Angel Uncovered (28 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

BOOK: Angel Uncovered
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'How sick is that!' she said, showing Ray and her mum
the note, but she sounded braver than she felt. Wanting
to get rid of the poisonous little message, she went to
throw it in the bin, but Ray stopped her. 'The police
should look at that.'

'Do you think it's connected with that car?' Angel asked

He shrugged. 'I don't know, but I don't like this,
Angel. I'm going to phone up some of my lads. Get them
to come over and check round the property. Has anyone
else come to the house?' he asked Michelle, who shook
her head.

Angel shivered, suddenly feeling cold.

'Ray, will you go and check upstairs?' she asked,
picking up Honey again and giving her a cuddle, more
for her own benefit than for her daughter's. And then she
made sure all the blinds were pulled down in the kitchen.
She didn't like the idea of anyone being able to look in
even though that was unlikely as the grounds were
surrounded by a high fence, topped with wire and CCTV
cameras. Both she and her mum jumped when Angel's
mobile rang.

'It's Dad,' Angel said.

'Oh, thank God! Are you all right?' She had never
heard her dad sound so upset before.

'I'm fine, Dad,' Angel replied, wondering what had got
him so worried. And then he revealed in a voice that
almost shook with emotion that he'd just received an
anonymous call, saying that she had been killed in a car

Angel felt her knees give way and then collapsed on to
a chair. Now she was scared, really scared.

'I don't know what's going on, Dad, but I think you'd
better come over.'

Twenty minutes later Frank arrived looking serious
and, after hugging his daughter, insisted on having a
long conversation with Ray in the living room. Angel
tried to get hold of Cal but his phone was still switched
off. She told herself to be rational and reasonable, that his
flight probably hadn't yet landed, but she was desperate
for reassurance. Then a couple more of Ray's security
guards turned up, reassuringly huge and looking as if
they'd be a match for anyone. They checked over the
entire house and grounds but there were no signs of any

A young male PC arrived to take a statement from her
and Angel ended up telling them about Simone's stalker-type
behaviour when Cal had left her. The young officer
dutifully wrote down what she told him but Angel
couldn't help feeling that he was sceptical about it. It
didn't help that Cal had never pressed charges against
Simone. Maybe the policeman thought she was making it
all up.
God, this was like a nightmare.

Her mum and dad insisted on staying the night, and
Michelle busied herself with making endless cups of tea
and toast for everyone. Even though she'd had nothing
since lunch Angel couldn't eat anything, though. The
thought that someone wanted to hurt her was just too
scary . . .

Finally Cal phoned. He was shocked to find out what
had been going on and pleaded with her to come over to
Italy without delay so that he could look after her.

'I'll be fine, Cal,' she told him, trying to put on a brave
face. 'I've got two shoots this week that I don't want to
cancel, plus it's Candy's hen weekend. Why should I let
some nutter dictate how I live my life? Ray's going to be
with me and Honey, I promise.'

She sounded much more confident than she felt and
that night as she curled up alone in bed, even knowing
that there were people close by, she didn't feel safe.
Images of that terrifying drive kept flashing through her
mind. What if the other car had driven into her? Who
was out there, wishing her harm? A small voice inside
said there was probably only one person who fitted the
bill and that was Simone. Angel had voiced her concerns
again to Cal but he still thought it unlikely his ex could
have been involved in something like this. Angel wasn't
convinced, though, remembering all too clearly that look
of hatred on Simone's face at the party. Frankly, she'd
looked capable of anything . . .

But over the next couple of days there were no more
disturbing events and the police reported that Simone
had been at Sandy Lane in Barbados with her boyfriend
when Angel contacted them. The police seemed certain
that it had been someone playing a sick joke on Angel,
just after some publicity. But she wasn't taking any
chances and asked Ray to be Honey's full-time security
guard for the time being, and to provide guards for her
whenever she went out.

Nights were the worst. She had trouble sleeping –
several times she ended up curled on her duvet beside
her daughter's cot, wanting to be sure that she was safe.

'God, Angel, your life is just like a film!' Jez told her as he
arranged her hair for a lads' mag shoot she was doing.

'I could do without the drama,' she said grimly.

'I know, babe, but so long as you keep your security
with you, I'm sure everything will be fine,' he said
breezily. Indeed Jez was rather enjoying the novelty of
Angel having two pumped up security guards with her
and had been flirting outrageously with them all
morning. Maybe she should try and be like him, and not
take it all so seriously, but then he didn't have a daughter
to worry about. At the thought of Honey, Angel reached
for her mobile and phoned Lucy for the third time that
morning to check on her daughter.

'All okay?' Gemma asked when Angel finished the call.

'Yes, fine, thanks, Gem,' Angel replied, then lowered
her voice so Jez couldn't hear. 'Are you all right? You
look a bit pale.' By now Gemma was nearly twelve weeks

'Yes, I just feel really knackered at the moment,' her
friend replied. 'I've got my twelve-week scan next week
so I'll feel better when I've had that. I want to know that
everything is all right.'

'I'm sure it will be,' Angel replied, wanting to reassure
her and suddenly feeling guilty for being so caught up in
her own worries that she'd neglected to think of her
friend's. 'Listen, don't worry about staying till the end of
the shoot, I'm sure I can fix my make up if I need to. You
go home and rest, I don't want you to overdo it.'

'Thanks, Angel,' Gemma said, managing a smile.

'What are you two gossiping about?' Jez demanded
from the other side of the room.

'Oh, just about this weekend. I've got Candy's hen
night and I'm not really looking forward to it,' Angel
quickly lied.

'You'd better not be this negative about my . . . umm,
I'm still not sure what to call it. I'm not a hen, and I don't
see myself as a stag . . . what about my cock weekend?' he

'So long as you mean of the feathered variety,' Angel
said dryly. 'And of course your – whatever you want to
call it – will be one of
events of my social calendar.'

'Just one of them?' he spluttered.

'I was teasing. It will be
event, of course,' she
assured him

'That's more like it!' Jez answered. 'And just go and
enjoy Candy's party, it's bound to be fun.'

Chapter 13
The Truth Will Out . . .

'It's like WAGs Reunited!' Candy exclaimed delightedly
as she welcomed Angel into her hotel suite at the
Berkeley Hotel in Knightsbridge. She was dressed head
to toe in Chloe and looked pretty and fresh-faced. Inside
the luxurious suite Suki and Madison were already
installed on huge sofas, drinking champagne. They
looked equally pleased to see Angel. They were less
dressed up than Candy, both in jeans which Angel was
relieved about as clothes were the last thing on her mind
at the moment. She was casual in a denim mini, black
Uggs, and a baby pink cashmere sweater.

'This is my second hen weekend!' Candy declared,
pouring Angel a glass of champagne. 'I've already had
one in Manchester with my mates up there, which was
dead wild, but I thought it would be nice to see you guys
down in London for a proper girls' night in. I'm all
clubbed out, to be honest.'

She seemed very excited that they were all together

Angel smiled. She'd forgotten how sweet Candy was –
sweet by name, sweet by nature. She'd not been looking
forward to this weekend as last week had been so
stressful, but now she was with her friends it actually was
a relief to be able to forget her problems, especially since
Candy had downsized her hen night plans. Now they
were just going to have one night spent chilling out,
drinking champagne and ordering room service, and
then having beauty treatments the following day. Honey
was safe with Angel's mum and dad, and after a week of
sleepless nights spent worrying about whoever was trying
to upset her, Angel could finally relax.

The girls immediately launched into a gossip and
giggle fest which was exactly what Angel needed. She felt
some of the tension leave her. Candy and Liam's
wedding was only a month away and she was in full prewedding
meltdown, giving everyone a blow by blow
account of how preparations were progressing. And she
had so many questions for the other girls – from what
presents she should give the bridesmaids to what
'something blue' she should have?

'What did you have?' she asked Angel. 'I was thinking
of a blue thong but I worry it will show under my dress
. . . and who wants VPL on their wedding day!'

'I had a blue ribbon sewn into the hem of my dress,'
Angel told her, and Candy sighed, 'Your day looked so

'Actually it wasn't,' Angel admitted. 'Because I had
such bad post-natal depression. But I'm sure yours
will be,' she added hastily, not wanting to rain on
Candy's parade. She'd already told the girls something
of what she had been through, but none of them knew
about Cal's affair which was the way Angel planned to
keep it.

'But you're okay now, aren't you?' Candy asked
anxiously. 'And you and Cal are getting on great – I saw
the pictures of you at the TV awards and you looked so
in love! And I can't believe he had those tattoos done for
you – it was so sweet!'

'Everything's good,' Angel replied, and not wanting
the spotlight turned on her, asked after Suki and
Madison's children. More champagne flowed, then over
dinner, which they had in the suite, Candy asked another
question that unsettled Angel.

'So, do you ever hear from that gorgeous baseball

'God, yes!' Madison echoed. 'He was hot!'

'He was well buff!' put in Suki.

Angel tried to shrug the comments off. 'No, we're not
in touch. He left a couple of messages after that story
about us spending the night at his house broke, but I
didn't call him back.'

Angel didn't like lying but she really didn't want to 'fess
up to what had actually happened and how she had
behaved like such a tease. But she obviously wasn't such
a good liar as she'd hoped. She found herself blushing
furiously – something Candy was quick to point out.

'You're bright red, Angel!' she exclaimed. 'I bet you
still fantasise about him, don't you? All those long lonely
nights when Cal's in Italy . . . don't tell me you don't think
about those blue eyes and that sexy body?'

Angel shook her head. 'I really don't, I promise.'
Another lie. She'd dreamed of Ethan several times,
dreamed of being back in the car with him, only in her
dreams she didn't push him away . . .

'Who's your fantasy?' She turned to Madison who
revealed she still carried a torch for Leonardo DiCaprio
and Suki confessed to fancying José Mourinho.

'How gutted was I that he turned down the England

'You and most of the female population!' Madison shot

At first Candy refused to admit that she fantasised
about anyone other than her fiancé, but under closer
questioning confessed to Matt Damon. 'Though, actually,
if I didn't know you so well, Angel, I'd probably have to
say Cal because he's well fit. But I promise I don't,' she
added quickly.

Angel laughed. 'It's okay, I take that as a compliment.'
Though she couldn't help thinking of someone else who
no doubt fantasised about Cal non-stop – Simone – and
that was not such a pleasant thought.

Just then there was a knock on the door of the hotel
suite. 'Don't tell me!' Candy exclaimed. 'You guys have
booked me a stripper! I already had one last week, and I
hope this one's better or should I say bigger – the other
one had a dick the size of a party sausage. It was so

She leaped up from the sofa and ran to open the door
while Suki, Madison and Angel all looked at each other

'Did you book a stripper?' Madison mouthed to Angel,
who shook her head.

By now Candy had opened the door where she was
presented with a large gold box in the shape of a heart.
'This looks interesting!' she exclaimed, then added after
reading the gold label, 'Oh, it's for you, Angel,' and
handed over the box.

'Really?' she said in surprise. 'But I wasn't expecting

'Maybe it's from Cal?' Madison put in. Suddenly Angel
had a very bad feeling about this box. What if it contained
another nasty surprise from her stalker?

'I don't want to open it,' she said quietly, putting it
down on the sofa beside her and quickly filling the others
in on her terrifying experience in the car and the wreath
of lilies that had been delivered.

'Why don't you phone Cal and see if it is from him?'
Suki suggested – ever practical. A phone call later and
Angel's anxiety levels were sky-high when Cal confirmed
he hadn't sent her anything.

'Oh my God!' Candy exclaimed hysterically, leaping
up from the sofa. 'I've just had a terrible thought – say it's
a bomb!'

'Of course it's not a bomb!' Madison insisted, rolling
her eyes at Candy's over-the-top reaction.

'I'm sure you're right but I think we should get the
police to check it out, given what's been happening to
Angel,' Suki said reasonably.

'Oh, for God's sake!' Angel exclaimed. 'I'm sick of this
person messing with my head. I'm just going to open it
and be done with it.' And before any of the others could
stop her she had pulled open the box. Inside was a
photograph of Cal and her on their wedding day, except
that Angel's face had been carefully cut out of the
photograph. It looked very sinister.

'That is
creepy!' Candy exclaimed, looking over her
shoulder. 'It's just the kind of thing serial killers do . . .'

Madison exclaimed sharply.

'Sorry!' she replied, shamefaced. 'I didn't mean it, I've
just watched too many horror films. I'm sure it's nothing
like that.'

'Well, I don't exactly think the person who sent me this
wishes me well, do you?' Angel said, sounding way more
confident than she felt. There was a small pink envelope
with the photograph, exactly the same as the one which
had accompanied the lilies, and suddenly she realised
she'd seen an envelope like that before – on some hate
mail she'd been sent several months ago. With trembling
fingers Angel ripped open the envelope and drew out the
matching pink card.

Not long now before everyone knows the truth about yourmarriage, Angel.

'What does that mean?' Candy demanded.

'Well, I'm going to phone reception and get them to
call the police,' Suki said, taking control and picking up
the phone. The mood of the evening had completely
changed now. All the girls were subdued, their earlier
carefree laughter forgotten as they rallied round Angel
and insisted on giving her a brandy. She couldn't think
straight until she had called her parents and checked that
Honey was okay.

'Someone must have followed me,' she said, fear taking
over. 'They must have followed me from home and seen
where I was staying. How else would they know?'

'Try not to worry,' Madison said, sitting down next to
Angel and putting an arm round her. 'The police will be
here soon and they'll know what to do.'

'Why is this happening to me?' Angel said in despair,
her beautiful green eyes wide with fear, her face drained
of colour.

'Do you have any idea who could want to upset you like
this?' Suki asked.

'The only person I can think of is Simone – she hates
me. I mean,
hates me.'

'She's such a bitch!' Candy put in. 'No wonder Jamie
left her.'

'Did he?' Angel asked. 'When did that happen?'

'A couple of weeks ago, I think,' Candy went on. 'I read
it in one of the mags.'

'God, that can't have pleased her,' Angel said. 'I
wonder if it tipped her over the edge.'

'We don't know it's her,' Madison said reasonably.

'And that makes me feel so much better!' Angel
retorted. 'That there could be someone else out there
who hates me just as much! I'm sorry,' she quickly added,
'I didn't mean to snap like that, it's just that I'm really
frightened. I thought I was safe here, but I'm not, am I?'
She got up and paced around the room, coming to rest
by the window which overlooked Hyde Park. The city
lights looked so pretty but Angel couldn't help wondering
who was out there, wanting to hurt her . . .

The young female detective who arrived an hour later
questioned her at length about recent events and once
again Angel brought up Simone's name and the detective
promised to follow it up. It was only as an afterthought
that Angel decided to mention Connor and Gabrielle as
being two other people with a possible grudge against
her – though she could tell that the detective didn't
believe her.

'So you feel that because Gabrielle asked you to take
part in a threesome with her husband, she might be
involved in this?' the policewoman had asked, her raised
eyebrows and sceptical expression showing that she had
her doubts.

'Look, I know it sounds really far-fetched,' Angel
replied, 'and I know he's the England Captain, but they
were both pissed off with me, that's all. And then a story
came out about what they got up to and maybe they think
it had something to do with me. Plus Connor has been
sending me gifts and texts. I think he's got a bit of a thing
about me.'

'And do you often get these kinds of propositions?'
the detective asked. Which told Angel everything she
needed to know: the woman clearly didn't believe her
and thought she was some kind of attention-seeking

Angel clenched her fists, trying to keep her cool. 'No, I
do not! Someone is trying to hurt me. Don't you think
you should be trying to find out who they are, rather than
sitting there and judging me!'

God, and to think she had been glad when she was introducedto a female detective! Maybe a man would have been moresympathetic after all.

Things became rather terse between Angel and the
detective after that. She only noted down a few more
details and then left, promising to keep Angel informed
of any developments. As soon as she'd gone Angel
phoned Cal who did his best to reassure her that everything
would be okay.

'I think whoever is behind all this is going to go to the
press about you and Alessia,' she said, wincing as she
forced herself to say the name.

'You don't know that,' he replied. 'Try not to worry
about it.'

Angel knew that there was very little Cal could say but
all the same she was exasperated by his attitude – he was
the one who had got them into this situation in the first

'Fucking hell, Cal!' she shouted back. 'How can I not
worry about it? I don't want the world to know what
happened, can't you understand that? It's private and I
don't want everyone picking over it – wondering about
the state of our marriage.'

'I know, I know,' he sighed wearily. 'But what else can
I say?'

'Nothing,' Angel replied. 'There's nothing you can say.'

'I love you,' was his answer, 'and I'm sorry you're
having to go through this.'

'So am I,' Angel replied bleakly, then added, 'Love you

She tried to regain her composure for a few minutes
before she rejoined her friends. She didn't want them to
see her looking upset and couldn't deal with anymore
questions. Half of her wanted to stay in her own suite
where she could be alone, but she forced herself to go
and join the others.

'I'm so sorry, Candy,' she said as soon as she did. 'I've
completely ruined your night.'

'Don't be silly, Angel! It's not your fault. And anyway,
the night's not over yet. I've ordered hot chocolates all
round and we've got a whole box of treats to share, plus
some chick flicks.' Angel glanced over at the pink box
Candy gestured to that was overflowing with popcorn,
chocolate bars and Maltesers.

'Have something sweet,' Suki urged. 'It will make you
feel better.'

Angel shook her head. 'I'm not hungry anymore.'

'God, I just knew you wouldn't eat under stress!'
Madison said. 'If it was me, I would have demolished
everything in minutes!'

Angel sat back on the sofa, hugging her knees. 'Hot
chocolate sounds good, though.'

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