An Unfinished Life (14 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: An Unfinished Life
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“Mikey had an older brother, who vowed his revenge on Jack someday. Well, that day has come, because the older brother became a cop…and not just any cop. He’s a big shot in the New York FBI field office. He plays hardball and is out for blood, Jack’s blood on a silver platter, and…”

“And? What is it?”

“He’s using me to get to Jack. This is why I am on this case in the first place…because of my family connection to Jack. They figure I could use my personal relationship with Jack to get close with him from the inside while working the case. I gather what I need. Jack goes down for the murder of St. Clair, and the FBI gains a big win. As for Marino, he puts his vendetta to rest with knowing that Jack will probably die in prison just like his brother.”

And that was when I heard her. We didn’t know how much she heard, but Nicolette was crying behind the door. She was repeating over and over again that he didn’t do it, he promised. Simon comforted her and brought her back up to their room. I felt sick to my stomach that I was bringing this to their doorstep, but they had a right to know.

“I’m sorry about that. She’s just exhausted. Jake, she loves her uncle very much. What does this mean for our family, bro? I can’t let this ugliness touch us. I just can’t.”

“It doesn’t have to, Simon, and it won’t. You have my promise that I will see this through and make it right.”

“How, Jake? From what you’ve already told me about this Marino guy, he won’t stop until Jack gets the fucking gas chamber.”

“There’s more Simon.”

“Oh, come on! I don’t think I can take it.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think I could either, but I have no choice now. Marino knows something about Minela’s murder, and if I don’t work with him to bring Jack down, then I will never know what he knows.”

“Fuck that, Jake! Beat it out of him if you have to.”

Oh, how I loved my brother.

“I almost did, several times actually, but I believe I have another way of getting to the truth about Minela. Trust me on this.”

“I guess I have no choice but to trust you like I always have. Just promise me that you will be careful no matter what road this case takes you down on.”

“You have my word, bro. I will make this right, I promise. I’m not going to stay tonight after all. Please give my love to Nicolette, and tell her I’m sorry for making her cry.”

“No worries, it’s the hormones.” Leave it to Simon for making a fucked up situation better. “Where to next, Jake?”

“The only place that makes sense…Chicago. I need to talk to Jack.”



fter leaving the beach house, I had nothing but time to replay all that happened tonight with Simon and Nicolette. My head was spinning with all we talked about. Simon was angry, happy, and angry again, and then sad to see me leave. His feelings were justified, and he mostly behaved the way I thought he would. His wife was his entire world, and now with the babies on the way, he would do everything in his power to protect them.

I parked my rental by the beach and sat while the sun began to rise. A new day was about to begin just over the horizon, I had no idea what today would bring once I met with Jack. Simon and Nicolette would meet with her parents today and stand united no matter what happens with Jack. The death of Michael St. Clair was nationwide news now. Simon worried that Nicolette would be hounded by press, so they were going to leave later this morning to an undisclosed location. They would have to be near a hospital for Nicolette, but Simon had worked everything out and texted me the details.

Speaking of texts, I heard nothing from Zoey. It was as if she just disappeared from my bed and my life. I didn’t think I was alone in my feelings. She had a physical reaction to me as strong as mine. It couldn’t have just been about sex, a hook-up like I had first played it out to be. No, Zoey was more—my more—and once this case was over, I was going to find her. I would happily remind her what a mistake she made by walking away from me and what we could have together.

I cleaned myself up and made my way to the airport, just barely making my flight. I had no choice but to tell Wade where I was headed. He was still my superior, and he hadn’t kicked me off the case yet. Marino dropped off the grid. Wade suspected he went back to New York. I couldn’t worry about him at the moment. I made it perfectly clear to him that I would never go along with his plan and that I was on my own.

I declined riding on the dime of the FBI, so I bought my own plane ticket to Chicago. I could easily afford it, so I went with first class. I needed some TLC and the much needed rest before speaking with Jack. Hopefully the four-hour flight would do the trick, but when I closed my eyes my thoughts went back to the first of the two women taking up space in my heart.

“When are you going to tell your father that we’re living together? It’s been three months since we announced our engagement. Don’t you think they should know that we were serious about getting married?”

“I will, Jake, but I’m their only daughter. My father probably thinks I’m still a virgin and I’m saving myself for you. Come on, now. I don’t want to give the old man a stroke by shattering his perfect image of me.”

“Babe, he’s not stupid and neither are your brothers. Don’t you think it’s time that they cut the apron strings and allow you to live your life, your way?”

“You would think that after I became a cop, they would have, but not the LaRochas. We’re tight, and we live in each other’s lives. They can’t help themselves. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. You Paulsons are close. I’ve seen how you are with your brothers. Can you imagine what it’s going to be like at Christmas? Oh, I love just the thought of it. Don’t you, Jake? Just picture all of us, surrounded by this huge dinner table, and then a kid table! It’s just a matter of time until I get pregnant, and then mine and your brothers have babies. Oh my goodness! We’re going to have to rent a banquet hall!”

I loved this woman. I loved this woman with all of my heart and soul. How did I get so lucky to have found her?

“Hey, Jake! Are you listening to me?” Minela asked as she finished unpacking another box. She threw crumpled paper at me to get my attention. She was adorable. I just couldn’t tell her that. Minela wasn’t one for labels. She knew she had the looks but never wanted to be defined by them. Being taken seriously as a cop was the most important thing to her.

“Yes. I am listening, and stop throwing paper at me. As much as I love our apartment, you know I’m loaded right? I have my ranch back in Colorado with a huge house built on the property. We can live anywhere we want, so why do you want to live here, a brownstone in Staten Island?”

“Because it’s ours. Our first place as a couple, a newly engaged couple that will be married very soon, if I have anything to say about it. Every couple needs a first place, and this is where I want to be with you. Do you understand?”

“I do, and I love you for making our first place a home. Wherever you are is where I want to be, beautiful girl. I love you baby…so much.”

“I love you too! I want ice cream.”

“Yeah, and I want you. Bed…now!”

I tackled her to the couch and began kissing her neck. She opened up for me and kissed me with all she had.

“Jake…” she enunciated very slowly. “I will let you have me anyway you want to, but first, I want my ice cream.”

In one swift move, she leaped from the couch and ran for the door, grabbing her purse on the way out.

“Last one to the shop gets handcuffed to the bed!”

“That’s okay, you go right ahead. I will be happy to bind you anyway I can,” I said.

“Good to know, baby, because wearing this gorgeous diamond on my finger binds me to you for life. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Jacob Paulson.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too! Now get your butt up, and let’s go.”

“Right behind you.”

We walked hand in hand down the overcrowded street. This time at night, all the commuters were just getting home from work. You had the dog walkers in the park, the joggers out running the lake. Our shoulders were being bumped as we continued to walk. I led Minela down a side street to avoid the crowd. I couldn’t help pinning her against the wall to kiss her. We lingered for a few minutes and then continued our walk to the ice cream shop. This place sold cupcakes and flavored coffee too.

We sat inside with a large cup of Neapolitan to share. Of course it was covered in hot fudge, walnuts, and whipped cream. It was sugar overload, but my girl said we had earned it from all of our morning exercise. I laughed, because she wasn’t referring to the gym.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked me as we walked home.

“You. How can I not when I’m engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world? How big of a wedding do you want to have? With our combined families, that’s probably one full side of the church, and then it’s friends from the force, my football buddies, coaches. Wow! We may need to have it outside on the football field just to hold everybody.”

“Whatever you want, Jake. I just want to be your wife.”

“It’s all I want too.”

I held her in my arms where I crushed my lips down onto hers, sealing our commitment to one another. She came up for air and smiled at me.

I never saw it coming. I only had her in my eyesight until it was too late. The tires screeched. The shot rang out. A single shot to the chest. And then I was on the ground over her bloodied body. Minela’s face had fallen from happiness to sadness as she knew what was next to come. My world was shattering. How could this have happened to us?

My eyes blinked opened. I had a flight attendant standing over me, asking me if I was alright. I said a silent prayer in hopes that I wasn’t screaming again. She placed her hand over mine and asked me in her quiet voice if she could get me anything. She saw my badge sticking out from my pocket. She addressed me as Agent Paulson.

I didn’t like to be fussed over, and I still wasn’t sure if anyone had heard me. Only three other passengers were in first class and not paying attention to me, so that was comforting to know. I declined food but asked for water. She poured it over ice for me with a wedge of lemon. I saw the concern written all over her face, but I told her that I was fine. I accepted the hot cloth to wipe my face and neck. I was soaked through my shirt. This was a bad one, but anytime you relive the love of your life getting gunned down in your arms, how could you not break a sweat?

My flight landed at O’Hare around one. I took advantage of the first class lounge and cleaned up in their bathroom suite. I had new shirts with me, tossing the soaked one back into my bag.

I looked as good as I was going to get. My beard was a few days old. I needed a haircut, and I was running on no sleep. I wasn’t going on a job interview, just confronting an “alleged” former mob enforcer who possibly murdered the guy who raped my sister-in-law. Yeah…good times.

With the lunch crowd now gone back to work, Jack’s restaurant, The Neighborhood, was quiet. I made my way inside. This place was huge, with two full sized bars on each side of the restaurant. It had a second floor reserved for private parties. It sure didn’t look like a front for mob business. It looked to be a casual, good feeling pub to have a beer in and shoot the shit with friends.

I was still looking around when I was tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy that matched my height but needed to work on his personality.

“You need something, pal?” he asked, holding his bar rag in one hand while balling up his fist in the other.

“I’m not your pal, so let’s get that straight, first off. I’m here to see Jack Vanelle.”

“And what do want with Jack?” he asked as he took in my badge.

“What’s your name?”

“Tommy. I’m in charge, and no one gets in to see the boss without me knowing about it first, especially cops, the feds, anybody.”

This guy matched me almost in size. He would be a workout to take down, unless I capped him in the knee, and then he would fall easily. Not too sure I wanted to wage war on Tommy the giant and in an open bar, so I tried a more tactful approach.

“Um, Tommy, I know Jack personally, and I would like to speak with him. So if you please, go get him for me, and thank you.”

“Fuck you. Try again. I’m not blind, pig. I see the badge, and you are not seeing the boss today.”

“Pig? They still use that word when referencing members of the law enforcement? Good to know, Tommy, but I am not just a cop, I’m Federal Agent Jacob Paulson, and usually when I ask for something, I get it. Now you have two choices. One: turn around and locate your boss for me. Two: I knock you on your ass and arrest you for not complying with my request. I’ve asked you nicely, and still you say no. So what’s it going to be?”

Fuck my life!
What made me think this was going to be easy? And here I thought this was a friendly place.

“Fuck you.”

As I expected him to say. He crossed his arms over his chest and used his large frame as a blocker to keep me from passing. I stepped off to the other side, and he blocked me again. My patience was done. Time for the big guy to fall. I swept my leg under him, catching him off balance, and then I landed a punch down to his knee, causing him to cry out in pain.

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