An Exceptional Twist (2 page)

Read An Exceptional Twist Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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“I’m impressed. Your moves are flawless,” he
complimented, running his hand down her lower back until it rested
on the very top of her behind. He gave her a suggestive smirk. “And
extremely sexy.”

Caught off guard, she lost the rhythm and
almost stepped on his foot. It would do her good to remember what
Abby had warned her about the first night she’d laid eyes on him,
back at the engagement party. Hot men always caused trouble,
something she definitely didn’t need.

When Abby told her that he was taking some
time away from his office and would be in Santa Barbara while she
and Caleb were on their honeymoon, Leah volunteered to show him
around town. Now, she wondered if that was such a good idea.

She sighed in
I offered. Too late to take
it back now.
She would just have to be
careful not to fall for his charm. Making their outings minimal
would help.

To keep things light, she twirled out of his
arms and created some much needed distance between them. She looked
back up to give a sassy response but found herself caught in his
hazel eyes, and she was lost for words.

Oh yeah, without a doubt, he’s trouble.

At the same time, she saw a spark of
something deep within him that he kept trying to mask—a longing in
his eyes that had nothing to do with his obvious lust. What that
was, Leah had no idea.

Stefen pulled her close once more. “We’re
definitely doing this again while I’m here. When can I see you

His hands glided up her hips and lingered at
her waist, once more leaving the skin underneath tingling at his
touch. His words and mere presence overwhelmed her senses, making
her just a little lightheaded.

She took a deep breath. “I have to work most
days, but I’ll try to make some time to show you around. I wouldn’t
want you to have to fend for yourself the whole time,” she teased,
forcing herself to look away from his blazing gaze.

Leaning in, Stefen spoke softly into her
ear, and a shiver ran down her spine. “I’m sure we’ll spend plenty
of time together, but I need to
work on a handful
of things myself
. Even though I can’t be in the office, I’m
the only one that knows how to handle these cases. But
let me know when you’re free, so I can get that

Arrogant much?
Then again, he was a lawyer which, in Leah’s
book, just added to his egotistic character.

Pulling back, she snuck a glimpse at the
mouth responsible for sending her into a spin before reminding
herself how self-centered he was. Her sister, Dani,
and she had always said that a guy’s lips and eyes had the
same effect on women that boobs and behinds had on guys.

Leah cleared her throat, attempting to
appear unaffected by his proximity. “I was planning on coming back
here tomorrow to make sure everything is in order after the
cleaning crew takes the tents, tables, and chairs. Afterward, I
have some time.”

“What time is that?” Stefen cocked his

“Abby has them scheduled to show up at ten,
so I'll be here by then.” She glanced around at everything in the
yard, dreading how long it would take them to finish in the morning
while she waited.

He grinned. “Not soon enough, I don’t know
if I can wait that long to have you all to myself.” He was trying
to make her melt, and damn if it wasn't working. His statement made
her pulse race, and she cursed herself for the way her body

Taking a deep breath to regain control, she
asked, “Are you still staying here?”

“Of course.” A pompous attitude rolled off
of him like she should know better than to ask such an absurd
question. But the one-eighty in his demeanor was just what she
needed to cool her attraction to him.


She raised her chin,
keeping her wits and her polite manner.
I’m just keeping a promise.
“I can
bring breakfast if you like.” Placing her hands on his chest to put
some space between them once more, she felt his chest muscles
constrict under the soft material of his tailor-made

“I’ll take anything you’re willing to give
me, Leah.” He winked.

Leah’s tanned face turned
crimson, partly from annoyance at his boldness, but mainly from the
heat that coursed through her

Give him? What did he expect me to give

She panted a little, hating that he

Smirking, he looked toward her family
members. “Who’s the woman standing by your sister? Relative of

Leah glanced over to see her cousin pointing
at her and checking Stefen out. “Oh yeah, that’s my cousin.” Leah’s
female family members were constantly trying to embarrass her. Then
again, she had no right to complain because she did the same to

A broad grin broke out on his face before
drawing her body even closer. “So she’s trying to figure out who
the hot guy is that looks like he wants to ravage her little
cousin, huh?”

Hot? Did he just call himself hot? And
ravage me? What. The. Hell?

If she hadn't shown her uneasiness before,
she wasn’t able to conceal it now. And there was that damn smirk
again. He knew he was getting to her.

“Why don't we give them something more to
talk about?” His lips were suddenly an inch from hers as he dipped
her backward.

“Wh—what?” she stammered breathlessly, her
heart pounding in her throat.

“Relax...I'm kidding, Leah. You’re easy to
mess with. I'm going to have fun with you.” He waggled his eyebrows
as he lifted her onto her quivering legs.

She tried to gain some control. Smiling, she
shot back, “Mr. Hunter, you sure are a tease, aren't you? I'm going
to have to keep my distance.” Then she turned in an attempt to walk

But Stefen caught her hand, possessively
wrapping his arms around her lower back as he growled, “Oh, no you
don't. I've been told that I'm irresistible, and I don’t tease.
You’re welcome to any part of me that you can handle.”

They were eye to eye, and she was unable to
control her heavy breathing when he unexpectedly released her. She
couldn’t tell why at first, until she saw Caleb was standing next
to them with his arm around Stefen, practically digging his fingers
into his cousin's shoulder as he squeezed.

“Enjoying the reception?” Caleb glared at
Stefen, then smiled at Leah in an attempt to hide his gritted

Leah shifted uncomfortably, wondering what
his problem was. Caleb was normally such a nice guy. She’d never
seen him like this before. “Uh, yeah. It's a great party.”

Stefen no longer looked so arrogant. With
Caleb still gripping his shoulder, he was retreating like a
misbehaving little boy who got caught doing something he wasn’t
supposed to.

“Leah,” Caleb said through his teeth, “do
you mind if I talk to Stefen for a minute?”

She nodded, not having the guts to ask what
was going on. She would hate to be Stefen right now. “Sure, no
problem.” Stepping back, Leah rushed back to join her

Dani stood next to their
table, pursing her lips. Grabbing Leah’s hands, she pulled her
forward, sighing, “
, Stefen is one fine ass
man.” She picked up a napkin to fan herself. “And he sure can move
on the dance floor.”

“You’re right, he is an ass,” Leah said
sarcastically, irritated with his cocky attitude, even though her
body was still on fire from his touch. “Never gonna happen.” Though
she wasn’t sure if she said it for her sister’s benefit or her

Dani bumped Leah’s hip with her own curvy
behind. “Never say never, baby sister.”



“Stefen, I thought I told you that she was
off limits,” Caleb snarled before releasing his vice grip.

“Shit, that hurt.” Stefen rubbed his
shoulder. It would be bruised by tomorrow, for sure. “I didn't do
anything. We were just dancing.”

Stefen frowned when he remembered. Back at
the engagement party, Caleb had issued a warning. It still cut
deep. It hurt that his cousin didn’t think he was worthy of

Why the hell does Caleb feel like he has the
right to decide who Leah can and can’t hang out with? We’re not in
seventh grade anymore.

“I saw how you were dancing with her.” Caleb
lifted his arm and gestured to the crowd. “There are a crapload of
women at this reception that are more your style. Why her?” He
stood close to Stefen with his arms firmly across his chest. They
hadn't fought in a long time, but Stefen wasn’t about to back

“I don't know,” Stefen argued. “There’s just
something about her I can’t shake.” He looked down, not believing
the words that just came out of his mouth. “Why is she so special
to you anyway? She's just another girl.” Although, the constant
images of her that ran through his mind ever since they first met
contradicted his words.

Her long thick black hair, lengthy, full
lashes, chocolate brown, almond shaped innocent eyes, and soft
tanned skin assaulted him nonstop. What baffled him the most was
that her kind-hearted nature had gotten under his skin. The love
she freely gave out to the people around her intrigued him.

Caleb broke through his thoughts. “You’ve
obviously figured out that she isn’t just another girl. Otherwise,
you’d stay away from her.”

Stefen rolled his eyes.

Caleb threw his hands in the air, clearly
exasperated. “I'm not kidding, Stefen. I care about her. Leah’s
like a sister to me, and she’s an important member of my family
now. I’m asking you to please stay away from her.”

Stefen stepped back, trying to grasp what
Caleb was saying. A sharp pain shot across his chest, knowing that
one of the closest family member’s he had—other than his sister,
Bri—had moved on in life. Now Caleb seemed more concerned about a
girl he’d only known a short while, rather than helping Stefen get
what he wanted.

“What is your problem,
Caleb? You used to be an even bigger player than me. I learned
everything I know from
, remember?” Furious, Stefen
stood his ground, fighting the need to pace back and forth. “How
the hell can you stand there and judge me? Just because you’re
living in fantasyland doesn’t mean that the rest of us want to. How
do you even know what Leah wants, huh? Maybe she’s looking for
something uncomplicated, too. Either way, it’s none of your damn

Caleb’s face softened as he placed his hand
on Stefen’s shoulder, but Stefen instantly shrugged it off.
“Stefen, you know how shitty I feel about everything I’ve done in
my past. I’m sorry you learned all of those things from me, but
I’ve changed and you know that’s what I want for you, too. You and
Leah would probably make a fantastic couple, if you were the kind
of guy that stuck around. I know you’re just looking for a piece of
ass for now, though, and she’s not the girl for that. She’s a
permanent part of Abby’s life, which means she’s in my life. I’m
asking you to please leave her alone. If you don’t, then you’re
proving that you couldn’t care less about my position here.” Caleb
let out an aggravated sigh. “Listen man, she’s my wife’s best
friend and you just don't screw with that. I know she’s going to
show you around, but I'm begging you to leave it at that.” The
concern that covered Caleb’s face stung even deeper.

“Whatever.” Stefen shook his head as he
exhaled an exasperated breath.

“I'm going to find Abby. We’re leaving in a
few minutes.” Caleb turned his back and walked away.

Stefen’s sister, Bri, timidly approached
with a drink in her hand. “What was that about?”

Hoping it was something strong, he gestured
toward the glass, silently asking for permission to take a sip. Bri
handed it over.

“Our overbearing cousin
thought he should warn me to keep my distance from Abby’s precious
He couldn’t even hide the fact that he was upset as he gulped down
the liquid.
Dammit, it’s soda.

Shaking her head, she ran her slender
fingers through her dark hair to move it out of her face. Bri then
spoke softly, placing a delicate hand on his back. “Stefen, I’ve
spent the whole week with Leah. I’m sorry, but I agree with Caleb.
She’s a great girl and doesn’t deserve heartbreak from you. Please
be gentle with her. For me.”

This approach pulled at his heartstrings.
He’d do anything for his little sister.

“I will.
For you
.” Moving in
closer, Stefen kissed her cheek. Needing a change of subject, he
asked, “So what time are you and Leah’s sister leaving for San
Francisco?” The women had just met last weekend but spent the
entire week together, helping to prepare for the wedding. His
sister didn’t have a lot of good friends so he was happy she’d
clicked with Leah’s sister and they planned this little

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