And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) (11 page)

Read And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #Erotic, #Contemporary, #contemporary romance, #Menage, #erotic romance, #College, #beach, #New adult

BOOK: And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds)
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“She’s right, you know.” Gabe crouched down so that he was eye-level. “You were great yesterday with Becca. She wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for you.”

Becca tilted her head and studied him for a moment. “That was why you moved up here, wasn’t it? You were running from the memories.”

Lane lowered his hands and nodded. “That was part of it. Once the accident happened, I started withdrawing from everything and everyone around me. My studies, my relationships…I think that’s why the other two in our threesome became so close. I had practically pushed them together.” He took in a shaky breath. “After a few months, they decided that they were better off on their own.”

“That would never happen with us,” Gabe said. “You have to believe that.”

“It’s only a matter of time,” Lane said.

“No.” Becca shook her head. “It will never happen. While it’s true that Gabe and I were close before you came along, we also had problems.”

“Lots of problems,” Gabe agreed. “You’ve made me see how much I’ve missed being with a man in the bedroom.” Gabe trailed his fingers over Lane’s arm. “How much I missed feeling that strength and power.” He dragged his fingers up and cupped Lane’s cheek. “You’re a great partner outside of the bedroom as well. You’ve helped me grow my business and make it more profitable. You’ve stabilized my emotional outbursts and tempered my jealousy where Becca is concerned.” He ran his finger over Lane’s lips, causing him to shudder. “I need you, Lane.”

“I need you too.” Becca laced her fingers with his. “And it’s not just about saving my life. I didn’t realize how jealous I was of Hannah and her boyfriends. After having a taste of you and Gabe together, I know I’ll never be able to go back. It’s more than that though.” She raised his hand and kissed his palm. “You bring out the good in both Gabe and me. You help cool our tempers and make us see reason. You’re so kind and caring. Nurturing.” She lowered his hand until it covered her breast. “I need you, Lane.”

Desire shot through his center and spread out through his system.  God she was so fucking hot. Just looking at her made him hard all over.

“We need you.” Gabe took his other hand and kissed his palm. “Don’t go back to Virginia. Stay with us.”

“And do what?”

“I don’t know,” Gabe said. “We’ll figure it out.”

Lane shook his head. “You and Becca have a life here. I don’t.”

“You don’t?” Gabe lowered their joined hands and placed them on his swollen erection.

Lane bit back a groan. “You know what I mean.”

“No, we don’t.” Becca kissed his palm.

“Stay and help me run my business.” Gabe inched closer. “It’s growing faster than I expected. I was hoping to hire someone anyway. You’d be perfect.”

Fuck. They were trying to seduce him—and it was working. “My lease is up in September,” Lane murmured.

“You can stay with me.” Becca laced her fingers with his and dragged his hand down her curves.

Lane’s breath quickened as he watched their joined hands travel over her body. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

Gabe slid his finger under Lane’s chin and turned his head until their gazes met. “Stop running away, Lane. Stay and give us a chance.”

Before Lane could speak, Gabe leaned in and captured his lips in a hot, searing kiss.

“Wow, that’s hot,” Becca said.

Lane pulled away from Gabe’s mouth and focused on her. “Hot?”

“Oh yes.” She offered him a seductive smile. “Do it again.”

“I’d rather do something else.” Lane slid his fingers down in between her thighs as he held Becca’s gaze. “Someone else,” he corrected.

“Does this mean you’ll stay?” she asked.

“I’ll stay until you’re satisfied.”

She raised her brow. “Is that a challenge?”

Lane curled his fingers into her pussy and watched her eyes glaze over in lust. “Oh yeah. You can count on it.”


The men approached Becca like two large, predatory animals. She tried to back away, but Lane pulled her to him and kissed her hard. She molded to his body as desire surged through her system.

“Oh, Lane.” She threaded her fingers through his soft hair and held him close, unable to let him go.

I’ll stay until you are satisfied.
Would that mean that he’d leave once they were done having sex? She hoped not. She didn’t want Lane to leave any more than she wanted Gabe to leave. Somehow they had both become a part of her, as natural as breathing.

Gabe shifted until he was behind her. She felt his body heat penetrate her skin. He pressed his lips against her neck, teasing the sensitive vein found there. The men’s presence was overwhelming, and Becca felt caught up in their dominating presence. Lane undid her skirt and slid it down her legs. Becca groaned as the fabric rubbed against her and stimulated her skin.

Gabe ran his hands down her back and gripped the hem of her shirt. Within seconds both men leaned back and pulled the soft cloth over her head. Her bra and panties soon followed.

Becca felt a little exposed, but the men didn’t seem to mind her nakedness. Lane grabbed for her and resumed his assault on her mouth, kissing and exploring until her mind fogged with lust. Gabe moved behind her, but everything seemed to blend into an erotic haze.

Then Gabe was at her back again, stroking her sensitive skin. He reached around her torso and massaged her nipples until they formed sharp peaks in his hands. Lane slid his hand in between her legs and inserted a finger into her channel. Becca gasped against his mouth as he moved in and out, preparing her for what was to come.

Gabe left her breasts and moved slowly down her torso. Becca whimpered as pressure built in her core. She leaned back against Gabe, allowing Lane better access to her center. He exchanged one finger for two, constantly stroking and building the tension deep inside her core.

Gabe slid his hands down over her soft belly, exploring her skin as he kissed her shoulder. Then he reached for something next to them. Becca broke off the kiss with Lane and turned her head. Gabe stared at her with such intensity, such hunger, that it burned her very core. She threaded her fingers through his hair and dragged him to her mouth. Urgency built up inside of her as Gabe slid a well-oiled finger in between her ass cheeks.

Becca gasped and pulled away from Gabe’s mouth as he moved to the opening in her backside. The double sensation of Lane’s fingers in her pussy and Gabe’s in her ass made her weak with need. Becca moved her hips against the men’s hands, eager for more.

“Yes. Oh God, just like that.” She nibbled her lower lip as the men exchanged one finger for two. Together they stretched her body and built her desire.

Lane shifted his hand and rubbed her clit. The added sensation caused the pressure inside of her to burst. She cried out as her orgasm slammed into her body, rocking her down to the core. Pleasure pulsed through her veins until she felt boneless.

When the last fragments of her joy faded, the men retreated and Lane tugged her hand. “Come here.”

Becca followed him into the living room in front of the fireplace. He spread out on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace and dragged her down on top of him. Becca smiled as she straddled his hips and covered his hand at the base of his shaft. Together, they positioned him at her opening.

“The next time you come, I want to be inside you,” he said.

Becca gasped as he rubbed the tip of his thick head over her clit.


“Yes.” Anticipation rippled through her as he grabbed her hips.

“Good.” Lane guided her down on top of him. She groaned as his thick shaft stretched her core muscles. When her hips were flush with his, she leaned forward and kissed him with all of the passion she felt.

“Ah, you two look so beautiful together.” Gabe positioned himself against Becca’s backside. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

Becca pulled her lips away from Lane as Gabe eased himself into her body. “Oh yes.”

“Feels good?”

Hell, yes.
Gabe worked into her body with such agonizing slowness. Becca thought she was going to burst from need.

All the while Lane watched her, taking in every expression, every emotion.

“You’re so beautiful.” Lane dragged her down to him and kissed away her pain as Gabe slid himself home.

“Holy hell. You feel fantastic,” Gabe muttered behind her. “I can’t believe how tight you’re gripping my cock.”

He guided Becca down onto the carpet until they all lay on their sides in a tangle of limbs. The men grabbed her hips and began to move with a slow steady rhythm. Becca closed her eyes and concentrated on the sweet friction building in her core. Never before had anything felt so good, or so right. Becca was soon moving with them. As the primal noise of their bodies coming together filled the room, she knew there was no place she’d rather be than between Gabe and Lane.

The men moved quicker, pushed harder. Desire spiraled through her body and increased the pressure in her core. Gabe curled his fingers into her flesh as Lane shifted his hands and cupped her breasts. The added sensation caused the pressure inside to release. Joy burst through her body and fogged her mind. Becca cried out as her passion filled her. In that moment, she had never felt so close and connected to the men surrounding her. She never wanted the moment to end.

Lane let go of her breast and covered Gabe’s hands at her hips. The men thrust in unison, stretching her body to the point of breaking. Lane let out a loud cry and tumbled into oblivion, adding to the joy of the moment. Gabe soon followed, his primal cry of release filling the air as he united with them in ecstasy.

When it was over, Becca snuggled closer to the two men, enjoying the scents of male and sex that surrounded her.

“Well,” Gabe said after a moment of silence, “it seems like she’s pretty satisfied.”

“That she does,” Lane agreed.

“Does that mean you’ll be running away from us, or will you stay and help me run my business?” Gabe asked.

Becca opened her eyes and saw Lane consider Gabe’s question. “Well, we don’t know if she is well and truly satisfied, do we?”

“I suppose not.” Gabe smirked.

“I mean, if she isn’t satisfied, then I’d have to stay.”

“Perhaps you should ask her.”

Lane turned to her and cupped his finger under her chin. “Did we satisfy you, Becca?”

Becca opened her mouth to respond, but Gabe’s words gave her pause. “Think carefully about your response, baby.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Gabe as his words sunk into her brain. Suddenly she knew just the right words for the moment. Becca turned back to Lane and focused on him. “No.”

“No?” Lane raised his brow.

“It’s going to take more than one session of sex to satisfy me.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “It’s going to take years and years of sex before I even begin to feel satisfied.”

“And then?” Gabe asked.

Becca pretended to think about it. “Maybe,” she said. “We’ll have to take it one day at a time.”

“One day at a time,” Lane repeated. “I like that.”

“That means you’ll stay and help?” Gabe asked.

“Seems like I have no choice.” He brushed his lips against Becca’s forehead. “I’ll stay as long as I’m needed.”

“Oh you’ll always be needed. Don’t worry about that.” Becca snuggled closer to Lane and murmured her approval as Gabe tightened his hold around her waist. “I’ll always need you.”

“And I’ll need you too,” Gabe agreed.

“I guessed it’s settled then.” Becca opened her eyes and covered his cheek with her palm. “You’re staying with us, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Lane laughed. “I wouldn’t want to, Becca.” He kissed her and glanced at Gabe. “I wouldn’t want to.”


~ ~ The End ~ ~


Excerpt from Two Are Better Than One


“Do you think she’ll be there?” Quinn asked.

Declan shrugged as he pushed back his medium-length blond hair and looked in the mirror. “She should be. It’s her advisor’s end-of-the-year party. The entire chemistry department is going.”

“I hope you’re right.” Quinn stared at Declan’s lean frame as his blood rushed to his cock. Declan was more than just a fellow student, more than just a friend. They met in a nightclub in Dublin and had been close ever since. Quinn couldn’t get enough of Declan’s firm backside or his dominating ways. There was a problem with their relationship however, something that they both hoped the lovely Hannah would help them fix.

right, you’ll see.”

Quinn forced his desire aside and leaned back on the bed of their one-bedroom apartment. “If she’s there, I think we should make our move.” Just thinking about Hannah made Quinn’s cock thicken and his skin heat. She was beautiful, with all of that long, raven-colored hair and sensual curves. Hannah wasn’t bone-thin like the rest of the women in the department. She had this lovely hour-glass shape that men drooled over. There was something about her brown eyes, too. Not many people in Ireland had brown eyes. Quinn found it to be exotic and intoxicating.

When he realized that Hannah was not only open to his advances, but flirting with both him and Declan, the idea of a threesome began to blossom. He mentioned it to Declan and both of them had found it difficult to let the idea go.

Sharing a woman always seemed to bring Quinn and Declan closer together. It had been a long time since they had a threesome, and to know that the possibility was within their reach was almost too much to bear. It had taken every ounce of self-control for Quinn to sit back and let the relationship grow. He flirted, but didn’t come on strong. Declan did the same and they were both rewarded with Hannah’s wry sense of humor and rich laughter.

They had become close over the school year, very close. Quinn had seen flashes of a sultry vixen underneath her clam, analytical exterior. What he wouldn’t give to strip off that lab coat and let down her hair from her bun. He knew that with the right touch, the right word, Hannah would blossom like a flower. It aroused him to the point of insanity.

Declan turned away from the mirror. “Do you think that she’ll be offended when we ask her?”

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