Angel of Darkness (17 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Angel of Darkness
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“Where are they now?”
The demon’s eyes were so big. The blood still dripped down his face. “Lost ’em ... after they left Mexico.”
Unfortunate. But still ... very, very interesting. Because if the angel had fallen—
for a vampire, so sad
—then he’d have a weakness.
Carlos was good at using weaknesses.
“You take him, Julia,” he said with a wave of his claws because she was all but salivating and Elijah had told him what that he needed to know. “
.” Kill him.
There was no point in wasting more time. Especially not when there was new prey to hunt.
Julia crouched near the edge of the grave. “You were right, before, demon. I do see you.”
He blinked and looked a little lost.
“I see the fucking monster inside, and I’m gonna rip him out.” She lunged at him.
Elijah’s screams filled the night.
Carlos turned away from them, his mind already on the vampire. Tracking her would be easy enough. Her kind always left a trail of blood in their wake.
There was no fighting the bloodlust for them. They couldn’t fight what they really were.
He glanced down at his claws. When it came to the
, humanity was only skin deep.
Elijah screamed again.
And that skin could rip so easily.
is heart thundered in his ears, and the wild beat shook his chest. Keenan pushed up onto his elbows and stared down at Nicole. Pleasure still hummed through his blood. The orgasm had pounded through him—and he wanted more.
No wonder humans had sex so much. Sex was ... addictive.
Not as messy as it had seemed. Hot. Wild.
So much better than his dreams.
Her hands were on his back, sliding down over his skin, and his cock thickened again inside her.
Once wouldn’t be nearly enough to sate the hunger that had been growing within him.
“Was that ...” She stopped and licked her lips. “For a first time, you sure seemed to know what you were doing.”
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the curve of her shoulder.
I’ve seen plenty of sex.
There wasn’t a move he didn’t understand. Mentally, he knew it all.
But the actual physical experience was something that he’d gotten only with her. And there was so much more he wanted to do.
“Ah ... Keenan ...” Her hands slipped forward and pushed on his shoulders. “Again?”
Surprise lifted her voice. Why? What had she expected? He smiled down at her. “We’re just getting started.”
Her eyes had eased back to green but as he pulled back and began to thrust again, he saw the emerald slowly bleed away.
The edge of her sharpened teeth peeked out from behind her lips—the fangs she’d sunk into his flesh.
Her bite hadn’t brought pain. Not even close.
Just pleasure. A sensual kick so powerful he’d shuddered.
He wanted her bite again.
He thrust harder, deeper. Her sex was slick from her climax, his, and so tight—a hot, clinging clasp that stroked over every inch of his cock.
This time, though, he wanted to watch her. Wanted to watch every flicker of emotion on her face.
His spine tightened.
Her legs squeezed him, so tight. Her sex—
“Harder this time,” she whispered, those fangs peeking at him. “You don’t have to be careful with me.”
But he felt like he should be. She was small. Delicate, and—
Nicole laughed and pushed up, a fast,
move and Keenan found himself on his back, staring up at her.
“You keep forgetting ...” A different note had entered her voice now. Darker, sadder. “I’m not the same woman you watched before.”
His cock still lodged within her and she straddled his thighs. She caught his hands, brought them up to cup her breasts, then she started to move. Lifting up, gliding down. The rhythm built. Faster. Harder.
Her breath heaved out as her gaze bored into him. “I can take anything ... you’ve ... got.”
She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
Keenan shot up as the thread of his control broke away. He caught her head and pushed her mouth to his neck. “Bite me.” Because he wanted, needed that wild surge that came when she—
Her teeth pierced him. His hands clamped on her waist and he yanked her up, down, thrusting, driving deep, and a groan tore from his throat.
His hands were too hard. His thrusts too strong.
Her mouth just right. Her body ...
Deeper, harder. Her nails raked him. She licked his throat, and his cock jerked inside her.
Then he felt the ripples of her release, the hard squeeze of her sex around him as she came.
He exploded inside of her. Keenan’s body stiffened, and the drumming of his heartbeat echoed in his ears as he climaxed. And as he came, she tilted back her head and stared up at him.
Dark, dark eyes ...
His right hand curled around her chin, and his lips pressed against hers.
Pleasure hummed through him, so much pleasure, but at that simple touch of lips—
such a light touch
—he saw ...
The vision came to him, as had a thousand others over the years. Death angels always had a vision of their charges’ last moment ... the better to know when to give the touch.
This time, he once again saw his charge’s death.
Nicole lay in a pool of blood. A wooden stake pierced her chest. Blood trickled from her lips. “It’s ... okay ...” Her voice was broken, just like her body.
And he was there. His fingers closed around the stake as she tried to pull it out.
“This time you can’t save her.”
He spun and saw Az.
“No one can save her.”
“Keenan?” Nicole squeezed his shoulders. “Keenan, are you okay?”
The vision vanished. It was just him and Nicole again. In bed. In each other’s arms.
He forced a smile to his lips.
But she shook her head. “What happened? You left me ...”
“No.” Said instantly. “I won’t.” Az was wrong. The vision was wrong.
But the visions were never wrong. And Az couldn’t lie.
He shoved back the fear and fury as he pulled Nicole down onto the bed and held her tight. Her heart raced beneath his hands, the beat reassuring him. For now, she lived.
He just had to make sure she stayed alive. In order for her to keep living, he’d have to fight the angels.
His gaze drifted around the room. No telltale scent of flowers teased his nose, but that vision had come from somewhere. Since he’d fallen, he shouldn’t see the images anymore. If he couldn’t see them on his own, then that meant
had sent that death picture to him. Someone who was one serious asshole.
Keenan’s stare centered on the ceiling.
Want to play rough, Az? Then let’s play, angel. Let’s play.
When Nicole opened her eyes, Keenan was gone. She blinked, rose quickly, and pulled the sheet with her. “Keenan?”
“We don’t have much time.”
His voice came from the darkness on the left. Night had fallen, once more cloaking the house in its shadows. Nicole turned her head and found him unerringly. Sometimes vampire vision could be a good thing. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“You’re going to die.”
what a woman wanted to hear moments after rising. She licked her lips. “The sex was good,” she told him quietly.
Way better than good. More, please.
“But we’ve really got to work on your pillow talk.”
He pounced. No other word for it. He caught her arms and pulled her against him. “I’m not making a joke here. You’re
to die. I saw it.”
Goose bumps rose on her arms.
“Death angels always see the end coming for their charges. We know exactly what it will look like.”
“I-I didn’t think you had those powers anymore.”
She saw the sad twist of his lips. “Not sure it is my power.”
That didn’t sound good. She stared at his face, that perfect, sculpted face, and saw the rage lurking in the tightness near his mouth and the darkness of his gaze. “I don’t understand.” And she didn’t. There was still so much about this
world that she didn’t know.
“Az is jerking me around. He sent the image because he wants me to know what’s coming.”
My death.
She had to swallow to ease the lump in her throat. “Maybe there’s no escaping what will come.” She’d tried. Twice. But if death was just going to keep coming after her ...
“You got out of that alley.” His fingers tightened on her.
Part of her had gotten out.
“Nothing is written in stone. Humans have choices, and now, so do angels. Az can take his fucking rules and screw off.”
Not very angel-like. But then, angels weren’t exactly cute little cherubs carrying harps.
They were big, dangerous men who could burn an enemy to dust with a thought.
“Get dressed.” His hands dropped. “We’re going back to the Quarter.”
“Why?” She’d already told him—
“Because if we’re fighting Az, we’ll need help.” He turned to leave.
She grabbed his hand. “This fight isn’t yours.” Did he think he needed to do some kind of penance because of what happened before?
“It is,” Keenan gritted out. He looked over his shoulder. His gaze seemed to burn her. “Because you are.”
Her breath froze in her lungs. “We aren’t—” Okay, they’d had sex. Great sex. But ...
But she was a vampire and he kept thinking she was just a woman. If he knew the things she’d done, he’d be the one sending her to the afterlife.
And what’s to say he won’t? When he finds out that you’re not sweet Nicole any more, maybe he’ll change his mind. He’ll be the one to give you that Death Touch and then he’ll go back to the life he had.
While she—what? Got the death she deserved?
“You were my charge.
Your life was mine to take or to spare. No one else’s.”
Oh, okay. He hadn’t meant that whole
you’re mine
thing in a sexual kind of way. Got it. Awkward.
Not as awkward as dying, of course. A close second.
Her fingers dug into the sheet.
“You lived in that alley. All the rules changed when you survived.
changed.” His hands fisted. “The angels have been acting like we’re the ultimate power for too long. Just because we
kill, it doesn’t mean we have to.”
“And you really think we can stop that guy, that Az—”
Oh, damn. She knew that name. “He’s not just another death angel.”
“No. He’s
Angel of Death. The strongest. The one we all reported to.” He shrugged with a little ripple of movement and her gaze went to his back. Again, she had the quick impression of darkness surrounding him, of shadowy black wings spreading high, but she blinked, and they were gone. “Az is the one who’s after us.”
Not really “us.” Just her. From what she’d heard, Az hadn’t wanted to kill Keenan. He’d wanted to give the guy the secret key—
—back into heaven.
“Lucky for us ...”
Again with the “us.”
“Az has a powerful enemy.”
And what? The enemy of my enemy ... “Who?” Her voice came out too rough.
His lips tightened.
Nicole knew she wasn’t going to like this even before he said—
Sam stared at the brightly lit stage. He watched the new girl as she came out to the driving beat of the music.
Tall, a little too thin, but she had nice breasts. She didn’t really look like a stripper though, and she didn’t move like one with that dancer’s grace, either, but—
She turned to face him and her eyes, dark and deep, pinned him to the chair.
He sat up and automatically leaned a bit toward the stage. The strip club was his place.
A fitting name for a fallen angel’s hell.
But her ... the new girl he hadn’t tried out ... something was very, very off with her.
She began to dance. Her moves weren’t overtly sensual. They should have been.
She danced slowly, but still ... the movement of her hips, the slow twist and roll.
Oh, yes, sexy.
He realized the catcalls had stopped. No voices shouted and not even any whispers filled the room.
Every eye was on her. No one could look away.
Just like I can’t.
He grabbed Ron, the low-level demon he kept in charge. “Who is she?”
Ron blinked. “Ah ... she just started, I didn’t—”

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