Anarchist Book 5: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 5

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Anarchist Book 5


Jordan Silver

Copyright©2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved



Chapter 1


“You want me to do what? Get off of me.” I heard the screeching from my office in the back of the club.

Sounded like that damn annoying female; she’s the only pain in the ass I know that could make that racket.

The only peace I’ve gotten in the last week and a half or so is when I was hiding out in my office. I’d thought that with Royce out of the way all of my troubles would be over, but I hadn’t counted on her.

We shared the same house every night, but for some reason, I never gave it much thought until that first night after the attack.

After the party that I’d expressly forbade her to have was over, we’d walked over together.

She found it necessary to wrap my arm around her shoulders without my permission and when I tried to pull away she sulked until she got her way.

Then she got all pissy when I wouldn’t share any of the night’s details with her and I had to listen to a lecture on how a husband and wife were supposed to share everything.

She didn’t take too kindly to me pointing out that she wouldn’t know fuck all about what a husband and wife were supposed to do, because her only examples were her fucked up parents.

I think that’s when I got my first look at the real Dana Sue. She sure could do annoyed like a pro. Too bad for her I don’t give into female whims. She’d get over it.

After that night she seemed to have forgiven me, because the next day I woke up to breakfast and a smile. Like I trusted that shit.

After that I tried to avoid her as much as possible, but if she missed me during the day, there was no escaping her at night.

No matter what time I made it home, she was waiting up for me, and she always had a fuck of a lot to say.

Thankfully I had a lot on my plate and it kept me occupied. The sheriff was gearing up to come after me, but he was afraid of showing his hand too soon, he had no idea what my next move was going to be.

Travis was frothing at the mouth because Junior was still MIA, and then we had the whole Brandon fiasco that was just waiting to explode in our faces. I had no doubt there was going to be backlash from that, but it was early days yet.

My job now was securing things, making sure there was no fall out from the hit. I’d covered my tracks as well as possible, though I’m pretty sure most people knew what had happened the second they heard the news.

What they suspected and what they could prove were two different things though, and I could give a fuck what the fuck anyone thought.

I left the room in back with a sigh and went to see what my little darling was up to.

There was a reason I’d been hiding from her these last couple of days. I’m afraid I had landed myself in a whole heap of shit. She was starting to grow on me, and that was no good for anybody.

I turned the corner and felt it again. So it wasn’t a fluke, fuck. I didn’t let the sick panic stop me in my tracks this time, but kept moving forward.

I felt it for the first time the third morning we’d woken up under the same roof, that quick jolt, like a shock to the system.

She’d been in the kitchen humming as she made me breakfast. Her hair had been loose around her shoulders. Her lips were soft and pink, and the early morning sun highlighted her hair whenever she passed by the window.

I’d stopped in the doorway and watched her, don’t know why I did that, but it just seemed like the thing to do, almost as if the moment was too precious to interrupt.

When she felt me there looking at her, she’d looked over her shoulder and given me a smile that went into me, and squeezed the shit out of my heart. I actually felt the pressure there.

Since I’d never experienced anything like it before, it took me a minute to realize what the fuck was going on with me.

To say I was not amused is putting that shit lightly. I have no use for a wife in my life right now, and especially not one that was so young and green as a stump.

My life wasn’t heading in the direction I’d always envisioned for myself. I had men and women who were depending on me here now. I couldn’t just throw everyone out now that my fight was all but over.

I certainly hadn’t ever seen myself as part of a bike crew, but it looks like that’s where I am. I’ve found over the last three years that it serves a purpose of sorts.

Besides, I’d grown used to having the guys around, and they’d chosen me as their fearless leader, poor fucks. So no, if I gave it up now it would look like I’d got what I wanted and then ditched the people who helped me get it.

I’d walked into the kitchen, avoiding her as though she were a bomb about to detonate. She hadn’t missed a beat, just kept up her humming and walking back and forth from the stove to the fridge and back.

When she started talking like we were an old married couple, asking me shit like what I had planned for the day, and I found myself looking forward to sharing, I knew I was in trouble.

That feeling of being hit by electricity slammed into me again when she sat down across from me, and took my hand to say grace, such a small thing to have such a huge impact.

I sat up in the chair and really looked at her then. The bruises were still there obviously, but they had started to fade, and they in no way took away from her beauty, which I’ve been trying to avoid taking notice of for the last couple of days.

Her face was amazing, that peaches and cream skin, those almond shaped eyes that were a green almost too light to be real, and that hair that couldn’t make up its mind whether it wanted to be blonde or red.

I scowled at her when she put the meal of bacon and eggs on a plate and passed it over to me, before jumping up when the toaster gave up the goods.

She fucking smiled at me, confusing the shit out of me, but I shouldn’t be surprised. She was proving to be one confusing female, as well as frustrating as all hell.

My body stirred when her scent reached my nose and I almost got up and ran the fuck out of there, which only pissed me off even more.

My dick, it seems, had already put in his vote, so even if I had decided not to go there, it was too late, but I was going to fight it all the way.

I’d eaten my breakfast and kept my silence as she prattled on and on about who knows what.

After that day I tried to be out of the house before she woke up in the mornings, but then she’d come looking for me and drag me back to eat.

She was the only person on the ranch that didn’t give a shit what I said. It’s like everything I told her to do was up for debate, until I was at the point that I was ready to tie her to a chair somewhere.

Now here she was, disturbing my peace again.

“Dana what the fuck is your problem now?” And to think two weeks ago she was a little mouse of a thing. It didn’t take her long to get over her fear of shit and start trying to make me nuts.

“This, this...person accosted me and made the vilest suggestions.” She was eyeing Priscilla like she was a snake about to strike. I could only imagine what it was that Priscilla had asked her to do.

“Priscilla she isn’t a sheep; leave her alone.”

“Well what the hell is she then? I don’t see why she gets to walk around like she owns the place while the rest of us...”

“What the fuck?” I walked over and grabbed her jacket from the back of the chair where she’d thrown it when she came in. Handing it off to her, I took her elbow and escorted her to the door.

“Oh come on Law you know I didn’t mean it.” I didn’t bother with an answer; she knew the rules, everyone did because I’d spelt them out for them. Hard or soft, Dana Sue was my wife for the time being.

As long as she bore that title she was off fucking limits. Anyone who didn’t get that was out, man, woman and child.

Besides, if this one was gonna get under my fucking skin I couldn’t have one of my old bed warmers making trouble, and she wasn’t even that.

Since coming home I haven’t really had that much use for female companionship, my mind was occupied elsewhere.

But every once in a while the old urge would be on me and I would find an outlet. Thank fuck I had the good sense not to dip my wick in the same pot more than once lest I give people ideas.

I passed her off to one of the guys and had her escorted off the property with orders not to return.

That’s something I learned in the army, never excuse fucked up behavior and there’re no second chances.

I was cleaning up house, sifting out the unworthy. I still had to protect her until everything cleared.

The asshole that had attacked her that first day was long gone. Now that Royce was out of the picture, it really didn’t matter who had been working for him, but I didn’t want to take the chance of any of them hanging around here.

I wasn’t expecting too much trouble out of Junior, except for if he came looking for Travis’ new bride, but that was the least of my worries.

I walked back into the club, which was empty this time of day, with people out working, or otherwise occupied; all except my annoying wife.

She blushed at me and hung her head. Now she’s shy again, I can’t keep up with her shit.

“There something I can do for you Dana, I thought I told you not to come in here?”

“I know, but I’m bored and you won’t let me do anything or go anywhere.” She has the prettiest pout; and since when did I become a girl?

“Where would you like to go? Things haven’t settled down completely around here as yet and I don’t want you anywhere but here until they do.

I told you to stay in the house out of sight until I can put some shit in place to keep you safe.

You fancy yourself under another Royce Davis against your will?” It was mean to say it like that, but it was the truth.

Her old man for some fucked up reason seemed hell bent on selling her, or so the rumor mill had it. I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on there, or even if there was any truth to it, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

“No of course not.” Her face went up in flames.

“Well then, do as you’re told.” I knew that shit wasn’t about to happen. She’d proven that she didn’t follow orders for shit, but I could always hope.

I turned to walk back to the office and she ran to keep up with my long stride. “Well then, can I help you?”

“Help me do what?”

“I don’t know; what is it that you do around here? I can keep the books; I was a cracker jack at accounting. Or at least let me cook for the men, I’m an excellent cook as you well know.”

“My wife isn’t the damn cook.”

“But I’m not your wife remember?” She had the damn nerve to bat her lashes at me.

“Throwing my words back in my face is a sure way to get your ass in trouble. Now why don’t you head on back to the house and I’ll be there later for you to annoy me?”

Her back went ramrod straight and her eyes spat fire; the fuck was her problem now? “I’m very sorry to have annoyed you, it won’t happen again.”

She pretty much huffed her way out the door without a backward glance. Did she have to walk like that, so that her ass swayed under her dress? I’ve lost my fucking mind.

If there’s one thing keeping me from tipping over that line, it’s the fact that she dresses like a lady.

No unnecessary skin showing, no tit shots or too tight jeans. This way I was able to control my baser instincts when we were alone together in that big old house.

I don’t think I could’ve dealt with her sweetness, her slight flirtations and a naked ass all at once. But if she was going to move her ass like that when she walked...I just shook my head and went about my business.

I need to get laid and soon, it’s been way too long. I’m pretty sure Dana Sue would take offense if I nailed one of the sheep that hung around here, and since I wasn’t about to dig myself in any deeper with her, I might have to rub one out.

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