Angel (NSC Industries) (16 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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him fucking out of here” Nate raged to Bert “before I decide to finish him off.”


and barman picked Peterson up, and as they dragged him off, Nate grabbed
Peterson’s face in a forceful squeeze and growled at him “You
touch her again and I’ll kill you. You’re fucking fired, Peterson.”

take him out the fire doors, it’s more private” barman told Bert and they
pulled him back down the corridor.

turned to me, his eyes flicked over my body, taking in every detail and
checking for any signs of abuse as I stood rooted to the spot now violently
shaking as the shock set in.


came to stand in front of me and placed his palm on my cheek “You okay, Angel?
I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise he’d come after you until the barman came and
told me he’d seen Simon follow you.”

fear was visibly displayed on his beautiful face as his chest heaved in rage.

my head slowly, my eyes wide in distress, a single tear rolled down my cheek
and a sob escaped my throat.

pulled me into his arms and slumped to the floor, pulling me onto his lap and
rocking me as I wept. “Ssshhh, Angel” he whispered into my hair as he pulled me


sat there, on the floor while he continued to rock me and whisper reassurances
as people flitted passed, en-route to the bathroom.

Nate swept my hair off my wet cheeks and lifted my chin to look at my face.
“Let’s get you home, baby” he whispered and retrieved his phone from his pocket
to text Blake.

my head he helped me to my feet and picked up my bag, my phone ringing inside.
“They can wait” he stated as he put his arm round my waist and walked me out of
the fire door instead of having to exit via the bar.


was surprised to see Blake already waiting for us, stood silently at the side
of the rear passenger door. He opened the door and gave Nate a questioning
frown as we got closer; Nate shook his head slightly and helped me into the

closed the door and spoke to Blake, then made a phone call; turning his back to
me and shouting down the phone.

his call he walked round the car and climbed in next to me as Blake slipped in
and raised the privacy screen.


climbed onto Nate’s lap as he took my hand in his and I curled up, my head
resting against his chest. “Oh, Angel” he sighed sadly, as he started to stroke
my back.

okay Nate. I’ve had worse” I whispered with a bitter laugh and he growled.

now I’ve got a knight in shining armour to save me” I smiled gently, looking up
at him. He cupped my chin and leant in to give me a tender kiss while his thumb
stroked my cheekbone and his other hand rested on the back of my head. “I’ll
always protect you Liv… always!” he whispered into my ear and inhaled my scent.


When we arrived home, Nate came round and opened my door; he reached in and
pulled me into his arms to carry me inside.

took the keys from my bag on Nate’s instruction and opened the front door for

the door and post the keys through please, Blake” Nate said as he carried me up
the stairs.


When we entered the bedroom he put me on my feet. “Let’s get you into bed,
Angel” he smiled softly, “Turn” he commanded with a twirl of his finger to
indicate he wanted me to face away from him.

lowered the zip on my dress and let it drop to the floor and taking my hand, he
instructed me to step out of it.

was now stood in stockings, suspender belt and heels still facing away from

I stepped out of my heels and he picked them up and moved them to the side.

hands rested on my shoulders and he started to massage my neck, his thumbs
pressing gently at the nape and his fingers rubbing down the side then down my
spine and came to rest on my suspender belt.  

he instructed quietly as he led me to the bed and I perched on the edge, my
eyes finding his.


was deep in concentration; care and devotion exhibited on his face as he
unclipped my stockings from the belt and slowly rolled each sheer nylon down my
leg, his fingers whispering my skin as they went.

have beautiful legs, Angel” he whispered, as if to himself as he continued the cherishing

closed my eyes, rolling my head back as he lifted each foot to his mouth and
licked delicately up each sole, relaxing me completely.


picked me up off the end of the bed and carried me to the side, pulled the
duvet back and laid me down. Pulling the duvet over me he then stripped himself
and climbed in beside me, pulled me back against him and kissed the back of my

now, baby” he whispered and enveloped me, wrapping his arms and legs around me
in a display of protection.

was stunned by his endearing performance; his attentiveness to undressing me
and his utter tenderness in taking care of me.


lay awake for a while, my head spinning by Nate’s reaction to Peterson’s
assault. He would’ve killed him if Bert and Barman hadn’t pulled him off; the
pure white fury in his eyes had frightened me.

had witnessed too much violence in this life and I didn’t want to see any more.
The other half of me was overwhelmed by the obvious love Nate had for me; his
rage, down to the fact that another man had threatened and hurt me; his own
natural instinct to protect the woman he loves.


last thought before my eyes grew heavy before sleep took me was that I too
would kill any person that tried to hurt the man I loved.



squeezed my eyes closed against the torture of the morning sun filtering
through the window. It felt too early to wake but my body had other ideas.

in my still sleepy daze I was aware of heavy breathing behind me, a gentle
caress on my back and the soft hisses that were escaping Nate’s lips.

was tenderly stroking each of my welts; his fingers softly following the
grooves in my skin and his lips following behind as though he wanted to heal
them with kisses.


reached behind and lay my hand on his side, “Hey?” I said softly.

could tell he was sad, the image of what I went through raging round his mind.
He was quiet for a moment, as though he wasn’t quite sure how to ask. “How did
you get these ones, Liv?” he asked softly, lightly brushing the wounds with his


lay silent for a while, knowing that it would hurt him when I told him; but I
knew he needed to know, his own way of helping me through. “He whipped me” I
answered calmly so he didn’t know I was anxious.

stilled as he held a breath and his fingers paused in their delicate touch.


felt his sigh as he gently kissed across them, his tongue darting out between
his lips as he pressed them against my body.

worked the soft kisses up my back to the nape of my neck and around my neck,
sucking gently on the skin of my throat. His hands came round to hold my
breasts, gently stroking my nipples as he continued his lip worship.


moaned and pressed my bottom against his groin. “I need you, Nate” I whispered
to him as I took his ready hardness and slipped it into me.

moaned as my inner walls gripped him and took him further. “Angel” he gasped in
my ear “I love you.”

my hand behind me I clasped his head as he spooned me and ever so slowly moved
in and out of me, his breath-taking rhythm never wavering as he deliberately
pulled out and slid back in.


hands slid round the back of his neck as his fingers moved down to rub my clitoris
and his bar brushed over my soft-spot. I cried his name as my climax shot stars
into my brain, its relentless power rendering me blind and pounding blood to my


he breathed as he came, deep into me with a shudder.

breathing was filling the room as we both struggled to come down from the high
of our love-making; the slow tender act had us both joined together in more
than our bodies, the overwhelming emotions we felt for one another and the
pounding in each of our chests.


he sighed as he slipped out of me and rolled me under him, kissing me with a
rawness that told me he was feeling everything I was.

Morning” I grinned when he removed his lips. Laughing he stroked my cheek,
“Good morning, Beautiful” he grinned back and then moved in for another kiss,
his fingers stroking down my neck and along my arms.

phone rang from my bag. “Fuck off were busy” Nate shouted over his shoulder to
my bag and I slapped him away as I scrambled off the bed to answer it when he smacked
my bare backside.

I answered without looking at the display. “Hey Babe” Beth chirped happily.

I smiled, happy to hear my best friend’s cheerful tones. “You still on for
lunch, Liv?” she asked as Nate slid off the bed to the floor and started
crawling towards me, a gleam in his eyes and a carnal smile on his lips.

were still on but it’s your turn, so where are you taking me?” I giggled as I
tried to scramble across the floor on my bum.

okay Liv?” Beth asked, curiously.

I’m… okay…” I squealed as he grabbed my foot and yanked me towards him.

are you doing?” she probed, suspicion in her voice. “Well…I’m just…getting
dressed” I tried.


was pinned to the floor as Nate clambered on top of me, laying full length over
me so I was squished beneath him unable to move.

he put his mouth to my phone, “She is writhing about naked beneath me” he said
to Beth and I heard her gasp, “Nate?” she exclaimed down the phone.


the phone from my hand when I rolled my eyes he put it to his ear. “Yes Beth,
it’s me” he chuckled “Yes” pause, “Yes” another pause, “No I won’t. Yes! I
promise” he mocked, “Yes” he looked at me. “She says she’ll see you in the Blue
Bull at one and that you have to tell her every little detail” he told me

wants to especially know how fucking amazing I am in bed” he added wiggling his

I nodded my head and laughed “She says okay Beth. She has to go now because she
needs to ravish me again” he simmered.


ended the call, tossed my phone to the side of the room and thrust his face
into my chest, inhaling deeply.

baby. Now we need to do something about this again” he grinned as he took my
hand and placed it on his refreshed erection. “It’s not fair how you keep
making me hard” he sighed in mock seriousness, shaking his head.





in the Blue Bull waiting for Beth, I was still giggling at Nate’s face after he
had dropped me off at the pub so I could have a drink;  a full on sulky pout as
he declared he couldn’t wait until Wednesday to see me again.

had arranged that I was to spend a few days at his house when the kids went to
Portugal with my mother. I hadn’t yet told him I had booked Thursday off work to
spend the afternoon with Jay.

just didn’t want to spoil how happy we were, and I knew as soon as he found
out, that my world would come crashing down and that it would be way more
painful than anything James had done.


was in my daydream when Beth sat in the seat opposite me and placed her chin in
her hands as she rested them on the table. “Olivia May Adams! You sly thing”
she grinned across at me as a blush crept up my face.

I know he must be good if he’s got you blushing Girl” She picked up the bottle
of wine I had bought when I got here and filled her glass, “Well?” she
interrogated, a comical lift in her brow.

What?” I blushed some more.

since when did you get back together?” she grilled, “I thought I was your best
friend. You should tell me straight away when you get laid.”


my eyes at her frankness I filled her in on everything concerning mine and Nate’s
progress in the relationship. She sat and listened quietly, nodding her head
every now and again and shaking it when she heard I hadn’t yet told him about

He’s not gonna be happy but he’s gonna be more hurt that you have hid it from
him” she told me sadly.  

nodded glumly “I know Beth, but I’m scared he’s going to hate me. I’ve just got
him back and this is gonna sink the ship when he finds out and what the hell do
I tell Jay? He’s the most important in all this.”


had tears in my eyes. It had been playing on my mind since me and Nate had got
back together and now that I was facing it, the tears started to flow.

do you know Nate’s going to react like you think he is, Liv? He might understand.
And Jay will be happy, for you and him babe” she sighed, putting her hand over
mine on the table.

you understand?” I scoffed, shaking my head solemnly, “I know I wouldn’t if
someone had kept something like that from me” I added.

raised her eyebrows. “Well that’s hardly gonna happen, Liv” she laughed “Seriously
though Liv. It’s took you ten fucking years to move on and trust somebody
enough to let them in. After how you hide your body I thought you’d never share
your bed with anyone ever again.  Nate
you to trust him Liv, he
loves you… he always did babe. So trust him… and yourself Liv, trust yourself
and tell him” she pleaded picking up the bottle and topping me up  “Anyway
enough morbid talk and tell me all about the sex” she grinned and winked.


ate our lunch and decided to visit the cinema for a movie and luckily I had put
my phone on silent as I popped it in my bag and placed it at my feet. I felt it
buzz five times during the film and halfway through I slipped it out of my bag
in case it was my mother confirming a time to drop off the kids.

was curious to see there was an actual text message from the unknown caller.





gasped and Beth caught it, looking over me to read the text. She frowned
fiercely and looked at me when I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head,
mouthing ‘It’s fine’.

was the first time the caller had sent me a message and it unnerved me. It was
starting to frighten me a little now and as soon as I got to work tomorrow I
would ring and get it changed.

now at my decision to obtain a new number then all this would be over I enjoyed
the rest of the movie.


paid the taxi as he dropped me off and walked up to my front door, inserting
the key in the lock and turning but it wouldn’t twist.


again and when it still didn’t budge I tried the handle and the door opened.
The kids must have returned earlier than was arranged.

through the door I shouted their names but was met with silence, the house was
still empty.


that I mustn’t have locked the door, I phoned Nate to check. “Hey, baby” his
sexy voice rolled through the phone, making my heart skip a beat.

Babe” I smiled down the phone, hearing his voice always relaxed me, “Did you
see me lock the door when we left this afternoon, Nate?” I asked him.

I locked it for you while you put your tax disk in your car if you remember.
Why?” he asked back.

don’t think you locked it properly then Nate cos’ I’ve just got home and it was
unlocked” I said, wandering round the house checking I hadn’t been burgled.

God Liv, I’m sorry but I could have sworn I locked it” he apologized “have you
checked the house?”


my inspection without finding anything amiss, I nodded and then realised he
couldn’t see me through the phone. “Yeah, just done it and everything’s fine” I
reassured him, checking in the pantry now feeling a little spooked.

had any more calls from the mystery caller, Liv?” he asked.

cringed “No!” I said a bit too cheerfully.  “Are you sure, baby?” he asked as
if sensing my lie.

sure” I assured him. “Mmmm. Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me, Liv?”
he tried again.

be silly Nate. It’s not as if you don’t know about him and I’m trying to hide
it. What reason would I have not to tell you?” I said more firmly trying to
convince him.

he seemed to relax a little, “What time are the kids’ home?”


out of the front window I saw my mother pull up and wave to me as Erin and Matt
climbed out. I waved back, “They’ve just pulled up now so I better go” I told

baby. I love you.”

love you too Nate” I said softly and ended the call as the kids walked through
the door.


mom” they both kissed me on the cheek and Erin stood scrutinizing me. “There’s
something different about you mum” she said, narrowing her eyes on me.

shrugged my shoulders at her “I don’t know what sweetheart” I said, looking
over myself thinking she meant my appearance.

not your body, just… I don’t know, something in your eyes. They have a kind of
sparkle” she frowned harder, and then her brow rose high to her hairline.

My God!” she said shocked then grinned slowly, “Good on you, Mother.” She
looked happy and proud of me.

again, she looked me up and down as though because she had figured out I was
having a sexual relationship with somebody, I had got the words ‘I’VE JUST HAD
ROCKIN’ SEX’ written all over me.


gave her a shift of my eyes towards Matt, to tell her to not blurt anything out
in front of him and she winked at me and mouthed ‘Nate?’

tramped up the stairs, informing me he had some homework to finish, I could
tell he had figured out we were heading for a ‘girlie’ chat.  

nodded at Erin and couldn’t hold in my smile “Yes. It’s Nate” I blushed.

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