Angel of Darkness (18 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Angel of Darkness
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“Seline. Seline O’Shaw.”
His gaze pulled back to her, almost helplessly. And he hadn’t been helpless in ...
A thousand years.
“She’s not human.” Absolutely certain. He didn’t feel any glamour around her, but he’d bet a chunk of his power the woman on that stage wasn’t your average Southern girl.
She sure as shit wasn’t a stripper.
Because she wasn’t stripping—not all the way. A teasing dance, yes. But her movements were too deliberate. Every time she revealed something, she concealed it instantly with a toss of her blond hair or a turn of her body.
The woman was good.
He’d find out.
Then she looked at him once more. Her gaze met his, and there was fury in her dark stare.
The music stopped. After one more glance from his dancer, she disappeared behind the black curtain.
He rose, blood heating. Finally, someone worth the—
“You’ve got company, boss,” Ron said.
Slowly, he turned his head and glared at the demon. “Not now.” He pushed ahead. The dancer would be backstage. He’d find her and discover just what she was.
The night had gotten much, much more interesting for him.
But Ron—with his high forehead sweating—stepped in front of him. “He—he said his name’s Keenan ... that you’d be looking for him.”
Ah, yes, his other prey. Actually, Keenan was the reason he’d come back to New Orleans. Why keep hunting on the road when he knew Keenan would be coming home?
But ... “Let him wait,” he told Ron, and the demon’s already wide eyes seemed to bulge.
The Fallen would have to cool his heels. Sam had other prey to catch.
Besides, the angel might enjoy the view in Temptation.
After the storm, it had taken a while for life to return to normal in her city, but this night, Nicole saw that New Orleans was back. The streets were full, voices filled the air, and the city seemed to pulse with life.
Her angel took her to the last place she expected. A strip club. The bouncer didn’t even raise a brow when they walked inside, but Nicole’s grasp on Keenan was so tight she worried she might break his hand. “Why are we here?” She wasn’t a prude, okay, maybe she’d been
her change. When he’d said they were getting ready to fight, she’d expected a visit to a magic shop. Or maybe even a trip to a nearby graveyard to summon a spirit.
“If the stories are true,” he told her, voice deep, “this place is one of Sam’s favorite hangouts.”
A place named Temptation? Packed with breasty strippers? Yes, she could buy it as a hangout for a fallen angel. Especially that Sam jerk.
Her gaze slipped to the stage. A woman was walking away, a woman with long blond hair and a confident, can’t-get-me stride. The men were staring after her in openmouthed lust, but she didn’t look back.
Keenan pushed through the crowd. “There he is.”
Her head turned to the right. Yes, like she’d forget
guy. Sam was headed to the back, and he paused only long enough to yank open a “Staff ” door.
Keenan caught her hand and hauled her with him. They were moving quickly, pushing through the crowd and—
“What’s your rush, sweet thing?” A tall, muscled biker grabbed her left hand. “Why don’t you just stop to—”
She had stopped. He’d yanked her to a stop. “I’m not part of the entertainment,” she snapped. Did she look like one of the half-dressed chicks strolling around?
His hot gaze swept her. “You could be.”
“No,” Keenan said very definitely. “She couldn’t be. Now get your hand off her or—”
But the biker wasn’t letting go and the guys sitting at his table all looked nice and pissed and ready to rumble.
“Or what?” The biker taunted. “You gonna make me let her—”
Keenan’s left hand shot up and shoved against the biker’s chest. The guy flew back, about ten feet, and crashed into the side of the stage. The stripper on the stage screamed, but the DJ kept right on playing.
“Yeah,” Keenan murmured. “I am.”
The guy’s buddies scrambled to their feet.
“You really don’t want to mess with me.” Keenan’s voice was flat. “But if you want to try ...” He shrugged. “Let’s go.”
They didn’t go. They didn’t move.
Keenan inclined his head in a nod. “Then stay the hell away from us.” Then he was pulling her again as they headed for that closed door.
Hurrying, Nicole had to point out, “I could have taken him, you know.”
Stop thinking I’m human.
His hand pushed against the wood, but he spared her a hard glance. “I know.”
“Then why—”
“I was just in the mood to kick some ass.”
She shook her head. “You know, you just don’t
like an angel.”
“Maybe I was never a good angel.” His eyes went flat and hard. “But then, humans have most of the lore wrong anyway. Most of us were created to punish and to kill.”
“And to protect?” She whispered. Because Keenan
protecting her.
He didn’t answer. He shoved open the door and stalked down the narrow hallway. Half-dressed women filled the space. Some called out invitations as they glanced Keenan’s way. Nicole glared at them. Maybe she was in the mood to kick some ass, too.
“Sam!” Keenan’s voice boomed. “Get out here!”
But Sam wasn’t appearing.
A small guy with bright red hair and dark eyes eased from a shadowy corner. He was the same guy Keenan had spoken with when they first came into Temptation. His name had been Ray or Ro—
Keenan grabbed the man by the shirt-front. “Where is he?”
A trembling finger pointed to the left.
“Playing games. Should have known.” Keenan dropped their helper and then he kicked in the door.
Nicole saw Sam whirl to face them. A woman stood behind him, but Nicole couldn’t see much of her because Sam’s body blocked her view. Deliberately, she was sure.
“Your timing is shit,” Sam said, crossing his arms and raising one dark brow.

You knew.
” Keenan launched across the room and grabbed Sam. In a heartbeat, he tossed Sam into the air. The Fallen’s body slammed into a mirror and the glass shattered.
Nicole glanced over her shoulder.
—that was his name—watched with bulging eyes. “You should probably keep everyone away,” she advised and flashed some fang.
He stumbled back.
Huh. Not very protective of his boss. Sometimes, it was just hard to find good help.
“You knew that Az would come, you
—” Keenan snarled and lunged forward.

” From the woman. The blonde. It wasn’t a scream or a desperate threat. Just a flat order.
Nicole took a good look at her. The woman wore jeans and a loose white shirt. Her brown eyes were wide, and filled with cold determination.
And she had a gun. One that was aimed at Keenan.
“If you come at him again,” the blonde said clearly to Keenan, “I’ll have to shoot you.”
Sam laughed at that. A deep, rumbling laugh. Then he said, “You can try, but a bullet won’t keep him down.”
Good to know.
“And you’d do better to be aiming at
, anyway,” Sam added, pointing his index finger right at Nicole.
This was the guy they were turning to for help? “A bullet won’t keep me down either,” Nicole felt obliged to point out.
But the woman’s aim didn’t falter. “
hasn’t done anything,” the lady said, voice clear and arctic. “You two are the ones with the fight, and I’m not looking to be collateral damage.”
Because being collateral damage sucked.
“Does the fact that she’s a vampire matter?” Sam asked, with mild curiosity flavoring his words.
“Doesn’t matter. Neither does the fact that you two”—now the gun swung between Sam and Keenan—“are demons.”
“Now that’s just insulting.” Sam brushed off the broken mirror shards and rose slowly. “Just because you’re in hell, it doesn’t mean we’re demons.”
Her arm lifted, and she pointed the gun at his heart. “Don’t move.”
He stilled.
“Good boy.” Her voice mocked him, but her eyes turned back to Nicole. “I’d advise you to leave with me. Whatever these two are doing, you don’t want to be part of it.”
“Too late,” Sam murmured. “It’s all about her.”
Nicole wet her lips. “Thanks, but ...” She stepped closer to Keenan. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The woman’s jaw clenched. “Your funeral.”
“She’s already had one.” Sam couldn’t seem to keep quiet, and—judging by the expression on his face—he seemed to be
The blonde with the gun shook her head and backed toward the door, never lowering her weapon.
“I’ll see you again, right?” Sam called. “Seline, you will be back to dance again tomorrow.” The guy made the last part sound like an order.
Seline didn’t speak. She kept her gun up, took a few more steps back, and disappeared through the open doorway.
Because she was watching Sam so closely, Nicole saw the flicker of his eyelids and the fleeting expression of ... disappointment on his face. Interesting. She filed that little flash away for later.
Sam brushed off more glass shards and sighed. “There a reason you came slumming tonight, Fallen? Or were you just looking to get tempted?”
Keenan’s hands fisted. “Az wants her.”
Sam didn’t blink. “Really.” No surprise there, but then, he’d all but told her this would be happening.
You’ll suffer.
“Guess you can’t cheat death,” Sam murmured, not sounding the least bit ruffled to hear that she’d be dead, again, soon.
Not his problem
They’d made a mistake coming there.
“Sucks for you.” Sam stalked forward. “But what the hell do you think I’m going to do? Why do I care if another vamp bites the dust?”
She winced. “Keenan, let’s go.” She wasn’t going to beg this bastard for anything, not even her for her life.
He won’t help me.
“Right.” Sam nodded. “Go, Keenan. Go screw your little vamp while you have the chance. And when Az comes for her, and you try to stop him—well, then you’ll find out just what death is like for a Fallen.” His lips twisted into a cruel grin. “Think you’re heading upstairs again?” He paused for a beat of time. “Think again.”
Someone punched her in the chest. No, it just felt like that. The thought of Keenan dying ...
it hurt.
No. “He’s not dying for me,” she said. She wouldn’t let him.
“He fell for you.” Sam shrugged his broad shoulders. “Dying’s the next step.”

” Keenan’s voice snapped out, and the room seemed to tremble.
No, the room
tremble, and a smile curved Sam’s lips. “Getting some of your bite back, are you? Not being a demon-wannabe anymore?”
Pieces of mirror crunched beneath Sam’s boots. He stopped pacing right in front of Keenan. Her gaze darted between them. Same height, same build. One dark, one light. Power seemed to crackle in the air around them.
“What would you do ... for her?” Sam wanted to know. “To save her, would you fall again?”
Keenan’s eyes cut to her.
Oh, damn. He really did it. He fell ... for me.
She swallowed the lump that was trying to choke her. He’d fallen for the woman she’d been before her change. When he found out about all that she’d done since becoming a vampire ...
Tell him.
If he found out, he’d turn away and she wouldn’t have to worry about him risking his life for her.
“I’m not letting her die,” Keenan said flatly. “She lived before, that means she should get a new shot. Az—the bastard’s making this personal.”
Now that had her eyes snapping up to his face. She caught the flex of his strong jaw.
“Ah ...” Sam sighed. “You don’t buy that her name’s on that big, magical list of death, huh? You think Az is trying to make an example of you? Trying to show all the other angels that if they fuck up, they won’t get rewarded—no falling and pleasure for them—just another nightmare?”

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