Ancient Aliens on the Moon

BOOK: Ancient Aliens on the Moon
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Adventures Unlimited Press


I would like to acknowledge these special souls who helped,
loved and or supported me during the writing of this book: Shana
Eva Paredes, Sherri Gaston, Neena Dolwani, my publisher David
Hatcher Childress, Melissa Thompson, Alan Pezzuto, Sean David
Morton, Denise Zak, my brother Dave and Bailey, and my little
lights The Lady Aurora and Miss Fluffy-Muffy



Ancient Aliens on the Moon

by Mike Bara

Copyright 2012

ISBN 13: 978-1-935487-85-2

All Rights Reserved

Published by:

Adventures Unlimited Press

One Adventure Place

Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA

[email protected]


Adventures Unlimited Press


This book is dedicated to Richard C. Hoagland,

Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin.

The original “Big 3” of Ancient Alien theorists.














ur Moon is one mysterious place. It’s easy for us to forget that, to simply go about our daily business while only occasionally looking up and noticing that gray-white celestial body in the sky. Yet even though we don’t generally pay much attention to the Moon, it exerts a powerful influence over our planet, our oceans, our bodies, and perhaps even our consciousness. As I put it in my previous book
The Choice:

…the Moon governs how fast the Earth spins, which is key to it being able to support human life. Without the Moon’s calming influence, the Earth would spin so fast that the winds caused by the centrifugal force would most likely flatten us all like pancakes. A day would last only a few hours, making photosynthesis a dicey proposition. The Moon also regulates and agitates the Earth’s protective magnetic field, which is so crucial to protecting us from high intensity solar flares and other types of deadly interstellar radiation. The Moon also just happens to be exactly the right size and exactly the right distance from the Earth to create perfect solar eclipses, a phenomenon where the disk of the Moon perfectly blots out the disk of the Sun. The diameter of the Moon also turns out to be 2,160 miles at the equator. It’s not 2,161 miles, or 2,159 miles across, but exactly 2,160 miles. And those 2,160 miles also just happen to match the 2,160 year length of each astrological Age of the precession of the equinoxes. Some people think this is all just a coincidence; that the Moon just happened to be ejected from the Earth by some random planetary collision or somehow wandered into Earth’s gravitational influence and stabilized in this perfect position from which it can protect us, regulate us, and even influence the female menstrual cycle.

I of course, do not agree that the Moon’s existence and its influence on our daily lives is coincidental. In fact, it is quite obvious to me that the Moon is here by design; that some larger hand is at work in its placement in our solar system. In
The Choice
, I examined the idea that this larger, unseen hand might be God, with a capital “G.” Here, in
Ancient Aliens on the Moon
, we’ll examine whether that unseen hand might be “gods,” with a lower case “g.”

To those of you that are skeptical, I warn you that there is quite a bit more evidence for this idea than you might suspect. Not only are there those previously mentioned numerical coincidences where the Moon is concerned, there is also quite a bit of what the military calls “ground truth” as well. This ground truth has been provided over the last generation by a veritable army of reconnaissance missions, both manned and unmanned, from orbit and from direct, on-site inspection by our NASA astronauts. A lot of you, unless you’ve read my first book
Dark Mission–The Secret History of NASA
, will find this information new to you. Others will recognize this information for what it is, confirmation that we are either not in fact alone in this universe, or that our history is not quite what you have been told in the books they gave us in school.

The truth is, while there is a ton of evidence of Ancient Alien intervention here on Earth, there is even more evidence on the Moon (and more yet on Mars, but that’s another book). The Ancient Alien theory, or the Ancient Astronaut theory as it used to be known, looks for evidence of extra-terrestrial (or supernatural) intervention in human history by examining ruins and mysteries here on Earth. The megalithic trilithons of Baalbek, the enduring mysteries of the great pyramids, the mathematical precision of Teotihuacán, the symbols of Nazca and the roadmap to human consciousness that is the Mayan ruins are all examples which the researchers have sought to decode and expose to the public. But in the course of this process, we have ignored the most obvious and perhaps the most easily confirmable evidence we have been shown. The ruins and mysteries that are revealed virtually right next door on our own celestial companion, the Moon.

This evidence consists of ruins and artifacts, buildings, instruments and vast industrial complexes in a place that according to all our conventional theories they simply cannot be – our Moon. Yet, as you will see in the images I’ll show you, these structures are there, defiantly upright in a place where they should have been ground to dust eons ago by the Moon’s unrelenting, incessant meteoric rain. Unless of course, they were somehow protected from that constant storm of meteors that bombard the Moon every day.

Not only will we prove that premise in the course of these pages, we will also ask some of the bigger questions it implies. All books, at their core, propose questions that they then seek to answer. The questions we need to keep in mind as we traverse these pages are these:

What did NASA find in their explorations of the solar system that they may have kept from the general public? In other words, did they find evidence of an advanced, extinct, extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon? And if they did, what was so destabilizing about them that they decided not to admit their discovery publically? The answer to those questions may surprise you, because it turns out NASA may have known all along that there were extraterrestrial ruins on the Moon, even before they went there. And I will show you that they even sought political and legal cover to justify keeping this critical ground truth from the American people, who after all paid for the missions—and from the world.

Next, we will look at just how truly ancient are these ruins on the Moon? I mean, if there were Ancient Aliens on Earth’s moon eons ago, what were they doing there? Somehow, I doubt it was just a vacation spot for passing Annunaki or Gray aliens. Once you get a grasp of just how vast and extensive the alien bases on the Moon really are, it will quickly follow that they must have been engaged in
some kind
of extremely important activity there. Where they somehow intervening in the development of life on Earth? And if so, how and when? Did these visitors simply observe us from afar, or did they step in, manipulate our genetic code, and improve our bodies to the point that we became modern man? And did they dabble in other creatures’ genetic codes, producing most of the modern plants, animals and livestock we know today?

Lastly, we will ask the big question; if there are ancient ruins on the Moon, what happened to the builders of them? The answer to this one may explain the answers to the first two questions. It may lead to the inevitable conclusion that the Ancient Aliens didn’t simply pack up and leave; they may have been forced off the Moon, either by some conflict of unimaginable proportions, or by a natural calamity of the same dimensions. Either way, the answers to that question are bound to have created a ton of fear and trepidation inside the halls of NASA and at the highest levels of government.

But, all of those questions have to wait until we answer the first and most important question; just what the hell is on the Moon anyway?


ne of the biggest problems with doing any kind of serious research about the Moon, whether it is of the mainstream variety or the more edgy stuff as in this book, is that nobody really knows much about the place. We know what we can see and have seen since the dawn of time; it always shows the same face to us (because of a condition called gravitational tidal-lock), it is made up of light stuff (highlands) and dark stuff
, or “seas” in Latin), it has a total land mass area roughly equivalent to the continents of Australia and Africa combined, and it also seems to have a profound physical effect on us here on Earth. Because of its gravitational influence, we have rising and receding tide. It both stimulates and regulates the strength of Earth’s magnetic field, which protects us from harmful solar flares and radiation. And, according to rogue geologist Jim Berkland, the Moon may play a significant role in the frequency of earthquakes, especially along the Pacific Rim. Beyond that, even the female menstrual cycle is governed by it to some degree (the term “menstruation” comes from the Latin mensis [month], which in turn comes from the Greek mené [moon]).
And while mainstream scientists deny that it has any effect on our consciousness, ask any waitress or bartender if people behave differently under a full moon and they will tell you that fights and erratic behavior accelerate noticeably when the full moon is out. Even the terms “lunatic” and “lunacy” are derived from this anecdotal observation of human behavior, and it probably also gave rise to the early werewolf myths of the Middle Ages.

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