Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited (3 page)

Read Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited Online

Authors: S. L. Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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Reece watched as Levi tried to maintain a somber expression. She took a sip of tea. “Bad news?” she asked innocently.

He nodded. “Indeed,” he said in a low voice, “and on a day which you and I should be celebrating our engagement.” He sighed dramatically as he feigned disappointment.

Reece stared at the expression on his face amusingly. “Seems pretty bad, Levi. Go on; I hope I can handle this.”

“It appears that your good friend, Simone, has departed from the palace abruptly. Apparently, the note she left for her maiden has forced Catherine and Lillian to leave as well. They both left first thing this morning in order to be supportive of her.”

Reece rolled her eyes and let out a laugh of disbelief. “Well, there went my maid of honor,” she said sarcastically.

Levi grinned. “It will be difficult, but I am sure you will find a way past this dreadful news.”

“We’ll see. Hopefully my newfound depression won’t be a distraction for Queen Galleta as she is trying to read my mind in the meeting this morning.”

“Indeed, that may be a problem.” Levi teased.

When they finished their breakfast, they walked to Navarre’s office to meet with the queen. Upon entering the room, Reece saw that Navarre and an older woman were sitting on a sofa in the corner of his office, engaged in quiet conversation.

Navarre stood and greeted the young couple as they entered the room. “Your Excellency,” he said as they approached where Queen Galleta sat formally on the sofa, “allow me to introduce you to Miss Reece Bryant.”

Queen Galleta was much older than Reece had imagined. Her coronet of hair was silver, and her skin was pale, thin, and wrinkled; but she sat very straight, and her topaz eyes glowed. “Good morning, Miss Bryant,” the queen said with an endearing smile, “How do you do?”

“I’m very well, thank you; and please, call me Reece.”

They sat on sofas arranged around the fireplace in Navarre’s office. “Reece, I’m sure Levi made you aware of the fact that I knew Paul Xylander.” Queen Galleta stated simply, “If you don’t mind, I would like to use my abilities to see what’s happened.”

This is it!
Reece thought as she inhaled, struggling to stay focused. “Go ahead,” Reece answered, not knowing what to expect. Levi softly squeezed her hand, which brought Reece’s attention to him. When she looked at him, he gave her a reassuring smile that helped ease the extremely awkward situation.

“Very interesting,” said Galleta. She eyed Levi. “It appears that you are carrying a copy of this genetic imprint within your mind.”

A copy? How is THAT possible?
Reece thought in total confusion.

“Were you able to see the location of the stone?” Levi asked, with concern in his voice.

“I’m not able to see the location of the stone; I can only see what transpired between both of you.” Galleta turned to Navarre. “The information is protected within both of their minds.” She looked back at Levi and Reece. “The information has been so well-guarded from any kind of a psychic intrusion that I am unable to see exactly why it is that this unique occurrence took place.” She smiled warmly at Reece. “I was, however, able to read both Reece and Levi’s emotions at the time the information was transferred into Levi’s mind, and it appears that Reece formed a strong attachment with Levi at that particular moment.”

Reece felt the heat rush to her cheeks as she glanced subtly at Levi, but her embarrassment faded when she observed that he was still watching Galleta, waiting for more answers.

“Paul created a fail-safe,” Galleta continued, “and because of this, the only other people who could ever possibly be able to see the location of the stone, without harm to the Key, would be the Pemdai. They were the only individuals he could trust with the stone, and also with the protection of his ancestral line.”

Levi looked at Navarre and then placed his arm securely around Reece’s shoulders. “It is interesting how it all happened. One minute my mind was otherwise engaged,” he glanced knowingly at Reece, and then looked back at Galleta, “and from out of nowhere, I was seeing images; it was as if Reece’s mind were projecting them into mine.”

“That was when the information transferred and opened up to you, Levi,” Galleta informed them.

“Can you access the information now, Levi?” Navarre asked.

Levi nodded, “Yes.”

“I must know, in your opinion, do you believe the stone’s location should be watched? Is there any way that it can be found?”

“Paul was an interesting man. I can safely say that there is no reason to guard the stone. I do not believe it is possible for anyone to come across it without this map.”

Navarre sat back and studied both Reece and Levi and let out a laugh, “It is remarkable this has occurred.” He looked at Galleta, “The information will continue to pass genetically through their children, correct?”

“Yes.” Galleta answered, “Nothing in Reece’s mind has been altered. It will be interesting to see if any of their children will have the Pemdai capabilities of seeing the location within their own minds.” She looked over at Levi, “Such as Levi has.”

“Very interesting, indeed.” Navarre said as a servant entered the room.

“Emperor Navarre,” the servant said as he stood rigidly at the door, “Samuel has come with imperative information.”

Navarre and Levi stood. “Send him in,” Navarre said.

“Emperor, please forgive my interruption,” Samuel declared with a sense of urgency.

“It is fine, Samuel; tell me, what news have you?”

“I have been informed that Michael Visor is missing.”

“Missing?” Levi interjected, alarmed.

“He’s found a way to escape his confinement,” Samuel replied.

“Dispatch troops to search for him at once,” Navarre ordered, and then turned to Galleta. “If you have nothing further, your Excellency, this matter requires my immediate attention.”

Galleta and Reece both stood. “Emperor, unless you have any additional questions, I have nothing further to add,” Galleta responded politely.

Navarre nodded and looked to Levi. “I will need you to assist Samuel in planning the search for Michael.”

“Very well.” Levi answered.

Navarre offered his arm to Galleta. “Allow me to escort you to Allestaine; she wishes to speak with you before your departure.”

With that, the room was cleared, leaving Levi and Reece alone. Levi turned to face her. “Well, there went my plans for taking leave.” Levi muttered, mainly to himself.

Reece’s forehead creased in humor, “Plans?”

“I requested leave this morning in order to spend a few days alone with you.” Levi’s lips twisted as he gazed deeply into her eyes, “Either way, I still intend to take you to Casititor, if only for a few hours. I’m sure you have many questions about everything Galleta revealed to us; perhaps we can speak about it on our journey into the city this afternoon.”

Reece let out a soft laugh. “I’m not sure our trip will be long enough to cover all my questions,” Reece teased as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “So long as you and your father understand it all, I’ll go with that.”

Levi’s lips quirked up in humor, as he bent to place a light kiss on Reece’s lips. “I love you,” he said in a low voice. He rose up and offered his arm to her. “It shouldn’t take me long to go over the tactical planning concerning the search for Michael. Allow me to escort you to the library. My sister is there; she will be thrilled to have you in her company while I am detained.”

It wasn’t long before Levi returned, and he and Reece set off for Casititor. Their afternoon was exactly what they both needed. After a trip to the jeweler to have Reece’s ring fitted, they enjoyed a private lunch at the Anders’ restaurant, where they had dined together for the first time in privacy months before.

After a delightful lunch, they spent the remainder of the day touring more of the city and sites that Reece had never seen before. Upon their return to the palace that evening, Levi informed Reece that he would likely be away from the palace for close to a week while he led the search mission for Michael. She was mildly disheartened that she wouldn’t have the luxury of spending time with him; but she knew that finding the escaped perpetrator was imperative, and that she would be in excellent company with his mother and Elizabeth during his absence.

After Levi escorted her to her room and gave her a parting kiss, Reece walked in filled with gratefulness that they spent this entire day together. She stared down at her ring and smiled at the realization that soon she and Levi would be married, and she would be spending every night in his arms.

fter a long, relaxing bath, Reece ambled into the vanity room to meet Jasmeen. The young maiden, jubilant as usual, wasted no time in transforming Reece into a product of exquisiteness. Reece watched in humor as Jasmeen went through the extra efforts of pinning up her hair and placing tiny flowers sporadically throughout it.

“If I had to guess,” Reece started, “I would think that Levi was back at the palace.” She said while scrutinizing Jasmeen’s face.

Reece’s heart rate picked up as she noticed Jasmeen avoid her statement. It had been four days since she had seen him last, yet it seemed much longer. Without saying a word, Jasmeen walked over to Reece and smiled sweetly as she placed a blue velvet box in her hands.

Reece looked at Jasmeen in confusion. “What’s this?”

Jasmeen smiled a knowing smile. “I was instructed to give this to you once you were prepared for the day.”

Reece slowly opened the box. A shimmering silver arrow hung from a delicate chain, and sparkled brilliantly in the morning light. As she pulled the necklace off of the satin pillow it was arranged neatly on, she noted that it perfectly matched the bracelet Levi had given her when he first brought her to Casititor.

“Wow,” she said in admiration.

“Allow me to help you put it on,” Jasmeen offered politely.

Reece handed her the box. After the necklace was in place, Jasmeen handed Reece a folded card. “I will leave you to read this alone.” She added kindly before exiting the room.

He is back!
Reece thought, as she traced Levi’s initials on the wax seal before sliding her thumb underneath it and unfolding the card. Her heart raced with anticipation as she began reading his perfectly penned note to her.

My Beloved Reece,

You, my only love, will forever hold my heart. We have been apart too long, and I must have this entire day alone with you. The day I have arranged for us will start with this small gift. I hope you are prepared to receive gifts today, as I have planned to present you with more than one. Once you are ready, I ask that you meet me in the courtyard.


Reece stood up. The idea of spending an entire day alone with Levi was exhilarating. Her excitement had her practically running through the palace out to where Levi was waiting for her.

When she arrived at the courtyard, she stopped at the top of the steps. She looked below to where four magnificent white stallions stood harnessed to a luxurious black carriage. Her eyes were drawn to the initials engraved in silver on the door. They were her and Levi’s initials; the
were intertwined in a stylish script, and encircled by a bold silver and onyx letter

Her heart fluttered with excitement when Levi came around from the other side of the carriage. Her breath halted as she stood and admired his handsome appearance. Yes, it had definitely been too long since she had seen him last. He was dressed immaculately in a cream, high-collared shirt, navy waistcoat, cravat, and crisp, ivory trousers. “Well, if it isn’t Prince Charming,” she teased.

Levi stopped at the bottom of the steps and gave her an exaggerated bow. “At your service, madam!”

He displayed a brilliant smile as he leaped up the steps to where Reece waited. Full of excitement, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, stood on her toes, and gave him a quick kiss.

“Good morning, love,” he said with laughter. “I have missed you.”

“I think I’ve missed you more. I’m so thrilled you’re back.” She looked up into his vivid blue eyes. “Did you guys find Michael?”

Levi kissed her forehead and smiled lovingly into her eyes. “No; however, Harrison has taken over the search, giving us the opportunity to spend some time together.”

“Lucky for me.” she said, as she reached out and interlaced her fingers through Levi’s. “Thank you for my necklace. It’s beautiful.”

Levi released one of her hands and caressed her cheek. “
are beautiful,” he said, before bringing his attention to the silver arrow that rested against the center of her décolletage. His fingers brushed against her skin as he held the delicate charm and studied it. Her flesh burned in response to his gentle touch. “It lies perfectly over your heart, as I’d hoped it would. Not too short, not too long,” he said with a wink. He drew her arm up into his. “Now, for your next gift,” he started, as he led her down the steps. “I purchased this for you; it will serve as your personal transportation in Pemdas.”

Reece leaned into him, squeezing his arm with delight. “Who would have ever imagined that I’d go from driving a car to getting around in a horse-drawn carriage?”

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