Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited (12 page)

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Authors: S. L. Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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Reece smiled and reached for his hand. “I still have difficulty seeing you that way.” She shrugged. “I think that’s why all of this hit me so hard tonight. I keep forgetting about your position in this world.”

Levi stood up and extended his hand down to her. Reece accepted, and when she was on her feet, he embraced her. “We will get through all of this together.” He stepped back and caressed her cheek. “I am grateful that you told me this, as my father must be made aware of what you overheard as well so that he can determine if these men will act upon their words.” His eyes were piercing as they stared into hers. “Your safety goes beyond that of being my intended wife. We will not be taken off guard again, as we were with Simone and Michael.”

Reece nodded. “I just don’t want our relationship to be the cause of any problems here.”

“Do not concern yourself over that. As I mentioned before, I am prepared for it.”

Reece smiled weakly. “If you’re confident it won’t be a problem, then I trust whatever you say. I honestly didn’t want to make a selfish decision with our relationship.

“Of course I’m confident; I never doubted it for a second.” Levi kissed her forehead. “And you feel that
worry too much?” He called for Areion and smiled at her. “Let us go. Tomorrow I shall take you into a town that is roughly an hour away; and if you like, you can start picking out items to furnish our new home.”

“That sounds exciting.” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “I’m looking forward to seeing more of this kingdom we’re in. I love you,” she said as she stood on her toes and kissed him enthusiastically.

he rest of the week in Sandari passed too quickly. Levi and Reece spent the majority of their time touring shops and picking out items of furniture to be delivered to their home. For the first time in his twenty-seven years, Levi found the usual bore of a shopping excursion quite enjoyable. Watching the expressions on her face as she contemplated what furnishings they should chose for their home was entertaining to say the least. It was obvious the process of furnishing a stately house was a daunting task. To Reece’s relief, Navarre, Allestaine, and Elizabeth joined in on a shopping excursion later in the week. With Allestaine and Elizabeth’s assistance, Reece appeared more confident with the decisions she was making.

The morning of Levi’s departure from Sandari, he patiently waited in Reece’s sitting room while her maiden attended to her. With the implications of their relationship behind her, Levi felt confident that she would enjoy the rest of her stay before she returned to the palace. Navarre had been made fully aware of the conversation Reece overheard at the ball and had made arrangements to investigate the matter further. Relieved as he might be that Reece would be in no danger outside of his presence, he wasn’t looking forward to leaving her so soon; if it were up to him, he would opt out of instructing the new Guardian recruits with Harrison, and spend the next two weeks enjoying Reece’s company.

“Master Levi,” Jasmeen greeted him as she returned to Reece’s sitting room.

Levi stood. “Yes?”

“Reece will be out shortly,” she informed him.

“Thank you, Jasmeen.”

After a cordial nod, the maiden disappeared through the side door. Levi sat the sofa and continued to patiently wait for Reece. Reece entered the room moments later, and Levi found himself, once again, enraptured by her radiance.

“I hope I’m not going to make you and Harrison late,” she said with a humorous smile.

Levi stood and walked over to her. “Whether we are late or not, I can assure you I have no problem with it.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips for a tender kiss. As he rose up, his eyes took in the beauty of her creamy skin, highlighted by the blue silk gown she wore. Her daring neckline was tempting beyond all measure, and Levi was now desperately searching for an excuse to get out of training the new recruits. “You look absolutely stunning, and I believe Harrison may be making this journey on his own.”

Reece encircled her arms around his waist. “You and I both know that you’re not getting out of this.”

Levi smiled wryly. “Well, in that case,” he said took her into his arms and brought his lips down onto hers. Her fingers traced through his hair, as he deepened their kiss. A soft laugh from Reece ended their fervent kiss much sooner than Levi would have liked.

“We should probably get going,” she said, with a smile in her voice. “You’re already late, and now I’m having second thoughts about you leaving.”

Levi stepped back, tenderly kissed her forehead, and then offered his arm. “If you insist.”

“So I’ve been thinking,” Reece said, as they walked out into the corridor. “I can’t get it out of my mind how exciting it was to ride Areion. It seemed so much easier than having to ride sidesaddle, and I was wondering if I could look into getting a riding outfit, something different than riding in a dress.”

Levi glanced down at Reece. “The future Empress of Pemdas riding a horse in a man’s riding suit?” he teased. “I dare say, you will definitely give the Pemdai people cause for concern.”

Reece laughed. “True.”

They made their way out onto the landing, where the groom was waiting with Saracen. Before Levi could respond to Reece, he heard his stallion whinny loudly as he was being led into the courtyard.
What’s his problem?
Levi thought, wondering why his horse appeared so agitated.

“It appears Areion is as upset about leaving you as I am,” he said, as he removed Reece’s arm from his. “Let me see what his problem is.”

Levi strode toward where the groom was fighting to hold onto his horse.

“Your Imperial Highness, I have examined him thoroughly, and am unable to determine what is distressing him.”

Levi ran his hand along Areion’s neck and walked along the horse, watching any movement the horse made in response to his firm touch. When he glanced down, he observed that Areion’s right hoof hardly touched the stone walkway. Levi ran both hands slowly down the horse’s hind leg, feeling for any swelling. Areion grunted and tried to jerk his leg out of Levi’s grip when Levi lifted his hoof to examine underneath it.

“Settle,” he ordered the horse, while keeping a secure grip on Areion’s leg. Levi bent over and studied the horse’s shoe for a moment before he found the problem. He pressed his finger against the edge of the silver shoe and found that Areion’s hoof was not trimmed properly to fit over it. For any other horse, this would not be a problem; however, this was Areion, and his stallion was known for his particularities. Levi exhaled softly, annoyed about his horse’s spoiled nature.
Areion, I should retire you to the pastures! Javian spoils you far too much.

Areion audibly protested the thoughts he read in Levi’s mind, and tried to jerk his foot away.

“Is he okay?” Reece called out from the steps.

Levi unbuttoned his waistcoat and pulled out his concealed dagger from its sheath. “He’s perfectly fine.” He glanced over at the two groomsmen that were intently watching him. “It appears that the farrier didn’t get a proper fit for this shoe.”

“I will arrange for the farrier to have him shod properly, Your Imperial Highness,” the man responded hastily.

Levi pulled Areion’s hind leg up and grasped it with his knees. “There is no need for that; I can fix the problem,” he said while he began trimming Areion’s hoof to fit flush on top of his shoe.

When Levi finished, he rose up and dismissed the two groomsmen, thanking them for their service. He gave Areion a final going-over as he put his dagger away. “Next time, I’ll just remove the entire hoof,” he taunted.

He gave Areion a sturdy pat on his rump, and turned to walk back to Reece. When he approached, she arched her right eyebrow sharply. “Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly find you any more attractive, you do something like that.”

Levi’s eyes followed hers, back to where Areion stood. “I didn’t realize that a man dealing with a highly obstinate horse could be attractive.” He said as he finished buttoning his waistcoat.

To his surprise, Reece wrapped her arms around him and stared seductively into his eyes. “I’m really going to miss you over the next couple of weeks.”

Levi happily welcomed her gesture. He buried his hand in her golden hair, and indulged himself in the pleasure of her offered lips. His other hand tightened around her waist, drawing her closer, and made sure this kiss would last until she was in his arms again.

“I think both of you should probably consider the Pemdai wedding ceremony,” Harrison proclaimed boldly from behind them.

Reece jerked and tried to pry her lips from Levi’s. He was amused by her reaction; however, felt no sympathy for Harrison’s discomfort at finding them in such a passionate state. He withdrew slowly and glanced over at his cousin who was standing proudly on the top step. Levi brought his arm around Reece as he acknowledged Harrison.

“You’re late!” Levi said. “And I was simply making the best of the inconvenience your tardiness has caused me.”

Harrison grinned mischievously. “Yes, indeed. Nevertheless, I am only late because I decided to have the staff prepare me breakfast after I learned that you were waiting for Reece to walk you out.” He glanced down at Reece. “It appears that my predictions were correct, and I still haven’t given you both enough time for farewells.”

“You’re lucky I’m not demanding he stay here with me.” Reece teased.

Harrison rolled his eyes and hopped down the steps to Saracen. “Such possession is not in your nature, Reece.” He stepped a foot into his stirrup and hoisted himself up onto his stallion’s back. “It never has been.”

Levi laughed as Reece folded her arms and tightened her lips as she stared at Harrison. Levi leaned down and whispered. “It’s best to let him have this argument, love.” He embraced her before turning to leave. “Enjoy shopping, and I will see you when you return to the palace.”

“I love you,” she muttered against his chest.

Levi kissed her forehead. “And I love you.”

He reached for her hand, raised it to his lips, and turned to walk down the stairs toward Areion. Once on his mount, he gripped the reins and winked up at Reece.

“Don’t spend too much money, Reece!” Harrison called out.

Reece returned Harrison’s smug grin and then offered Levi a brilliant smile. Levi nodded and smiled warmly at her before guiding Areion out of the courtyard.

Levi and Harrison were halfway down the estate’s long drive when Harrison observed Areion fighting the reins for a faster speed.

“Might as well make up some time,” he said with a laugh. “Want to race?”

Levi studied Harrison for a moment. “In truth, why were you late?”

“As I mentioned before, I opted to give you and Reece—”

Levi laughed aloud and shook his head in disbelief. “Did you actually walk away without some poor woman slapping you across your arrogant face?” he said with laughter.

Harrison shrugged. “You know me too well, my friend!”

“The only time you ever offer to race these horses is when you have a false sense of confidence.”

“A false sense of confidence, now is it?” Harrison huffed. “I do believe I may keep this lovely lady around for a while.”

Levi’s eyebrow’s shot up in humor. “Oh? How gentleman-like of you,” he replied in a mocking tone. “May I ask who this lovely woman is who has achieved the impossible?”

“You may not,” Harrison responded smugly.

“I didn’t think so.” Levi answered and eyed Harrison’s cheek. “It is red; but fortunately, this one didn’t leave a sweltering bruise on your face.”

Harrison smirked. “I moved quickly. I couldn’t risk the new recruits seeing their instructor in such a pathetic way.”

“Of course not,” Levi replied in humor.

Instructing the new recruits helped the week to pass quickly. Since the palace was offering tours during the emperor and his family’s absence, Levi and Harrison spent their evenings either in the command center with Samuel, or dining in Casititor with the other Guardian instructors.

Two nights before Reece’s intended arrival at the palace, Samuel notified Levi and Harrison that they were to return to Earth for an assignment. Levi would have argued, but understood he was fortunate to have had this long of a reprieve from guarding Earth, given the Guardians were being kept continually busy.

Levi penned a quick letter to be delivered to Reece upon her arrival, letting her know that he would most likely be on Earth until Samuel ordered their return.

As he made his way down to the stable, he noticed something strange about his horse’s demeanor. Levi called out to him stridently, but the horse would not respond to his command. He was attentively focused on another Guardian horse, and was keeping it separated from the rest of the herd.

Levi watched Areion charge out of the herd, throwing his front hooves into the other stallion. His brows furrowed as he tried to understand what issue Areion had with the other horse.

He watched every move the rivaling horses made. As Levi approached closer, he noticed it was Michael Visor’s horse.
Why is that horse free from his stable?
he thought in disbelief.

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