And Eternity (43 page)

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Authors: Piers Anthony

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Paranormal, #Urban Fantasy, #Magic, #Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Young Adult, #Epic, #Erotica

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“Neither had I,” he confessed. “My career had taken up all of my attention, until Vita’s first outburst made me aware that a buried dream might achieve reality.”

“So it seems that despite the mischief of the Incarnation of Night, things have turned out satisfactorily on the personal level.”

Roque frowned. “I am not certain that Nox’s involvement was mere mischief. I happened to be along on one of her enterprises, and it seemed more like a course of education. She made clear that there has been a long history of magical and scientific interaction, with truth in both the Creationist and Evolutionary perspectives, and of course in the mergence that includes the interaction of the several Incarnations of Immortality. Why she should go to such trouble to impress this on a small selection of mortals and ghosts is a mystery to me. I would like to know her reason.”

“I think I was the one she was after,” Orlene said. “She took my baby, and put me through extreme unpleasantness when I sought to recover him, but she did tell me the way to succeed. Perhaps she thought I was neglecting my pursuit.”

“What do you mean by unpleasantness?” Luna asked.

Orlene grimaced. “She turned me into a man.
let myself be overcome by the masculine impulse, and-” She shuddered. “One thing that taught me was the nature of the engine that is within men. It has caused me to be considerably more tolerant. One of the things that impressed me about Roque was his control of that same impulse; I saw that when tamed, it could be a good thing, just as fire when tamed is a most useful tool. But even where it ran wild, at least I understood how it could happen, and that enabled me to have some compassion even for rapists.”

“Yeah, she really helped Kane!” Vita said. “He was going to rape us and kill us, and he went to Hell, but she helped him, and I thought she was crazy, but I guess she knew better than I did.”

“Why should Nox care about the compassion of a ghost?” Luna asked.

“Maybe so I would better understand my son, when I got him back,” Orlene said. “To know why the procedure for saving him was so complicated. Now I do understand, and I see also that she is equipped to handle him as he is, so it makes it possible for me to let him go.”

“Which still does not explain why she should review Evolution with you,” Roque said. “Or clarify the nature of the Incarnations, as also occurred when I was present.”

“Yes, until that time I had not properly appreciated that God was an Incarnation like the rest,” Orlene said. “Now I have much less trouble accepting the notion of His replacement. Otherwise I think I would have had to join the forces of Satan, in their support of the status quo.”

“She was the one who sent you on a tour that introduced you to all the major Incarnations including God!” Luna said. “This grows more interesting.”

“Well, of course, Jolie was along,” Orlene said.

Luna looked at Jolie. “Satan’s bride, and Gaea’s handmaid,” she said. “And Nox has had an interest in Satan. Could it be that all this was a device to distract Jolie for an extended period?”

Jolie was startled. “But to what point? I have no power, I’m a ghost!”

“Suppose something had happened to you?” Luna asked. “Such as getting lost in chaos, where even Incarnations could not find you?”

“Both Satan and Gaea would have been distracted, of course, in much the manner Vita’s mother was distracted by Vita’s absence, but-”

“Between them, those two Incarnations hold the balance of immortal power,” Roque said. “With God not functioning, that would leave the entire Incarnations framework in peril. Could it be that Nox essayed a devious ploy to wrest power from the Incarnations of Day?”

They gazed at each other, mutually horrified. Suddenly the great mystery of the actions of the Incarnation of Night was being resolved. Orlene had been used as a decoy to distract Jolie, and meanwhile Nox had been active, sometimes openly, sometimes covertly-who knew to what extent? Satan had mentioned a deal he had made with her, to do something Nox’s way. To do what, what way?

“I don’t think this is over,” Jolie said.

“I think the Incarnations of Day had better get their act in order in a hurry,” Roque said.

“I think you, Orlene, had better remain with me for the next few days,” Luna said. “And Vita and Roque too. You, Jolie, should return immediately to Gaea, where you will be safe until the current issues are settled.”

“Yes.” Jolie turned to Orlene. “I must bid you adieu, for the time being. It has been wonderful being with you-and with you, Vita!”

“But come back when it’s over!” Vita cried as Jolie faded out.

“When it’s over!” Jolie agreed. Then she was racing through the ether, home to her drop of blood on Gaea’s wrist.

She arrived safely. It had never before occurred to her that she could be in danger; ghosts were proof against molestation by mortals, and not of much interest to immortals. But Nox had all the powers of the night, and it was evident that she could touch ghosts when she chose.

That business of making Orlene into a man, for example: they had assumed that this was intended to discourage Orlene from her quest for her baby. But suppose she had intended to get Jolie raped? How would that have affected Satan, or Gaea? Had Nox believed that Jolie, shamed, would have vacated the drop of blood that tied her to the mortal realm and gone to Heaven as a spirit, so that Gaea could no longer arrange private liaisons with Satan? Or, later, in the debate between Creationism and Evolution had this been intended as a wedge between Jolie and Orlene, to break up their association?

It was impossible to know-but certainly a case could be made for it. Nox might have sought first to put Jolie and Orlene together, and then to foment stress between them, whether sexual or intellectual. All this could have been a mere bypath on the Incarnation of Night’s larger play for mischief. Now that Nox had made a deal with Satan-using Orlene! did it mean that she expected to win? What was that deal?

Jolie decided that she had better find out.
she called.

Gaea, at the moment attending to an obscure element of weather, heard her, for Jolie was now with her. “Yes, Jolie: I had not realized that you were back. What is it?”

I fear a ploy by Nox.

Gaea paused in her work. “Of what nature?”

It involves Orlene. Nox involved herself with Orlene’s activities three times, and the third time may be critical. She made a deal with Satan, to try something his way, then to try it her way. He Tempted Orlene by saying he could get her baby back for her, with Nox’s acquiescence, but she declined. That means that Satan will now do it Nox’s way. I fear that Orlene is just a tool for some more devious ploy that may involve me. Orlene is close to both of you, as am I; if one or both of us were put into serious trouble, what implications for the coming crisis would this have?

Gaea considered. “Nox is the only female I fear, as far as Satan is concerned. She can take any man she wishes, at any time. But she has no need to bargain; she can do it at her whim. I don’t think her interest in him is of that nature.”

I agree. He would tell you, and me, if she made him unfaithful to us. But Orlene is your daughter. A threat to her could make him react. Do you think Nox did that?

“We had better find out,” Gaea said grimly. “Take the body.”

Jolie moved into control and shaped the body to her living image. Then she turned a page and stood in Hell.

Ozymandias looked up. “Satan is busy on Earth at the moment,” he said. “Shall I notify Him?”


Ozymandias picked up the telephone on his desk. “Priority call to the Master,” he said. Then: “Your wife is here, and I think she is not in quest of love.”

Satan appeared beside them in a puff of smoke. “Jolie! What brings you here out of turn?”

“A private concern.”

He extended his hand. She took it. Ozymandias’ office faded, and Satan’s suite appeared.

“What is the nature of your deal with Nox?” Jolie asked.

“Oh, that. I am not free to tell you.”

“You are keeping secrets from me, and her whose body I borrow?” Jolie asked angrily.

“I am the Lord of Lies, and Nox is the Mistress of Secrets. There is a deal between us, and it must not be shared with any other at this time.”

Jolie felt Gaea’s own anger rising, and knew that storms were forming all over the mortal globe. “I must insist on information. How can you have a loyalty to Nox you do not have to me?” She meant herself and Gaea, as he knew.

Satan frowned. “I have never reneged on a deal. I made one with Nox, and must honor it. Exposure could spoil it. I think you know I would not make a deal that would harm you.”

“That depends on your definition of harm!”

He sighed. “The inquisitivity of women! Let me compromise only to this extent: I will answer three peripheral questions about it. With those you must be satisfied, until the deal is complete. That may not be long.”

He is a man of honor
, Gaea thought.
We had better settle for what he offers.

“Agreed,” Jolie said tightly. “Does your deal involve sex with her?”


“Does it threaten Orlene, or any other person close to us?”


Jolie checked with Gaea, then asked the third: “Does it affect the welfare of the mortal realm?”


That was it. Nox was interfering with the affairs of the Incarnations, and was now using Satan himself as her agent. Yet without using Nox’s power of sex, or threatening anyone close to them, how could she do it?

“Thank you,” she said shortly, and turned a page back to Gaea’s Treehouse. There she returned the body to the Incarnation.

“I think we wasted a question,” Gaea said. “We already knew that no ploy is needed for Nox to take him sexually. But it may have been futile anyway; no one can make Satan give information he doesn’t choose to give. At least now we have confirmation of Nox’s interest in the present crisis and know that no one close to us is to be hurt. That will have to suffice.”

Damn the man!
Jolie thought.
I can’t stand such a mystery!

“Well, we shall play it through one stage at a time. If we prevail on the Declaration of Vacancy, and manage to install an active God, his deal with Nox should not matter. We must watch our moves most carefully.”

One hour before the scheduled vote, the news flashed across the holo nets: a senator had died abruptly from a stroke. There was no foul play; Gaea would have known about that. His thread had ended legitimately. Unfortunately, he happened to be a staunch supporter of the Declaration. The vote, indicated to be 51 to 49 in favor, was now 50 to 49. If even one senator changed his vote, the case would be lost.

Jolie and Gaea watched the key mortal vote through their window. It was oriented on the Senate, and there had evidently been some commotion, for armed guards were stationed at the periphery. There had been a great deal of controversy in the mortal press, and the partisans of either side ranged from committed to fanatic.

Jolie, in tangible ghost form, sat beside Gaea. “But where is Luna?” she asked, peering at the Senate floor.

“I don’t know. She’s supposed to be there for the vote.”

She was not there. The vote proceeded, headed for a likely tie, 49 to 49, in Luna’s absence. Gaea turned a page to check on Luna’s house, but it was empty, without sign of disturbance. She oriented on Thanatos, and there he was, riding through the worst traffic jam of the year, cars in gridlock on the road and carpets jammed above. There was no free avenue for progress.

“Satan’s ploy!” Gaea muttered with rueful respect. “The oldest trick in the business-and we never prepared for it! To make her arrive too late for the vote.”

But Thanatos simply rode his horse, Mortis, over the cars and under the carpets until he came to the carpet with Luna, Vita and Judge Scott. He lifted Luna onto the horse, who then galloped through the carpets and buildings, ghostlike, to the Senate building. As the roll-call vote came to its conclusion, Luna appeared in her place. “Mr. Chairman!” she called.

Thanatos went back for Roque and Vita, but already the jam was unsnarling. It had indeed been magically induced: a nominally harmless, but potentially devastating device. By the time they reached the building, the vote had been concluded. By a margin of one, the mortal vote to declare the Office of the Incarnation of Good vacant had been confirmed.

“The first hurdle is over!” Jolie exclaimed. “The one for which Luna prepared for twenty years! But I think the second will be worse.”

“It will be,” Gaea agreed.

There was furor all across the mortal realm as the decision was spread. Churches held special services wherein the vacancy was denounced. Mock Hell was closed in dishonor of the occasion. Messages of outrage were pouring in. There were riots in all the major western cities. Martial law was declared in several regions. But it was done. The next step was up to the Incarnations.

The mortals would not be privy to the deliberations of the six remaining Incarnations, but their decision would be publicized. The mortal identity of the one who became the next God would be announced, but there would be no interviews, for that person would be gone from the mortal scene.

The decision was to be announced one hour from the time of the Senate’s declaration. During that hour the normal functions of the Incarnations were suspended. No one was to die, or be born, or marry, or suffer any significant change. All wars were put on hold. The weather assumed a state of perfect blandness. All exercises of great good and evil were suspended. The world waited; there was little else for it to do.

The Incarnations would meet at the Mansion of Time, where for this occasion time, too, was suspended. They could debate the matter for a hundred years, but at the end only a single hour would have passed. Chronos himself declined to participate, because for him it was a conflict of interest. If he acted in any way to affect the decision, it could change the outcome and thus his own past, generating a paradox from which even he was not immune. So he remained apart, and allowed his successor of two years down the line to return for this occasion. His successor was the Chronos they had all known for most of their tenures,who had been replaced, by mortal definition, two years before this event. He was able to come here/now by orienting on the grain of sand from the Hourglass which Orlene had given up. He would participate only this hour, then return to his own time. In this manner Nox’s participation had had perhaps the opposite effect intended, because instead of interfering with the vote, it facilitated it. Had Orlene not gone to Chronos for that grain of sand, this substitution of the Incarnation of Time would not have been possible.

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