Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols (12 page)

BOOK: Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols
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Fig. 1. Alignment of four cloned PCR products each from three different amplifi cations of 12S rDNA, originally amplifi ed from a hair shaft belonging to
M. darwinii
that was isolated from a paleofecal sample.







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Fig. 2. Alignment of two to four cloned PCR products each from three different amplifi cations of 16S rDNA, originally amplifi ed from a hair shaft belonging to
M. darwinii
that was isolated from a paleofecal sample.

7 Case Study: Ancient Sloth DNA Recovered from Hairs Preserved in Paleofeces 55

clone sequence was particularly damaged: 12S PCR2 clone2

Fig. 1
) displays seven C to T transitions, two G to A transitions, and a deletion. Given that all damaged sites are the most common type of damage in ancient DNA, it is reasonable to assume that fragment is not an exogenous contaminant, but rather a highly degraded starting template, and perhaps also affected by jumping PCR.

The presence of
M. darwinii
DNA in hair shafts preserved within paleofeces reveals an additional source of ancient DNA for downstream analyses. Paleofeces are comprised of both a broad diversity of processed material and the defecator’s own sloughed
tissue ( 7– 9
) . Separating the constituent materials prior to DNA extraction could facilitate downstream applications, such as targeted sequencing.

Hair shafts, if present in paleofeces, represent macroscopic packets of species-specifi c cells, potentially enriched with mtDNA
( 2 )
and relatively simple to separate, clean, and process. In addition, the gross structure of hair may signifi cantly limit exogenous DNA contamination
( 18 )
. Finally, the relatively simple process of separating and cleaning hair of fecal debris dramatically decreases the potential of coamplifying contaminating sequences from the paleofeces itself, including DNA from the defecator. This could add novel insights into, for example, the diets of carnivores
( 12 )
, or conspecifi c oral grooming behaviors.


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Chapter 8

Ancient DNA Extraction from Soils and Sediments

James Haile


DNA contained in soils and sediments can provide novel insights into past environments and ecosystems.

In this chapter, I describe an effi cient and effective technique to extract total DNA from sediments in a manner that minimizes the coextraction of PCR-inhibitory compounds. I describe two different approaches: one that is suitable for large (up to 10 g wet weight) amounts of substrate, and a second that is more appropriate for small (up to 0.5 g) amounts of substrate. Finally, I discuss some of the obstacles that may be encountered in the process of extracting DNA from soils and sediments and suggest approaches to circumvent some common problems.

Key words:
Sediment , Soils , Ancient DNA , Metagenomics , Environmental sampling , SedaDNA 1. Introduction


Sediments and paleosols have proven to be an excellent repository of ancient DNA of plants, fungi, and animals from both arctic and temperate biomes and from tropical and arid environments
( 1– 5 )

However, the humic compounds and other organomineral complexes to which the extracellular DNA binds and which protect the DNA from extracellular, micr
obial DNases, and nucleases ( 6, 7
) also inhibit PCR amplifi cation. Therefore, any successful extraction of DNA from sediments will need to remove these substances.

Sediments are heterogeneous with respect to DNA distribution, and a compromise needs to be struck between using large volumes of sample so as to maximize the chance of recovering DNA and the resulting decrease in fi ne, temporal resolution that can occur when large samples are processed. Given this limitation, processing larger amounts of sediment tends to improve the success rate of extracting rare or low-copy number DNA. As large volume samples are not always available, I describe protocols for both large extractions and small extractions below.

Beth Shapiro and Michael Hofreiter (eds.),
Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols
, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 840, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-516-9_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



J. Haile

For large extractions (up to 10 g wet weight) of sediment, the PowerMaxSoil™ DNA Isolation Kit (Cambio) is recommended.

In this protocol, up to 10 g wet weight of sediment sample is homogenized and cells lysed using a 50-mL tube containing garnet grits and extraction buffer. The lysate is then progressively cleaned of cellular debris by centrifugation and precipitation.

Aqueous molecules coextracted with the DNA are then removed using silica spin columns.

For extractions of up to 0.5 g, a protocol that uses components from FastDNA ® SPIN Kit for Soil for isolation (QBIOgene) is recommended. The soil sample is added to a 2-mL tube that contains glass beads. The tube is then shaken vigorously in the presence of an extraction buffer, to pulverize and lyse the samples. Lipids are removed using chloroform/octanol and the DNA-containing solution cleaned using silica spin columns.

2. Materials


Extraction of sedimentary ancient DNA (
aDNA) should be carried out in a dedicated ancient DNA facility using established protocols
( 8
) .

2.1. Large Extraction

1. 100-m L, 1-mL, and 10-mL pipettes and tips.

2. 1.5-mL tubes (at least one per extract, depending upon fi nal volume eluted).

3. 50-mL tubes (one per sample).

4. Rotary mixer, wheel, or similar device to keep samples constantly in motion during incubation steps, capable of holding 50-mL tubes.

5. Oven large enough to accommodate the rotary mixer.

6. Centrifuge capable of holding 50-mL tubes and reaching a force of 2,500 ×

7. Vortex-Genie ® Vortex and a Vortex Adapter capable of shaking two 50-mL tubes simultaneously (CamBio).

8. Garnet grit: aliquots provided in the PowerMax ® Bead Tubes from the PowerMaxTM DNA Isolation Kit.

9. Bulat
( 9
) extraction buffer: 0.02 g/mL Sarcosyl, 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 20 mM NaCl, 3.5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 50 mM

1,4-Dithio- L -threitol (DTT), 2 mM
-phenacylthiazone bromide (PTB), 0.8 g/mL Proteinase K (see Note 1).

10. Solutions C1–C6 from the PowerMaxSoil™ DNA Isolation Kit (Cambio).

11. HPLC grade water.

8 Ancient DNA Extraction from Soils and Sediments


2.2. Small Extraction

1. 100-mL and 1-mL pipettes and tips .


2. FastPrep ® Instrument (Qbiogene).

3. FastPrep ® Lysing Matrix E tubes.

4. 1.5-mL tubes (two per sample).

5. Microcentrifuge capable of reaching a force of 12,000 ×

6. Rotary mixer, wheel, or similar device to keep samples constantly in motion during incubation steps, capable of holding 2-mL tubes.

7. Oven large enough to accommodate the rotary mixer.

8. Bulat
( 9 )
extraction buffer : 0.02 g/mL Sarcosyl, 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 20 mM NaCl, 3.5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 50 mM

1,4-Dithio- L -threitol (DTT), 2 mM
-phenacylthiazone bromide (PTB), 0.8 g/mL Proteinase K (see Note 1).

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