Angelfall: Parts 1 to 5 (3 page)

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Authors: Conrad Powell

BOOK: Angelfall: Parts 1 to 5
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Treesha whose head still hung over the basin wiped her mouth.

“Jen Jen,” said Treesha whose voice echoed in the bathroom. Jenny did not respond.

Treesha looked up and noticed Victor behind her. She let out scream that shook the foundation of the school. It could be heard from the other side of Aurora, Missouri. This sleepy valley town was is for a shocking ride.

Victor grabbed her by the mouth from behind to muffle her scream as he sunk his fangs into her soft bluish and caramel colored neck.

As he dropped her gently to the floor, Mrs. Benoit, the High School’s Principal rushed into the bathroom. Mrs. Benoit glimpsed Victor who wasted no time darting out the window like a stealth vapor.

“Hey,” shouted Mrs. Benoit out of the bathroom window. It was no use. Victor was gone.

The girls did not stir. Mrs. Benoit ran over to them and felt their necks for a pulse. There were no pulses. A little bit of bluish blood from Jenny's neck got onto her fingers. She flashed it off and wiped her fingers on her new Donna Karan red skirt.

Two security guards for the school rushed in.

“Listen, stay with them,” she said as she got up. “I have to get help.”

Mrs. Benoit jumped into action running back to the center of the cafeteria.

Three more security guards for the school ran over to her. All the kids were turning blue in rapid fashion. They looked like a sea of smurfs chucking up their lunches on the tables and floors.

“Get the boxes of emergency germ warfare masks,” she shouted to them through her hands that formed a temporary human mask over her mouth and nose.

“Quickly. Quickly.”

They jumped into gear running so fast they almost dropped their batman-like utility belts complete with flashlights, pepper spray and chrome magnums.

Mrs. Benoit jumped on top of one of the white lunch tables when Little Gadriella Murphy chucked up her lunch all over Mrs. Benoit's shoes. Mrs. Benoit looked down in disgust but quickly refocused her attention on the children.

She felt like Rudolph Guiliani in 9-11. Never in her Ten year stint as Principal did an emergency of this magnitude cross her path. The school’s fire alarm and warning sirens started to blare. She felt dizzy as her head started to spin.

The security guards returned donned in surgical masks. One of them threw her a mask as they gathered around the table where she stood.

She bent down and shouted in one of their ears.

“You triggered the alarms but they can't hear a thing. Get me a megaphone quickly. Hurry. Hurry.”

Dr. Colan's Medical Office flashed in her head. She had to get the children there, she thought.

The EMT arrived and loaded Jenny and Treesha into the ambulance and sped away.

Mrs. Benoit yelled into the megaphone, “Everyone to the school buses.”

The blue children and those still turning blue stampeded out of the lunchroom into the slender hallways like the Bull Run in Pamplona, Spain.

It was seconds before Mrs. Benoit loaded five yellow school buses, headed straight to Dr. Colan’s office in downtown Aurora.

Victor hovered above the speeding buses until the buses pulled up into Dr. Colan’s medical associate’s complex.

The children screamed. Two teachers, with their breathing masks affixed, herded the children out of the buses into the parking lot of the complex. Some of the kids continued to vomit. Mrs. Benoit rushed into the complex foyer area up to the secretary’s desk. Mrs. Benoit spoke through the mask.

The secretary seeing the blue children pouring into the foyer grabbed a breathing mask and shoved it over her face.

Mrs. Benoit did not get a chance to speak to her. The secretary with eyes wide open jumped up and burst through the double swinging doors to the Emergency Room.

“Dr. Colan, there is a sea of blue children in the-”.

“I know,” said Dr. Colan, as he stood overlooking Jenny’s and Treesha’s bodies that laid on gurneys in the Emergency Room.

Dr. Colan, clad in medical garb, put the stethoscope in his ears and placed the probe on Treesha’s bare chest.

He heard a faint heartbeat.

“Mmm,” he said looking at his secretary. The secretary stood still.

“Get Volumes one to four of Blackstone’s Medical Dictionaries,” said Dr. Colan. “Stat.”

The secretary rushed out of the Emergency Room. Principal Benoit ran into the Emergency Room almost knocking the secretary down.

“Dr. Colan,” said Mrs. Benoit.

“Hi there,” said Dr. Colan.

“Doctor my kids are turning blue by the droves,” she said. Dr. Colan looked at Mrs. Benoit.

“That nasty creature bit them, a vampire,” said Mrs. Benoit. “Look.” Mrs. Benoit rushed over to Treesha and Jenny's bodies pointing to their necks.

“Look, the teeth marks,” said Mrs. Benoit. I saw that thing leaving the school.

Nurse Boyer, the surgical nurse, rushed into the ER suited up. 

“Doctor, I have called the B Team to report for mandatory duty. Mayor Trudeau and channel 4, KTLA News are on their way,” said Nurse Boyer. Dr. Colan did not respond. It would take at least twenty minutes before the B Team arrived.

Dr. Colan stood stoned faced scanning the bodies for a clue. There were indeed bite marks on the girls' necks. Dr. Colan sat at his medical examination desk as the secretary came with the Dictionaries.

“Here you go Doctor,” said the assistant handing him the small pile of large textbooks. This enigma stumped the good doctor. Howard University Medical School had not prepared him for this.

Certainly no medical school could have prepared him for the day he was having and the certainty of a long long long ill-fated night. Dr. Colan asked Mrs. Benoit to step out. She complied.

“Something is causing them to turn blue,” said Dr. Colan stating the obvious. Nurse Boyer smirked.

“Draw two vial of blood from each girl,” said Dr. Colan.

He knew as much that something was robbing their blood of oxygen, hence the deoxygenated blood not only looked blue in appearance, it was causing those infected to faint without proper oxygenated blood flowing to their brains. The victims had no trace of red blood.

The only question was causation. The culprit was Thermophila Derimedius but poor Dr. Colan had no clue because Thermophila Derimedius was a derived mutated strain of Salmonella poisoning. It was in the bad batch of chocolate milk, the children drank at school.

Dr. Colan had never witnessed such a damning contagion. The virus had no mercy. It ate the human body from the inside out as if a person had swallowed a can of acid. It was a relatively slow death. Dr. Colan sprawled some medical books on his desk, scanning them faster than his brain could read searching for a clue to this horrific condition.

While the good doctor pondered away, Victor sat atop the shingled roof of the medical complex nestled in between two pointed roofs. He sat with his back to one of the roofs in the crevice and stared at the brilliant sun.

Four days ago I couldn't do this, he thought. I would have melted away into vapors had I tried this before that day. I had become different than the others on that day. On that day, my Redemption Day, I no longer felt the same. My body felt different, my mind felt strange, and I had feelings, real feelings. I was changing by the hour.

If I could scream I would. I would scream to the universe to say look at me I am free, but I had no voice since that day, Redemption Day. I became a mute for what reason I cannot tell.

I remembered who I was before the Day of The Fall. That was the moment that my eternal existence plummeted into space and time like an Olympic diver suspended in air before piercing the waters of finiteness.

I felt like a diver whose body previously defined by the air and sun, once submerged was now defined, contoured, restricted, and locked in by the contours of the waters that engulfed him. I was now defined by an earthly existence that was greater than strange.

It's funny, before the Day of The Fall, I had no concept of time. I knew no years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. But now I knew everything.

In fact to the fallen lot of us, the present year is 8012 AF.

We only defined existence as BF (Before The Fall) and AF (After The Fall).

We fell at the same time that I AM THAT I AM created humanity.

Our existence was no longer free as we had become like the diver in the water.

And by “our”, I mean the One-Third of heaven, the Seraphims and Cherubims who used to help the I AM THAT I AM enjoy eternal reign. That was of course until that day. The Day of The Fall. The day that time began for us. The day that I AM THAT I AM threw The Son of the Morning Star out of heaven along with the lot of us. The Son of the Morning Star had more game than Iverson and lots of it. He is known by his more popular names of course, Lucifer, Satan, The Beast, The Antichrist, The Evil One, The Deceiver, The Harlot, Babylon and so on.

Before The Fall, he was brilliant, bright, and beautiful to look at. His body was made of instruments and his job was to give I AM THAT I AM praise all day long.

Back then we flew to and fro on our brilliant off-white wings. 

I even remember my name.

I was called Adonari - The One Who Gives THE I AM THAT I AM honor.

One of my wings back then could have covered half of the Earth. The I AM THAT I AM supersized everything like Burger King and He definitely had it His way. That's why He supersized the universe to hold us all.

But alas I am now the diver that has re-emerged from the waters of sin at least in mind and heart. I am now free, but am I? Have you ever felt trapped and free at the same time? It is the eeriest feeling.

It is like winning the lottery for a billion dollars only to suffer a stroke over the glad news. You now have all the money in the world and no health to enjoy it.

It is like being 15 years old and inheriting the Puma Corporation and two days later losing your legs in a car accident. Being trapped and free was downright torture.

It is like being human, that life of constant wrestling between the good side and the evil side.

Each wants to win and they must co-exist until that person's earth suit is surrendered to dust. 

Little Trevor Jenkins jolted Victor out of hi musings as Jenkins screamed and ran from the foyer into the courtyard. The sickness took over his body. From where Victor stood, Dr. Colan's courtyard looked like a scene from The Blue Man Group on Broadway.

Victor rose up and swooped above the courtyard, with his black cloak flapping behind him like the wings he used to have.

He descended on Little Trevor Jenkins who was breathing heavy and holding his heart. The ailment was poisoning Trevor's blood and causing cardiac arrest. Victor grabbed Little Trevor from behind and bit his neck.

The sick children were sprawled out in the courtyard. They had dropped like flies under a mist of bug spray.

Little Steven Hanson, Trevor's best friend ran outside in time to witness Victor munching into Trevor's neck.

Little Stephen frantically ran into the doorway of the medical complex foyer and lifted up his mask.

"Hey. It's a vampire," said Steven.

The rest of the kids inside the Medical Complex foyer, all donned in breathing masks, ran outside to the courtyard.

Little Trevor became unconscious. Victor got off of Little Trevor's neck and darted to the rest of the children in the courtyard in lightning speed. He bit into Mr. Smellings’ son Grover. When he bit Grover's neck, bluish blood sprayed all over his long black cloak. He rested Grover's head on the ground and descended on the other children.

When he was done, not one child that had fainted in the courtyard was protected from his bite.

Dr. Colan looked up from Blackstone's and ran to the foyer to see what the commotion was. A helicopter hovered over the Medical Complex before landing in the large helipad next to the complex. The helicopter induced wind almost blew Mayor Trudeau's toupee off as he stepped from the chopper with two security guards and his youthful assistant Jeffrey Moriah.

Dr. Colan. Mrs. Benoit and the remaining staff of the Medical Complex poured into the courtyard. The Mayor ran up to Dr. Colan as the helicopter blades came to a grinding halt.

Victor stepped away from behind the shrubs near the gate of the Complex. He moved like lightning but Little Steven Hanson could still see him.

“What we have here, Doc?” said Mayor Trudeau.

“We have a serious situation here sir. Something, some virus is causing the children from Mount Redlock Valley High to turn blue in color. Here, put this on,” said Dr. Colan as he shoved a mask in the Mayor's hands.

The Mayor hauled the mask over his face and said.

“Yes, yes, go on.”

“As I was saying, something is causing the children to turn blue. They are suffering nausea and vomiting followed by-”

“What's the source?” said the Mayor.

“I was just getting to that,” said Dr. Colan snappishly.

“I'm sorry,” said the mayor.

“Mrs. Benoit, the school principal-”

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