere. Approaching the crowd, she
was momentarily distracted by Abby’s new happy little family.

Leah couldn't help but wonder if it was in
the cards for her, to find someone who could love her as much as
Caleb loved Abby. It wasn't as though Leah was an old hag or
anything. Her twenty-sixth birthday was a few months ago, but
something about being at weddings brought doubts to the surface.
Being a florist, she had to attend these damn things a couple times
a month.

She stifled a gasp as
Stefen took her into his strong arms and held on tight, instantly
pulling her out of those depressing thoughts.
Damn, he can move.
It wouldn’t
surprise her if he’d taken dance lessons.

Completely in her element, Leah’s nerves
dissolved, and she matched him step for step. This was something
she was very comfortable with, since she taught dance classes at a
local studio a few times a month.

With complete conviction, she lost herself
in the rhythm, swaying her hips to the slow melody. Stefen’s hands
slid around her back as he pulled her in closer and she smiled up
at him. He was gorgeous, in that naughty boy attempting to appear
honorable way. Stefen had the whole wicked hot vibe going for
him—perfectly styled dark hair, devious look in his dazzling hazel
eyes, crooked smile, and attitude to match. His slight overbite
drew her eyes to his full kissable mouth.

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