And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) (2 page)

Read And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds) Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #Erotic, #Contemporary, #contemporary romance, #Menage, #erotic romance, #College, #beach, #New adult

BOOK: And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds)
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Still the idea was intriguing. There was no harm in imagining, was there? She glanced sideways at Lane. “I’m Rebecca.” She held out her hand. “Everyone calls me Becca. Well, everyone except my best friend Hannah.”

Lane shook her hand. It felt firm and large as it wrapped around hers. “What does she call you?”

Tingles spread up her arm as Lane brushed his finger along the underside of her wrist. Heat pulsed in her lower abdomen as he pulled his arm away. “Becky.”

“That’s a fine name. Why don’t you like it?”

“It’s immature.”

He flashed her a knowing grin. “My mother used to call me ‘Laney’ as a kid, so I know how you feel.”

“Ouch.” Becca made a face, and Lane laughed. The full, rich sound tumbled over her like warm water and turned her insides to mush.

“Let’s make a deal,” she said. “I won’t call you Laney if you don’t call me Becky.”

“Agreed.” He shook her hand once more. Once again heat spread out over her arm and snaked through her system. Becca slid her gaze over Lane’s biceps as his warmth seeped through his hand to hers.

The man had so much tanned skin, and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He must have spent weeks in the sun working out. She shifted closer and became aware that Lane and Gabe used the same sunblock. The familiar coconut scent drifted to her nose, but this time there was an earthy, more rugged undercurrent.

Lane seemed to be affected by their close proximity as well. His breath hitched, and his green eyes sparkled as he shifted his gaze from her face to her chest. She leaned in closer, giving him an intimate view inside her bikini. Her breasts weren’t large, but they were firm.

Under his stare her nipples tightened, and her skin tingled. She imagined him reaching around to undo the tie on her back and letting the small triangles of fabric slip down her chest.

“Lane?” she asked.

He dragged his gaze back up to meet hers. “Yeah?”

Something dark flickered through his gaze as he focused on her face. Becca wondered what his lips would feel like on her skin. She loved how the day-old stubble dotted his chin. It was so different from Gabe’s clean-shaven face. She wanted to run his fingers along his firm jaw and feel the whiskers beneath her fingertips.

Suddenly Lane jerked his gaze away and turned back to the volleyball game. He slipped his hand from hers and cleared his throat. “Sorry. It’s been a long time since I’ve just relaxed.”

Becca wrapped her arms around her knees and withdrew into herself. She knew she shouldn’t feel so hurt by his rejection, but she did anyway. “I suppose being a lifeguard keeps you busy.”

“Yeah.” He stretched his legs out in front of them and leaned back on his elbows.

“How long have you been at it?” she asked.

“Three years.”

“Where do you go to school?”

“Virginia Tech. My family’s from around here though.”


“Yeah.” He smiled at the mention of his relatives. “My parents and my younger sister.”

“Is that why you’re up here for the summer? To be closer to them?”

A dark shadow passed over his features. “No.”

She must have hit a sore spot. Becca touched his arm and waited until he met her gaze. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business. It’s just…” What could she tell him without sounding weird? Admitting that she wanted to strip him naked and roll around on the beach towel would only add to the growing tension between them.

This was Gabe’s fault. His suggestion of a threesome was making her crazy.

“It’s okay.” Lane sat up and shifted his gaze to her mouth. “I don’t like to live in the past.”

“Neither do I.” She leaned closer.

“The present is so much better.” He inched closer as well.

“Yeah.” Only a sliver of air separated their lips. Becca could feel his warm, minty breath puff over her skin. Desire roared to life and began to pump through her veins.

Lane tilted his head and inched closer. Her breathing quickened and a familiar tingle rippled over her skin. Lane’s strong, commanding presence filled her senses and made her giddy with excitement. He smelled fresh and minty, like peppermint ice cream on a hot summer’s day. She wanted to taste him, to mold her body against him…

Becca opened her eyes and pulled away. She couldn’t do this. It would hurt Gabe’s feelings. Their relationship wasn’t ideal, but that didn’t mean she could stomp on his heart.

From somewhere in the distance, she heard someone clear his throat. “Here’s your ice cream.”

Oh Shit.
Becca jerked back from Lane and turned toward the voice. Gabe glared at her as he held out the cone.

Becca scrambled to her feet. “Gabe, I can explain.”




Chapter Two


How could Becca be so cruel?
Gabe steeled his jaw and shifted his glance from her to the handsome stranger. His girlfriend sure knew how to pick gorgeous men. It was difficult for him not to feel a little intimidated by the lifeguard’s presence.

The stranger was everything that appealed to Gabe physically. Both he and Becca shared the same dark hair and oval face. While Becca’s skin was light from her Irish heritage, the lifeguard’s was more tanned. Gabe had always loved the image of light and dark together. It was such a beautiful contrast. When he had come back to the blanket and seen them about to kiss, his first reaction wasn’t of jealousy, but of fascination and lust.

He had always swung both ways and had a healthy collection of porn videos at home to satisfy his kinky appetites. Seeing Becca and the lifeguard sparked his voyeuristic side. He wanted to watch the light and dark skin tangle on the towel and see where their passion led.

When he first met Becca, he knew that she wasn’t ready for his twisted tastes in the bedroom. Every fiber in his body told him their relationship would never work out, but he fell in love with her anyway. He had resigned himself to burying his sexual fantasies until he heard Becca talking about Hannah and her permanent threesome. Her jealousy radiated off her in waves. Knowing that she wanted a ménage a trios drove him wild, because he shared the same fantasy. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get her to admit to her needs, so Gabe was forced to wait until Becca realized them on her own. He picked on her as she flirted with other men, trying to get her to admit she found other people attractive. He felt that if they could choose the third of their trio together, it could be a bonding experience for both of them.

Now it looked as if she’d picked someone without him.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” Becca said.

The lifeguard stood and stepped back. “No, it isn’t. We were just talking.”

Did they really think Gabe was that stupid? If Gabe had come five minutes later, they would’ve been rolling around on the blanket in each other’s arms. An image that both fascinated and scared the shit out of him.

Gabe knew that the difficulties in their relationship were the result of unfulfilled sexual fantasies. Becca on the other hand, had yet to come to that realization. If she thought that breaking up with him and falling into the arms of another would help her feel less dissatisfied, then she had another think coming. Gabe would never let her go so easily. It had been a long time since he found someone who liked kink as much as him. If he could only make her realize that a little erotic play was all they needed, then they’d become inseparable. He just knew it.

Gabe shoved the ice cream cone at Becca and sat down on the blanket. He scowled at the lifeguard as he placed his arm around her in a possessive gesture. “Thanks for keeping my girlfriend company. I can take it from here.”

The stranger cleared his throat and straightened. “My, uh, my group is coming.” He pointed to a spot over their shoulder. “CPR training will begin in five minutes. You two better get going.”

“Oh yes,” Becca shoved her way out of Gabe’s hold and stood. “I’ve had about enough of the beach for one day.” She dumped her cone and began carefully folding the blankets, avoiding Gabe’s gaze.

Lovely, now it seems like I’ve fucked up yet again.
Gabe stood and glanced at the approaching lifeguards. He wanted to have a frank discussion with Becca about their relationship and how they needed to choose a third
, but now wasn’t the time. He silently began to pick up their things and put them into bags.

“I’m sorry we didn’t get more of a chance to talk, Lane.” Becca touched Lane’s hand. Lane jerked his fingers away and glanced at Gabe. His smooth, youthful features appeared uncomfortable. Good.
Serves him right for trying to kiss my girlfriend.

Still the situation probably wasn’t this guy’s fault. Gabe knew better than anyone how easy it was to get swept up in Becca’s wake. Besides, he didn’t want to completely burn this bridge. The man was hot and if it turned out that he was into kink as well…

Gabe put his arm around Becca and held out his hand. “No hard feelings, buddy.”

The lifeguard nodded and cleared his throat. “No hard feelings.” He quickly pumped Gabe’s hand in a firm grip and brushed past them.

Gabe bit back a gasp.
So strong.
He imagined those firm hands on his ass, pulling him closer until their swollen cocks rubbed together.

How long had it been since he had been with a man? Too long. Gabe glanced over his shoulder at the lifeguard’s retreating form.
Becca’s new flirtation was perfection personified.
Such a tight backside.
What Gabe wouldn’t give to run his fingers over those firm cheeks. He felt his cock stir and knew he had to get both him and Becca out of there before he did something he’d regret later.

“Why do you have to be such an ass sometimes?” Becca’s voice dissolved his thoughts and brought him back to reality.

“What do you mean?”

She frowned and picked up the bags and blankets. “Don’t tell me you have no idea what you did.”

“He was kissing you. What should I have done? Joined the two of you on the blanket?” Shit, that would have been hot. Heat swept through Gabe’s veins as an image of entangled limbs invaded his mind. He’d be on top, of course, thrusting his hard cock deep into the lifeguard and pushing him balls-deep into Becca. He’d claim both of them at once, branding each of them as his own.

“Why do you keep insulting me like that?” Becca asked.

Gabe shook the erotic image from his mind. Fuck, now he was harder than stone. “Why do you insult me by flirting with other men?”

Becca sighed. “I’m done here. I want to go home.” She turned on her heel and headed back to the car, leaving Gabe staring after her.

She had avoided his question yet again. He had thought that after kissing another man she’d finally confess her dark secret, but it seemed as if she didn’t trust him yet. He needed to push her more, but how?

Gabe pressed his lips together as he followed in her wake. Maybe if he gave her a taste of his darker side, she’d come around. Just a touch of kink, and perhaps she’d admit to him what he had known since day one.

One man would never be enough to satisfy Becca. Lucky for her, Gabe was just the person who could make her dreams come true.


* * * * *

Becca wasn’t mad at Gabe, not really. His reaction was natural considering what had just happened. What boyfriend wouldn’t fly off the handle at seeing his girlfriend almost-kiss another man?

No, she wasn’t mad at him, but herself. It wasn’t like her to lose common sense over a pretty face. While Lane was handsome, she had a relationship with Gabe and didn’t want to risk losing that. Sure, they had their problems, but Becca wasn’t ready to give up on the him just yet.

Damn Hannah and her hot Irish exchange students.
Becca had never even considered a threesome before Hannah. Then her friend had managed to snag two eligible bachelors for herself. Becca had watched how the men doted over her and showered her with affection and trinkets. She had begun to want the same thing for herself.

She shook her head in frustration as she stopped in front of the green sedan. Why couldn’t Gabe be enough? He was kind and thoughtful. They had a lot in common and he was attentive during sex. What more could a girl want?

She thought back to Lane’s wild and earthy scent. A man who spent most of his time outside was probably adventurous. She wondered if he brought that sense of risk to the bedroom. While Gabe was considerate, he was also safe and boring. Becca needed some excitement in her life. She was too young to be stuck in a rut. Gabe was too serious, too boring.

Still, she should have talked to him about the situation, not gone off and flirted with some other guy. God, she had really made a mess of things. She dropped her belongings by the car and waited for Gabe to catch up and pop the trunk.

In a few seconds, Gabe caught up, tossed his bags to the ground beside hers. “Becca, we need to talk about this.”

“I want to go home, Gabe.” She needed to think things through. Flirting with Lane had made her realize just how jealous she was of Hannah’s relationship. She wanted that for herself. Gabe on the other hand didn’t seem interested. When he saw her and Lane together, he got angry, not turned on. She was going to have to face the fact that a threesome with Gabe was never going to happen.

So what should she choose? Should she stay with Gabe who was safe and comfortable, or dump him and follow her fantasy? Becca didn’t know. She honestly didn’t know.

She needed time to think about things, and she couldn’t do that with Gabe studying and criticizing her every move.

She crossed her arms and shifted her stance. “Come on, Gabe, open the door. I want to go back.”

He frowned as he pulled out his car remote and unlocked the sedan. She started to get in the passenger seat, but he placed his hand on her elbow, stopping her.

“What?” she asked.

He stared at her for a long moment, then opened the back door. “Get in.”

She frowned. “But that’s the back.”

“Damn straight.” He moved his chin toward the car. “Get in.”

She wrinkled her brow. What the hell has gotten into him? “I’ve always ridden in the passenger seat.”

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