Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited (37 page)

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Authors: S. L. Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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Levi and Harrison instinctively leaned forward, and a tiny smile drew up in the corner of Harrison’s mouth when he made eye contact with Levi. Both men were fully aware of the mission that they were about to be given.

“It will be our duty to go in and decimate this first line of defense, and we will do it within the hour,” Samuel said. “This mission will be done with furtiveness, and we must take out as many of their soldiers as we can. If all goes according to plan, when daylight reaches the lands of Armedias, their armies will find all of their frontline guards slain. We will attack with the rest of our men at that time. Taking out their front lines is the advantage we need to be successful.”

Navarre placed both his hands on the table. “My brave warriors, we have convened this meeting with all of you because you are our finest. We need your skill in order to ensure that this mission is successful. Do any of you object to the assignment you have been given?”

“If I may, Emperor,” Harrison said, “Why must we wait until first light to destroy Michael and his army? Let us finish all of this tonight!”

“If we had the manpower to ensure a victory, we would. Even by the morning, we will only have close to a thousand men out of our entire army here. The Armedites planned this well; as of right now, our Guardian warriors are scattered throughout Earth and many other dimensions. They have been alerted of the situation and are headed back to Pemdas as we speak; but as you well know, depending on their locations, that process is not always an expeditious one.” Navarre addressed Harrison. “As soon as we have completed our initial attack tonight, you will ride out and gather the rest of our men. I will go over the details of where you will find them later, as they will be reporting in all throughout the night. You will command and lead these men into Armedias, and assist us in battle at that time.”

“My lord—” Harrison started to argue.

Navarre smiled. “Harrison, I need you to command the rest of the men. I understand perfectly well that you desire to be with us as we battle; however, your skill and command is needed to bring the rest of our warriors in. Your father will be joining you, as he is making his way here now with close to three thousand Pemdai warriors. Hopefully, if all goes as planned, the rest of our men will be crossing into Armedias shortly after daybreak and joining us in battle. We will have the advantage then, gentlemen.”

Another Guardian spoke out. “Emperor Navarre, if I may; is it wise that you join us for the first-line attack? It will be extremely treacherous, and you are the Emperor of Pemdas. It is only out of protection for my emperor that I humbly request that you remain in Pemdas, and wait to join the battle with Harrison and the rest of the Guardians.”

Navarre stood tall. “I understand your concern, Mitchel.” He said as he stared resolutely at the men in the room. “As your emperor, I will not stand by while I send my men into battle outnumbered. I am a Guardian warrior, the same as each of you. Samuel and I have already discussed this concern, and I will not abandon my decision. My warriors will not go into a mission such as this unless I am leading them and fighting by their side.” After a brief pause, Navarre nodded to the men.

The group of men stood respectfully in response.

“Gentlemen, prepare to depart for Briedirken within the hour,” Samuel ordered as he dismissed the men.

As the Guardians departed the room, Levi remained silent.

“I believe this will be an interesting attack, and one I shall never forget,” Harrison said with a laugh. “Even though our horses can travel through any vortex, it is quite thrilling to know that we will be riding our horses through the dimension of Briedirken. I cannot believe we are about to engage in such a unique way of traveling through that realm.”

“I am struggling to believe any of this is happening.” Levi let out a long breath. Levi usually shared his cousin’s excitement when they were faced with such an arduous mission; however, the thought of Reece’s confinement and suffering was the only thing on his mind.

Harrison gripped Levi’s shoulder before he could head up the third flight of stairs to his room. Levi stopped and looked at him quizzically.

“Do not fear, my friend,” Harrison said purposefully. “We will recover her.”

Levi looked past Harrison toward the corridors that led to Reece’s room. “Yes, but can we recover her in time?” he questioned as he glanced back at Harrison. “I believe that is where my confidence is lacking at the moment.”

“Well, regain it quickly, or you might as well stay here. I will not see you fall in battle.”

“I’ll meet you at the stables,” he said determinedly.

Harrison grinned. “That’s the spirit,” he said, as he turned to leave.

Once he was fully dressed in his combat clothing, Levi made his way quickly to the sitting room where his mother and sister awaited. He spent a few brief moments with them before he departed the palace, and walked out to where Areion awaited him.

The Guardian horses were lined up, fully armored, and prepared to leave. Levi was the first to arrive, and he led Areion off to a location alone. He stood next to his stallion, overwhelmed with thoughts of Reece. Where was she? Is she suffering in anyway? Is she still alive?
Don’t give up. I am coming for you.
Levi clenched his hands tightly as his anger burned throughout his entire body. “She must know I will find her,” he softly muttered to himself.

Anger and panic coursed through him, but before he allowed the dangerous emotion to consume him, he instantly suppressed it.
I love you, Reece
, he thought, as he controlled his breathing and forced all thoughts about her out of his mind. He closed his eyes and began to meditate on the mission before him.

After a few moments, Levi was in his warrior mindset. The only thoughts he carried of Reece were that of her being the Key; the one the Guardians had sworn to protect with their lives. Any other emotions would weaken him.

He stood in front of Areion and gazed into his horse’s fierce golden eyes, letting bloodlust consume him. This is who Levi was; this is who the Guardians were. They were as fierce as the horses on which they rode, and equally as fearless. They didn’t fear death, and they didn’t carry the weakness of emotion within them. They craved the fight. They thirsted for victory; and most of all, the bloodshed of those who would seek to destroy them and their cause. They were valiant men who were born to train for battle unremittingly.

The sound of footsteps behind him confirmed that it was nearing time to leave. He opened his eyes, and even though darkness was upon Pemdas, he saw everything as if it were daylight. This unique ability was highly difficult for any Pemdai warrior to achieve, and it took many years for Levi to learn how to completely give himself over to this talent. The only way such an interesting occurrence could take place was when the Pemdai mind was being controlled by the bold warrior within. He rose up, and turned to mount Areion. Areion grunted loudly as Levi stepped his foot in the stirrup and hoisted himself onto his stallion’s back. Areion was fierce with impatience while they waited for the rest of the men to join them. The men didn’t speak as they began to amplify their mental capabilities. From this point forward, they would communicate telepathically. They were ready for their mission, and prepared to return only when the first line of the Armedite Army was slaughtered in its entirety.

They didn’t travel far before they entered into the dimension of Briedirken, where they were met by two large machine-like serpents. Levi had to blink a few times to adjust to the extremely bright colors that streamed throughout the shadowy horizon. He had been in this dimension only twice before, and both times he was happy to leave.

The Guardian horses’ hooves clattered loudly against the steel surface they were traveling on. Rocketing noises rushed throughout the air above and all around them, and it was clear that the beings in this world were taking notice of the Guardians entering it on their horses. This was most likely the reason for the two machine-like serpents guiding them through the outer boundaries of this dimension. The people of Briedirken were extremely paranoid beings, and they were very untrusting of others. They did trust the Pemdai, but Levi knew these beings might question the reason why such a large group of Pemdai would ride in on their horses.

They were stopped at the entrance to the vortex to Armedias. “May you all be safe, warriors,” one of the serpents said.

Navarre nodded. “We are indebted to Torserlock, and to your people.”

“Emperor, there is no need to place you and your people in our debt. Your cause is a noble one, and it ensures the balance that each and every one of us requires.”

With that, the two machines left, and Samuel gave a silent order to prepare to enter Armedias.

The horses went through the vortex to Armedias without a sound. Once they were inside the land, the men dismounted.

The plan from here was to split up and attack their enemy in groups. Doing so would leave each Pemdai warrior fighting close to twenty men by himself; but with their enemy unaware of their presence, it would be an easy task for any talented Pemdai warrior.

Harrison and Levi secured a location on the far side of the line. They gave each other a parting glance before they made their way stealthily toward their first victim.

Levi approached his first target silently. The Armedite soldier turned suddenly as he heard something behind him. As Levi quietly stalked his prey, he felt the nervous energy radiate from the man’s body. Reading his mind and planning his attack, he sensed the Armedite becoming weakened. Fear was taking over the man’s perceptive abilities, giving Levi the advantage. Effortlessly, Levi covered the man’s mouth with his hand from behind. Just as the moonlight had shown on the blade he held to the Armedite’s neck, the knife bit through the man’s flesh, ending his life that instant. Levi dropped his lifeless body without a sound, and continued on. One by one, the Guardians silently took down the Armedite’s front line in this manner.

As Levi approached another soldier, he read into his mind and found that he knew the whereabouts of the Key. He held one blade to the man’s abdomen, and another under his chin.

“Where is the human?” he snarled under his breath.

The man couldn’t think or respond, and his fear was causing him to become ill. Levi saw the soldier’s mind beginning to shut down; as the man’s thoughts raced uncontrollably, Levi was able to read a fleeting thought of Reece being held in the dungeons of Castle Merstaille. It was the last thought the man had before Levi ended his life.

Within two hours, the Pemdai Guardians were returning to their horses. The entire Armedite front line of defense was destroyed, and their first mission was now complete. Just as phantoms in the night, the brave warriors of Pemdas mounted their horses and made their way back into their dimension without the rest of the Armedite Army knowing they were ever there.

After they crossed into the outer boundaries of Pemdas, the men prepared for the next attack. Before Harrison left the group, he guided Saracen over to Navarre and Levi.

“Well, gentlemen, I am sure that the next time you see me, I will, once again, be saving the day.” He chuckled and reached over to shake Navarre’s hand. “My Emperor, fighting alongside you tomorrow is an honor I am looking forward to.”

Navarre grinned. “Undoubtedly, the honor will be mine, Harrison. Until then, nephew, be safe. Your father will meet you here tomorrow, and the group of soldiers will be with him. From there, he will return to stand in my place at Pasidian Palace in case we do not return.”

Harrison nodded in understanding. He then brought his horse over to Levi.

He reached out and shook his hand. “You know I am envious of you; be safe, my friend.”

Levi smirked. “Envious of me?” He shook his head. “I must disagree, cousin; tomorrow you will be the one riding over that hill with thousands of our men to save us.”

Harrison laughed. “I look forward to it. Make sure you’re alive so that you can witness it.”

“I plan to be.”

As Harrison turned his horse to depart, Levi called out to him. Harrison stopped and looked back. It must have been the expression on Levi’s face that let him know what Levi was about to ask of him.

Harrison’s expression became somber and he replied, “You know that I will, cousin; however, you will not fall in battle at the hands of these cowards. Soon enough, Guardian, you and I will have the privilege of storming our horses through the halls of Castle Merstaille to rescue Reece.” He grinned. “Until then.”

With a shout from Harrison, his horse responded, sending him off into the darkness, and on to retrieve the warriors that were needed to conquer the Armedite Army.

“Be safe, Harrison!” Levi called out.

nce Navarre and the Guardians returned to Pasidian Palace after their initial attack, they met with the warriors who had been arriving from other dimensions. Not all of Navarre’s army was assembled for their upcoming attack, so Navarre knew that their next strategy was crucial. They needed to make the right decisions in order to keep the advantage until Harrison arrived with the majority of their army.

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