An Exceptional Twist (53 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

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Leaning against the counter, he nodded,
“Yeah. How awesome would it be to have both of our sisters living
in town? I think it’s cool that they clicked right away. Bri really
needs a good friend.” Pushing himself away from the counter, he
fetched the homemade bruschetta out of the fridge, he held it up to
see if she wanted to add it to the omelets. Once she nodded, he
retrieved some parmesan cheese, then placed both containers on the

“Yeah, Dani needs a good girlfriend, too.
And with the lay-offs at the hospital and Elena moving in, Dani is
ready to move on and finally open her own business as an at-home
nurse. Honestly, I think it was Zachary’s dad that sealed the

Knowing exactly how she liked hers, Stefen
poured each of them a cup of coffee. “We should go look at some
places for them. If we bug them enough about it, and send them
pictures of places, that might be the little nudge they need. Now
that they’re settled back into their everyday lives, they may
reconsider coming.”

Peering over her shoulder
as she cooked their eggs, Leah mentioned, “You could always contact
your real estate agent to help us out. I bet she’d do
for you.” Her
shoulders vibrated as she giggled.

He took a sip, then gave his retort, “Yeah,
I don’t think so, smartass.” He was tempted to swat her ass, but
thought better of it. The next time his hand had contact with that
behind, he was going to cherish it.

Watching her and not saying anything was
unnerving. The longer they went without talking was driving him
insane. Setting his coffee on the counter, he huffed out a breath,
then ran his hands through his hair.

Leah glanced at him as she flipped an omelet

He hoped his nervous jitters wouldn’t get
the best of him. “Can we talk?”

Swallowing, she turned around and leaned
against the counter, resting her palms against the granite. “Yeah.”
She breathed out and nodded.

At the worst time, a knock sounded at the
door. Stefen cocked his head to the side. “I'm not expecting
anyone. Are you?”

“Uh-uh.” She frowned.

Out of nowhere, he was struck with an uneasy
feeling as he made his way toward the door. He never had unexpected
guests. Since this community was gated, the only way someone could
come in unannounced, was to follow another car in.

Fear had no place in his new life, but he’d
be lying if he said that he wasn’t skeptical about opening the
door. Peering through the peep hole, he saw an unwelcome visitor
from his past.

“Damn,” he muttered
between clenched teeth. He glanced toward the kitchen, where Leah
had stayed behind.
Nice fucking

Yanking the door open, he found his ex,
Lisa, standing there in all her polished, spoiled glory. “Oh
Stefen,” she squealed. “I've been so worried about you.” She
launched herself onto him.

“Oomph...what are you doing here? And how
did you find me?” Stefen peeled her off of his body.

Lisa pouted her big puffy lips at him. “Your
mom gave me your address and said I needed to see you right away.
She told me that you’d come to your senses and wanted me back.”

Of course she did.
He was going to have a chat with his

Lisa had been his mother’s puppet for as
long as he could remember. He felt guilty about the roll he’d
played in keeping her in his family’s lives, but he really wished
she had moved on by now.

His lips pressed into a thin, angry line as
he shook his head. “I'll have to call and thank her.” His tone was
sarcastic. “I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to see you
anymore. Don’t you think I would’ve called you myself if I wanted
you back?”

Lisa flipped her blonde hair over her
shoulder and lifted her chin. “Oh, you always say that but never
mean it.” She waved him off. “I know you can't resist me. I was
really worried about you.” She ran her long polish-covered claw
down his chest, never once looking at his face.

Stefen held back a
She’s so delusional.

Taking a few steps away, Stefen glared at
her. “Well, since it's been months, I doubt you were that

Maybe he had no desire to see her after he
was attacked, but she never even bothered to check on him. He
crossed his arms over his chest, debating what to do.

Lisa continued to run her fingernail down
his chest as she whined, “Let me get you out of those clothes and
into bed. I'll show you how worried I've been.” Pushing past him,
she slinked into the living room, then spun around, giving him a
questioning look. “Wait, it’s noon. Why are you still in your

Annoyed by her presence, he made an attempt
to get rid of her. “I told you, Lisa. I'm not interested anymore.
And I’m not alone. I don't know what I have to do to get you to
understand.” He opened the door even wider. “It. Is. Over. Please

Surprised, she squinted and took a really
close look at his face. She scrunched up her nose with repulsion.
“Shouldn’t you have fixed your eye by now? It’s kind of creeping me
out. I know it’s you, but I’m having a hard time believing you
still look like that.” Using her same index claw, she pointed to
his face.

He felt Leah coming before he even saw

Plastering herself against his body, Leah
wrapped one arm lovingly around his neck and placed her other
delicate hand on his face. With the sweetest look on her face, she
kissed his eye, her tone carrying a very clear message. “I love his

Stefen closed his eyes and breathed Leah in
when she began to run her hand along the side of his head. This was
proof that only she could make him feel this way—cherished, loved,
and whole.

Lisa didn’t care about him. She and his mom
were only concerned about what a powerful couple they would be if
they ever married.

He momentarily forgot that they weren’t
alone, until Lisa screeched, “I'm his girlfriend! Who the hell are

Popping her hip out, Leah waved her index
finger in the air. “Oh, I don't think so, hon. I'm his fiancé.”

When he opened his eyes, Leah gave him the
sexiest grin he’d ever seen.

he loved this woman.

Lisa clenched her hands,
about to fist fight someone. “Stefen isn't getting married. He’s
not the type. You must be mistaken.” Her face was livid.

Enjoying this way more
than he should, he followed Leah’s lead. “She's right.” He brushed
Leah’s hair off her shoulder, staring adoringly into her eyes.
“We’re getting married. I finally found the one.

Taking full advantage, he leaned in and
greedily kissed her on the mouth. He missed the feel of her lips on
his and didn’t have time to second guess this kiss as she countered
with her own ravenous reply.

Lisa’s whiny voice broke their concentration
as she stomped her foot. “Your mom didn't say anything about that.
She called me and said I should come. That you needed me. She
wouldn't have done that if she knew. Which means that you haven't
told her that you’re marrying your maid. You must be embarrassed of
her. How sad.” She smirked arrogantly.

Stefen felt Leah stiffen, so he pulled her
even closer, rubbing her back. His fingers grazed over the skin on
her lower back, and he nearly lost his words.

Grinning, he told Lisa, “I just proposed
after my parents left. We haven't even had time to get a ring yet,
let alone tell anyone. Leah is everything I would ever want or need
in a wife.” He pressed his forehead to hers. He could see Leah’s
pulse quickening, but she played along.

This may have been for show, but every word
he said was true. Leah had to know it, feel it.

He turned back to Lisa. “Now please take
your rotten pompous ass out of our home and don't come back.” As
much as he hated to do it, he left Leah's side and lightly held
Lisa's elbow to guide her out the front door.

Spinning out of his grasp, Lisa spat her
bitter words toward Leah. “He won't be faithful to you. He doesn't
know how. He'll come crawling back to me. Just wait, you'll see. He
doesn't even like flat-chested woman. He likes these.” She wiggled
her humongous porn star boobs in Leah's direction. “He even paid
for them.”

Shit! Why did she have to
say that?
He froze, about to lose it. He’d
never hit a woman before, but he just might now.

It was true, he did pay for those
monstrosities, but that wasn’t something he was proud of.

In true Leah fashion, he
watched his ‘fiancé’ slide her palms down the sides of her
beautiful hips and behind as she offered her rebuttal. “Actually,
he loves my
curves that I didn’t have to rely on a man to pay for.
Goodbye, Lisa.” Wiggling her fingers in a farewell gesture, Leah
walked away, muttering under her breath, “

Leah was dead on. He did prefer her flawless
contours over the one’s he’d purchased for Lisa.

Stefen slammed the door shut as soon as
Lisa's thousand dollar heels hit the front porch. He’d bought those
for her as well.

Leah paced back and forth as she fumed, then
stopped and pointed to the door. “How many of those bitches am I
going to have to save you from, Stefen?” She shook her head. “You
really do know how to pick them, don't you?”

Ashamed, he looked down at his feet, his
insecurities resurfacing. Maybe he should rethink dragging Leah
into all the drama in his life. There were bound to be other
skeletons in his closet, popping up without warning.

His voice was soft and unsure. “I’m sorry
about that. I broke it off with her, but she won't go away. We grew
up together and dated on and off, but we’ve been over for a

“Abby already told me all
about her when she came home from Chicago after meeting all of you
guys. The way I heard it, Lisa was like a puppy just waiting for
your next command. I have a feeling that you still throw her a bone
every so often. That's why she keeps coming back, and
oh my gosh
, did you
seriously buy her fake boobs?” She cupped her hands and held them
out from her chest. “Those things are obscene. They didn’t even
jiggle.” Leah mimicked Lisa’s shoulder shake, except he enjoyed
watching Leah’s version much more.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he
looked at her face. “Yeah, well that was the old me. I'm not
interested in that or her anymore.” He tried to avoid directly
answering the boob job question.

He leaned against the entryway console
table, pulling her closer, resting his arms on her shoulders.
“Thanks for the whole ‘fiancé’ thing. Hopefully that will keep her
away for good.”

Leah sighed heavily. “I don't know. She
looked pretty competitive. She’s ready to fight for you.”

“Nah.” He kissed the top of her head. “She
was sent here because my mom saw you and me together. She’s been
pushing me to marry Lisa for years, and now she’s pissed off that
I’m not following her orders the way she expects me to.”

“Well,” she said with sass, “now your mom is
about to find out you’re marrying the help.”

Gently grabbing ahold of her face, Stefen
said, “Stop saying that. I'm sorry. Lisa’s a bitch. She doesn't
know any better, but I don't care what my parents think. You’re my
life now, and I don’t give a shit what my mother or anyone else

She blinked rapidly but stayed silent.

This wasn’t how he’d planned this whole
moment, but since it was already in motion, he was going to go for

Cupping her face, he ran the pads of his
thumbs over her cheeks. With a deep breath, he laid all of his
cards on the table. “I really tried to give you the space you said
you needed, but I can’t fight it anymore, Leah. I get that you’re
afraid of losing what we now have, but I’m not.”

Bringing her face toward his, he ran his
nose and lips along her cheeks, jaw, and neck as he whispered, “I
want your whole heart. I want to be the one that gives you
butterflies whenever you see me. I want to make your heart race
when you hear my voice. I want all of you, not just your

Taking in her own shallows breaths, she
admitted, “Stefen, you already do all of those things to me. I want
all of you, too.”

He pulled away and looked
deep into her eyes. “
Je t'aime de tout mon

She searched his eyes, lips slightly parted.
“Damn, that’s sexy. What does it mean anyway?”

Without hesitation, he replied, “I love you
with all my heart.”

Sucking in a breath, Leah recalled, “But you
said that to me months ago.”

“I know.” He shrugged as he smiled.

She cupped his face,
te quiero con todo mi corazon, mi

Hearing her repeat his profession of love in
Spanish was one of the most sensual things he’d ever heard. “Now
give me those beautiful lips of yours, so I can kiss the hell out
of them.”

When their lips met, his pulse picked up as
adrenaline rushed through his overheated body, filling with
anticipation. Roaming her body with his hands, he devoured her
mouth with such fervor that he didn’t think he’d ever be able to
let her go.

He backed them up to the couch, laying her
body underneath his as he captured everything she was giving him.
Hearing her moans sparked an even deeper passion as he kissed every
spot of her exposed skin.

“Stefen,” she whimpered. “I want you, but
I’m scared.”

Snapping him out of his lustful actions, he
knew exactly what she was talking about. She didn’t fear them being
together. She was afraid of their physical intimacy. He’d wounded
her so deeply in the past, and he was going to have to reel in his
hunger for her.

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