And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) (4 page)

Read And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #Erotic, #Contemporary, #contemporary romance, #Menage, #erotic romance, #College, #beach, #New adult

BOOK: And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds)
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“That’s it, baby. I love hearing your voice.” He placed his hand in between her shoulder blades and pressed. She moaned as she bended to his will, lowering the top half of her body until her head rested on the car seat. The position placed her ass higher in the air and exposed more of her pussy.
Better, but not there yet.

He slipped off his T-shirt and folded it over and over until it was a long line. Then he leaned over and placed it over her eyes.

“What are you doing?” Her voice shook as she spoke.

“Trust me.” He secured the make-shift blindfold around her head and leaned back, admiring his handiwork. “I want you to let yourself go, Becca. Listen to my commands and don’t over-think, just feel.” He reached around her torso and rubbed his palms over her nipples. She shuddered under his touch.

“God, Gabe.” She whimpered into the car seat as he inched closer and rubbed his hips against her ass. Damn, she felt so good, but he had to hold out. He had to make sure that after she came, she’d only remember his name, his touch.

He rested his forehead against her shoulder blades and toyed with her nipples as he tried to regain some composure. She was so soft and yielding. He pushed his hips forward, driving his cock deeper between her ass cheeks. The scent of her arousal rose up in the air, causing his whole body to tighten with need.
So fucking hot.
He couldn’t take much more of this. He couldn’t.

“Fuck me, Gabe,” Becca whispered. “Please.”

A sense of urgency overcame him as his control slipped. Gabe straightened and positioned himself at her pussy. He thrust forward hard, impaling her on his cock.  She cried out as their bodies came together in a loud, primal noise.

The sound unleashed something inside of him. The last shreds of his control slipped as he grabbed her hips and pulled back until only the tip of his cock remained inside. Then he thrust forward, pushing through her wet heat until his balls slapped against her body. Pleasure rippled over his skin, heightening his desire. He repeated the movements, enjoying the wonderful feel of friction against his length.

Becca groaned as he curled his fingers into her hips. Fuck, he needed this, needed her. He thrust faster, harder. Pressure built up in his veins as he moved in and out of her sweet body. He couldn’t stop. God help him, he couldn’t stop…

Sweat beaded on his brow, yet he kept thrusting. He wanted to go deeper, so much deeper. He grunted as he moved, as if he was possessed by some wild animal. Their voices became louder as the tension inside the car increased.  Gabe was sure that others in the parking lot could hear them, but he didn’t care. Let them hear how much he pleased his woman. Let them know that Becca was his.
Always his.

“Come for me, Becca,” he said when he couldn’t take anymore. “Let yourself go.”

Her cries became louder. Soon she started moving with him, and fresh moisture coated his length. She was close, he could feel it, but something was keeping her from going over the edge.

He steeled his jaw and grabbed her long, dark hair in his fist. She gasped as he gave it a gentle tug. Becca leaned her head back as a smile spread out over her face.

Pain, she needed pain. He tugged slightly harder, wanting to push her, but not wanting to cross that invisible line where she’d no longer find pleasure. He closed his eyes and concentrated on how tight she gripped his shaft. She moved against his body, sweeping him up into an erotic haze.

Oh fuck, it was amazing. So God damn amazing. The familiar tingling rippled across the base of his spine. His balls drew up, and he knew that he couldn’t hold out for much longer.

He tugged her hair once more—just a light pull—but it was enough. Becca cried out and shook as her orgasm slammed into her body.

Gabe opened his eyes and gasped as her pussy spasmed around his cock. Holy hell, that felt good. He didn’t know when she had ever gripped him so hard before. He dropped her hair and hung onto her hips, trying to ground himself against the tsunami of emotions rising up inside his body.

He couldn’t hold it. His orgasm burst through his system, crashing against him with such force, it left him breathless. Gabe threw his head back and cried out as pleasure blasted through him like a thunderstorm. Again and again he slammed into her pussy, filling her until every last drop of joy was wrung from his body.

When it was over, he let go of her hips and retreated. She fell back into the seat and removed the blindfold.


“Yeah.” He tumbled into the seat next to her. “Did I hurt you?”


He pointed to her hair.

“Oh, no. No.” She smiled warmly at him. “I kind of liked it.”

“I could tell.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the mouth. “I guess you like it a little rough.”

“I had no idea.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I didn’t think you had a dominating bone in your body.”

“A lot of things about me would surprise you.” Like how he swung both ways, or how his secret fantasy was to be in a permanent threesome.

He thought back to the lifeguard on the beach. Gabe could get into a guy with such perfect hair and a firm body. If only Becca could admit to herself that she wanted a threesome…

He could tell she was close to admitting it. She had no problem with people watching her have sex with a man. She kissed Lane on the beach and just had sex in a parking lot. Perhaps there was a way to manipulate this situation to his advantage.

Like his old chemistry professor used to say—it’s not the facts, but how you spin them.

If he pitched the lifeguard as more of a voyeuristic adventure, rather than a threesome, she might go for it. Then things could happen organically on their own. Maybe.

The lifeguard would still have to agree to it.

“Come on, let’s get dressed and get you home.” Gabe pulled away from Becca and started to dress. He had to get her home so that he could think. Tomorrow morning he’d approach that lifeguard with his proposal. The guy had to be interested in Becca. If not, then he wouldn’t have tried to kiss her on the beach. Perhaps, with a little luck, he’d be interested in Gabe too.

“Er, Gabe?”

“Yeah?” He looked up from his swimsuit to see Becca holding up her torn bikini.

“I can’t wear this anymore.”

“Oh, sorry.”

She smiled. “No you’re not.”

“You’re right, I’m not.” He grinned and tossed her his T-shirt. “Here, put this on. It should cover you up enough until we get you home.”

She slipped the shirt over her head. It was big and hung loose around her body. Despite that, she still looked incredibly sexy. She was wearing his shirt. She was his.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her close. Becca yelped as his lips crashed down over hers.

“Okay, into the front.” He slapped her ass as he pulled away.

“Yes, sir.” She saluted and grinned as she got out of the car and into the passenger seat.

Gabe shook his head as he finished dressing and moved to the driver’s side. Becca was beautiful, funny and had a hidden submissive side. What luck. Gabe had always repressed his kinky side because his former girlfriends balked at anything other than the missionary position. Becca was different. Wonderfully, blissfully different. Now if he could only convince her to submit to not one man, but two, he could make all of his wildest fantasies come true.



Chapter Four


Lane had trouble concentrating. Instead of focusing on his job, he kept replaying yesterday’s events over and over again in his mind. He sighed as he shifted his seat under the heavy umbrella and tried to concentrate on the beach in front of him.

It was long past the rush hour. Late afternoon was always the quiet time. Families had gone home for the day, and the teenagers had discovered the new arcade up the boardwalk, leaving him blissfully alone.

He shifted in his seat and wished that he could be anywhere except in his lifeguard station. His cock ached to be held, and he was helpless to alleviate his discomfort. He wasn’t sure what bothered him more—the fact that he couldn’t stop thinking about the raven-haired beauty from yesterday, or the fact that her boyfriend had a gorgeous ass.

Damn, they made a beautiful couple, but that kind of kink was part of his past, and he didn’t want to revisit that darkness ever again.

He resisted the urge to adjust himself and scanned the horizon. It has been so lonely since he had moved up North. His family had been supportive, but they lived their own lives. He had no friends, no one he could confide in, and no one he could hold when the nights got long…


Lane jerked around and saw the gorgeous man from yesterday. What did Becca call him? Fuck, he couldn’t remember. He was too busy gawking at that gorgeous ass to pay attention.

“Name’s Gabe.” The man stuck out his hand.

“Lane.” He jumped down from his perch and shook it. Gabe’s hand felt warm and firm. Heat swept through Lane’s body and slipped down to his cock. He dropped his gaze saw how Gabe’s T-shirt was pulled tightly over his chest, accenting how his broad shoulders tapered into a firm, trim waist.

“I wanted to apologize about yesterday.”

Lane jerked his gaze back up to Gabe’s face and saw him smiling. Did he catch him looking? “There’s nothing to apologize about.”

“Yeah, well…” Gabe dropped his hand. “I tend to get possessive of Becca sometimes. She can be a real flirt.”

“It wasn’t all her fault.” Lane rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I should be the one apologizing.”

“No need. I was the one out of line.”

He was out of line? “But I was the one—”

“When do you get off work?”

Lane stared at him for a moment. “Off work?”

“Yeah.” Gabe averted his gaze. “I-I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Lane blinked, then looked at his watch. “I have fifteen more minutes, but since there’s no one here, I guess I could close early.”

“Good.” Relief washed over Gabe’s features, making Lane more confused than ever.

“Just give me a minute.” Lane moved on instinct as he picked up his things and closed down the lifeguard stand. All the while he wondered what the heck Gabe could possibly want from him.

“Did you drive here?” Gabe asked.

“No, walked. I live close by.”

“Ah, well, let me walk you home, then. We can talk on the way.”

Lane hesitated. He didn’t like the idea of a stranger knowing where he lived, but he didn’t think he’d be able to get away from him without hurting his feelings. After the episode with Becca, Lane owed him at least one conversation. “Okay.”

They started toward the boardwalk in an awkward silence. Lane felt like he should say something, but resisted the temptation. Gabe was the one to approach him, and Lane wanted to know why.

Once they reached the crowded boardwalk, Gabe stuffed his hands in his pockets. “So how did you end up working as a lifeguard?”

The question was innocent enough, but Lane didn't want to answer. It brought back too many memories. He didn't care how handsome Gabe was, or how lonely Lane had been since moving up North. He wasn't going to share his past with anyone, for any reason.

He stopped walking and turned to face Gabe. “I'm not after your girlfriend,” he said. “And I’m not your enemy.” He flexed his fingers at his sides. “I swear to you—what happened on the beach was a misunderstanding.”

“Oh, I know about that. I said not to worry.” Gabe waved his hand in the air between them. “That wasn't why I came.”

“Then why did you?”

Gabe glanced over Lane's shoulder at the store behind him. “Do you like to paddleboard?”


“Come on.”

He was avoiding the question. Lane’s confusion grew as he let Gabe lead him into the store to look at paddleboards, surf boards and other water sport accessories. Lane remained silent as Gabe talked on about his newly discovered passion for paddleboarding, and how he was trying to get Becca to try it, but she was hesitant.

“She's always hesitant to try something new,” Gabe said. “Even in the bedroom. Normally once she tries something, she loves it though.”

Lane frowned. This whole conversation was getting weirder by the minute.

“What are you getting at?” Lane asked.

“What if you really wanted something but were afraid to try it?”

Lane shook his head. “I still don't understand.”

Gabe slid his hand over his face and glanced up at the sky. “This is so much harder than I thought it would be.”

Lane crossed his arms. “Perhaps you should just come out and say it.”

Gabe stared at him for a long moment before responding. “Becca and I have been having difficulties—especially in the bedroom.”

Lane threw his hands up between them. “Whoa, I've heard enough.” He exited the store and started down the boardwalk to his house.

“Wait.” Gabe hurried to catch up to him. “Hear me out.”

“I don't want to hear about your relationship problems. They don't concern me.”

“But they could.”

Lane stopped walking and stared at Gabe. “Explain.”

Gabe sighed. “I love Becca, but we aren’t connecting.” He pushed a stray lock of hair from his face. “She keeps flirting with other men. When she thinks I’m not looking, I catch her staring at her best friend Hannah and her two boyfriends.”


“Yeah.” Gabe let out a long breath. “Long story, but suffice to say that Hannah is dating two Irish dudes. Exchange students.”

“And there’s no jealousy?”

“I’m sure they have issues to work through—everyone has issues—but for the most part, no. No jealousy. They seem really happy.”

“I see.”

“Yeah.” Gabe let out a long breath. “I think—I think that Becca wants that for herself.”

Lane raised his brow. “Did she tell you that?”

“No, not exactly.” Gabe pressed his lips together for a moment in thought. “It’s complicated. I think she’s afraid of hurting my feelings. I mean, most men would balk at the thought of a threesome where there are two guys.”

Not all men.
Unease slipped down Lane’s spine as he remembered his past. He used to think that a threesome was for him, but after the incident on Virginia Beach, just when Lane needed them most, his lovers abandoned him.

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