Anarchist Book 5: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 5 (3 page)

BOOK: Anarchist Book 5: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 5
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Damn pain in the ass female, and what the fuck was Kyle playing at? I would expect this shit from that wife of his, but not my own brother. Trying to hide my wife from me. I’ll deal with his ass tomorrow. Right now I had to deal with this one and her shit.

I thought for sure by now she’d be over whatever the fuck was up her ass, but no. I come home to an empty house and some fucked up note telling me she was getting out of my way; like I fucking asked her to.

I know what she’s doing. She’s trying to make me accept her as my wife, but she has no idea what she’s asking for.

My body might want hers in the worst way, but that did not mean that she could handle all of me, or what I would want from her if she ever found her pretty little ass in my bed.

I let her go when we reached the house and I had her locked inside with me. She stood in the doorway like she didn’t know what to do with herself.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m not sure; if you brought me back here for more of the same, well I’m not staying.” She folded her arms and tried to face me down.

“Look Dana Sue, it’s getting late and I haven’t eaten. I’m tired, I’ve got a lot on my mind and I need you to just settle the hell down and let me get my mind straight.”

“I’m not bothering you Lawton, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You obviously don’t want me here, so why did you drag me back?”

Fuck if I know, “because you’re my wife and this is where you’re staying.” I threw my jacket over the chair and walked to the fridge to scrounge for dinner.

I guess I’d become a bit spoilt in the short time she was here, at least my guts had.

I felt her move in behind me and stepped out of the way as she started gathering stuff to make.

I watched her as she bustled around the kitchen as she mumbled under her breath. “Speak up Dana Sue I can’t hear you.”

“I said you’re not making any sense. It’s simple, you think I’m a nuisance you find me annoying and you don’t want a wife, you’ve made that abundantly clear, so why couldn’t I stay?”

“Which part of because I said so don’t you get? My wife does not sleep under someone else’s roof...if you open your damn mouth and tell me you’re not my wife again, I’ll strangle you.” I pointed my finger at her, cutting her off before she threw that shit at me again.

Of course she’s my fucking wife, what the fuck? “Now stop trying to drive me up the damn wall, it’s done. And go get your rings.”

I wonder where she learned to do that shit with her eyes. It didn’t matter though, none of it did.

When I’d come home and found her note I’d felt that sick panic in my gut. For the first time I got a taste of what it was going to feel like when she was gone. I didn’t like it.

I didn’t want to feel anything, it had only been a couple of weeks, that wasn’t time enough to form any sort of attachment to anyone, but it had left me feeling empty.

I listened to one of her lectures on everything that I was doing wrong and now it was my turn to roll my eyes. You’d think she’d known me a lifetime with her million and one grievances. 

She went to retrieve her rings and I breathed easier when she came back into the room wearing them. Fuck if I know why that is.

“I don’t see why I have to wear these, this is all very confusing.” She turned her hand to study her rings.

“You keep saying I’m not yours, what I don’t understand is why you didn’t just let Mr. Davis have me, or that other man you beat half to death?”

Is she trying to make me fucking crazy? “I would shut the fuck up now if I were you, you’re about to get your ass in a whole lotta trouble.” She actually squinted at me. Then the hands went to her hips and that mouth of hers was off and running again.

“I’m not scared of you Lawton Daniels, I fought my daddy and I’ll fight you too, so don’t you go thinking you can bully me. It was a valid question.”

“I’m not your daddy, and if you push me too far I will tan your ass. You wanna act like a brat I can help you with that.”

“Fine, this isn’t going to get us anywhere, I’ll just go back to Kyle’s until it’s safe for me to leave.”

“Get back here.” I literally had to drag her back from the door. I had a hollow feeling in my gut at the thought of her leaving me, but I couldn’t pay too much attention to my unusual feelings right now. I was too busy trying to keep my wife from running away. My wife, fuck, why couldn’t she understand?

“Why can’t you see that I’m trying to protect you?” I felt her body relax under my hand as she looked back at me. I could see from the look on her face that my statement had confused her.

“Protect me from what?”


“I don’t understand Lawton.”

“Look, you went away to that fancy school where they trained you to be some rich man’s wife. I’ve got the dough babe, but I don’t have the principle.

Someone like you would be too soft for me. You won’t get flowers everyday and candlelight dinners and shit like that. My life is always going to be like this, at least for the foreseeable future.

This is no place for someone like you, don’t you get it?”

“Someone like me, exactly what are you saying, that you think I’m weak?”

No, I don’t think you’re weak, but the tears gathering in your eyes right now might be a dead giveaway. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this girl?

Can’t she see I’m trying to do the right thing here? It’s been a long time since I’ve walked that path and she’s not making it easy. Of course I want to fuck her, but if I do that with my grandmother’s rings on her finger, I feel like I’d be crossing some line, boxing myself in.

She isn’t for me, it’s like I told her she was too fucking soft for a man like me. If she really knew what I would ask of her as a wife she’d run screaming.

“I’m not calling you weak, I’m just saying that there are some things that go on between a man and a woman that you may not be ready for.”

“How would you know if you never give me the chance? I’m telling you right now Lawton, if things don’t change around here I’m going to be gone, and next time you won’t find me so easy.”

“Don’t threaten me or I’ll tie your ass to my bed and leave you there if that’s the only way to keep you out of trouble.”

“I don’t see why you’d go to the trouble, you said yourself, all I’m good for is to be the wife of some gentleman somewhere, and since I graduated with honors I think it only right that I strike while the iron is hot.”

“What the fuck are you talking about now?”

“I need a husband and since you’re not it, I need to get the ball rolling on finding one. I can’t very well do that here unless I pick one of the men you have running around here.”

She had the good sense to back away when I approached her and her eyes widened as she realized for the first time that she’d pushed me too far.

“Fucking try it! Okay, you think you want this? Wait right here, I’ll be back.” I left her standing with her back against the wall and her hand around her throat, like she thought I had been about to strangle her. I probably should and put myself out of my misery.

Chapter 4



I was pissed all the way to my room, as I dug out the little packet I had hidden in my drawer. It was a little something I’d cooked up when I was going through a phase or some shit.

It had started out just for kicks, but as time went on, I’d come to see the truth in what was included in there.

Walking back into the room, I threw the envelope at her. “You want to be my wife? In there is a list of all the things that shit requires. Look it over, and if you can make me believe that you can do those things then we’ve got a deal.”

I can’t believe she’d fucking beaten me, but I think I’d known that from the moment I put that ring on her finger.

Of course there were other courses of action I could’ve taken to protect her, but something about her had drawn me. I thought I had it all under control though, I never expected the little mouse to call me on my shit.

She opened the packet and looked at the pictures that fell out. I didn’t say anything when she turned to look at me with a befuddled look on her face.

I was sure that the things in my little portfolio would shock the shit out of little Ms. Boarding School, but she’d asked for it hadn’t she?

I waited until she was through looking over everything that was in there and before she could open her mouth to bombard me with questions, I started to speak. We’ll see how grown my little wife really is.

“As my wife, your hair will be worn in the style of my choosing and your clothes will be chosen by me. How we fuck will be up to me and I mean fucking, not lovemaking, because sometimes I’ll treat you like a princess in bed, most of the time I wont.”

I could see I had her full attention now. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to shock her into running from me, or trying to give her a fair chance.

One thing was for sure, I didn’t like her ignoring me and I damn sure didn’t like her paying attention to someone else, not even my brother.

I’d started this so I might as well go on. She hadn’t said anything as yet, just followed me with her eyes as I walked back and forth in front of her.

I walked over until I was standing right in front of her. “You’re gonna get inked here, my full name and tag.” I pointed to her left tit, the underside of it.

“And here, you’re gonna have my colors inked.” I pointed to the place over her pussy. “And my initials will be in your lower back. You’ll have piercings in your clit your tits and your belly button because I like that look.”

I expected her to balk, or maybe laugh in my face, but all she did was take a deep breath and closed her eyes as if begging for patience. “Very well Lawton, if that’s what you want.” Say what now?

“You read everything in there, and heard everything I said?” Why is she fucking with me?

“Yes I did. Some of it’s going to take a little getting used to, but I guess I can do it if it’ll make you happy.”

“Like what?” I folded my arms and waited.

“I don’t know, don’t you think choosing my clothes is a little much?”

“No, next question.” She did the huffing shit again.

“Well you don’t have to be so stuffy about it. It just seems a bit, I don’t know. I had a talk with Melissa about marriage and she didn’t mention any of this to me.”

“Melissa’s married to Kyle you’re married to me and don’t you fucking forget it.” Well fuck, that made her light up for some fucking reason.

“I won’t Lawton, excuse me.” The fuck is she smiling about now? I scowled at her to let her know I wasn’t too fond of her trying to make me crazy.

“Well, do you have any questions about any of this?” I pointed to the folder again.

“No I don’t think so, I guess you’d teach me everything I need to know.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes Lawton I’m sure.”

“Fine.” I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the house and over to the club where I was sure the guys were gathered.

There wasn’t much else to do around here at night, and until things were settled no one was gonna go into town unless it was necessary.

As I expected, Kyle was there with my boys playing pool while some of the others were hanging around having a beer or playing cards or some fuck else.

“Kyle, you’re in charge for three days.” The ass grinned at me when he saw her there with me. The others just gave me knowing looks, which if I had time I would’ve knocked off their fucking faces.

“Going somewhere big brother?” Nosy fuck.

“Yes, our honeymoon. We’ll be at the cabin, unless it’s a matter of life or death I don’t want to see any of you fucks.” There were a lot of congratulations floating around, but I didn’t hang around long enough to hear them.

I knew the whole lot of them were laughing at the big guy who’d been taken down by the little woman. Fucking female.

I’m taking her to the family cabin on the land, an hour away. I’m going to fuck her and take her virginity, and most likely hurt her little pussy.

Where before I’d been fighting that shit, it now seemed like the best fucking idea I’d had in a long time.

“You ready?” she wasn’t being so mouthy now as we stood next to my bike. I’d had her pack a little overnight bag, she didn’t need much since I planned on keeping her naked the whole time we were gone.

I had enough supplies to see us through and I’m sure the cabin was stocked.

At her nod I climbed on and waited for her to do the same. I roared out of the yard and headed for the little cabin.

It should be relatively safe there since it was still on the land and was pretty much protected by the fencing that surrounded the whole property.

We didn’t say much to each other, but I could sense the tension in her as she pressed her softness into my back. Maybe she was having second thoughts but she was too late. She pushed for this shit, now she could deal.

I made the trip in almost half the time. Shit it had been a while since I’d been up this way. Hopefully it won’t be too dusty, but this was the only place I could think of where we could be alone without me having to put her in danger by leaving the land.

She put her little hand in mine as we walked to the door. “You’re pretty.” Where the fuck had that come from? It must be the way the moonlight had shone on her jus then. That’s the only reason I could think of for me sounding like a soft dick.

She sure lit up at that shit though, and now she was holding onto my arm and pressing her body into my side.

I dropped the bag of supplies I’d brought to the floor and grabbed her to me. Now that the bullshit was over I saw no need to wait any longer. This past few weeks of knowing her was beginning to feel like a fucking lifetime.

I remembered every moment I’d wanted her in the last few days as I dragged her tongue into my mouth. “Damn you’re so sweet.” And she was, her mouth tasted like a fresh spring. My dick is turning me stupid.

Her body fit mine perfectly, burying me deeper still. I rubbed my hard cock into her middle and she trembled and made the sweetest sound in my mouth. Fuck, I was in no mood to go slow and that’s exactly what she needed right now.

Maybe I should warn her. Yeah I think that’s best, and I better do that shit now while she was still standing. I pulled our mouths apart and looked down at her.

Her eyes were a little glazed over and she looked like I’d already fucked her little pink pussy. My hands were clutched tight in her hair as I held her head back and studied her. Damn but she was a pretty little thing. Too bad fate had led her to a fuck like me.

“Here’s a lesson for you. Never go into any situation unless you know what you’re getting into, and that includes this. In the next three days I’ll fuck you often and fuck you hard. You’ll get sore and tired; I won’t stop.

You’ll think I’m a fucking beast half the time that we’re here and the only reason you won’t think that the whole time we’re here, is because we’re gonna need sleep the other half.

I would ask if you’re okay with that but we’re past the point where I give a fuck. It’s late and you’re probably getting tired since you spent a good part of your day thinking up ways to fuck with me. Tough, you can sleep tomorrow, let’s go.”

I didn’t give her a chance to answer any of what I’d just said, just took her hand and headed for the closest bedroom.

Her hand trembled in mine and I gave it a little squeeze to let her know that she was okay. I might fuck her like a Minotaur, but I will always take care of her first and foremost.

In the room I let her go long enough to pull my shirt over my head. I heard her sharp intake of breath at her first sight of my naked chest.

I’m vain enough to like the feel of her eyes on me, the way she looked at me like she really liked what she saw. I walked slowly towards her, trying not to spook her.

Her hands came up and caressed my chest, her fingers tracing the dragon tattooed on my chest. She bit her lip and moaned in her throat. That shit was sexy as fuck. It was almost as if she couldn’t help herself.

“Let’s take this off shall we?” I helped her off with her clothes and brought her back into my arms before she had time to become embarrassed.

No way was I going to be able to go slow. Well you better figure out a way Law you fuck. Fine.

I couldn’t help looking down at her, so soft, so innocent; and all mine. What the fuck had I been thinking?

“Lawton, you’re squeezing me.” There was a laugh in her voice but I heard the strain.

“Oh, sorry.” Shit, my thoughts had started to run away with me and I held her too tight. I was more careful when I pulled her into me the next time.

She liked rubbing herself against me like a little kitten, purr and all. I still had my jeans on because I didn’t want to scare the shit out of her, but my dick was looking for a way out. That zipper wasn’t going to be able to hold him much longer.

I laid her back on the bed and came down on top of her. “Spread your legs for me baby.” She was a little timid now as she made room for me between her thighs.

“Relax, I won’t hurt you, not ever.” She was so trusting and innocent. Everything that I’d always wanted, but had told myself I no longer deserved. Please let me be good to her, please.

It was my last thought before I lowered my lips to hers again, and took her under. I fought my way out of my jeans while she was preoccupied with my tongue wrestling with hers.

When I was free, I pressed my erection into her heat, keeping pressure on her clit.

She pulled at me and tried to get me to take her, making hungry fuck me noises in her throat. “Not yet baby, I need you hot for this. I don’t want to hurt you any more than I have to.”

I kissed her neck and then nuzzled my way around her ear and back again. Soft little nibbles and nips with the edge of my teeth that had her body strung tight as a bow beneath me.

Her flesh was warm and sweet beneath my hands and tongue and her sighs and moans of need were driving me mad, but not yet.

When I reached her breast she arched into me, sending her nipple deep into my mouth.

I lifted her rounded ass into my hand, pulling her wet heat closer onto my cock and dry humped her, until I felt her wetness running down on my cock. Leaving her tit, I licked my way down her body until I reached my goal.

She was pink, wet and soft. I opened her to my eyes before taking a taste of her. One slow lick, just on the outside of her pussy lips, until I reached her protruding clit that was just begging to be sucked.

She hissed and pushed into my mouth, already digging her fingers into my scalp when I took her into my mouth.

Her taste on my tongue was sweet and addictive, so much so that I spent a long time using my tongue in her and on her.

She never stopped juicing into my mouth as I tried my best to attach her onto my face. “Please Lawton.”

Now she was trying to push me away as her body became too sensitive for my touch.


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